85 research outputs found


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    Nadia Devina Arya Putri. PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA REALISTIK BERBASIS GAME UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR ANAK LAMBAT BELAJAR KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR INKLUSI SURAKARTA. Tesis. Pembimbing I: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akhyar, M.Pd., Pembimbing II: Dr. Siti Sutarmi Fadhilah, M.Pd., Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan kondisi hasil belajar matematika anak lambat belajar kelas IV sekolah dasar inklusi, (2) memperoleh prosedur pengembangan media pembelajaran matematika realistik berbasis game untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika anak lambat belajar kelas IV sekolah dasar inklusi, dan (3) menguji efektivitas pengembangan media pembelajaran matematika realistik berbasis game dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar anak lambat belajar kelas IV sekolah dasar inklusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Responden pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu responden uji coba awal sebanyak 6 orang validator, responden uji coba lapangan utama skala terbatas sebanyak 2 orang guru, dan subjek uji coba lapangan operasional sebanyak 12 anak lambat belajar kelas IV di sekolah inklusi SDN Bromantakan, SDN Pajang 1, SDN Kartodipuran, dan SDN Manahan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes. Uji coba lapangan operasional menggunakan desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) hasil belajar matematika anak lambat belajar masih rendah dan guru belum menggunakan media pembelajaran yang efektif, (2) kelayakan media pembelajaran matematika realistik berbasis game bagi anak lambat belajar di sekolah inklusi termasuk kategori sangat layak berdasarkan penilaian dari para validator, dan (3) media pembelajaran matematika realistik berbasis game efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika pada anak lambat belajar di sekolah inklusi. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari rata-rata nilai pretest dan posttest yang mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan, serta perolehan p-hitung sebesar 0,002 yang berarti lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan taraf signifikansi (0,05). Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran matematika realistik berbasis game efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar anak lambat belajar di sekolah inklusi. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran matematika realistik, hasil belajar anak lambat belajar, sekolah inklus


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    Stunting masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia dengan prevalensi yang cukup tinggi. Standar baku WHO-MGRS (Multicentre Growth Reference Study) tahun 2005 menunjukkan, nilai z-scorenya kurang dari -2SD dikatagorikan pendek, dan dikategorikan sangat pendek jika nilai z-scorenya kurang dari -3SD (Kemenkes RI, 2016). Faktor penyebab stunting dapat dikelompokan menjadi penyebab langsung dan tidak langsung. Praktik pemberian kolostrum dan ASI eksklusif, pola konsumsi anak, dan penyakit infeksi yang diderita anak menjadi faktor penyebab langsung yang mempengaruhi status gizi anak dan bisa berdampak pada stunting. Dari 20 responden, didapatkan bahwa variabel stunting anak di Desa Batun Baru terbagi menjadi 33,4% atau sebanyak 5 anak stunting dan 66,6% atau 15 anak tidak stunting. Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data balita, maka diperoleh riwayat pemberian ASI untuk balita normal yaitu balita yang diberi ASI eksklusif dengan jumlah 10 orang (60%) dan tidak eksklusif dengan jumlah 5 orang (40%). Sedangkan untuk balita stunting yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif berjumlah 2 orang (35%) dan tidak eksklusif 3 orang (65%)


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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of research abstracts and its rhetorical structure. While the number of studies in rhetorical moves of RA abstracts are growing, there is still little attention given to thesis and dissertation abstracts especially in relation to the link between genre knowledge and its rhetorical realization. The present study aims to identify the variations of rhetorical move manifestation in abstracts of master’s theses and dissertations written by local and international graduate lecturers and explore the relationship between the manifestations and the author’s genre knowledge development. This study employed a qualitative approach with Hyland’s (2000) five-move analysis model as the main framework of the study. The findings revealed that there were similarities in the rhetorical structure of abstracts by the local and international graduates. The study also found that educational level and supportive academic environment play an important role in author’s genre knowledge trajectories. The findings discovered in the study provide a clearer picture to help in the development of a universal guideline for abstract writing in final papers for higher education


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara harga diri dan kesadaran diri dengan presentasi diri pada pengguna media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan responden sejumlah 147 siswa SMA Kristen 1 Salatiga yang menggunakan media sosial. Alat ukur dalam penelitian ini yaitu skala harga diri dengan 24 aitem dan reliabilitas 0,879, skala kesadaran diri dengan 15 aitem dan reliabilitas 0,790 dan skala presentasi diri dengan 13 aitem dan reliabilitas 0,794. Uji hipotesis pertama menggunakan uji regresi berganda yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara harga diri dan kesadaran diri terhadap presentasi diri yang memperoleh hasil R= 0,515 dan Fhitung= 26,007 dengan signifikansi p= 0,000 (


