17 research outputs found


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    This final project report is written based on the job training, which has been conducted during two months in Public Relations and Cooperation Office, located on Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A Kentingan Surakarta 57126. The purposes of final project are to describe and to explain the functions of the Public Relations and Cooperation Office of Sebelas Maret University. Public Relations and Cooperation Office is an institution which maintains mutual communication with internal and external public, having a good cooperation between an organization and its public and involves the management of problem and issue. The functions of Public Relation and Cooperation Office are maintaining good communication between company and its public, maintaining good communication and spreading information from Sebelas Maret University, distributing public opinion to the rector or vice rector IV about Sebelas maret University ’s image and activities. From the discussion, it is concluded that Public Relation and Cooperation Office has conducted its role and functions well. However, it still has to work hard to reach its goal. Besides, the Public Relations and Cooperation Office needs to hold a professional work training frequently to improve its professionalism. The Public Relations and Cooperation Office also needs to make the office tidy so it becomes a beautiful office

    AKAR-AKAR SOSIOLOGI PENYIMPANGAN SOSIAL DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA KOS : Studi kasus di Twin Kos Setiabudhi Kecamatan Sukasari Kota Bandung

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    Penelitian ini memaparkan mengenai Fenomena Penyimpangan Sosial di Kalangan Mahasiswa Penghuni Tempat Kos yang dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa faktor ketika mahasiswa melakukan hal-hal tersebut..Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan: bentuk-bentuk perilaku menyimpang yang terjadi di kalangan mahasiswa kos, faktorfaktor yang menjadi penyebab adanya fenomena penyimpangan sosial di kalangan mahasiswa kos, dan solusi penanganan penyimpangan sosial di kalangan mahasiswa kos menurut masyarakat sekitar dan penelitian ini terfokus pada perilaku menyimpang di kalangan mahasiswa Twin Kos Setiabudhi Kecamatan Sukasari Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipasi, studi literatur, dan studi dokumentasi. Informan peneliti terdiri dari mahasiswa penghuni Twin Kos yang berperilaku menyimpang, masyarakat sekitar yang meliputi Bapak pengelola Twin Kos, penjaga atau Satpam Twin Kos, Ibu RT setempat, dan warga sekitar daerah Twin Kos. Untuk menguji keabsahan data, dilakukan data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing verification dan triangulasi hingga diperoleh kesimpulan yang kokoh. Hasil kesimpulan dapat diketahui bahwa akar-akar perilaku menyimpang di kalangan mahasiswa kos disebabkan oleh faktor internal, yaitu faktor yang berasal dari lingkungan keluarga untuk membentuk kepribadian dalam pembinaan karakter individu seperti keadaan lingkungkan keluarga, pola pendidikan orangtua dan pola asuh orangtua, dasar nilai iman dan takwa yang ditanamkan orangtua, sedangkan faktor eksternal yang berasal dari lingkungan luar individu, bisa dilihat dari pengaruh teman, lingkungan kosan, dan lingkungan masyarakat, selain itu telah diberikan beberapa solusi dari masyarakat sekitar Twin Kos untuk mengatasi fenomena penyimpangan sosial di kalangan mahasiswa Kos.----------This study describes about phenomena social deviation among house rent's student. This study aims to explain: The types of deviate behaviors among house rent's student, factors which causes of social deviation's phenomena among house rent's student, and social deviation's solution among house rent's student according to inner circle society. This study has been focused to deviate behaviors among Twin house rent's student Setiabudhi, District Sukasari, Bandung. This study uses the qualitative with case study method. The technique for data collection has been done by depth interview, participate's observations, study of literature, and documentation's study. The sources made up by Twin rent house deviate behavior's student , inner circle society which includes man as the Twin House Rent's organizer, Twin House Rent's security guard, a woman as local neighborhood unit, and society nearby Twin House Rent. Dara reduction, data display, conclusion drawing verification and triangulasi are used for data validity until the conclusion has been reached firmly. The conclusion has been found that the root causes of social deviantion among house rent's student caused by some factors including the internal factors, which is a family's environment factor to form the personality in individual character founding, in the other hand, external factors that occur from the outside of individual environment, which can be seen from friends influencing, house rent's environment, and society's environment. In addition, it has been given some solutions towards the society around Twin house rent in order to solve social deviation's phenomena among house rent's student


