268 research outputs found

    Improving Interpersonal Communication Quality of Students Through Social Guidance: Evaluation of Effectiveness and Implications

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    Social guidance is guidance given to individuals to get to know their environment so that they can socialize well and become responsible individuals which is carried out at SMP N 2 Rejang Lebong. The social problems that are often faced by students within the scope of school are related to relationships between individuals or relationships between individuals and the social environment such as difficulty in making friends, alienation from group work, and others.  Research to know the interpersonal communication of students at school. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study was students of SMP Negeri 01 and the sample population of class VII A amounted to 30 people and the sample used sampling techniques.  Data collection is observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique with product moment correlation statistics. The results of the study The relationship between the effectiveness of student social guidance in interpersonal communication at SMP N 2 Rejang Lebong in grade VII is mostly 29.06% which is included in the influential category, which means that there is a significant influence between peers. The way of interpersonal communication between grade VIII students at SMP N 2 Rejang Lebong is mostly 37.20% who fall into the high category. High here means that most teenagers or students can already communicate with their peers. &nbsp

    The CalculationOf S2 Tidal Energy In The Malacca Straff With A Three Dimensional Numerical Model

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    In this paper, the S2-tidal energy of the Malacca Strait is computed using a three-dimensional model based upon a semi-implicit numerical scheme. The impact of using this scheme is that the time of calculation can be saved 4-5 times compared to time used by the explicit scheme, since the semi-implicit scheme does not respect the Courant-FriedrichsLewy (CFL) criterion. As results the kinetic and potential energy, the dissipation of energy by bottom friction and horizontal eddy viscosity, the energy input and energy balance caused by the S2-tide are determined


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    This article aims to discuss human concepts in the Qur'an. Allah SWT. call Human Beings in the Qur'an there are several terminologies such as basyar, insan, unas, insiy, 'imru, rajul or which contain the meaning of women such as imra'ah, nisa' or niswah or in personality traits, such as al-atqa, al-abrar, or ulul albab, also as part of social groups such as al-asyqa, dzul-qurba, al-dhu'afa who all contain instructions as human beings in their essence and humans in concrete forms. Humans are the most perfect creatures that Allah SWT has ever created. The purpose of creating humans is only to worship Allah SWT, and to become a caliph on earth


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    Fazlur Rahman, (1982: 157) secara tegas mengatakan, filsafatmerupakan alat intelektual yang terus menerus diperlukan. Untuk itu,ia harus berkembang secara alamiah, baik untuk perkembangan filsafatitu sendiri maupun untuk pengembangan disiplin-disiplin keilmuan yanglain. Karena itu, orang yang menjauhi filsafat dapat dipastikan akanmengalami kekurangan energi dan kelesuan darah – dalam artikekurangan ide-ide segar – dan lebih dari itu, ia berarti telahmelakukan bunuh diri intelektual. Di antra tokoh Islam yangmengembangkan filsafat adalah Abid al-Jabiri, ia memformulasikanbahwa epistemology filsafat Islam terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu; bayaniburhani dan irfani. Dengan ketiga epistemology tersebut dapatmemetakan keilmuan yang terdapat dalam Islam. Dalam artikel iniakan dibahas ketiga epistemology tersebut

    Exploring Self-Concept as A Career Determinant for Students of Islamic Education Counseling Guidance Study Program: Study on BKPI IAIN Students Curup Semester VI Year 2021/2022

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    This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The tempat of this research is IAIN Curup, Rejang Lebong Regency. The subject of the study was a student of BKPIconcentration semester VI. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, documentation. Data analysis techniques by means of data collection, data presentation, and conclusions. From the research, it can be seen that knowledge regarding self-concept is many research subjects. BK students' knowledge of their overall self-concept is still looking for their identity and potential, the expectations of BK PI students regarding careers are not all interested in education. Keywords: self-concept, career, BKP

    Nilai Nasionalisme dalam Hikayat Perang Sabil Teungku Chik Pantee Kulu

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    This article discusses nationalism in the sabil war saga written by Teungku Chik Pantee Kulu. The sabil war saga written by Tengku Chik Pantee Kulu is a saga found in Acehnese society and can give the spirit of defending the country after listening to it. This saga was written in 1873 after he returned from Mecca and at that time Aceh fought against the Dutch. This research method uses literature study with a hermeneutic approach. The primary data source is Ali Hasjmy's book, Aceh Literary Contributions in the Development of Indonesian Literature, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1977. The results of the analysis show that there are five values of nationalism in the sabil war saga by Teungku Chik Pante Kulu, namely love for the homeland, self-sacrifice, interest country above personal interests, has a heroic spirit, and does not give up easily

