31 research outputs found

    Lignocellulosic biomass dissolution and fractioning using ionic liquids as a solvent

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    Lignocellulosic biomass is a promising renewable resource for many different applications such as second-generation biofuels, chemicals and biomaterials. Its main components are cellulose, hemicelluloses (e.g., xylan), and lignin; they are combined in a complex fibre structure that is remarkably recalcitrant against decomposition. To disrupt this complex network and release single components, the conventional technologies apply high temperature, high pressure, and/or aggressive chemicals. In a new alternative method, an "ionic liquid" facilitates the dissolution of lignocellulosic biomass at comparatively mild conditions. Ionic liquids (IL) are a new class of salts with unique properties, such as low melting point (liquid at room temperature), negligible vapour pressure, and thermal stability. This work deals with the dissolution of synthetic cellulose, xylan and lignin as well as wheat straw in the ionic liquid EMIM-OAc. It further presents near infrared spectroscopy as promising analytical method to quantify dissolved components in ionic liquids. In addition, it introduces a stepwise procedure to fraction cellulose, xylan, and lignin from mixtures with ionic liquid. Based on these results, a promising procedure for fractioning the complex chemical components in lignocellulosic biomass can be derived.(undefined

    Estudo da relação entre responsabilidade social e desempenho empresarial

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    Dissertação de mestrado em ContabilidadeEste estudo investiga a relação entre a divulgação de acções e práticas de responsabilidade social e o desempenho financeiro, tendo por base uma amostra constituída por 96 empresas que integravam o índice Euronext-100 a 31 de Dezembro de 2010, para os anos de 2007 a 2009. Mais concretamente, esta pesquisa analisa em que medida o desempenho financeiro das empresas influencia e é influenciado pelo grau de divulgação de informação social. O nível de divulgação de responsabilidade social é determinado através de um índice construído com base nas directrizes da Global Reporting Initiative e numa análise de conteúdo da informação constante dos relatórios anuais e relatórios de responsabilidade social das empresas. O desempenho financeiro é examinado com recurso a um conjunto de medidas contabilísticas, especificamente os rácios de rendibilidade do capital próprio, rendibilidade das vendas e relação do valor de mercado com o valor contabilístico da empresa. Para analisar a relação entre a divulgação de informação social e o desempenho financeiro, foi aplicada a metodologia dos estudos de regressão. Os resultados alcançados sugerem que existe uma relação negativa estatisticamente significativa entre a divulgação de informação social e o desempenho financeiro, independentemente da causalidade. Em particular, as empresas que apresentam um melhor relato social, são as que possuem uma pior performance financeira e, de modo semelhante, as empresas que apresentam melhores rendibilidades financeiras, são as que têm um menor nível de divulgação de acções e práticas de responsabilidade social. Deste modo, as nossas conclusões não reforçam a perspectiva actual da responsabilidade social como um elemento diferenciador das empresas, o que pode decorrer do facto de o tema da sustentabilidade ainda não constar verdadeiramente da agenda das organizações.This study examines the relationship between social disclosure and financial performance, based on a sample of 96 companies listed in the Euronext- 100 Index at 31st December 2010, for the period 2007 to 2009. Concretely, this research analyses in each way the companies’ financial performance influences and it is influenced by their level of social disclosure. The social disclosure is measured through an index built on the orientations of Global Reporting Initiative and by an analysis of the social information disclosed in the annual corporate and social responsibility reports. Corporate financial performance is evaluated by an assemblage of accounting-based measures, namely the ratios Return on Equity, Return on Sales and Market-to-Book Value. To evaluate the relationship between corporate social disclosure and financial performance, we used the regression analysis. The empirical results suggest that there is a negative relationship, but statistically significant, between social disclosure and financial performance, independently of the causality. In particular, companies that disclose more social information have lowest financial performance and the opposite is also true. Thus, our conclusions do not support the recent view of social responsibility as a differentiator element of corporations, maybe due to the fact of the sustainability topic is not truly included in their agenda

