1,977 research outputs found

    YOLOv3: Traffic signs & lights detection and recognition for autonomous driving

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    Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) relates to various in-vehicle systems intended to improve road traffic safety by assisting drivers with improved road awareness, inherent dangers and other drivers nearby. Traffic sign detection and recognition is an integral part of ADAS since these provide information about traffic rules, road conditions, route directions and assistance for safe driving. In addition, traffic sign detection and recognition are essential research topics for safe and efficient driving when considering intelligent transportation systems. An approach to traffic sign/light detection and recognition using YOLOv3 and YOLOv3_tiny is presented in this paper in two different environments. The first is on a simulated and real autonomous driving robot for RoboCup Portuguese Open Autonomous Driving Competition. The robot must detect both traffic signs and lights in real-time and behave accordingly. The second environment is on public roads. A computer vision system inside the car points to the road, detecting and classifying traffic signs/lights (T S/L) in different weather and lighting conditions. YOLOv3 and YOLOv3_tiny were tested on both environments with an extensive hyperparameters search. The final result showcases videos of the two algorithms on the two environments.This work has been supported by FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. In addition, this work has also been funded through a doctoral scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) [grant number SFRH/BD/06944/2020], with funds from the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the European Social Fund through the Programa Operacional do Capital Humano (POCH)

    A problemática das superpopulações de pombos domésticos nos centros urbanos: proposição de medidas de controle e manejo

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    ResumoA grande quantidade de pombos domésticos (Columba livia) nos centros urbanos favorece o surgimento de problemas para a população humana. Logo, tratando de compreender esse fator, o presente estudo tem por objetivo conhecer as necessidades ecológicas da espécie. Pretende também investigar as causas pelas quais os pombos escolhem o meio urbano para viver, bem como as razões e os recursos que induzem o seu acelerado crescimento populacional, a fim de propor melhores alternativas de controle e manejo. Nesse contexto, este artigo fundamentou-se em uma pesquisa bibliográfica efetuada de novembro de 2019 a janeiro de 2020, em teses, artigos e leis. Os resultados revelaram que a Columba livia, ou melhor, as suas superpopulações vivem nos centros urbanos em virtude da oferta de recursos, principalmente alimento e abrigo. Além disso, as superpopulações colaboram na veiculação de doenças ― como por exemplo, a criptococose ―, produzem prejuízos de ordem econômica, como a corrosão de pinturas de móveis e imóveis, por causa de seus excrementos. Constatou-se também a importância de se utilizar dois ou mais métodos de controle de maneira simultânea, sejam eles físicos ou biológicos, aliados à Educação Ambiental, para garantir eficiência no manejo e controle do problema, sempre com o apoio e participação de órgãos ambientais, governamentais, assim como das pessoas.Palavras-chave: Pombos. Superpopulações. Causas. Métodos. Educação ambiental.AbstractThe large number of domestic pigeons (Columba livia) in urban centers favors the appearance of problems for the human population. Therefore, aiming to understand this factor, the present study intends to know the ecological needs of the species. This analysis also proposes to investigate the factors why pigeons choose the urban environment to live, as well as the reasons and resources that induce their accelerated population growth, in order to propose better alternatives for control and management. Therefore, this article was based on a bibliographic research carried out from November 2019 to January 2020, in theses, articles and laws. The results revealed that Columba livia's overpopulation lives in urban centers due to the supply of resources, mainly food and shelter. In addition, the overpopulation collaborates in the transmission of diseases ― such as cryptococcosis ― , and it produces economic losses, such as the corrosion of furniture and real estate paintings, due to their excrement. It was also noted the importance of using two or more methods of control simultaneously, whether physical or biological, combined with Environmental Education, to ensure efficiency in the management and control of the problem, always with the support and participation of environmental and governmental agencies, as well as people.Keywords: Pigeons. Overpopulation. Causes. Methods. Environmental education.ResumenLa gran cantidad de palomas domésticas (Columbia livia) en los centros urbanos favorece el surgimiento de problemas para la población humana. Así, tratando de comprender ese tema, este estudio tiene el propósito de conocer las necesidades ecológicas de la especie. Pretende, también, investigar las causas por las cuales las palomas optan por el medio urbano para vivir, así como las razones y los recursos que estimulan el crecimiento acelerado de esa población, a fin de proponer mejores alternativas de control y manejo. En ese contexto, este artigo se fundamenta en una revisión bibliográfica realizada de noviembre de 2019 a enero de 2020, en tesis, artículos y leyes. Los resultados revelaron que la Columba livia, o más bien, su superpoblación, vive en los centros urbanos en virtud de la oferta de recursos, principalmente alimento y abrigo. Además, que la especie colabora en la transmisión de enfermedades ― como por ejemplo la criptococosis ―, produce pérdidas económicas, como la corrosión de pintura de muebles e inmuebles debido a sus excrementos. Se pudo constatar, igualmente, la importancia de la utilización de dos o más métodos de control simultáneamente, físicos o biológicos, aliados a la Educación Ambiental, para garantizar eficiencia en el manejo y control del problema, siempre con el apoyo y participación de los organismos ambientales, gubernamentales, así como de las personas.Palabras-clave: Palomas. Superpoblaciones. Causas. Métodos. Educación ambiental