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    Abstract: IBT is considered as a creative and positive method in teaching writing. Besides, it is also a useful teaching method for developing life-long learning competence for the learners. Pedagogically speaking, IBT method affects students’ ability in learning writing. Without a good teaching method, the students’ ability, creativity, and awareness in writing may decrease. Many students of Junior High School consider writing as a difficult skill to learn. Teacher should provide creative and innovative teaching methods, so the students do not indicate that they are indolent to practice writing. The paper highlights the nature of IBT, the realistic purpose of IBT, the importance of IBT in teaching writing, and the ideas about how to implement IBT for teaching writing in Indonesian Junior High School. Keywords: IBT, writin


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    Digital English Learning and Technology nowadays are the best combination during COVID – 19 pandemic era. When all the people in the world cannot do their life normally as a tone as the learning activities in the entire world, a teacher also cannot meet their students as well in the real life, in face to face teaching learning activities. Even it is not an easy thing for some people in the world to have an online classroom because of their economy problems behind, but health is also the most important one to be kept especially for their children. As a teacher, this new – normal era also still become a struggle in running their teaching learning activities. Teachers also face many problems in delivering the right material to be achieved as well to their students at home. Besides that, delivering materials is the teacher’s responsibility. In the same line, lecturers in higher level of education also face similar problems. Lecturers try to use several technologies to grab the capabilities of the students in receiving the material through online classroom. It is not as simple as some people think. Maritime English lecturers have many challenges in doing their online classroom because they should deliver some English skills as well to their students at home also to follow the government instruction during this pandemic era. In this research, the writer uses a case study to delve the problems faced by the lecturers especially maritime English lecturers in delivering their materials through online classroom. The finding of this research is the writer meets some difficulties in maritime English lecturers in running their online classroom

    English Capacity Building in Preparing Competent Logistics Sector’s Staff in Indonesia

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    Logistic sectors are moving forward day by day, year by year. Their evolution brings big changes in the economic growth of countries. It drives the significant improvement in human life includes human life style, human’s needs, and human capacity. Their services has to be in agile and effective ways to reach the customer’s satisfaction. This research observes the capacity building of human resource in logistic sector in supporting the performance development of logistic companies in Indonesia especially about English capacity. The researchers use qualitative research in logistics sectors by observing, interviewing, and disseminating questionnaire to the owner, director, manager, supervisor of logistic company. Based on the research’s result, English capacity had by operational and administration staffs of a logistic company influence the business because a staff that has good English skills will run the communication as well to the customers directly and indirectly. It is because the customers of a logistic company are international customer and foreign company which have representative office in Indonesia. Explicitly, the results show that a maritime academy should prepare the human resource or in this context is a logistic sectors’ staff candidate must understand about the use of English before working in logistic sectors to support the moving forward of the company

    Effectiveness of Open Worksheet Based on Problems on Skills of Science Process and Creative Thinking of Junior High School Students

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    The quality of education is a direct consequence of a change and development of learning at this time. To optimize learning that requires students to have science process skills and creative thinking (in accordance with 21st-century demands) it is necessary to develop more varied learning media. One way is to develop a problem-based open Worksheet that allows students to add information about a material systematically with reference to problem-based learning by covering several stages, including orienting students to problems, organizing students to learn, guiding individual investigations or group, develop and present data, and analyze and evaluate work results. That is expected to improve the skills mentioned above

    Enhancing English Language Proficiency in HRM: A Strategic Imperative for Logistics Efficiency