    Promoção do sono seguro no recém-nascido pré-termo em unidades de neonatologia

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    Introdução e Objetivos: As Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais (UCIN) são fundamentais à sobrevivência do recém-nascido pré-termo, embora proporcionem um espaço diferente do útero materno. Como linha orientadora das práticas foi desenvolvido o Modelo de Cuidados Centrados no Desenvolvimento, que inclui sete medidas neuroprotetoras, entre as quais a “promoção do sono seguro”, foco do presente trabalho. Neste sentido, o objetivo desta Revisão Narrativa da Literatura foi descortinar a evidência científica de suporte às práticas de cuidados em neonatologia na promoção do sono seguro e refletir sobre estas práticas em duas unidades de neonatologia. Metodologia: Revisão narrativa da literatura com recurso à MEDLINE, CINAHL, literatura cinzenta, com os Descritores: NICU, preterm infant, neurodevelopment, sleep, neonatology, nursing. Resultados: Os achados da evidência científica (28 artigos sobre o sono) permitiram uma reflexão sobre as práticas de cuidados para a promoção do sono seguro que envolveu a discussão entre estudantes e profissionais de saúde e a elaboração e realização de sessões de educação para a saúde. A evidência mostra a importância de se desenvolverem Programas de Educação para o Sono Seguro com intervenção no Hospital e em Casa, capacitando os pais para os cuidados durante o internamento, visando a preparação para a alta. Conclusão: A reflexão sobre as práticas permitiu-nos concluir que nas duas unidades se promove o conforto do recém-nascido pré-termo e a vinculação com os pais, visando o sono seguro. Muito trabalho tem sido desenvolvido nas unidades de neonatologia neste sentido, mas ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer, o qual exige mais investigação nesta área importante para o neurodesenvolvimento.abstract:Introduction and Objectives: Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) are fundamental to the survival of the preterm infant, eventhough, they provide a different space from the maternal uterus. A guideline of care practices in this units the “Neonatal Model of Care Centered in Development” were developed and established, which includes seven neuroprotective measures, being the “safe sleep promotion” measure this article focus. Therefore, the objective of the worked Narrative Review of Literature was to uncover the scientific evidence to support the care practices in neonatal intensive care units, on promoting safe sleep, as well as, a situational reflection about pratices in two neonatal intensive care units. Metodology: Narrative review of literature with 58 |pensa refpamsgpm|Vol. 23 | N.º 2 | 2º Semestre de 2019resource to MEDLINE, CINAHL and grey literature. Descriptors: NICU, preterm infant, neurodevelopment, sleep, neonatology, nursing. Results: The findings of the scientific evidence (28 articles about sleep) allowed a reflection of the care practices for the promotion of safe sleep, which involved the discussion between students and health care professionals and the elaboration and promotion of health education meetings. The evidence showed the importance of the Educational Programs development, on Sleep Promotion, with intervention in Hospital and at Home areas, empowering the parents to provide care during the hospitalization, in order to prepare them for discharge. Conclusion: The reflection on care practices allowed us to conclude that in both units preterm infant confort and bond with their parents are granted, aiming safe sleep. A lot of work has been developed in those units to promote safe sleep, but there is still a long way to go, which demands investigation in an area as important as neurodevelopment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Qualidade do Sono no terceiro trimestre de gravidez – um estudo observacional

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    A gravidez é um período caracterizado por alterações em algumas funções fisiológicas, nomeadamente no sono. 1 Estudos recentes apontam para uma relação entre a qualidade do sono durante a gravidez e o desenvolvimento de complicações obstétricas. 2 O conjunto de modificações estruturais e fisiológicas que ocorre neste período pode potenciar o aparecimento de distúrbios do sono, como a Síndrome de Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS)3.N/

    Teria a Cistatina C um papel como substituto metabólico na diálise peritoneal além de sua associação com a função renal residual?

