1,995 research outputs found

    "I'm doing my best, considering" - the relationship between worker satisfaction with HRM practices and worker perception of individual performance in the healthcare sector

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    Throughout the world, hospitals are facing many challenges including increased costs, per capita decreases in government funding, technology that delivers both less invasive surgery (consequently capacity to perform more inpatient procedures) and the capacity to deal with more complex medical interventions; also, health care systems that include hospitals have been under constant and continuing pressure to deliver quality improvements, better accountability, consumer choice and cost savings (Kabene, 2006; Grimshaw et al, 2010). As such, it is arguable that one important area of improving and maintaining service delivery as well as facing current challenges is through the hospital’s arguably most important asset: the people that work in hospitals, the Human Resources (HR) (West et al., 2006)

    A queda de um Diretor Geral. O estranho caso do inquérito de 1945 ao Ensino Liceal Feminino e o seu debate

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    In 1945, education in Portugal was governed by the totalitarian Salazarist National Education system and the majority of schools followed a much vaunted but closely monitored system of coeducation. At the end of 1945, schools throughout the country received a questionnaire from the Director General of Secondary Education entitled ‘Secondary Education for Girls’. The form contained questions about coeducation, teacher training,teaching students of the opposite gender, and salary issues. The survey prompted an unprecedented debate among teachers in the schools where it was allowed, and caused a rare controversy in the regime-led press and National Assembly. The episode concluded with the resignation and retirement of the disgraced Director General.En 1945 la Educación Nacional, versión salazarista de la Educación totalitaria característica de los regímenes fascistas, estaba ya profundamente implantada en todo el Sistema de Enseñanza Portugués. La mayoría de los liceos eran de asistencia mixta, donde se practicaba una propalada coeducación profundamente vigilada. En este contexto, el Director General de la Enseñanza Liceal envió, a finales de 1945, a los Liceos una encuesta bajo el título de Enseñanza Liceal Femenina. En él se preguntaba a los rectores y los profesores sobre la coeducación, pero también sobre la formación de los profesores, las posibilidades de estos de enseñar a alumnos que no fueran de su sexo e, incluso, problemas de orden salarial. El cuestionario abrió un debate inédito entre los profesores, en los liceos en que los rectores no lo boicotearon, y causó una rara polémica en la prensa del partido único y de la Iglesia, así como en la Asamblea Nacional, que terminó con la dimisión y jubilación del atrevido e incauto Director General.En 1945 a Educación Nacional, versión salazarista da Educación totalitaria característica dos réximes fascistas, estaba xa profundamente implantada en todo o Sistema de Ensino Portugués. A maioría dos liceos eran de asistencia mixta, onde se practicaba unha propalada coeducación profundamente vixiada. Neste contexto, o Director Xeral do Ensino Liceal enviou, a finais de 1945, aos Liceos unha enquisa baixo o título de Ensino Liceal Feminino. Nel preguntábase aos reitores e os profesores sobre a coeducación, pero tamén sobre a formación dos profesores, as posibilidades destes de ensinar a alumnos que non fosen do seu sexo e, mesmo, problemas de orde salarial. O cuestionario abriu un debate inédito entre os profesores, nos liceos en que os reitores non o boicotearon, e causou unha rara polémica na prensa do partido único e da Iglesia, así como na Asemblea Nacional, que rematou coa dimisión e xubilación do atrevido e incauto Director Xeral.Em 1945 a Educação Nacional, versão salazarista da Educação totalitária caraterística dos regimes fascistas, estava já profundamente implantada em todo o Sistema de Ensino Português. A maioria dos liceus era de frequência mista, onde se praticava uma propalada coeducação profundamente vigiada. Neste contexto, o Diretor Geral do Ensino Liceal enviou, no final de 1945, para os Liceus um inquérito sob o título de Ensino Liceal Feminino. Nele se questionavam os reitores e os professores sobre a coeducação, mas também sobre a formação dos professores, a possibilidades destes lecionarem alunos que não fossem do seu sexo e, mesmo, problemas de ordem salarial. O questionário abriu um debate inédito entre os professores, nos liceus em que os reitores não o boicotaram, e causou uma rara polémica na imprensa do partido único e da Igreja, bem como na Assembleia Nacional, tendo terminado com a demissão e aposentação do atrevido e incauto Diretor Geral

