1,253 research outputs found

    Tectonostratigrafia do cenozóico das margens continentais sul e sudoeste portuguesas: um modelo de correlação sismostratigráfica

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    Tese de doutoramento em Geologia (Geodinâmica Interna), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2007Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo de correlação sismostratigráfica e um modelo de reconstituição paleogeográfica e tectónica para as Margens Continentais Sul e Sudoeste Portuguesas desde o Cretácico Superior ao Plistocénico-Holocénico. Estes modelos baseiam-se na análise de Estratigrafia Sísmica de um vasto conjunto de linhas sísmicas multicanal calibradas estratigraficamente com sondagens petrolíferas e cores de gravidade e de pistão. A correlação sismostratigráfica permitiu reconhecer os principais episódios tectonostratigráficos registados desde o Cretácico Superior: Cretácico Superior e Paleogénico Inversão tectónica da Bacia do Algarve e região adjacente do Planalto de Sagres, registando-se três episódios de soerguimento, emersão e erosão testemunhados pelos hiatos/discordâncias Cz (entre depósitos do Cretácico Inferior e Paleocénico/Eocénico), Cz' (depósitos do Eocénico e Oligocénico) e M (trunca os depósitos do Oligocénico ou Eocénico ou Mesozóico);Miocénico A Bacia do Algarve sofreu subsidência no Miocénico inferior, que afectou em particular o sector Ocidental, sendo que o sector Oriental evoluiu solidariamente com a Bacia do Guadalquivir. A FMP foi reactivada como cavalgamento no Miocénico, tendo tido maior actividade no Miocénico superior, mantendo-se activa durante o Plio-Plistocénico. No Miocénico superior, o Banco de Gorringe, Planalto de Sagres, Planalto Marquês de Pombal e CCP sofreram levantamento. Também o Banco de Portimão terá sofrido nessa época um episódio de levantamento;Pliocénico e Plistocénico-Holocénico Durante o Pliocénico a Bacia do Algarve sofreu um aumento da subsidência, com episódios: no Pliocénico inferior; final do Pliocénico inferior-início do Pliocénico superior; dois episódios intra-Pliocénico superior; final do Pliocénico superior; na passagem Pliocénico superior-Plistocénico. No Pliocénico assistiu-se à progressão para Oeste do prisma acrecionário do Golfo de Cádis, que apresenta evidências de movimentação pelo menos até ao início do Pliocénico superior. O CCF e a sua cobertura sedimentar foram deformados por cavalgamentos, alguns com ruptura superficial. A CCP terá sofrido soerguimento pelo menos até ao Pliocénico superior.This work presents a seismostratigraphic correlation model for the South and Southwest Portuguese Margins and a paleogeographic and tectonics reconstitution model for these two margins from Late Cretaceous through Pleistocene-Holocene.These models are based on Seismic Stratigraphic interpretation of multichannel seismic lines calibrated with oil-industry wells data, gravity and piston cores.The seismostratigraphic correlation the South and Southwest Portuguese Margins since the Late Cretaceous allowed the recognition of the major tectonostratigraphic episodes, as follows :a) Late Cretaceous and Paleogene the Algarve Basin and the Sagres Plateau suffered tectonic inversion. The occurrence of three major events of uplift and erosion are testified by the following hiatus/unconformities: Cz (between Early Cretaceous and Paleocene/Eocene deposits), Cz' (Eocene and Oligocene deposits), M (that erodes the deposits of Oligocene, Eocene or Mesozoic age);b) Miocene the Algarve Basin was affected by flexural subsidence during Neogene. In the Early Miocene the subsidence was more important in the western sector of the basin. Meanwhile the eastern sector evolved together with the Guadalquivir Basin. The MPF was reactivated as thrust fault in the Miocene, showing more intense activity during the Late Miocene. The structural highs Gorringe Bank, Sagres Plateau, Marquês de Pombal Plateau, CPR and the Portimão Bank experienced uplift in the Late Miocene;c) Pliocene and Pleistocene-Holocene The subsidence increased in the Algarve Basin during the Pliocene, shown by the occurrence of various episodes: in the Early Pliocene; at the end of Early Pliocene-beginning of Late Pliocene; two episodes in Late Pliocene; at the end of Late Pliocene; in the Late Pliocene/Pleistocene transition. During the Pliocene the Gulf of Cadiz acreccionary wedge (CCGC) moved towards the west, and it showed evidences of activity, at least, until the beginning of the Late Pliocene. The CCF and its sedimentary cover were deformed by thrust faults, some of them showing superficial rupture. The CPR was probably uplifted until the Late Pliocene