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    Good human resource management is critical to organizational success in the frantic logistics environment. The importance of English language skills in this setting cannot be overstated. This study piece dives into the interconnected connection between human resource management and English language abilities in the logistics sector. The internationalization of trade and the spread of supply chains across borders has prompted the development of a common language for communication. English, as the international corporate lingua franca, is critical in overcoming linguistic gaps across varied logistics teams and stakeholders. This article discusses the significant impact that English proficiency has on numerous facets of logistics operations. This study looks into the critical importance of English language competency in human resource management in the logistics industry, focusing on cross-cultural communication, talent acquisition, and retention. A comprehensive analysis of the literature, case studies, and surveys within the logistics industry was conducted to assess the significance of English language skills. Our research demonstrates a significant link between English language competency and effective cross-cultural communication, which is essential for timely information exchange in logistics operations. The strategic importance of English language ability for logistics organizations is highlighted by this research. In order to enable the staff to communicate effectively and promote operational excellence, it highlights the need for ongoing investment in language training programs. The findings of this study highlight the fact that comprehending English is a strategic need in the field of global logistics, not just a desired talent

    Uji Tegangan Permukaan dan Aktivitas Antioksidan pada Ekstrak Daun Bidara (Ziziphus mauritiana)

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    Tanaman Ziziphus mauritiana merupakan tanaman yang mempunyai banyak manfaat. Salah satu potensi tanaman Ziziphus mauritiana sebagai surfaktan herbal yang dapat digunakan untuk bahan formulasi sampo. Penelitian sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa ekstrak daun Ziziphus mauritiana mengandung berbagai bioaktif, diantaranya berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, antibakteri, antiinflamasi. Pada penelitian ini daun Ziziphus mauritiana diekstrak dengan metode maserasi selama 3Ă—24 jam dan sokletasi dengan variasi pelarut, yaitu metanol, aseton, dan etil asetat. Hasil ekstraksi daun Ziziphus mauritiana selanjutnya diuji tegangan permukaan dan penapisan fitokimia meliputi kandungan flavonoid, tannin, terpenoid, steroid, alkaloid, dan saponin, serta ditentukan aktivitas antioksidannya dengan metode DPPH. Hasil uji tegangan permukaan menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak Ziziphus mauritiana mempunyai kemampuan menurunkan tegangan permukaan air dari 71,2 m N/m sampai 37,7 m N/m dan menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan yang lemah, pada ekstrak metanol memiliki nilai IC50 850 ppm sedangkan nilai IC50 pada ekstrak aseton yang diesktraksi dengan metode sokletasi dan maserasi berturut-turut 1347,6 ppm dan 2511.64 ppm dan ekstrak etil asetat memiliki nilai IC50 4500 ppm


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh pendekatan problem-based learning pada peningkatan penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa SMK pada materi karbohidrat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi ekperimen, dengan desain kelompok kontrol non-ekuivalen yang  melibatkan dua kelompok. kelas eksperimen yang mendapat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan Problem-Based Learning dan kelas kontrol yang mendapat pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran konvensional. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pretest, posttest dan angket, innstrumen pretest posttest berupa 20 soal pilihan ganda (untuk menguji kemampuan penguasaan konsep) dan 4 soal essay(untuk menguji keterampilan berpikir kreatif). Sebelum melakukan pengujian hipotesis maka data penelitian harus memenuhi uji prasyarat yang meliputi uji normalitas (uji Shapiro-Wilk), uji homogenitas varians (Lavene test), uji kesamaaan kemampuan awal siswa (uji t), uji hipotesis penelitian pada posttest dan N-gain  dilakukan uji t (parametric) atau Mann Whetney (non parametric). Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh N-Gain keterampilan berpikir kreatif  siswa kelas yang mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan PBL lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol yaitu sebesar 0,42 (kategori sedang untuk kelas eksperimen). Namun N-Gain kemampuan penguasaan konsep siswa kelas kontrol lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas ekperimen yaitu sebesar 0,39 (kategori sedang untuk kelas kontrol