1,199 research outputs found

    Analysis of Spatio Temporal Change of Land Use of Chrysanthemum Farm in Semarang Regency Using Landsat Image 8 OLI

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    Agriculture is a business issue that has long existed and will likely continue to exist throughout the ages. Similarly, on the issue of agricultural land use chrysanthemum that needs to be developed method of analysis using technology approach and computer science. This research intends to analyze and develop effective and efficient methods of chrysanthemum land use. The satellite imagery data covering pre-processing, processing and post processing in this research is mostly done with QGIS software. Satelite image used in this research is LANDSAT 8 OLI and band used are band 6, bang 5, band 2 and band 8. Stages of working this research include image cutting in the research area of all bands and all temporal images involved in research, pansharpening using "Orfeo toolbox", image classification with "semi-automatic clasification", then completed with analysis of land use change using "molusce". The result of this research is spatio-temporal data of two images of  land use chrysanthemum in April 2017 and August 2017. The result of mathematical research is a statistical table of changes of agricultural land use on two temporal of image used as research object. In addition to the two results of the analysis data, this study also describes the digital image analysis method of agricultural land use chrysanthemum which is expected to be useful for remote sensing research on other research object or extension to this research


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    This study background of the desire of researchers to discover existence and the struggle of female characters to survive in the rigors of the world. The role of women is influential in life and education in literary works which are socio-cultural products.This research aim to describe and explainabout: (1) the existence of womencharachters,(2) the main ideas of  feminism contained in the Kubah di Atas Pasir novel by Zhaenal Fanani.  This research used qwalitative descriptive by feminism approach. The data that has been analyzed by interactive model of analysis techniques with three  steps of activity: (1) data reduction,  (2) presenting data, (3) conclusion and verrification.The results of research were as follows: (1) The existence of women contained in the Kubah di Atas Pasir novel included: the freedom to vote for women, injustice of gender for women, the buffetings of women in education, and the buffetings of women in surroundings. (2) The main ideas of feminism that are: women character’s independency, liberal feminism analysis in the novel


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    [EFFECT OF FLY ASH APPLICATION FROM POWER PLANT OF PT. GREAT GIANT PINEAPPLE ON SOIL BIOLOGYCAL ACTIVTY IN MARGINAL LAND]. Fly ash is a coal combustion waste containing nutrients that can be used to improve the soil fertility. The waste continues to increase but its handling is still limited because it is still classified as hazardous and toxic waste (B3). This study aims to determine the soil biological activity due to the application of fly ash and cow manure on marginal soils. The study was conducted using a completely randomized block design arranged factorial. The first factor is the dosage level of fly ash (F), namely 0 g/pot (0 ton/ha), 75 g/pot (50 ton/ha), 150 g/pot (100 ton/ha), and 225 g/pot (150 ton/ha) and the second factor is the dose of cow manure with three levels, namely 15 g/pot (10 ton/ha), 30 g/pot (20 ton/ha), and 45 g/pot (30 ton/ha). The observation parameters were (total population of fungi, bacteria, and soil respiration). The results showed that the addition of fly ash at various doses affected the soil biological activity by increasing the population of fungi, bacteria and soil respiration. The highest population of microorganisms was fungi, which was 17.8 x 107 Log CFU/g, bacteria 13.7 x 105 Log CFU/g, while the highest soil respiration was 54.53 mg CO2 at a dose of 100 ton/ha fly ash. In addition, the application of cow manure at a dose of 10, 20, 30 ton/ha  did not affect observed variables. [EFFECT OF FLY ASH APPLICATION FROM POWER PLANT OF PT. GREAT GIANT PINEAPPLE ON SOIL BIOLOGYCAL ACTIVTY IN MARGINAL LAND]. Fly ash is a coal combustion waste containing nutrients that can be used to improve the soil fertility. The waste continues to increase but its handling is still limited because it is still classified as hazardous and toxic waste (B3). This study aims to determine the soil biological activity due to the application of fly ash and cow manure on marginal soils. The study was conducted using a completely randomized block design arranged factorial. The first factor is the dosage level of fly ash (F), namely 0 g/pot (0 ton/ha), 75 g/pot (50 ton/ha), 150 g/pot (100 ton/ha), and 225 g/pot (150 ton/ha) and the second factor is the dose of cow manure with three levels, namely 15 g/pot (10 ton/ha), 30 g/pot (20 ton/ha), and 45 g/pot (30 ton/ha). The observation parameters were (total fungi, total bacteria, and soil respiration). The results showed that the addition of fly ash at various doses affected the soil biological activity by increasing the population of fungi, bacteria and soil respiration. The highest population of microorganisms was fungi, namely 17.8 x 107 Log CFU/g, bacteria 13.7 x 105 Log CFU/g, while the highest soil respiration was 54.53 mg CO2 at a dose of 100 ton/ha fly ash. In addition, the application of cow manure at a dose of 10, 20, 30 ton/ha is relatively the same in all observed variables