    The Sofala Coast (Mozambique) in the 16th Century: between the African trade routes and Indian Ocean trade

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    This article addresses the local and regional impact of the settlement of the Portuguese in Sofala, Mozambique, in the 16th century. Using the documental archive sources on the Sofala coast we highlight the specificity of the interaction between the Portuguese and the local communities, the importance of the “non-official” strategies used by the Portuguese in order to be accepted by the local chieftaincies, the impact of their integration into the local and regional networks and how their attitude formed new geographies of power in the area, while exposing political, economic, social, cultural and religious dichotomies. Focusing our attention on these aspects we make new contributions to the analysis of the Sofala region in the 16th century for a better understanding of its role in the African and Indian Ocean trading networks in the Portuguese empire, mostly based in informal economic and political control and thus pretty close to the concept of "shadow empire".info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards a scientific approach of nature : looking at Southern Africa biodiversity throughout the 16th century Portuguese records on marine fauna

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    Considerando as informações dadas nos Roteiros e Diários de Navegação do século XVI sobre a fauna marinha da África Austral, pretende-se avaliar não só a relevância desta informação e a importância desses documentos na época, como a sua possível relevância atual para uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica desta região, numa perspetiva global, na qual questões como a biodiversidade, os recursos naturais ou a sustentabilidade se tornam cada vez mais importantesConsidering the historical information on Southern African marine fauna given in the Portuguese 16th century Log Books and Diaries of Navigation, this chapter addresses both the relevance of these documents at the time, and the possible present-day importance of this information for a better understanding of the dynamics of this region from a global perspective, in which factors such as biodiversity, natural resources or sustainability become increasingly importantinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Non-technological innovation activities mediate the impacts of the intra- and extra-organizational contexts on technological innovation outputs

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    This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia’s grant SFRH/BPD/77611/2011 to Ana Ferreira; PEst-OE/SADG/UI4067/2013-2014 to CESNOVA. The authors thank Manuel Lisboa for general support and Catarina Vieira and Mariana Pinho for technical assistance. Ana Ferreira is the corresponding author. Please address all correspondence to: Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais CICS.NOVA - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CICS.NOVA.FCSH/UNL), Avenida de Berna, 26 C, 1069-061, Lisboa, PortugalThe increasing interest on innovation studies and, particularly, on technological innovation has been attributed to innovation’s social and economic relevance. Still, organizational and marketing innovation activities, which are critical for firms’ economic performance, have been far less studied. This paper will specifically characterize these non-technological innovation processes, their firm and environmental underpinnings, as well as their impacts on technological innovation outputs (i.e., goods and services). For this purpose, it focuses on the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services sector in Portugal between 2010 and 2012. This period is characterized by a socio-economic crisis context that is concomitant to decreases in firms’ innovation activities and economic performance. Under this challenging scenario, our data shows that organizational and/or marketing innovation activities mediate the impacts of firms’ 1) assets; 2) research activities and empowerment strategies; and 3) structure and climate of decision-making processes, on technological innovation outputs. This study reveals that decreases in innovative performance during the socio-economic crisis could be attributed not only to unfavourable firm and environmental contexts, but also to the absence of non-technological innovation activities. As such, it is suggested that support of non-technological innovation by firms’ managers and, at a broader level, by public policies is critical for launching of new products and services to the markets