    Neuromuscular taping does not change fibularis longus latency time and postural sway

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    Ankle sprains are a common injury and fibularis longus plays an important role improving functional stability. Neuromuscular tape seems to improve muscle force, although little is known regarding its effect on latency time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computing retinal contour from optical biometry

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    Purpose. To describe a new methodology that derives horizontal posterior retinal contours from partial coherence interferometry (PCI) and ray tracing using the corneal topography. Methods. Corneal topography and PCI for seven horizontal visual field eccentricities correspondent to the central 60 degrees of the posterior pole were obtained in 55 myopic eyes. A semicustomized eye model based on the subject’s corneal topography and the Navarro eye model was generated using Zemax-EE software. The model was used to compute the optical path length in the seven directionswhere PCImeasurementswere obtained.Vitreous chamber depth was computed using the PCI values obtained at each of those directions. Matlab software was developed to fit the best conic curve to the set of points previously obtained. We tested the limit in the accuracy of the methodology when the actual cornea of the subject is not used and for two different lens geometries. Results. A standard eye model can induce an error in the retina sagitta estimation of the order of hundreds of micrometers in comparison with the semicustomized eye model. However, the use of a different lens model leads to an error of the order of tens of micrometers. The apical radius and conic constant of the average fit were j11.91 mm and j0.15, respectively. In general, a nasal-temporal asymmetry in the retina contour was found, showing mean larger values of vitreous chamber depth in the nasal side of the eye. Conclusions. The use of a semicustomized eye model, together with optical path length measured by PCI for different angles, can be used to predict the retinal contour within tenths of micrometers. This methodology can be useful in studies trying to understand the effect of peripheral retinal location on myopia progression as well as modeling the optics of the human eye for a wide field.This study has been funded by FEDER through the COMPTETE Program and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of projects PTDC/SAU-BEB/098391/2008, PTDC/SAU-BEB/098392/2008, and the Strategic Project PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2011. NL was also supported by a Fundacion Seneca de la Region de Murcia grant 15312/PI/10. RN was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economia y Competitividad and European Union grant FIS2011-22496 and by the Government of Aragon group E99. We thank Larry N. Thibos for his comments on the manuscript

    Aplicabilidade do treinamento com oclusão vascular para incremento de hipertrofia e força muscular: estudo de revisão