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    Introduction: It has been suggested that cystatin C levels are modified by obesity and inflammation. Furthermore, cystatin C has been associated with cardiovascular events and mortality outcomes. Aim: To study the association of cystatin C with the metabolic profile and cardiovascular disease of peritoneal dialysis patients. Methods: Data collected included clinical, laboratorial, and multifrequency bioimpedance assessment of 52 stable peritoneal dialysis patients. Minimal residual renal function was defined as > 2mL/min/1.73m2. Results: Serum cystatin C was not significantly associated with peritoneal or urinary cystatin C excretion. Negative correlation of cystatin C with normalized protein catabolic rate (rho -0.33, p = 0.02) and a trend towards positive correlation with relative body fat (rho 0.27, p = 0.05) were not independent from residual renal function. Cystatin C was not significantly associated with cardiovascular disease (p = 0.28), nor with glycated hemoglobin (p = 0.19) or c-reactive protein (p = 0.56). In the multivariate model, both age and diabetes were the strongest predictors of cardiovascular disease (odds ratio 1.09, p = 0.029 and odds ratio 29.95, p = 0.016, respectively), while relative body fat was negatively associated with cardiovascular disease (p = 0.038); neither cystatin C (p = 0.096) nor minimal residual renal function (p = 0.756) reached a significant association with cardiovascular disease. Conclusions: In this group of peritoneal dialysis patients, cystatin C did not correlate with the metabolic or inflammatory status, nor cardiovascular disease, after adjustment for residual renal function.Introdução:: Tem sido sugerido que os níveis de cistatina C são modificados pela obesidade e inflamação. Além disso, a cistatina C tem sido associada a eventos cardiovasculares e desfechos de mortalidade. Objetivo:: Estudar a associação da cistatina C com o perfil metabólico e doença cardiovascular de pacientes em diálise peritoneal. Métodos:: Os dados coletados incluíram avaliação clínica, laboratorial e de bioimpedância múltipla de 52 pacientes estáveis em diálise peritoneal. A função renal residual mínima foi definida como > 2mL/min/1,73m2. Resultados:: A cistatina C sérica não esteve significativamente associada à excreção peritoneal ou urinária. A correlação negativa da cistatina C com a taxa catabólica protéica normalizada (rho -0,33, p = 0,02) e uma tendência de correlação positiva com a gordura corporal relativa (rho 0,27, p = 0,05) não foram independentes da função renal residual. A cistatina C não se associou significativamente à doença cardiovascular (p = 0,28), nem com hemoglobina glicada (p = 0,19) ou proteína C reativa (p = 0,56). No modelo multivariado, idade e diabetes foram os mais fortes preditores de doença cardiovascular (razões de probabilidade 1,09, p = 0,029 e 29,95, p = 0,016, respectivamente) enquanto a gordura corporal relativa se associou negativamente à doença cardiovascular (p = 0,038). A cistatina C não se associou significativamente com doença cardiovascular (p = 0,096), tampouco a função residual mínima (p = 0,756). Conclusão:: Neste grupo de pacientes em diálise peritoneal, a cistatina C não se correlacionou com o estado metabólico ou inflamatório, nem com doença cardiovascular, após ajuste para função renal residual.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patient-physician discordance in assessment of adherence to inhaled controller medication: a cross-sectional analysis of two cohorts

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    We aimed to compare patient's and physician's ratings of inhaled medication adherence and to identify predictors of patient-physician discordance.(SFRH/BPD/115169/2016) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029130 ('mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases—generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies') cofunded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preclinical assessment of mesenchymal-stem-cell-based therapies in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3