    The effect of labeling strategies on the consumer’s purchase intention

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    As firms fight to mitigate the effects of uncertainty involved in the process of creating a new product, crowdsourcing offers a promising route as it constitutes one of the most efficient decision-making mechanisms, helping marketers to set apart their products from competitors. Innovation scholars identified the benefits of labelling products as crowdsourcing (user-designed) at the point of purchase. Evidence shows that consumers prefer products labeled as user-designed as opposed to company design, as they are associated with more innovation. Yet, little is known about consumer behavioural intentions when other labeling strategies, such as customer reviews, top sales and public figure endorsement, are presented to determine if any of these have a bigger impact, than crowdsourcing, in the consumer purchase intention. Our findings suggest that none of these labeling strategies is more efficient at the point of purchase, showing that the way the product is communicated to the broader market does not influence consumer´s behavioural intentions. Second, the results showed that the level of perceived user involvement associated to each strategy is also not enough to affect consumer´s behavior.Enquanto as empresas lutam para mitigar os efeitos da incerteza envolvidos no processo de criação de um novo produto, o crowdsourcing tem sido reconhecido como um caminho promissor, na medida que constitui um dos mecanismos de decisão mais eficientes, auxiliando os especialistas em marketing a distinguirem os seus produtos dos da concorrência. Os especialistas em inovação já começaram a estudar o efeito de rotular produtos como resultado de crowdsourcing (criado pelo consumidor) no ponto de venda. Foi já provado que os consumidores preferem produtos rotulados como criados pelo consumidor, por oposição aos rotulados como criados pelas empresas, na medida em que lhes atribuem maior inovação. Contudo, pouco se sabe ainda sobre as intenções comportamentais do consumidor quando outras estratégias de rotulagem, tais como comentários de consumidores, top de vendas ou recomendação por figura pública, são comparadas com o crowdsourcing, para determinar se alguma terá um maior impacto na intenção de compra do consumidor. Os resultados que alcançámos sugerem que nenhuma destas estratégias de rotulagem é mais eficaz que as outras no ponto de venda, demonstrando que a forma como o produto é comunicado ao mercado não influencia as intenções comportamentais do consumidor. Em segundo lugar os resultados demonstraram que o nível percepcionado de envolvimento do utilizador associado a cada estratégia também não é suficiente para afectar o comportamento do consumidor

    How Portuguese Health Entities Used Social Media to Face the Public Health Emergency during COVID-19 Disease

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media became an important and easily accessible source of information to keep the population informed. In this study, we explored how Portuguese health entities used social media during the public health emergency caused by COVID-19 disease. Methods: A retrospective study on Portuguese public health entities' communication with the public using social media platforms was performed. Data were retrieved from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. All retrieved posts were analyzed, and the engagement of the public was calculated. A thematic analysis of all COVID-19-related posts was conducted. Results: The analysis of each social media platform revealed that during the COVID-19 pandemic, health entities reinforced their presence on social media platforms. The most published posts were related to "epidemiological context" and "encouragement to take actions" to avoid the spread of COVID-19. High engagement frames were not associated with the most frequently published posts. Conclusions: Although health entities have reinforced their presence on social media platforms, they do not take full advantage of these platforms to improve health literacy

    Millenials e a tecnologia: desafios e oportunidades para as marcas

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    O presente estudo visa examinar a forma como a geração Millenial se relaciona com marcas, tecnologia e redes sociais, diferenciando-a de outras gerações. De forma a concretizar este objetivo, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido através de uma metodologia quantitativa, utilizando uma amostra de conveniência composta por 188 participantes de ambos os sexos, oriundos de diferentes zonas do país e com idades compreendidas entre 18 e mais de 61 anos. Ao nível dos resultados, quando comparado com outras gerações, foi possível encontrar diferenças de perfis na forma como a geração Millenial se posiciona face à tecnologia, interação com marcas, ou face à utilização das redes sociais. Os resultados do presente trabalho são discutidos sob o ponto de vista das suas implicações teóricas, empíricas e práticas.N/