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    Abstrak: Dalam pembelajaran secara daring di masa pandemi penentuan media pembelajaran yang tepat sangat menentukan keberhasilan hasil belajar siswa. Video tutorial memiliki sifat interaktif dalam membimbing siswa untuk memahami materi pembelajaran melalui visualisai yang telah dipersiapkan, sehingga sangat cocok diterapkan sebagai media pembelajaran bidang keahlian secara daring. Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1. untuk mengetahui kevalidan video tutorial pembuatan pola dasar rok anak secara digital dengan sistem grading dari pakar media dan materi, 2. pengaruh video tutorial terhadap hasil belajar siswa, 3. respon siswa terhadap video tutorial sebagai media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan model ADDIE. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode kuisioner dan tes. Responden sebanyak 28 responden. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menyatakan: 1. tingkat validitas video tutorial dikategorikan valid; 2. Tidak ada pengaruh penggunaan video tutorial terhadap hasil belajar siswa; 3. respon siswa terhadap video tutorial dapat dikategorikan baik (79,3%).   Kata Kunci:  Media pembelajaran, Video tutorial, Kevalidan, Keefektivan, Kepraktisan, paired sample t-test     Abstract: In online learning during a pandemic, determining the right learning media greatly determines the success of student learning outcomes. Video tutorials have an interactive nature in guiding students to understand learning media through the visualization that has been prepared, so they are very suitable to be applied as a medium for learning areas of expertise online. The purpose of this study: 1.was to determine the validity of media and theory experts, 2. the effectiveness of video tutorials as a learning media, 3. student responses of video tutorials for learning media. This study uses a type of development research with the ADDIE model. The data collection method used was a questionnaire method and a test. Respondents are 28. The data analysis method used was descriptive and paired sample t-test. The results of the analysis include: 1. the validity of the video tutorial data is categorized as valid; 2. The data on the effectiveness of learning media based on the output of SPSS shows that there is an effect of using video tutorials on student learning outcomes; 3. Student response data obtained an average percentage of 79.3% can be categorized as good

    Urban Form and Transportation Energy Consumption in Depok, Indonesia

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    By combining transportation energy use per capita for main, side, and weekend activities, this study explores the correlation between transportation energy consumption and urban form at a village scale. Conducted in Depok, a satellite city of the Jabodetabek metropolitan area, Indonesia, four different urban form variables were measured, including population density, land use mix, street connectivity, and public transportation range area. Four other socio-economic variables, i.e., private vehicle ownership, driving license ownership, job type, and monthly income, were also considered in the analysis. Data on individual energy consumption in the transportation sector was acquired through an online questionnaire. The results of correlation analysis and one-way analysis of variance highlighted three main findings related to transportation energy consumption. First, the population density and the street connectivity were found to be correlated with the amount of transportation energy consumed. Second, the middle urban form compactness level outweighed the high compactness level in terms of energy consumption per capita per week. Finally, differences in private vehicle ownership, driving license ownership, and job type resulted in different transportation energy usage

    Pengaruh Financial Technology dan Literasi Keuangan terhadap Perilaku Keuangan pada Generasi Z

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    In this ever-evolving digital era, FinTech has changed the way people manage their finances, while financial literacy plays an important role in shaping understanding and making wise financial decisions. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Financial Technology (FinTech) and financial literacy on financial behavior in generation Z. The research method is a literature review study with research journals for 2021-2022 with research relevant to the discussion. In searching journals with the help of the internet (google scholar) with the keywords Financial Technology, financial literacy, financial behavior and generation Z. The conclusion from this research is that the existence of Financial Technology can help people use financial services that are cheaper, easier to obtain, and easily accessible. The level of financial literacy can increase people\u27s ability in financial planning and help them avoid risky financial instruments as well as financial behavior can provide learning how to earn money, save money, spend it in transactions rather than consumption, and invest in it to make money productive in generation Z

    Green Accounting as a Part of University Social Responsibility: A Literature Review