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    The low regeneration potential of the central nervous system (CNS) represents a challenge for the development of new therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative diseases, including spinocerebellar ataxias. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3)—or Machado–Joseph disease (MJD)—is the most common dominant ataxia, being mainly characterized by motor deficits; however, SCA3/MJD has a complex and heterogeneous pathophysiology, involving many CNS brain regions, contributing to the lack of effective therapies. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been proposed as a potential therapeutic tool for CNS disorders. Beyond their differentiation potential, MSCs secrete a broad range of neuroregulatory factors that can promote relevant neuroprotective and immunomodulatory actions in different pathophysiological contexts. The objective of this work was to study the effects of (1) human MSC transplantation and (2) human MSC secretome (CM) administration on disease progression in vivo, using the CMVMJD135 mouse model of SCA3/MJD. Our results showed that a single CM administration was more beneficial than MSC transplantation—particularly in the cerebellum and basal ganglia—while no motor improvement was observed when these cell-based therapeutic approaches were applied in the spinal cord. However, the effects observed were mild and transient, suggesting that continuous or repeated administration would be needed, which should be further tested.This research was funded by the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) and by Portuguese national funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)—projects UIDB/50026/2020, UIDP/50026/2020, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029206, and through the Santa Casa Neuroscience Awards (Santa Casa da Misericórdia Lisboa)—project MC-04/17. Additionally, this project was funded by the ICVS Scientific Microscopy Platform, a member of the national infrastructure PPBI—Portuguese Platform of Bioimaging (PPBI-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022122). S.C.S. received an individual fellowship within the project TUBITAK/0007/2014. The FCT funded individual fellowships to J.S C., A.N.-C., B.M.- P., F.G.T., R.L., S.M., N.A.S., C.S.-C., and S.D.-S. (SFRH/BD/140624/2018, SFRH/BPD/118779/2016, SFRH/BD/120124/2016, SFRH/BPD/118408/2016, PD/BDE/127836/2016, CEECIND/01902/2017, CEECIND/04794/2017, CEECIND/03887/2017, and CEECIND/00685/2020)

    Microglia dysfunction caused by the loss of Rhoa disrupts neuronal physiology and leads to neurodegeneration

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0)Nervous tissue homeostasis requires the regulation of microglia activity. Using conditional gene targeting in mice, we demonstrate that genetic ablation of the small GTPase Rhoa in adult microglia is sufficient to trigger spontaneous microglia activation, producing a neurological phenotype (including synapse and neuron loss, impairment of long-term potentiation [LTP], formation of β-amyloid plaques, and memory deficits). Mechanistically, loss of Rhoa in microglia triggers Src activation and Src-mediated tumor necrosis factor (TNF) production, leading to excitotoxic glutamate secretion. Inhibiting Src in microglia Rhoa-deficient mice attenuates microglia dysregulation and the ensuing neurological phenotype. We also find that the Rhoa/Src signaling pathway is disrupted in microglia of the APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer disease and that low doses of Aβ oligomers trigger microglia neurotoxic polarization through the disruption of Rhoa-to-Src signaling. Overall, our results indicate that disturbing Rho GTPase signaling in microglia can directly cause neurodegeneration.The authors acknowledge the support of the following i3S Scientific Platforms: Animal Facility, Translational Cytometry Unit (TraCy), BioSciences Screening (BS) and Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM), and members of the national infrastructure PPBI-Portuguese Platform of BioImaging (supported by POCI-01–0145-FEDER-022122). FCT Portugal ( PTDC/MED-NEU/31318/2017-031318 ) supported work in the J.B.R. lab. FCT Portugal , PEst ( UID/NEU/04539/2013 ), COMPETE-FEDER ( POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007440 ), Centro 2020 Regional Operational Programme ( CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000008 : BrainHealth 2020), and Strategic Project UIDB/04539/2020 and UIDP/04539/2020 (CIBB) supported work in the A.F.A. lab. C.C.P. and R.S. hold employment contracts financed by national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.) in the context of the program contract described in paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 of article 23 of law no. 57/2016, of August 29th, as amended by law no. 57/2017 of July 19th.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of clusters of asthma control: A preliminary analysis of the inspirers studies

