223 research outputs found

    Game birds in Vojvodina as a part of hunting-touristic offer

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    Većina zemalja koje imaju uslove za razvoj turizma zalažu se za dovođenje što većeg broja turista. Zbog ovoga, inostrani lovni turizam u Vojvodini, prevashodno na pernatu divljač počinje da se razvija krajem pedesetih i početkom šezdesetih godina, da bi ekspanziju doživeo krajem sedamdesetih pa do početka devedesetih godina. U periodu od početka šezdesetih pa do kraja osamdesetih godina, lovni turizam je imao, pored povećanja broja inostranih lovaca, i povećanje odstrela pernate divljači. Međutim, od početka devedesetih godina pa do danas broj turista je smanjen iz poznatih razloga. Lovačke organizacije su zbog nedostatka lovnog turizma ostale bez značajnijih sredstava a time i mnogo manje ulagale u lovišta. Lovnim turizmom u Vojvodini su se lovačke organizacije bavile više od četrdeset godina. Od lovno turističkih organizacija koje su pioniri u ovom poslu svakako treba istaći "Lovoturs" koji je u ovoj oblasti prisutan više od četrdeset godina. Ovaj rad predstavlja doprinos savremenim istraživanjima iz oblasti lovnog turizma Vojvodine i čitave naše zemlje. U Vojvodini postoje potencijali koji su podstakli lovno turističku privredu, a za Vojvodinu je najznačajniji lovni turizam. U Vojvodini postoje potencijali koji su podstakli lovno-turističku ponudu koja se odvijala intenzivno od kraja šezdesetih pa do kraja osamdesetih godina.Most of the countries with conditions for tourism development are supporting bringing as much tourists as possible. Foreign hunting tourism began to develop in Vojvodina, mostly to game birds, at the end of the 50s and the beginning of the 60s and reached its peak between the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 90s. In the period between the beginning of the 60s and the end of the 80s, hunting tourism have noted, apart of increase of foreign tourists number, an increased catch of game birds. But after beginning of 90s number of tourists had decreased due to well-known reasons. Hunters organizations were left without significant resources and consequently invested less in the hunting grounds. Hunters' organizations in Vojvodina have been in hunting tourism for more than 40 years. From pioneers in this business, the "Lovoturs" must be mentioned, as organization being present in hunting tourism for over 40 years. "Lovoturs" is considered a pioneer in development of hunting tourism in Vojvodina, especially on game birds and a specialized house with considerable results in this field. This work is a contribution to contemporary investigation in a field of hunting tourism in Vojvodina and in the whole country. The main reason is that one of the Republic of Serbia's strategic directions of development is aimed at tourist economy, and in Vojvodina the hunting tourism is most important part of it. Vojvodina has potentials encouraging hunting-touristic offer intensively from the end of the '60s to the end of the '80s

    Supportive methods for assessing effective porosity and regulating karst aquifers

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    Regulation of a karst aquifer implies engineering interventions designed to control its flow and manage its water reserves. One of the most important prerequisites for the feasibility and suc­cess of regulation projects is proper assessment of aquifer ef­fective porosity (storativity) and accumulated groundwater reserves. This paper is focused on several specific methods whichcan contribute to a reliable assessment of the size and volume of effective storage in karst: cave diving survey, camera logging of cavities, stochastic analysis of discharge regime and 3D modelling of karst interior. The application of these meth­ods on selected test sites in Montenegro, Algeria and Serbia are described. These methods were applied as part of the researchprogramme conducted in the catchment of Mlava Spring, the largest spring in the Carpathian karst of Serbia. The results ob­tained by the stochastic analyses of the spring’s discharge re­gime, as well as siphon diving of the spring and 3D modelling for reconstruction of conduits networks in karst interior are particularly important

    Land use change for flood protection: A prospective study for the restoration of the river Jelašnica watershed

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    Serbia’s hilly-mountainous regions are extremely vulnerable to flooding as a consequence of their natural characteristics and human impacts. Land mismanagement influences the development of erosion processes, and causes soil degradation that significantly reduces the land’s capacity to infiltrate and retain rainwater. Inappropriate land use as well as development activities replace permeable with impervious surfaces in the watershed. This leads to more rapid runoff generation and the more frequent appearance of torrential floods and bed-load deposits on downstream sections. Environmental degradation creates economicsocial problems within local societies which is often followed by depopulation. Restoring watersheds to their optimal hydrologic state would reduce flood discharge and by increasing groundwater recharge would increase both low-flow and average discharges in springs and streams. Best management practices could be developed through the application of specific combinations of biotechnical, technical and administrative measures, and by using the concept of ″natural reservoirs″. The design of such practices is explored through a case study of the watershed of the river Jelašnica, southeastern Serbia. Realization of these planned restoration works should help decrease the annual yields of erosive material by 44.1% and the specific annual transport of sediment through hydrographic network by 43.6%. Representative value of the coefficient of erosion will be reduced from Z=0.555 to Z=0.379. The value of maximal discharge Qmax-AMCIII (1%)=54.17 m3•s-1, before restoration, is decreased to Qmax-AMCIII (1%)=41.22 m3•s-1 after restoration, indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of land use changes. Administrative measures are applied through ″Plans for announcement of erosive regions and protection from torrential floods in the territory of Leskovac municipality″

