113 research outputs found

    Constitucionalidad del impuesto territorial en el ordenamiento juridico chileno

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    69 p.En esta memoria se realiza un estudio descriptivo explicativo, del tratamiento Legal y Constitucional otorgado en Chile al Impuesto Territorial, tributo, que grava la propiedad de los bienes raíces y cuya destinación esta reservada exclusivamente a fondos Municipales. Dicho estudio comprende un análisis de las principales reformas introducidas por la “Ley de Rentas II” a la Ley Nº 17.235, fuente legal reguladora del Impuesto Territorial, cuyas modificaciones plantean un cúmulo de dudas acerca de la ilegalidad e inconstitucionalidad de este tributo, hipótesis que se confirma tras examinar dichos textos legales a la luz de los Principios esenciales amparados por la Carta Fundamental en materia tributaria. El método deductivo aplicado en esta investigación dogmática formalista, se complementa adecuadamente con el carácter sistemático y exegético adoptado, lo que nos permitió en definitiva llegar a tales conclusiones

    Measuring Forgiveness: Psychometric Properties of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale in the Spanish Population.

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    Given the scarcity of instruments in Spanish to measure forgiveness, two studies were conducted in this population to obtain validity evidence of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS), an instrument that measures dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations. In the first study, 203 students (65% women) participated. After ensuring the linguistic adequacy and clarity of the wording of the items, a lack of congruence was found between the factors obtained in the exploratory factor analysis and the original theoretical structure of the HFS. A sample of 512 participants (63.9% women) attended the second study. This study aimed to analyze the construct validity of the HFS using confirmatory factor analysis through structural equation modelling and to explore convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity. Of the different factorial configurations tested (including the original), only a scale reduction to eight items, grouped into three factors, showed an appropriate fit. The HFS eight-item version also showed acceptable internal consistency, adequate convergent and discriminant validity, and criterion validity with respect to related variables. These findings suggest that the eight-item version of the HFS may be a valid and reliable tool for assessing forgiveness for self, others, and situations in Spanish adults.post-print927 K

    Autorreflexión en la trayectoria docente: propuesta para su desarrollo desde el modelo SIC

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    The article develops the fundamental principles on which the SIC (Sense - Intervention - Closure) self-reflection model is based. This model is based mainly on the theoretical contributions of Zimmerman. This model offers guiding questions related to the three self- reflextion phases in teaching practice as a profession. Based on this qualitative model, the need arises for a more operational tool that allows measuring self-reflection from the teachers' point of view, taking into account several dimensions that involve practical knowledge and construction of pedagogical knowledge in the teaching process. This instrument has been prepared based on the experience of the authors and the bibliographic review, which has been validated in various formative instances.El artículo aborda los principios fundamentales sobre los que se basa el modelo de autorreflexión SIC (Sentido – Intervención – Cierre). Dicho modelo se sustenta en los aportes teóricos de Zimmerman, fundamentalmente. Este modelo ofrece preguntas orientadoras a partir de tres fases de trabajo para el proceso de autorreflexión en la práctica docente como profesión. A partir de este modelo de carácter cualitativo, se plantea la necesidad de contar con una herramienta más operativa que permita medir desde el punto de vista de los docentes, la autorreflexión teniendo en cuenta varias dimensiones que involucran el saber práctico y la construcción del saber pedagógico en el proceso docente. Dicho instrumento ha sido confeccionado a partir de la experiencia de las autoras y la revisión bibliográfica, el que se ha validado en diversas instancias formativas

    Modelo de contratación entre la sociedad de oftalmología y cirugía plástica de Cúcuta SA y las empresas promotoras de salud para mejorar su liquidez

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    El propósito del presente trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento de la cartera durante los periodos 2013 al 2017, para esto, se partió de un comparativo, entre los modelos de contratación vigentes durante estos periodos, establecidos por la regulación Colombiana hacia el sector salud. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis financiero de los principales indicadores de liquidez asociados con la cartera, para determinar el comportamiento de la misma y finalmente se determinó cuál era el modelo de contratación óptimo para mejorar los niveles de liquidez de la sociedad de oftalmología y cirugía plástica de Cúcuta S.A.The purpose of this paper was to analyze the behavior of the economy during the periods 2013 to 2017, for this a comparison was made between the current contracting models during these periods, established by the Colombian regulation toward the health sector, subsequently, a financial analysis of the main liquidity indicators associated with the economy was carried out to determine the performance of the same and finally, the optimal contracting model was determined to improve the liquidity levels of the Society of Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery of Cucuta

