575 research outputs found

    The mountain environment, a driver for adaptation to climate change

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    International audienceThe mountain environment is perceived today by vine-growers as a strong structural constraint. Yet in the current context of climate change, in which we turn to genetics, irrigation or innovation in cultural practices to maintain production quality, could the mountain environment emerge as a solution for adapting to climate change in vine-growing? Here we explore the role of cooperative policies that may be deployed on the territorial scale, using an agent-based model. Our model was based on the viticulture of the Banyuls-Collioures AOC area, which is characterized by small-scale vine-growers and marked by widespread involvement in cooperative systems. The simulation results showed an important role of cooperative policies not only to conserve narrow production window and required vine quality, but also in respect of the emblematic landscape structure. These results should foster vine-growers to strengthen their cooperatives and adequately use these organizations to mitigate future climate change impacts

    CeLL, an agent based model for exploring the spatial influence influence of climate change on Lobesia botrana population dynamics

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    International audienceThe European Grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana) is one of the most noxious vineyard-pests in the European and Mediterranean area. Its larvae feed on grapevine flowers and berries, and usually cause considerable damage, also by facilitating saphrophytic infections to berries.The biology of L. botrana has been investigated since the 80s. A number of studies has tested its physiology and behaviour in experimental conditions (Hurtrel et ThiĂ©ry 1999), in field conditions (Stockel et al. 1994), and using mathematical modelling techniques. Whereas the modelling approaches that have been proposed in the literature are hetereogeneus they generally focus on the phenology and population dynamics of L. botrana, rather than analysing the role of spatial variability on its infestations and mating behaviour. For this reason we propose here an agent based model (CeLL model), where we take into consideration spatial effects on L.botrana infestation dynamics. Our aim is to gain further insight into the processes and interactions occurring at the vineyard, population and individual level.The use of agent based modelling allows us to integrate population dynamics within a spatial frame (the vineyard) where individual insects act by following development, movement and mating “rules”. In its first version, CeLL (Confusion Landscape Lobesia) focused on the identification of processes involved in pest infestations, necessary for the accurate simulation of infestation dynamics, as observed by the Groupement de DĂ©veloppement Agricole (GDA) of the cru Banyuls et des AlbĂšres. Here we attempt to obtain a more accurate simulation of the present situation in the same region, and make projections for the future, by the following actions:1. We refine CeLL simulations by using accurate temperature input data, obtained by spatialising the high temporal frequency data from the TERVICLIM network2. We apply climate change scenario to CeLL, to assess potential effects of climate changes on infestation dynamics and integrated pest management strategies

    Extremos térmicos e vulnerabilidade num vinhedo do Entre Douro e Minho

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    CLIMATIC EXTREMES AND VULNERABILITY ON AN ENTRE DOURO E MINHO VINEYARD. The carrying out of fine scale measurements on an Entre Douro e Minho vineyard permitted the observation of extreme temperatures that can be the cause of damages for the vine. It was noticed a strong spatial variation of temperatures, generated by the surface characteristics (topography, soil occupation, etc.). Hazard charts of “minimum and maximum temperatures” were produced from a considerable amount of data, obtained on a microclimatic scale.This climatic study (temperature measurement) was developed between February and September 2004, during the vine growing cycle. This is the active vine period and the most vulnerable vine stages in the presence of extreme temperatures. So, it was possible to study the second component of risk: vulnerability. To prove the eventual interference of the temperature in the development and growing of the plant, there were also agronomical observations (following of the vine growing stages and measurement of the grapes’ sugar degree). There was a strong relation between the temperature distribution and the agronomic data collection. This shows the importance of an exact knowledge of topo and microclimate of the vineyards

    Variabilité quotidienne et saisonniÚre de l'ßlot de chaleur urbain à Rennes : premiers résultats du programme ECORURB

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    International audienceThis paper presents the first results of the research program ECORURB (Ecology Rural to Urban) of which one of the objectives is to measure the impact of the city on the local climate. For this study, a network of 16 automatic weather stations was installed according to a gradient from downtown area to periphery countryside. The results show the temporal variability of the UHI (urban heat island). Thus, in 2006, the intensity of the UHI was especially marked at the end of the night during the summer (more 2,5°C on average of 22:00 to 5:00 in July against 1 to 1,3°C during the winter). On the other hand, during the day, the time average deviations between the downtown area and the countryside do not exceed some tenth of degrees.Cet article présente les premiers résultats du programme de recherche ECORURB (Ecologie du Rural vers l'Urbain) dont un des objectifs est de mesurer l'impact de la ville sur le climat local. Pour cette étude, un réseau de 16 stations météorologiques automatiques a été installé selon un gradient centre-ville périphérie campagne. Les résultats obtenus permettent de montrer la variabilité temporelle de l'ICU (ßlot de chaleur urbain). Ainsi, en 2006, l'intensité de l'ICU a surtout été marquée en fin de nuit pendant l'été (plus de 2,5°C en moyenne de 22h à 5h en juillet contre 1 à 1,3°C pendant les mois d'hiver). En revanche, pendant la journée, les écarts moyens horaires entre le centre-ville et la campagne ne dépassent pas quelques dixiÚmes de degrés