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    This work was funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI- -01-0145-FEDER-029130 (“mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases - generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies”) co-funded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).© 2020, Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clinica. All rights reserved. Aims: To identify distinct asthma control clusters based on Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) and to compare patients’ characteristics among these clusters. Methods: Adults and adolescents (≥13 years) with persistent asthma were recruited at 29 Portuguese hospital outpatient clinics, in the context of two observational studies of the INSPIRERS project. Demographic and clinical characteristics, adherence to inhaled medication, beliefs about inhaled medication, anxiety and depression, quality of life, and asthma control (CARAT, >24 good control) were collected. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using CARAT total score (CARAT-T). Results: 410 patients (68% adults), with a median (percentile 25–percentile 75) age of 28 (16-46) years, were analysed. Three clusters were identified [mean CARAT-T (min-max)]: cluster 1 [27(24-30)], cluster 2 [19(14-23)] and cluster 3 [10(2-13)]. Patients in cluster 1 (34%) were characterised by better asthma control, better quality of life, higher inhaler adherence and use of a single inhaler. Patients in clusters 2 (50%) and 3 (16%) had uncontrolled asthma, lower inhaler adherence, more symptoms of anxiety and depression and more than half had at least one exacerbation in the previous year. Further-more, patients in cluster 3 were predominantly female, had more unscheduled medical visits and more anxiety symp-toms, perceived a higher necessity of their prescribed inhalers but also higher levels of concern about taking these inhalers. There were no differences in age, body mass index, lung function, smoking status, hospital admissions or specialist physician follow-up time among the three clusters. Conclusion: An unsupervised method based on CARAT--T, identified 3 clusters of patients with distinct, clinically meaningful characteristics. The cluster with better asthma control had a cut-off similar to the established in the validation study of CARAT and an additional cut-off seems to distinguish more severe disease. Further research is necessary to validate the asthma control clusters identified.publishersversionpublishe

    Arbustus unedo essence: morphological and genetic characterization of the strawberry tree of Castelo de Paiva

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    O medronheiro é um arbusto da região mediterrânica que pode ser encontrada por todo o país. Ao contrário do que verifica na região sul do país, no concelho de Castelo de Paiva é atribuída uma reduzida importância económica a esta espécie. Com o intuito de preservar e potenciar a produção desta espécie e contribuir para a dinamização da economia do concelho, procedeu-se à caracterização morfológica e genética de uma amostra da população de medronheiros de Castelo de Paiva. A caracterização morfológica e genética foi realizada para um total de 10 genótipos. Para tal recolheram-se 70 folhas aleatoriamente em cada árvore. Em 40 folhas mediu-se o comprimento, largura, comprimento do pedúnculo, peso fresco, peso seco e determinou-se a área foliar. Dos caracteres morfológicos analisados, aqueles que se revelaram mais úteis na distinção dos vários genótipos foram: comprimento do pedúnculo, peso fresco e peso seco. As restantes 30 folhas foram utilizadas para a caracterização genética. Esta caracterização foi realizada recorrendo a um marcador de DNA, ISSR. Os 5 primeiros exemplaresutilizados na técnica de ISSR demonstraram-se polimórficos. Os resultados da caracterização genética sugerem que a variabilidade genética na população é média a alta.The strawberry tree is a shrub native in the Mediterranean region and it can be found throughout Portugal. Unlike the case in the southern region of the country, in Castelo de Paiva a minor economic importance is given to this species. In order to preserve, to enhance the production of this species and to contribute to the boosting of the economy of the region, we proceeded to the characterization of a small sample population of this fruit tree of Castelo de Paiva in what concerns to its morphology and genetics. The morphological and genetic characterization was performed for a total of 10 genotypes. For this, 70 leaves were randomly collected from each tree. For 40 leaves, it was measured the length, the width, the peduncle length, the wet weight, the dry weight and determined the leaf area. Of the morphological characteristics analyzed, the ones that proved most useful in distinguishing the various genotypes were: the length peduncle, the wet weight and the dry weight. The remaining 30 leaves were used in the genetic characterization. This characterization was performed using a DNA marker, the ISSR. The 5 primers used in the ISSR technique proved to be polymorphic. The results from the genetic characterization suggest that variability in population genetics is medium to high