441 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal waves in evaporating sessile drops (APS 2009)

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    This fluid dynamics video was submitted to the Gallery of Fluid Motion for the 2009 APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Drop evaporation is a simple phenomena but still unclear concerning the mechanisms of evaporation. A common agreement of the scientific community based on experimental and numerical work evidences that most of the evaporation occurs at the triple line. However, the rate of evaporation is still empirically predicted due to the lack of knowledge on the convection cells which develop inside the drop under evaporation. The evaporation of sessile drop is more complicated than it appears due to the coupling by conduction with the heating substrate, the convection and conduction inside the drop and the convection and diffusion with the vapour phase. The coupling of heat transfer in the three phases induces complicated cases to solve even for numerical simulations. We present recent experimental fluid dynamics videos obtained using a FLIR SC-6000 coupled with a microscopic lens of 10 microns of resolution to observe the evaporation of sessile drops in infrared wavelengths. The range of 3 to 5 microns is adapted to the fluids observed which are ethanol, methanol and FC-72 since they are all half-transparent to the infrared.Comment: 4 page

    Comment on Photothermal radiometry parametric identifiability theory for reliable and unique nondestructive coating thickness and thermophysical measurements, J. Appl. Phys. 121(9), 095101 (2017)

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    A recent paper [X. Guo, A. Mandelis, J. Tolev and K. Tang, J. Appl. Phys., 121, 095101 (2017)] intends to demonstrate that from the photothermal radiometry signal obtained on a coated opaque sample in 1D transfer, one should be able to identify separately the following three parameters of the coating: thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and thickness. In this comment, it is shown that the three parameters are correlated in the considered experimental arrangement, the identifiability criterion is in error and the thickness inferred therefrom is not trustable.Comment: 3 page

    Isotopic cross sections of fragmentation residues produced by light projectiles on carbon near

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    We measured 135 cross sections of residual nuclei produced in fragmentation reactions of C12, N14, and O13−16,20,22 projectiles impinging on a carbon target at kinetic energies of near 400A MeV, most of them for the first time, with the RB3/LAND setup at the GSI facility in Darmstadt (Germany). The use of this state-of-the-art experimental setup in combination with the inverse kinematics technique gave the full identification in atomic and mass numbers of fragmentation residues with a high precision. The cross sections of these residues were determined with uncertainties below 20% for most of the cases. These data are compared to other previous measurements with stable isotopes and are also used to benchmark different model calculations.</p

    Matter radius of the doubly-magic <sup>56</sup> Ni measured in a storage ring

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    The matter radius of the doubly magic 56Ni was extracted from a measurement of the differential cross section by employing, for the first time, elastic proton scattering in inverse kinematics with a radioactive beam at Ekin= 390.2 MeV/nucleon circulating in a storage ring and passing an internal hydrogen gas-jet target with a revolution frequency of around 2 MHz. The novel experimental scheme is based on UHV-compatible Si detectors operated as active vacuum windows, which were implemented in the ESR storage ring at GSI. A matter radius &lt;rm2&gt;1/2=3.74-0.06+0.03 fm was extracted for the doubly-magic self-conjugate nucleus 56Ni.</p

    Probing the Z = 6 spin-orbit shell gap with (p,2p) quasi-free scattering reactions

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    The evolution of the traditional nuclear magic numbers away from the valley of stability is an active field of research. Experimental efforts focus on providing key spectroscopic information that will shed light into the structure of exotic nuclei and understanding the driving mechanism behind the shell evolution. In this work, we investigate the Z=6 spin-orbit shell gap towards the neutron dripline. To do so, we employed NA(p,2p)CA−1 quasi-free scattering reactions to measure the proton component of the 21+ state of 16,18,20C. The experimental findings support the notion of a moderate reduction of the proton 1p1/2−1p3/2 spin-orbit splitting, at variance to recent claims for a prevalent Z=6 magic number towards the neutron dripline.</p

    Pairing correlations. Part 1: description of odd nuclei in mean-field theories

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    In order to extract informations on pairing correlations in nuclei from experimental mass differences, the different contributions to odd-even mass differences are investigated within the Skyrme HFB method. In this first paper, the description of odd nuclei within HFB is discussed since it is the key point for the understanding of the above mentioned contributions. To go from an even nucleus to an odd one, the advantage of a two steps process is demonstrated and its physical content is discussed. New results concerning time-reversal symmetry breaking in odd-nuclei are also reported. PACS: 21.10Dr; 21.10.Hw; 21.30.-x. Keywords: Mean-field theories; Pairing correlations; odd nuclei;Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A neutron spectrometer for studying giant resonances with (p,n) reactions in inverse kinematics

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    A neutron spectrometer, the European Low-Energy Neutron Spectrometer (ELENS), has been constructed to study exotic nuclei in inverse-kinematics experiments. The spectrometer, which consists of plastic scintillator bars, can be operated in the neutron energy range of 100 keV-10 MeV. The neutron energy is determined using the time-of-flight technique, while the position of the neutron detection is deduced from the time-difference information from photomultipliers attached to both ends of each bar. A novel wrapping method has been developed for the plastic scintillators. The array has a larger than 25% detection efficiency for neutrons of approximately 500 keV in kinetic energy and an angular resolution of less than 1 degrees. Details of the design, construction and experimental tests of the spectrometer will be presented. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</p
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