    Perfil das compras públicas realizadas pelo Tribunal de Contas do Distrito Federal

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração, Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Inovação e Estratégia, Tribunal de Contas do Distrito Federal, 2017.O presente trabalho objetiva traçar o perfil das compras públicas realizadas pelo Tribunal de Contas do Distrito Federal, oriundas de processos autuados no ano de 2015, abordando aspectos relativos ao procedimento licitatório realizado, o objeto e o(s) adjudicatário(s)

    CP-violation, asymmetries and interferences in tt¯ϕ

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    In this paper, we use the associated production of top-quark pairs (tt¯) with a generic scalar boson (ϕ) at the LHC (pp → tt¯ϕ) to explore the sensitivity of a large set of observables to the sign of the CP mixing angle (α), present in the coupling between the scalar boson and the top quarks. The mass of the scalar boson is set to mϕ = 125 GeV (the Standard Model Higgs boson mass) and its coupling to top-quarks is varied such that α = 0°, 22.5°, 45.0°, 67.5°, 90.0°, 135.0° and 180.0°. Dileptonic final states of the tt¯ϕ system are used (pp → bℓ+νℓb¯¯ℓ−ν¯¯¯ℓbb¯¯), where the scalar boson is expected to decay according to ϕ → bb¯¯. A new method to reconstruct the scalar mass, originally designed for the low mass regime is used, improving the resolution of the Higgs mass by roughly a factor of two. A full phenomenological analysis is performed using Standard Model (SM) background and signal events generated with MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, in turn reconstructed using a kinematical fit. The most sensitive CP-observables are selected to compute Confidence Level (CL) limits as a function of the sign of the top quark Yukawa couplings to the ϕ boson. We also explore the sensitivity to interference terms using differential distributions and angular asymmetries. Given the significant difference between the pure scalar (σ0+) and pure pseudo-scalar (σ0−) production cross section values, it is unlikely the tt¯ϕ channel alone will be sensitive to the sign of the CP-mixing angle or interference terms, even at the end of the LHC. Using the btt¯ϕ2 and btt¯ϕ4 variables, exclusion limits at 95% CL for the CP-even and CP-odd components of the top quark Yukawa couplings are expected to be set to κ∼ ∈ [-0.698,+0.698] and |κ| ∈ [0.878,1.04], respectively, at the end of the High Luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) by using the dileptonic decay channel alone.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CP-violation, asymmetries and interferences in t\textit{t}tϕ\overline{t}\phi

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    In this paper, we use the associated production of top-quark pairs (tt\overline{tt}) with a generic scalar boson (ϕ\phi) at the LHC (pp → t\textit{t}tϕ\overline{t}\phi) to explore the sensitivity of a large set of observables to the sign of the CP mixing angle (α\alpha), present in the coupling between the scalar boson and the top quarks. The mass of the scalar boson is set to mϕ_{\phi} = 125 GeV (the Standard Model Higgs boson mass) and its coupling to top-quarks is varied such that α\alpha = 0°, 22.5°, 45.0°, 67.5°, 90.0°, 135.0° and 180.0°. Dileptonic final states of the t\textit{t}tϕ\overline{t}\phi system are used (pp → bℓ+^{+}ν_{ℓ}b\overline{b}ℓ−ν\overline{ν}_{ℓ}bb\overline{b}), where the scalar boson is expected to decay according to ϕ\phi → bb\overline{b}. A new method to reconstruct the scalar mass, originally designed for the low mass regime is used, improving the resolution of the Higgs mass by roughly a factor of two. A full phenomenological analysis is performed using Standard Model (SM) background and signal events generated with MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, in turn reconstructed using a kinematical fit. The most sensitive CP-observables are selected to compute Confidence Level (CL) limits as a function of the sign of the top quark Yukawa couplings to the ϕ\phi boson. We also explore the sensitivity to interference terms using differential distributions and angular asymmetries. Given the significant difference between the pure scalar (σ0+_{0+}) and pure pseudo-scalar (σ0_{0−}) production cross section values, it is unlikely the t\textit{t}tϕ\overline{t}\phi channel alone will be sensitive to the sign of the CP-mixing angle or interference terms, even at the end of the LHC. Using the b2_{2}ttϕ^{\textit{t}\overline{t}\phi} and b4_{4}ttϕ^{\textit{t}\overline{t}\phi} variables, exclusion limits at 95% CL for the CP-even and CP-odd components of the top quark Yukawa couplings are expected to be set to κ~\tilde{κ} ∈ [-0.698,+0.698] and |κ| ∈ [0.878,1.04], respectively, at the end of the High Luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) by using the dileptonic decay channel alone