    Investigations of genotoxic potential of levamisole hydrochloride in bone marrow cells of Wistar rats

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    An experiment was performed under in vivo conditions on bone marrow cells of Wistar rats. The following doses of levamisole hydrochloride were tested: a therapeutic dose of 2.2 mg/kg bm, a dose of 4.4 mg/kg bm, LD50 -25% mg/kg bm, and LD50 -75% mg/kg bm. We followed the effect of levamisole hydrochloride on kinetics of the cell cycle and the appearance of structural and numeric changes in chromosomes in bone marrow cells. The therapeutic dose of levamisole of 2.2 mg/kg bm exhibited a capability to increase mitotic activity in the observed cells, thus confirming knowledge of the immunostimulative effect of this dose of the medicine under in vivo conditions. The other tested doses of levamisole in this experiment, observed in comparison with the control group, had an opposite effect, namely, they caused a reduction in the mitotic activity of bone marrow cells. All the examined doses in vivo exhibited the ability to induce numeric (aneuploid and polyploid) and structural (lesions, breaks and insertions) chromosomal aberrations. It can be concluded on the grounds of these findings that the examined doses have a genotoxic effect

    Experimental and numerical study of super-critical flow around the rough sphere

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    Rad predstavlja eksperimentalno i numeričko istraživanje modela sfere sa ciljem predviđanja ponašanja strujanja u prisustvu hrapavosti površina. Rezultati ukazuju na probleme i predlažu rešenje za inžinjersku primenu. Sličnost između strujnih slika dobijenih numeričkim putem i u aerotunelu je postignuta kombinovanim uvođenjem turbulencije u numeričkoj slobodnoj struji hrapavosti površine, zbog ograničavajućih zahteva turbulentnih modela.This paper presents the experimental and numerical research on the sphere model with the goal of prediction of a flow behaviour in a presence of the surface roughness. Results indicate the problems and suggest the solution for engineering practice. The similarity of the numerical and wind tunnel flows was reached by an application of a combination of the intentionally introduced turbulence intensity in a numerical flow as well the artificial roughness of the model, for a reason of restricted requirements of the turbulence modelling

    Revisiting the vortex-core tunnelling spectroscopy in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta}

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    The observation by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) of Abrikosov vortex cores in the high-temperature superconductor YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} (Y123) has revealed a robust pair of electron-hole symmetric states at finite subgap energy. Their interpretation remains an open question because theory predicts a different signature in the vortex cores, characterised by a strong zero-bias conductance peak. We present STS data on very homogeneous Y123 at 0.4 K revealing that the subgap features do not belong to vortices: they are actually observed everywhere along the surface with high spatial and energy reproducibility, even in the absence of magnetic field. Detailed analysis and modelling show that these states remain unpaired in the superconducting phase and belong to an incoherent channel which contributes to the tunnelling signal in parallel with the superconducting density of states.Comment: Final version with supplementary materia


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    The requirements of the modern (high-end) construction industry demand the development of new types of concrete of high, and especially very high strength and with significantly improved properties in terms of durability. They provide new possibilities in the field of concrete technology of high strength and performance. When designing the composition of high-strength concrete (HSC), a special attention should be paid to the particle size distribution of aggregates, which should be chosen so as to achieve an "optimal" packing of the aggregate grains. The maximum grain size has been reduced to 2 mm. The Funk-Dinger formula was used to calculate the particle size distribution, which also takes into account fine particles of mineral powder additives. CEM I 52.5R, pure quartz sand, quartz filler, silica fume, powerful superplasticizer and low water/binder ratio were chosen for making HSC. In total, five different concrete mixtures were made. The paper presents the results of testing important properties of hardened concrete at ages from 1 day to 90 days and statistical processing of the obtained test results

    Utjecaj cijepljenja protiv bjesnoće na dinamiku populacija lisice (Vulpes vulpes) i zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus) u Vojvodini, Republika Srbija