    La imagen pública: estudio de caso en Camagüey (Cuba)

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    This research applies the perceptions, opinions, attitudes and social mediations subcategories to measure public image and describes the particular case of the results of the public image of the inhabitants of the People's Council in district 144 “La Belén” about recreation in their community and the Social Worker Circle "Pedro Soto Alba". A mixed methodological combination (qualitative and quantitative) as well as different research techniques (questionnaires, interviews, observation and document analysis) were used. The results show that people do not have a public image about recreation and see the Social Worker Circle "Pedro Soto Alba" as a fun space.Esta investigación aplica las subcategorías percepción, opiniones, actitudes y mediaciones sociales para medir la imagen pública y describe el caso particular de los resultados de la imagen pública que tienen los habitantes de la circunscripción 144 del Consejo Popular La Belén acerca de la recreación en su comunidad, y del Círculo Social Obrero “Pedro Soto Alba”. Se utiliza una combinación metodológica mixta (cualitativa y cuantitativa), así como técnicas de investigación (cuestionarios, entrevistas, observación y análisis de documentos).Los resultados muestran que los habitantes no tienen una imagen pública acerca de la recreación y ven al Círculo Social Obrero “Pedro Soto Alba” como un espacio de diversión

    Labor periodística del camagüeyano Luis Suardíaz Rivero en medios impresos durante el periodo 1959-2005

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    This review article analyzes the history of a famous journalist in Camagüey, with respect to his critical, journalistic, and literary action. In spite of his valuable professional trajectory in the press, there is still not enough bibliography to frame his performance in this area, and the academic studies found reflect only his work as a poet. In order to solve this problem, we set as the main objective the characterization of the aspects related to the literary critic of Luis Suardíaz in the period previously mentioned. This is not only a qualitative research with a descriptive design, but also a historical and communicative study. The main method used was biographical, but we also made reference to theoretical methods such as: the historical-logical analysis, the analysis-synthesis model, and the induction-deduction approach. In addition, we used in-depth interview, participant observation, content and quantitative level analysis, as well as documentary research techniques. The result was the presentation of ‘notes regarding the life of Luis Suardíaz Rivero’ and an analysis of his work as a literary critic by following new analysis categories.El presente artículo de revisión tiene como propósito el análisis de la historia de un periodista insigne de Camagüey, sobre todo en su accionar crítico literario periodístico. A pesar de su valiosa trayectoria como profesional de la prensa, aún se constata un déficit bibliográfico que enmarque su desempeño en ese sentido y los estudios académicos solo reflejan su labor como poeta. En busca de solucionar este problema, se plantea como objetivo general la caracterización de los aspectos de la crítica literaria periodística de Luis Suardíaz en la etapa antes mencionada. Se trata de una investigación de perspectiva cualitativa, con un diseño transeccional y descriptivo. Además, se inserta como un estudio de corte histórico, comunicológico. Como método principal se emplea el biográfico, también se refieren los métodos teóricos análisis histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción, así como las técnicas entrevista en profundidad, observación participante, análisis de contenido y, del nivel cuantitativo, la investigación documental. Expresa como resultado la presentación de “apuntes de la historia de vida de Luis Suardíaz Rivero” y un análisis de su obra como crítico literario siguiendo novedosas categorías de análisi

    Target-independent high-throughput sequencing methods provide evidence that already known human viral pathogens play a main role in respiratory infections with unexplained etiology

