642 research outputs found

    A specific study of pedagogical acmeology in graduate education

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    The article discusses the specifics of the study of pedagogical acmeology in the framework of postgraduate education of teachers of higher medical school; the practicaloriented and integrative nature of this training is notedВ статье рассматривается специфика изучения педагогической акмеологии в рамках последипломного образования преподавателей высшей медицинской школы, отмечается практико-ориентированный и интегративный характер этого обучени

    Social correlation of professional educational services and labor market as a vector of successful social and economic development

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    The article provides the results of a sociological research of university graduates and employers of the Stavropol territory. The systematic study of the key groups of university services consumers' views regarding the regional labour market is substantiated. University graduates perceive their chosen professions through the prism of the delayed in time life prospects and the successful employment which is a current issue for them; only 40% of them directly link their choice to the attractiveness of the profession. Employers in the region note a significant gap between the expected and the actual wages in different types of activities and the complexities of finding employment, which are not directly dependent on the level of the wage.peer-reviewe

    Small innovative business development experience

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    The article deals with the study of the experience and impact of establishing micro, small and medium-sized businesses, including innovative enterprises, in developed countries of Europe, the USA, and Russia, their development dynamics, as well as tools ensuring government regulation of their effective functioning. In Russia, the right to establish small innovative enterprises was granted by Federal Law No. 217-FZ dated August 2, 2009. The article provides quantitative statistics of the accounting of small innovative enterprises operating in the scientific and educational sector of Russia’s economy and the economic indicators of their activities, obtained based on monitoring results. The article also analyzes the US legislation in the innovation field. The research allowed us to come to the following key conclusions: Micro, small, and medium-sized businesses play an important role in the European and American economies, being the most important source of innovation and new jobs. In Russia, further development of a mechanism for commercialization of intellectual results requires improvement in terms of harmonization with international rules. The foreign legislative experience with respect to micro, small and medium-sized businesses is of particular interest for the improvement of the regulatory framework that would ensure the effective operation of small innovative enterprises in Russia.peer-reviewe


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    In the current context of higher education reform, there is a redistribution of academic hours, with reduced number of lectures and practical classes and increased workload for students to prepare themselves. In the training of doctors, the practical component of training remains perhaps the most important. The types of educational activities of students according to the curriculum are lectures, practical classes and students’ independent work. The latter occupies an important place in the course of teaching the discipline. In order to encourage students to gain practical experience with the patient, perform scientific work, etc., students should be encouraged to participate in the work of scientific circles at the departments. During the preparation of the meetings of the circle and its conducting, the teacher becomes more familiar with the most active and purposeful students, who seek not only to deepen their knowledge during extracurricular time, but are involved in the implementation of scientific work, participate in the Olympiad, prepare scientific papers for participation in higher education all-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works. The Student Science Circle is a full-fledged, non-classroom method of student’s training. The participation of students in the work of scientific circles promotes research activities, the formation of creative abilities, the increase of general self-esteem and self-realization of students. An important condition for the formation of quality education is the development of a creative component of a specialist with the support of their cognitive activity and independence, which supports professional growth of a future doctor.У сучасних умовах реформування вищої освіти має місце перерозподіл навчальних годин із зменшенням лекцій і практичних занять та збільшенням навантаження для самостійної підготовки студентів. У підготовці лікарів практична складова підготовки залишається чи не найбільш вагомою. Видами навчальної діяльності студентів згідно з навчальним планом є лекції, практичні заняття і самостійна робота студентів. Вагоме місце у процесі навчання дисципліни займає самостійна робота студентів. Для заохочення студентів у набутті практичного досвіду роботи із хворим, виконанні наукової роботи тощо слід запропонувати участь студентів у роботі наукових гуртків на кафедрах. Під час підготовки засідань гуртка та його проведення викладач більш глибоко знайомиться з активними та цілеспрямованими студентами, які прагнуть не тільки поглиблювати свої знання у позааудиторний час, але й залучаються до виконання наукової роботи, беруть участь у проведенні олімпіад, готують наукові роботи для участі у вузівських та всеукраїнських конкурсах наукових робіт. Студентський науковий гурток є повноцінним позааудиторним методом підготовки студентів. Участь студентів у роботі наукових гуртків сприяє науково-дослідницькій діяльності, формуванню творчих здібностей, підвищенню загальної самооцінки та самореалізації студентів. Важливою умовою формування якісної освіти є розвиток творчої складової фахівця з підтримкою в нього пізнавальної активності та самостійності, що підтримує професійний ріст майбутнього лікаря