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    Currently, several evidences demonstrate that the practice of resistance training (TR) promotes hypertrophy and increased muscle strength with loads (kg) between 30-80% of 1 maximum repetition (1RM). However, although the training method with vascular occlusion (TOV) and low loads is widely used for these purposes, its efficiency is not fully consolidated. Therefore, the aim of the study was to verify the effects of training with vascular occlusion on hypertrophy and muscle strength. As a method, a literature review was carried out in the databases Pubmed, LILACS and Scielo with the following keywords: occlusion training, Kaatsu training, vascular occlusion, resistance training, blood flow restriction, Kaatsu training, resistance training. Articles available in Portuguese and English between 2000 and 2020 were included. The results showed that the TOV method is efficient to increase hypertrophy and muscle strength in different populations / situations using low loads. In addition, the physiological changes inherent in vascular occlusion are efficient in the rehabilitation and / or maintenance of muscle mass during periods of immobilization or inability to move the limb. However, training should be prescribed taking into account the individual's specificity in order to avoid possible adverse effects.Atualmente, diversas evidências demonstram que a prática do treinamento resistido (TR) promove hipertrofia e aumento da força muscular com cargas (kg) entre 30-80% de 1 repetição máxima (1RM). Contudo, apesar do método de treinamento com oclusão vascular (TOV) e cargas baixas ser amplamente utilizado com estas finalidades, a sua eficiência não está totalmente consolidada. Portanto, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar os efeitos do treinamento com oclusão vascular sobre a hipertrofia e força muscular. Como método foi realizado uma revisão de literatura, nas bases de dado Pubmed, LILACS e Scielo com as seguintes palavras-chave: treinamento de oclusão, Kaatsu training, oclusão vascular, treinamento resistido, blood flow restriction, Kaatsu training, resistance training. Foram incluídos artigos disponíveis em língua portuguesa e inglesa entre os anos de 2000 à 2020. Os resultados demonstraram que o método de TOV é eficiente para aumentar a hipertrofia e força muscular em diferentes populações/situações utilizando cargas baixas. Além disso, as alterações fisiológicas inerentes da oclusão vascular são eficientes na reabilitação e/ou manutenção da massa muscular durante períodos de imobilização ou incapacidade de mover o membro. Contudo, o treinamento deve ser prescrito levando em consideração a especificidade do indivíduo afim de evitar possíveis efeitos adversos

    A study on the application of bio-inspired algorithms to the problem of direction of arrival estimation

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    The classical solution to the problem of estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) of plane waves impinging on a sensor array is based on the application of the maximum likelihood method. This approach leads to the problem of optimizing a cost function which is non-linear, non-quadratic, multimodal and variant with respect to the signal-noise ratio (SNR). The methods proposed in the literature to solve this problem fail for a wide set of SNR values. This work presents the results obtained from a study on the application of natural computing algorithms to the DOA estimation problem. Computational simulations show that four of the analyzed algorithms find the global optimum for a broad range of SNR values with computational efforts lower than that associated with an exaustive search.A solução clássica para o problema de estimação dos ângulos de chegada (DOA) de sinais incidindo em um arranjo de sensores é a aplicação do método de máxima verossimilhança. Este método leva ao problema de otimização de uma função custo não-linear, não-quadrática, multimodal e variante com a relação sinal-ruído (SNR). Os métodos propostos para tal tarefa, presentes na literatura, falham em uma ampla gama de valores de SNR. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo sobre a aplicação de ferramentas pertencentes à computação natural ao problema de estimação DOA. Simulações demonstram que quatro dos algoritmos analisados alcançam o ótimo global para uma ampla faixa de valores de SNR, com esforços computacionais inferiores àquele exigido por uma busca exaustiva.60962

    Potential of maize (Zea mays L.) populations derived from commercial single-cross hybrids for extraction of partially inbred lines under different nitrogen availability