    Sistemas de saúde comparados : risco moral e teoria da agência nos países Estados Unidos, Canadá e Reino Unido

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    Ao longo da segunda metade do século passado, foi observado um significativo aumento no gasto destinado à saúde como porcentagem da renda nacional. Ao mesmo tempo, a literatura a respeito da Economia da Saúde relata certas características a respeito do mercado em questão, diferenciando-o do restante da economia. Dentre essas diferenças, há os casos de risco moral e problema principal-agente. Com base nisso, o estudo de como tornar os sistemas nacionais de saúde mais eficientes é de suma importância. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar as reformas institucionais que tiveram como foco o combate aos problemas de mercado supracitados realizadas por três diferentes países (Estados Unidos, Canadá e Reino Unido). Como método, é realizada uma revisão da literatura para compreender a estrutura funcional desses três sitemas de saúde, e os temas de risco moral e problema principal-agente. Após, são analisadas as mudanças institucionais ocorridas durante a segunda metade do século XX e início do século XXI, em especial àquelas realizadas com intuito de combater os problemas de mercado em questão. A conclusão resultante da realização do estudo foi de que, há sim diferenças em certos casos nos mecanismos adotados pelos países para combater o risco moral e a teoria da agência, dependendo da estrutura do sistema de saúde ser essencialmente pública ou privada. Entretanto, certas medidas foram adotadas pelos três países analisados independentemente dessa estrutura e, assim, fazem com que, de certa forma, haja um movimento de convergência institucional entre os diferentes sistemas de saúde em questão. Dessa forma, espera-se que o presente estudo possa servir como guia para formadores de políticas públicas na missão de tornar os sistemas de saúde nacionais mais eficientes.During the second half of the last century, a significant rise in the share of spent destinated to health as a percentage of the total national income was observed. At the same time, current literature regarding Health Economics describes certain characteristics about this market that diferentiates it from the rest of the economy. Among them, there are the cases of moral hazard and principal-agent problem. With that in mind, the study of how to make health systems more efficient is of great value. The aim of this particular study is to analyze the institutional reforms adopted by three different countries (United States, Canada and United Kingdom) that had the goal of dealing with the above mentioned market problems. As method, a review of the literature is done, with the focus of understanding both the structure of this three health systems and the topics of moral hazard and agency theory relative to Health Economics. Then, the institutional changes adopted by these countries during the second half of the XX and begining of XXI centuries, with a focus directed to the ones that aimed to fight those two market problems, are analyzed. It was possible to conclude, after the study, that there are differences in certain cases in the mecanisms adopted by these countries to deal with moral hazard and principal-angent problem, depending on the structure of the health system being mainly public or private. However, it was seen that there are some changes that were adopted by this three different countries, independently of its market structure. As so, the hypotesis that there is a certain convergence in the modern health systems is broght to debate. As a conclusion, it is expected that this works can be used as a tool to public policy makers in the mission of building efficient national health systems