    The The use of GFV and GSR temperature-based models in emerging wine regions to help decision-making regarding choices in grape varieties and wine styles. Application to Brittany (France)

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    Viticulture and wine production are facing climate change. While it can be a challenge in some regions, it is an opportunity for others. The aim of this study is to develop a methodology to assess climatic characteristics and potential for viticulture of new areas, through spatial analyses of data from temperature-based grapevine models (the Grapevine Flowering Veraison model -GFV and the Grapevine Sugar Ripeness model -GSR) during current and future periods. A deadline for veraison was set on the 1st of September for dry wine and on the 15th of September for sparkling wine. Different sugar levels were targeted for the production of different wine styles (170 g·L-1 for sparkling wine, 190 g·L-1 and 200 g·L-1 dry white and red wines, respectively) on the 15th of October. The methodology was applied over the region of Brittany (France) to assess the potential to produce different wine styles from 6 grapevine varieties (‘Sauvignon blanc’, ‘Chardonnay’, ‘Chenin’, ‘Pinot noir’, ‘Cabernet franc’ and ‘Cabernet-Sauvignon’). Observed data from the MĂ©tĂ©o-France weather stations network and an 8-km gridded climate model data from the 2014 EUROCORDEX simulation set (CNRM-CM5/RCA4 climate model) were used over the past (1950-2020) and future periods (2031-2060 and 2071-2100) under two GHG emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5). Climatic conditions of this region seem to be increasingly suitable in the future depending on climate scenario, time period projections and targeted types of wine. The methodology can be applied to any emerging winegrowing region with the ability to adjust variety choices, time lines and sugar levels thresholds as desired to meet the needs of a specific region

    Variabilité spatiotemporelle des températures aux échelles fines dans le vignoble de Vinho verde (Portugal) dans un contexte de changement climatique

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    In the Entre Douro e Minho area (North of Portugal), an agroclimatologic study is made in two distant soils of wine of a few kilometres and from which the topographic characteristics and the variety of vine are different. A climatic study on fine scales is carried out in order to determine the local influence of the surface characteristics on the weather parameters. The temperature measurements and the agronomic analysis carried out between February and April 2003 showed a strong space-time variability of the spring frost risk between the two sites and inside even of the soils. In a context of climate change, this type of climatic study in fine scales must be taken into account to ameliorate simulation and predictions

    Mesures climatiques aux échelles fines (météorologiques et agronomiques) et variabilité spatiale du gel printanier dans le vignoble de Vinho Verde (Portugal)

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    In the Entre Douro e Minho area (North of Portugal)two distant vineyards (which different topography and grapes are studed from a agroclimatological perspective. The objective is to determine the optimal topoclimatic conditions for the culture of the vine. A climatic study on fine scales is carried out in order to determine the local influence of the surface characteristics on the weather parameters. The temperature measurements and the agronomic analysis carried out between February and April 2003 showed a strong space-time variability of the spring frost risk between the two sites and inside even of the soils

    Variabilidade espacial do gelo primaveril nos vinhedos do Vinho Verde (Portugal)

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    In the Entre Douro e Minho area (North of Portugal), an agroclimatologic study is made in two soils of wine, few kilometres separated from each other, and from which the topographic caracteristics and the variety of vine are different. The objective is to determine the optimal topoclimatic conditions for the culture of the vine. A climatic study on fine scales is carried out in order to determine the local influence of the surface characteristics on the weather parameters. The temperature measurements and the agronomic analysis carried out between February and April 2003 showed a strong space-time variability of the spring frost risk between the two sites and inside even of the soils

    An innovative interactive mapping tool to present research results: example of a terroir study in the context of climate change

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    Over the past decade, Story Map applications have been developed throughout the world under the impetus of software developers in the fields of visualization (Google Earth, Neatline, TripLine) and geographic information systems (ESRI, Knight Lab). These Story Map web applications allow information to be presented, shared and distributed in the form of interactive maps combined with images, text and audiovisual content. Using these tools to transfer the results of research projects is an innovative approach that can be highly effective, with their ease of access and user-friendly interface encouraging users to explore the data. Such a tool has been used to supplement scientific papers reporting the results of a research project on terroir and climate change in the Bordeaux region. The link to access it is https://www.adviclim.eu/storymap