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    Extraction of inbred lines is a very important step in maize breeding since these lines will be used to obtain hybrids intended for the market. However, this expensive process, hinders genotype evaluation in contrasting environments, especially regarding nitrogen (N) content. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of maize populations for line extraction and select partially inbred lines under different soil nitrogen (N) availability. Five populations were evaluated regarding their potential for line extraction. Fifty-five S1 partially inbred lines were extracted from these populations. The top-cross method was used to evaluate lines by crossing them with two testers. Hybrids evaluation used 110 top-cross hybrids, five base populations, and six checks. Two trials were carried out in Dourados and Caarapó. One trial had adequate fertilization (high N) while the other was under stress condition (low N). Hybrid DKB 789 showed potential for extraction of partially inbred lines, aiming at selecting N use efficiency. Base population BP (07) was the most suitable for the extraction of partially inbred lines aiming at N use efficiency. Partially inbred lines BP (07) 13, BP (07) 14, and BP (07) 17 are the most suitable for the extraction of top-cross hybrids with high grain yield, efficiency, and responsiveness to N. Highlights Extraction of inbred lines is a very important step in maize breeding. Hybrid DKB 789 showed potential for extraction of partially inbred lines. BP (07) 13, BP (07) 14, and BP (07) 17 are the most suitable for the extraction of top-cross hybrids.Extraction of inbred lines is a very important step in maize breeding since these lines will be used to obtain hybrids intended for the market. However, this expensive process, hinders genotype evaluation in contrasting environments, especially regarding nitrogen (N) content. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of maize populations for line extraction and select partially inbred lines under different soil nitrogen (N) availability. Five populations were evaluated regarding their potential for line extraction. Fifty-five S1 partially inbred lines were extracted from these populations. The top-cross method was used to evaluate lines by crossing them with two testers. Hybrids evaluation used 110 top-cross hybrids, five base populations, and six checks. Two trials were carried out in Dourados and Caarapó. One trial had adequate fertilization (high N) while the other was under stress condition (low N). Hybrid DKB 789 showed potential for extraction of partially inbred lines, aiming at selecting N use efficiency. Base population BP (07) was the most suitable for the extraction of partially inbred lines aiming at N use efficiency. Partially inbred lines BP (07) 13, BP (07) 14, and BP (07) 17 are the most suitable for the extraction of top-cross hybrids with high grain yield, efficiency, and responsiveness to N. Highlights Extraction of inbred lines is a very important step in maize breeding. Hybrid DKB 789 showed potential for extraction of partially inbred lines. BP (07) 13, BP (07) 14, and BP (07) 17 are the most suitable for the extraction of top-cross hybrids

    Carcinoma de células claras renais com Metáplasia óssea um relato de caso / Renal cell carcinoma with bone Metaplasia a case report

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    A metaplasia óssea no carcinoma de células claras e um achado raro, sendo poucas vezes descrita na literatura. Os autores relatam um caso de um paciente masculino de 56 anos, com quadro de hematúria macroscópica há dois meses, submetido à exame de tomografia computadorizada que demonstrou lesão expansiva de características maligna na topografia renal direita, sendo optado pela nefrectomia total com subsequente análise histológica da peça cirúrgica que obteve o diagnóstico de carcinioma renal de células claras, Fuhrman 2, associado às áreas de metaplasia óssea

    Polaron difusion in pentathienoacene crystals

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    Molecular crystals have been used as prototypes for studying the energetic and dynamic properties of charge carriers in organic electronics. The growing interest in oligoacenes and fused-ring oligothiophenes in the last two decades is due, in particular, to the success achieved in conceiving pentacene-based organic photovoltaic devices. In the present work, a one-dimensional Holstein-Peierls model is designed to study the temperature-dependent polaron transport in pentathienoacene (PTA) lattices. The tight-binding Hamiltonian employed here takes into account intra and intermolecular electron-lattice interactions. Results reveal that polarons in PTAs can be stable structures even at high temperatures, about 400 K. During the dynamical process, these charge carriers present a typical 1D random walk diffusive motion with a low activation energy of 13 meV and a room temperature diffusivity constant of 1.07 × 10−3 cm2 s−1. Importantly, these critical values for the polaron diffusion and activation energy are related to the choice of model parameters, which are adopted to describe pristine lattices
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