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    Certain aspects of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus, 1758) and brown hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) population dynamics in the Autonomous Province Vojvodina (Serbia) were analysed on the basis of the available data from 1978-2015. Red fox culling was taken into account as a factor affecting the abundance of brown hares. In that period, during regulated hunts a total of 399,976 foxes were culled and the annual average was 10,526 (SD = 2985). Brown hare spring counts showed fluctuations during the research period and showed a declining trend in the number of individuals. The red fox was selected for the study as the most abundant predator in this area, having the most impact on brown hares. Also, in 2010 a nationwide vaccination campaign against rabies was conducted, leading to an increase in the numbers of red foxes. However, while this led to a rise in the numbers of red foxes, the cull remained nearly the same in the following years. Analysis of the relationship between the numbers of brown hare and the red fox cull in 1978-2009 and 2010-2015 showed a significant difference in their ratio. This study shows that the numbers of red fox increased significantly following the rabies vaccination. Consequently, this is a significant factor that is affecting the brown hare population. Also, it is evident that the red fox cull needs to be increased in order to maintain the natural balance.Na temelju raspoloživih podataka iz 1978. do 2015. u Autonomnoj pokrajini Vojvodini (Republika Srbija) analizirana je dinamika populacija lisice (Vulpes vulpes linneus, 1758) i zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778). U obzir je uzet odstrel lisice kao čimbenika koji utječe na brojnost zečeva. U tom je razdoblju tijekom redovnih lovova odstrijeljeno ukupno 399 976 lisica, a godišnji prosjek iznosi 10 526 (SD = 2985). Podaci proljetnog prebrojavanja zečeva pokazuju fluktuacije tijekom istraživačkog razdoblja i trend opadanja njihova broja. za istraživanje je odabrana lisica kao najbrojniji grabežljivac na ovom području, s najviše utjecaja na zeca običnog. Također, tijekom 2010. godine provedeno je cijepljenje protiv bjesnoće diljem zemlje, što je dovelo do porasta broja lisica. No dok je broj lisica porastao, u sljedećim je godinama odstrel ostao gotovo jednak. Analize odnosa između zeca običnoga i lisice od 1978. do 2009. i od 2010. do 2015. pokazuju znakovitu razliku. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da je broj lisica znatno povećan nakon kampanje cijepljenja protiv bjesnoće. Slijedom toga ovo je važan čimbenik koji utječe i na populaciju zeca. Također, očito je da se odstrel lisica mora povećati kako bi se održala prirodna ravnoteža

    Experimental and numerical study of super-critical flow around the rough sphere

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    Rad predstavlja eksperimentalno i numeričko istraživanje modela sfere sa ciljem predviđanja ponašanja strujanja u prisustvu hrapavosti površina. Rezultati ukazuju na probleme i predlažu rešenje za inžinjersku primenu. Sličnost između strujnih slika dobijenih numeričkim putem i u aerotunelu je postignuta kombinovanim uvođenjem turbulencije u numeričkoj slobodnoj struji hrapavosti površine, zbog ograničavajućih zahteva turbulentnih modela.This paper presents the experimental and numerical research on the sphere model with the goal of prediction of a flow behaviour in a presence of the surface roughness. Results indicate the problems and suggest the solution for engineering practice. The similarity of the numerical and wind tunnel flows was reached by an application of a combination of the intentionally introduced turbulence intensity in a numerical flow as well the artificial roughness of the model, for a reason of restricted requirements of the turbulence modelling

    Нови родијум(iii)-ed3ap комплекс: кристална структура, карактеризација и компјутациона хемија

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    Only one (trans(O5)-Na[Rh(ED3AP)]∙3H2O) of possible two isomers was synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray analysis, IR and UV–Vis spectroscopy. Computational analysis of both isomers was performed with three levels of theory (B3LYP/TZV, BP86/TZV, OPBE/TZV), which gave consistent results. The more stable isomer by total energy and ligand field stabilization energy (LFSE) was trans(O5) which appeared in synthesis. The calculation of excited state energies complied with UV–Vis spectra, especially with OPBE functional. The results of excited state energy pointed out the dif­ferences among isomers in means of a splitting pattern of 1T2g excited state term. Both isomers have a strongly delocalized structure, according to the nat­ural bonding orbital (NBO) analysis. NBO analysis shows that the trans(O5) isomer is more stable than trans(O5O6) for approx. 87 kJ/mol. Therefore, only the trans(O5) isomer is present in the reaction mixture.Један (trans(O5)-Na[Rh(ED3AP)]∙3H2O) од могућа два изомера синтетисан je и окарактерисан применом дифракције X-зрака на монокристалу, IR и UV–Vis спектроскопијом. Компјутерска анализа оба изомера обављена је помоћу три теоријска модела која су дала конзистентне резултате. Стабилнији изомер по укупној енергији и енергији стабилизације лигандног поља (LFSE) јеt rans(O5) који је и изолован у синтези. Прорачун енергија ексцитованих стања дао је добру усаглашеност са UV–Vis спектром, посебно у случају прорачуна са OPBE функционалом. На основу резултата енергија ексцитованих стања уочене су разлике између изомера у начину цепања 1T2g терма. Оба изомера дају снажно-делокализовану структуру судећи по NBO анализи. Наоснову NBO анализе, trans(O5) изомер је стабилнији за 87 kJ/mol и једини је присутан у реакционој смеши.Supplementary material: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5108