    Melacak Terminologi Manusia Dalam Alquran

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    This article aims to discuss human concepts in the Qur'an. Allah SWT. call Human Beings in the Qur'an there are several terminologies such as basyar, insan, unas, insiy, 'imru, rajul or which contain the meaning of women such as imra'ah, nisa' or niswah or in personality traits, such as al-atqa, al-abrar, or ulul albab, also as part of social groups such as al-asyqa, dzul-qurba, al-dhu'afa who all contain instructions as human beings in their essence and humans in concrete forms. Humans are the most perfect creatures that Allah SWT has ever created. The purpose of creating humans is only to worship Allah SWT, and to become a caliph on earth

    Struktur Pola Tabuh Rampak Bedug pada Sanggar Bale Seni Ciwasiat Kabupaten Pandeglang

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    Rampak Bedug Ciwasiat adalah salah satu kesenian yang ada di Kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten yang memiliki pola tabuh yang unik. Pola tabuh tersebut memiliki perbedaan bunyi yang dihasilkan dalam setiap pertunjukannya. Dengan demikian, kesenian ini mempunyai keunikan dalam pola tabuh yang dimainkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode etnografi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan strukturalisme Levi-Strauss yang memokuskan pada sintagmatik, paradigmatik, dan oposisi biner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa struktur pola tabuh Rampak Bedug Ciwasiat terdiri dari pola tabuh Rurudatan, Dulag, Selang Dog, Kalapa Samanggar, Gembrung, Sholawatan, Sela Gunung, dan Turumbu. Struktur pola tabuh tersebut menjadi suatu karya utuh yang dinamakan Rampak Bedug Ciwasiat

    Gambaran Kepatuhan Konsumsi Antibiotik Amoxicilin Masyarakat Desa Petaling Kabupaten Bangka

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    Dalam pengobatan medis, kepatuhan pasien konsumsi obat dalam proses penyembuhan merupakan bagian sangat penting dari tujuan penyembuhan sebuah penyakit. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi proses penyeembuhan penyakit adalah kepeatuhan dalam mengkonsumsi antibiotik. Penggunaan antibiotik harus memperhatikan dosis, frekuensi dan lama pemberian sesuai regimen terapi dan kondisi pasien. Antibiotik harus di konsumsi atau di minum secara teratur sesuai cara penggunaannya. Jika pasien menggunakan antibiotik tidak tepat seperti tidak patuh pada regimen pengobatan dan aturan minum obat maka akan memicu terjadinya resistensi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, yang bermaksud untuk mengeksplorasi dan klarifikasi suatu fenomena atau fakta sosial. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu karakteristik responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin sebagian besar responden adalah perempuan (70,3%), dari segi usia adalah dewasa (71,4%), dari aspek pendidikan kategori rendah (48,4%) dan menengah (42,9%). Varibael kepatuhan menunjukkan responden patuh (96,7%) dalam konsumsi antibiotik Amoxicillin. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat Desa Petaling memiliki perilaku patuh dalam mengkonsumsi antibiotik Amoxicilin

    Survey Study of ESP Learning Needs at the Islamic Religious Education Study Program of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bengkulu

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    This study aimed to determine the needs of non-English Study Program students. Quantitative and survey methods were applied in this study. A questionnaire through the Graves model analysis consisting of student profile analysis, Target Situation Analysis (TSA), Current Situation Analysis (CSA), and Learning Situation Analysis (LSA) were the instruments used in collecting the data. Participants were the third-semester students of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program at Tarbiyah and Tadris Faculty of IAIN Bengkulu in 2018 to 2019 academic year. In determining the participants, the writers applied a simple random sampling technique. There were 37 students from a total population of 150 students. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis, namely by calculating percentage (%) and classified data so that the needs of students in learning English could be identified. The findings were (1) the ESP approach was the right approach to be applied in learning English at IAIN Bengkulu based on the students’ age and experience in learning English,  (2) the gap between the targeted needs by the campus and the students’ English skills was less, (3) the gap between what students needs and the material in the ESP English textbook was in category desire, and (4) the topic of reading comprehension text was directly related to the study of Islamic Religious Education as a student’s area of ​​expertise. &nbsp
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