    Penilaian Risiko Kesehatan Berbasis Keamanan Pangan Akibat Paparan Logam Berat dalam Biji Kedelai pada Sistem Pertanian Berkelanjutan

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    Heavy metals rank high among the hazardous contaminants in the fresh produce of plant origin, originating from growing media and contaminated air environments. Plants absorb heavy metals depending on the availability of heavy metal ions in the soil and anthropogenic activities using agrochemicals. The entry of heavy metals into the human body through the tropic level can cause various chronic diseases; so regular monitoring of the presence of heavy metal contaminants in fresh products of plant origin is critical. Testing for heavy metal contaminants in plant tissues using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer – flame. The research results showed that the heavy metal contaminant Cd was not detected in the pre-cultivated agricultural land. In plant tissues, Pb in the pre-cultivated land was detected at 49,271 ± 0,423 mg kg–1, while Cu in the pre-cultivated land was 87,369 ± 0,867 mg kg–1, and in soybean seed tissue 12,571 ± 0,698 mg kg–1. Based on research results for Cu contaminants, show that a THQ value of 0.001 means that it does not have the potential to suffer chronic non-carcinogenic health consequences. This situation is reinforced by the THQ < RfD value means that stakeholders to be vigilant about reducing Cu contaminants on agricultural land, by consistently implementing good agricultural practices


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    Skripsi yang berjudul “pelaksanaan putusan permohonan cerai talak di Pengadilan Agama Blora” ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan putusan permohonan cerai talak di Pengadilan Agama Blora dan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tidak dilaksanakannya Putusan permohonan cerai talak di Pengadilan Agama Blora. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis empiris. Data yang dikumpulkan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara dan data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi pustaka. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pelaksanaan putusan permohonan cerai talak di Pengadilan Agama Blora adalah Hakim mewajibkan suami yang mengajukan memenuhi kewajibannya berdasarkan Pasal 149 KHI, yaitu mut’ah, nafkah iddah, pelunasan mahar bagi qobla al dukhul, dan biaya hadhonah bagi anak, baru bersifat “wajib” diberikan oleh mantan suami kepada mantan istri yang ditalaknya, setelah ikatan perkawinan suami-istri tersebut dinyatakan putus atau setelah suami mengucapkan ikrar talak di depan persidangan Pengadilan Agama. Terkait dengan mut’ah (hadiah) dan nafkah iddah yang belum dipenuhi atau diberikan oleh Pemohon, yang mana mut’ah dan nafkah iddah tersebut dinyatakan dan ditetapkan dalam amar putusan, maka Termohon dapat mengingatkan dan menegur Pemohon untuk melaksanakan putusan tersebut. Apabila tidak diindahkan, Termohon dapat meminta pelaksanaan eksekusi kepada Pengadilan Agama yang memutus perkara permohonan talak tersebut supaya hak-hak Termohon (termasuk mut’ah dan nafkah iddah) dipenuhi dan diberikan oleh Pemohon dalam kasus Putusan Nomor 1503/Pdt.G/2015/PA.Bla dan Putusan Nomor 1530/Pdt.G/2015/PA.Bla ternyata para suami/ Pemohon tidak memenuhi kewajibannya sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 149 KHI. Faktor yang menyebabkan tidak dilaksanakannya Putusan permohonan cerai talak di Pengadilan Agama Blora yaitu karena pemohon dalam ekonomi lemah sehingga tidak mampu membayar nafkah iddah dan mut’ah kepada mantan isteri di Pengadilan Agama Blora