    Study of Posting Activities of Russian Users on Social Media

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    Content marketing on social media depends on trends in consumer behaviors. A changing focus and emphasis on audience activities on social media are a key optimization problem in social media marketing (SMM). A solution to this problem lies in a field of ongoing empirical studies of posting frequency. In the review of the literature, authors highlight the role of social media as a promising channel for a direct interaction of companies/brands with consumers. Based on theoretical generalizations, authors present a generation sequence of an SMM content strategy. The article also includes an analysis of posting activities of users from Russia on well-known social media. A cost-benefit analysis of posting activities rests upon some factors: socio-demographic characteristics of users, a content format, time and day of the week parameters, etc. Data come from such sources as aggregated statistics of social media and selective interviewing. An analysis of activities for users from Russia has shown that VKontakte is the most popular platform; Instagram is the second, while Facebook is the third. Odnoklassniki and Twitter are less preferred. VKontakte users respond best to short posts. On Facebook, entries with medium-sized texts have got the highest number of responds. On Instagram, long posts work better. The photo format is a leader in all of the social media. The video format has a middle position, while a text is the most inefficient type of content. There is strong differentiation in response time depending on a target audience. Findings have made it possible to present recommendations for optimization of content marketing

    Structural and functional state of the cardiovascular system in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Arterial hypertension (AH) is an urgent problem of world medicine. The risk of cardiovascular complications and mortality in patients with hypertension increases in the presence of comorbid diseases, such as COPD. The aim was to determine the features of the dynamics of blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension and comorbid COPD on the basis of data from 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and echocardiographic examination of the heart. Materials and methods. 58 stable patients with stage II arterial hypertension 1-3 degrees were examined. The patients were divided into two groups: group I included patients with hypertension and COPD (n=26), group II - patients with hypertension (n=32). 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and echocardiographic examination of the heart were conducted for all patients. Statistica 10.0 was used. Results. In patients with AH and COPD, a significantly higher value of HR and PAT*HR was revealed, which is obviously a protective reaction in connection with increasing hypoxia in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Conclusions. In patients with hypertension, the development of comorbid COPD contributes to an increase in the average daily heart rate, an increase in morning systolic blood pressure. The presence of COPD in patients with hypertension contributes to an increase in cardiovascular risk

    The use of trypsin-like blood activity as a marker of pulmonary fibrosis severity.

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    Purpose – to determine changes in the trypsin-like blood activity and its relationship with acute phase indices of inflammation in patients with pulmonary fibrosis (PF) as a marker of course severity and prognosis of the disease. Materials and Methods: The study included 18 patients: 15 (83%) women and 3 (17%) men, mean age 53±2.5 years. The control group included 15 practically healthy persons. All the examined patients (n=18) were divided into two groups: with mild or moderately severe PF – 8 (44.4%) patients (group I), severe PF – 10 (55.6%) of patients (group II). Duration of the disease - from 1 month. up to 4 years. Patients underwent clinic-laboratory and anthropometric studies, a mMRC questionnaire was used, blood saturation was measured, lung radiography in 2 projections, echocardiography, and if necessary a high-resolution computer tomography etc were performed. Results and discussion: More than half of the patients were overweight (44,4%) or had obesity of І-ІІІ st. (27.8%). The severity of dyspnea according to mMRC scale was 3.0 (3.0-4.0) points in patients of group II and 2.5 (2.0-3.0) points in patients of group I. There was a decrease in C-reactive protein (CRP) in group I and a tendency to increase in patients of group II. When analyzing the indicator of trypsin-like blood activity (TLA), it was found that the median TLA at the beginning of the observation was twice as high as in healthy individuals, direct correlation was established between the level of TLA and the severity of the disease course. After treatment the level of TLA decreased in group I patients. In the severe course of PF, the average TLA level remained high. The progredient course of LF is characterized by severe clinical symptoms, a significant increase in TLA, CRP, reduced O2 saturation, a lack of response to treatment and an unfavorable prognosis. The TLA index can be used as a biochemical marker of the severity of PF along with the CRPindex, O2 saturation and the degree of dyspnoea