1,329 research outputs found

    Inferring Temporal Behaviours Through Kernel Tracing

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    In order to provide reliable system support for real-time applications, it is often important to be able to collect statistics about the tasks temporal behaviours (in terms of execution times and inter-arrival times). Such statistics can, for example, be used to provide a-priori schedulability guarantees, or to perform some kind of on-line adaptation of the scheduling parameters (adaptive scheduling, or feedback scheduling). This work shows how the Linux kernel allows to collect such statistics by using an internal function tracer called Ftrace. Based on this feature, tools can be developed to evaluate the real-time performance of a system or an application, to debug real-time applications, and/or to infer the temporal properties (for example, periodicity) of tasks running in the system

    Description of the Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment (SCOLE) facility

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    A laboratory facility for the study of control laws for large flexible spacecraft is described. The facility fulfills the requirements of the Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment (SCOLE) design challenge for a laboratory experiment, which will allow slew maneuvers and pointing operations. The structural apparatus is described in detail sufficient for modelling purposes. The sensor and actuator types and characteristics are described so that identification and control algorithms may be designed. The control implementation computer and real-time subroutines are also described


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    The present invention relates to a device for determining the real evapotranspiration (ETr) of a natural or cultivated vegetated surface. US 2010/212 409 A1 describes an atmometer comprising an evaporator having an upper surface exposed to the atmosphere, a liquid water tank provided with a level meter and underlying the evaporator to which it is connected by a suction tube, a measurement sensor of the soil humidity value, and a CPU which controls the flow of water vapor through the evaporator depending on the soil humidity value. An object of the present invention is to provide a device for determining the real evapotranspiration of the vegetated surface of a soil, improved with respect to those described by the prior art. According to the invention, this object is achieved with a device comprising: - a composite porous evaporator, at least a portion of which has a resistance to the flow of water vapor that depends on a parameter, said evaporator having an upper surface exposed to the atmosphere, - a tank of liquid water underlying the evaporator to which it is connected by a suction tube, and provided with a level meter, - a sensor for measuring the soil humidity, and - a central processing unit (CPU) which is configured to control said parameter on which the resistance to the flow of water vapor through the evaporator depends, in dependence on the humidity value of the soil detected by said sensor

    Análisis de hábitos nutricionales y de actividad física en escolares de Castellón de la Plana

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016La obesidad infantil es una enfermedad que se encuentra muy presente en la sociedad en la que vivimos y está estrechamente relacionada con la alimentación y el sedentarismo; es por eso que se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo mediante la aplicación del test rápido KrecePlus sobre hábitos nutricionales y un cuestionario de actividad física, en escolares de Castellón de la Plana con edades comprendidas entre 10 y 12 años. El objetivo fue conocer dichos hábitos para diseñar una propuesta de mejora que sirva para poder llevar a cabo una futura intervención en la que se pretende ver cómo afecta al peso de los niños, la ejecución de la práctica deportiva y de los hábitos alimenticios. Un 26,7% presenta un nivel nutricional bajo, mientras que el mismo porcentaje de encuestados presentan un nivel nutricional alto. Un 46,7% presenta un nivel nutricional medio. De esta manera un 73,4% del total muestran un posible margen de mejora en sus hábitos nutricionales. En referencia al nivel de actividad física se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre niños y niñas. Un 51%, practica algún deporte extraescolar. Un 24% son niños y un 27% niñas. En fin de semana el nivel de actividad física de los niños es menor al de las niñas. Respecto al uso de videojuegos, el número de niñas que hace uso es inferior en comparación con el de niños. Los fines de semana estos números se mantienen. Los datos obtenidos ponen de manifiesto unos hábitos alimenticios mejorables en general y principios de sedentarismo en algunos aspectos de los hábitos de actividad física de los escolares. Estos resultados se contrastan con los obtenidos en otros estudios realizados, con el fin de establecer una línea de base para futuras intervenciones en el mismo centro escolar

    Speaking rate effects in Catalan and English. A cross-language study

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    Research on speech perception has provided growing evidence about the role of some context effects on speech perception. It has been proved that speaking rate influences such temporal parameters as VOT, causing an alteration of the perceptual mapping between acoustic signal and phonetic structure by shifting the boundaries between phonetic categories. In this study we intended to find out the effects of speaking rate in the perception and production of /t/ in English and Catalan. The acoustic analysis of the production materials confirmed our prediction that both groups of speakers adjusted to speaking rate but in different ways. The English group varied the duration of VOT, whereas the Catalan group varied the duration of the closure interval. The length of both parameters increased in the slow rate and decreased in the fast rate. The perceptual tasks performed by the two pilot subjects -one for each language- showed that there were no signs of a perceptual adjustment to speaking rate as it was found in previous literature. This lead us to suspect that maybe the perceptual adjustment to speaking rate takes place only at the boundaries between phonetic categories but not within the category. This would not be in accord with the findings of Miller and cols., in which they claim that the effects of context are not limited to the boundary region, but they extend to the centers of categories, resulting in a systematic shift in the location of the category's best exemplars or prototypes

    Ut Musica Poesis: An Approach to the Dialogue between Literature and Music

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    [Abstract] The pervasive presence of music in contemporary fiction parallels the crucial role played by painting in novels and short stories since the late 1990s. Such a parallel, however, has not had a correspondence in the field of interart poetics, since the growing interest in the critical assessment of the literature-painting interface cannot be matched by the scarce attention paid to the dialogue between literature and music nowadays. This unequal reception of the interaction of the sister arts emerges as the area of enquiry of the present paper, which examines the appraisal of the relationship of literature and music in comparison with that of literature and painting. Moreover, and in an attempt to sketch a theoretical framework reflecting the current relevance of the musico-literary conversation, the paper explores a revised version of the classical strategy of ekphrasis, and suggests a new variant of the traditional ut pictura poesis maxim

    El retrato naturalista y el retrato modernista. Pérez Galdós y Valle Inclán

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    Estudio sobre el género retrato en la novela naturalista del siglo XIX.- Sobre las técnicas de la comparación y la metáforaPérez Galdós utiliza en sus Novelas contemporáneas la metáfora y la comparación con animales para la realización de los retratos de los personajes. Estos recursos se aplican a la prosopografía y a la etopeya. Se contempla su presencia en la descripción de los rasgos (cara, ojos, boca, manos) y en los complementos. Una parte de la investigación viene referida a la simbología y significación de metáforas, especialmente en apellidos y motes, sí como en oficios. La conducta individual y el retrato de la sociedad se abordan como cuestiones de afectividad, sociabilidad y sensibilidad. Se evidencia los motivos del uso de las comparaciones con animales: eficacia narrativa, acercamiento al lector, plasticidad de las imágenes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Universidad de Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.-Cabildo de Gran Canaria.-Casa Museo Pérez Galdós
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