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    Recently, the most challenging world problem currently faces is climate change like global warming, soil erosion, land degradation, and pollution .That problem primarily caused by human who indiscriminate use of natural resources. New environmental regulations needed over the problems. The opportunity exists for professional accountants to contribute to solving those issues through green accounting. This paper is primarily to understand the concept of green accounting and describing green accounting as a part of university social responsibility. Paper showed that green accounting is one of the accounting concepts which reffers to environmental element in the organizations. Implementation of green accounting is not only in the industry companies but also in the university as a form of university’s responsibility for society. University’s responsibility for society is called University Social Responsibility. This paper found that green accounting as a part of University Social Responsibility is one of green movement which tilting towards consensus on the pivotal concept of sustainable development. Green accounting identifies, measures, and allocates that are to be addressed in environmental management accounting systems of the university. Many environmental costs can be significantly eliminated as a result of green accounting. The fact that green accounting not fully implemented in university, this paper found that green accounting could help university to identify environmental cost and saving opportunities to develop greener movement


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    Research with the title Evaluation of Payroll System made in the office of Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) Provinsi Jawa Timurwith the problem of evaluation of the payroll system and constraints faced in the implementation of the payroll system evaluation. This study aims to determine the application of the payroll system and to get an overview as well as more information on payroll system undertaken by BPKP East Java. Data was collected by means of literature study and field research consisted of observations and interviews in BPKP East Java. The data collected was analyzed by the method of qualitative analysis. From the result of this research indicate that there are several procedures in the form of payroll system on BPKP representative in East Java province, among others: Update and Registration procedure expenditure servant salaries, procedures Making Payroll, procedures Making SPP, procedures Making SPM, SPM to the Treasury Office Filling procedures, and procedures publishing SP2D. Constraints in the evaluation ofthe payroll systemare the lack of employee in charge of personnel expenditure in the representative office BPKP of East Java and differences inthe data changes instaffinglist. Keywords: evaluation ofthe payroll system, salary expenditure


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    Lingkungan memegang peranan penting bagi kelangsungan hidup makhluk hidup. Namun saat ini lingkungan telah mengalami berbagai permasalahan seperti pencemaran. Beberapa masyarakat masih secara arif mengelola lingkungannya, salah satunya adalah masyarakat adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi yang arif dalam mengelola pertanian dan danaunya. Hal ini dapat menjadi salah satu solusi bagi permasalahan lingkungan, yaitu dengan menerapkan kearifan lokal tersebut ke dalam pembelajaran salah satunya melalui pembelajaran biologi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesadaran lingkungan pada generasi muda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan kearifan lokal masyarakat adat lekuk 50 tumbi sebagai bahan ajar biologi untuk meningkatkan literasi dan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian research and development dengan pendekatan ADDIE. Kearifan lokal masyarakat adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi diintegrasikan ke dalam bahan ajar biologi pada materi ekosistem dan diajarkan pada siswa kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Penuh yang kemudian dipilih satu kelas sebagai kelas sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan literasi dan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa, hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai N-gain literasi lingkungan pada komponen pengetahuan ekologi meningkat sebanyak 68,30 %, pada komponen keterampilan kognitif meningkat sebanyak 62,40 % dan pada sikap peduli lingkungan meningkat sebanyak 66,10 %. Semua variabel menunjukkan peningkatan pada kategori sedang sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar berbasis kearifan lokal masyarakat adat Lekuk 50 Tumbi dapat meningkatkan literasi dan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa.-- The environment plays a crucial role for the continuous life of beings. Thus, the environment nowadays has experienced various problems such as pollution. Some people still wisely manage the environment, one example of them is the indigenous people Lekuk 50 Tumbi who are wise in managing agriculture and lakes. This can be one solution for environmental problems, by applying local wisdom to the learning of one through biology learning so as to increase environmental awareness in the younger generation. This study aims to employthe local wisdom of indigenous people 50 tumbi as biology teaching materials to improve literacy and students' caring attitude. This research is done by research and development research method with ADDIE approach. Local wisdom of indigenous peoples Lekuk 50 Tumbi is integrated into biology teaching materials on ecosystem material in class X, Senior High School 1 Sungai Penuh, after that taken one class as a sample class. The findings of this research show that there is an increase of literacy and student's caring attitude, it can be seen from the value of N-gain of environmental literacy on ecology knowledge component that increased as much as 68,30%, the component of cognitive skill increases as much 62,40% and environmental care attitude that increase as much as 66.10%. All variables indicate improvement in the medium category. Thus, it can be concluded that the teaching materials based on local wisdom of indigenous Lekuk 50 Tumbi can increase the students' literacy and caring attitude
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