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    Program StudiPendidikanSeniMusik, FBS, UNY. KuliahKerjaNyata (KKN) danPraktikPengalamanLapangan (PPL) dengansiswakelas VIII, SMP N 2 Yogyakarta sebagaisasarannyabertujuanuntukmelakukanpraktikmengajar, memberipengalamanmanajerialkepadamahasiswadanjugamahasiswadapatbelajarmengenaiseluk-beluksekolahdengansegalakompleksitaspermasalahannyasertamemberikesempatanuntukmenerapkanilmupengetahuan yang telahdipelajariuntukkemudiandikembangkan di sekolahsesuaidengan Tri Dharma PerguruanTinggi yang ketigayaitupegabdiankepadamasyarakatdenganmenstransfer, mentranformasikandanmengaplikasikanilmupengetahuankedalammasyarakatsekolahsebelumnantinyabenar-benarmenjadibagiandarimasyarakatsekolah. PenulismelaksanakanKuliahKerjaNyatadanPraktikPengalamanLapangan di SMP N 2 Yogyakartaterhitungsejakbulan April s.d. 17 September 2013. PelaksanaanKuliahKerjaNyata yang dilaksanakanolehpenyusunpelaksanaannyasebagianbersamaandenganPraktikPengalamanLapangan (PPL), merupakankegiatanterpadudimana program kegiatannyasalingterintegrasiantarasatudengan yang lainnyauntukmengembangkankompetensimahasiswasebagaicalonpendidik. Kegiatan KKN PPL yang akandiaksanakan di SMP N 2 Yogyakarta inilebihditekankanpadakegiatan yang bermanfaatbagiiklimkehidupansekolah. Secaragarisbesarbidangkegiatan yang akandilaksanakanmeliputi 2 kegiatan, yaitu : 1. Kegiatan KKN Kegiataniniadalahwujudpengabdianmahasiswakepadamasyarakatpendidikan yang dilaksanakan di SMP N 2 Yogyakarta.Kegiatan KKN initerbagimenjadi 2 bagian, yaitukegiatan KKN kelompokdankegiatan KKN individu. Yang masing-masingkegiatanterdiriatasduagarisbesarbidangkegiatan, yaitu : a. BidangFisik Bidangfisikdirencanakandalamrangkakegiatanpengadaan, pemeliharaandanpengoptimalansaranadanprasarana yang dimilikisekolah. b. Bidang Non Fisik Bidang non fisikdirencanakanuntukmenggalipotensisertameningkatkankreatifitas, kemampuan, wawasan, danpengetahuanmasyarakat SMP N 2 YogyakartadalamrangkapeningkatankualitasSumberDayaMasyarakat SMP N 2 Yogyakarta. 2. Kegiatan PPL Kegiataniniadalahkegiatanlangsungmahasiswadalamberprosswmenjadi guru denganterjunlangsungdalamkegiatan proses belajarmengajar. Secaraumumkegiatan KKN PPL berjalanlancar, halinididukungkoordinasi yang baikantaramahasiswa, DPL maupunsekolah

    Low-Cost Synthesis of Zsm-5 Zeolite Using Organic Silica from Rice Husk Agro Waste

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    Rice husk is an agricultural waste that has the potential source of silica in low-cost zeolite synthesis. The objectives of this study were 1) silica extraction of rice husks as synthetic zeolite raw materials, 2) synthesis and characterized ZSM-5 zeolite from rice husks silica. Silica extraction was carried out by soaking rice husks using a heated 15% NaOH solution. Furthermore, 10% HNO3 solution was added to pH 7 for 12 hours. The filtrate dried in an oven for 12 hours at 100oC. Analysis of silica composition using XRF, crystallinity using XRD, and SEM for morphology. The results showed that rice husks were successfully extracted with an alkali addition and used as a source of silica in the synthesized of ZSM-5 zeolite. The zeolite synthesis was carried out with a low temperature of 90oC and a structural directing agent decrease. Zeolite ZSM-5 showed that the level of crystallinity and morphology by the standard ZSM-5 zeolite. Decreasing of the structural directing agent was found at the SDA/Si ratio of 0.045

    Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Praktik Bidan Dalam Melaksanakan Peran Sebagai Pendidik Pada Perawatan Kehamilan Di Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2010

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    Factors that related to the Midwifery Practice in carrying the Rules as an educator at Antenatal Care of Magelang District in 2010. Health education that is given by midwive in antenatal care was hoped can improve the knowledge, grow the attitude and positif behaviour from pregnant women to care her pregnancy and health. This research intents to analize the factors that related to the midwifery practice in carrying the rule as an educator at antenatal care.This research is an explanatory research by using design cross sectional study with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The cuantitative research sample is 57 midwives, 5 pregnant women, 1 worker from health institution and IBI organization of Magelang district for checking the data. The research results prove that most of the respondences (68,4 %) do the practice well. Factors that related to the midwifery practice in carrying the rules as an educator at antenatal care, are midwive attitude, period in midwive's work and midwive community behaviour. And the most dominant factor that influence to midwivery practice in carrying the rule as an educator at antenatal care is midwive community behaviour


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    This research to analyze the risk of red chili production in Margototo Village Metro Kibang District East Lampung Regency. This research was conducted in Margototo Village Metro Kibang District  East Lampung Regency. Methods Sampling was conducted using a simple random sampling method. With a sample of 37 farmers who participate in farmer groups that cultivate red chili. This research was conducted from December 2020 to January 2021. Coefficient of Variation (CV) analysis were used t answer. The results showed that the production risk of red chili farming in Maragoto Village Metro Kibang District East Lampung Regency had a low risk with a coefficient of variation for production risk of 0.31.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko produksi cabai merah di Desa Margototo Kecamatan Metro Kibang Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Penelitian dilakukan di di Desa Margototo Kecamatan Metro Kibang Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Metode Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode acak sederhana (simpel random sampling). Dengan pemilihan sampel sebanyak 37 petani yang ikut dalam kelompok  tani yang membudidayakan cabai merah. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2020 hingga Januari 2021. Untuk menjawab tujuan tersebut dianalisis dengan dengan menggunakan koefisien variasi (CV). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa risiko produksi pada usahatani cabai merah di Desa Maragoto Kecamatan Metro Kibang Kabupaten Lampung Timur memiliki risiko yang rendah dengan nilai koefisien variasi untuk risiko produksi sebesar  0,31. Kata kunci : cabai, produksi, risiko


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    Abstrak Penggunaan bahasa dipengaruhi oleh gender. Terdapat perbedaan antara bahasa yang biasa digunakan oleh laki-laki dan perempuan. Pandangan ini memunculkan beberapa teori dari para peneliti bahwa terdapat ciri tertentu pada bahasa yang digunakan oleh laki-laki maupun perempuan. Karya sastra dalam bentuk novel menyajikan bagaimana seharusnya ujaran laki-laki dan perempuan digambarkan. Dalam kasus ini, tujuan dari penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat persamaan atau perbedaan antara keragaman fitur bahasa pada laki – laki atau perempuan pada kehidupan nyata dan cerita fiksi. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, mengingat tidak adanya analisis data berupa perhitungan atau sesuatu yang melibatkan angka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di dalam novel tersebut, ditemukan beberapa fitur bahasa laki – laki dan perempuan yang memang diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan nyata. Kata Kunci:  Gender, Fitur Bahasa, Novel   Abstract Language usage is influenced by gender. It is found that there are kind of diversities of language usage among men and women. This assumption emerges some theories saying that there are kind of particular characters of men and women language.  Fiction in a form of novel serves how men and women utterances should be described. In this case, the purpose of the research is that to know whether there are kind of similarities or even diversities among men and women language applied in a reality life and also described in a fiction. Qualitative method is used within this research, this is due to the fact that there is no kind of numerical data within the analysis. Result of study shows that there kind of similarities toward features of men and women language applied either in reality life or in a fiction. Keywords: Gender, Language Features, Nove
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