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    Despite the advanced PCR-based assays available, a fraction of the pediatric respiratory infections remain unexplained every epidemic season, and there is a perception that novel viruses might be present in these specimens. We systematically collected samples from a prospective cohort of pediatric patients with respiratory infections, that returned negative results by validated molecular RT-PCR assays, and studied them with a target-independent, high-throughput sequencing-based approach. We also included a matched cohort of children with no symptoms of respiratory infection, as a contrast study population. More than fifty percent of the specimens from the group of patients with unexplained respiratory infections were resolved. However, the higher rate of detection was not due to the presence of novel viruses, but to the identification of well-known viral respiratory pathogens. Our results show that already known viral pathogens are responsible for the majority of cases that remain unexplained after the epidemic season. High-throughput sequencing approaches that use pathogen-specific probes are easier to standardize because they ensure reproducible library enrichment and sequencing. In consequence, these techniques might be desirable from a regulatory standpoint for diagnostic laboratories seeking to benefit from the many advantages of these sequencing technologies.This work was supported by The Joint Science and Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JSTO-CBD) of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under plan #CB10246. This study has been partially supported by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) – Spanish Health Research Fund Grant PI12/01291, and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Grant PI15CIII/00028.S

    Epidemiología de las infecciones por parásitos intestinales en el Cantón Nabón, Ecuador

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    El parasitismo intestinal es considerado como un problema médico social en una sociedad. La Organización Mundial de la Salud la asocia al entorno en el que habita un individuo acompañado de una mala higiene, consumo de alimentos crudos, falta de provisión de agua potable, contaminación fecal, bajo nivel de instrucción, hacinamiento y el inadecuado tratamiento y excreción de los residuos que generalmente involucra la parte gubernamental. La presente investigación se planteó como objetivo determinar la epidemiologia de la parasitosis intestinal en la población del cantón Nabón, Ecuador. La población estuvo constituida por 15.892 personas. A partir de una muestra de 382 habitantes, se evaluaron las siguientes variables:  sexo, edad, residencia, etnia, exámenes coproparasitarios, aplicando la técnica de Ritchie, para diagnosticar la presencia de parasitosis intestinal e identificar el tipo de Parasito. Se identificó que existe una prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal de 56,03%, el tipo de parasito intestinal que predomino fueron los protozoarios no se reportaron helmintos, la infección por Entamoeba hystolitica fue la más frecuente con un 48,01%, de las variables sociodemográficas predomino sexo femenino, edad adulta, etnia mestiza y residencia rural. Se concluye que la infección por parásitos intestinales es un problema que afecta a la mas de la mitad de la población estudiada presumiendo como mecanismo de trasmisión factores condiciones relacionados a la contaminación fecal.Intestinal parasitism is considered as a social medical issue in a community. World Health Organization relates it to the environment in which an individual inhabitates followed by a bad hygiene, consumption of raw food, lack of drinking water supply, fecal contamination, low education level, overcrowding and improper handling and excretion of residuals which commonly involves the government. The present research aimed to determine the epidemiology of intestinal parasitosis in the population of the Nabón canton, Ecuador. The universe consisted of 15,892 people. From a sample of 382 inhabitants, the following variables were evaluated: sex, age, residence, ethnicity, coproparasitic examinations, applying the Ritchie technique, to diagnose the presence of intestinal parasitosis and identify the type of Parasite. It was identified that there is a prevalence of Intestinal parasitism 56.03%, the predominant type of intestinal parasite was protozoa, no helminths were reported, Entamoeba hystolitica infection was the most frequent with 48.01%, of sociodemographical variables, female genre, adult age, half-blood ethnic and rural residence ruled. Is concluded that the infection by intestinal parasites is a problem that affects half of the population studied, presuming factors related to fecal contamination as the transmission mechanism


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509818411For being part of innumerable compounds and being directly related with the photosynthetic capacity of plants, Nitrogen (N) can significantly influence the production and rooting of cuttings. On the basis of this context, the work aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing doses of N in the productivity, capacity and speed of rooting mini-cuttings produced from mini-stumps of hybrid clones of Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla (I-224), beyond the quality of the formed changes. The present work was carried through in nursery seedlings of Eucalyptus, in a mini-garden of sand stream bed of FAEF, in Garça, São Paulo state. The used experimental delineation was complete randomized design with 4 replications, being the treatments consisted of 5 different doses of Nitrogen in nutritional solution (0; 80; 160; 240 and 320 mg L-1). The variables analyzed were: number of cuttings produced, the productivity index, rooting of cuttings produced and determination of the dry mass of seedlings. The dose of nitrogen applied in the mini-garden influenced the production of stakes, with a quadratic, reaching maximum production (13,1 stakes strain-1 month-1) with the estimated dose of 129 mg L-1.The percentage of rooting presented increasing linear behavior. The dose that provided the biggest index of productivity of the mini-garden was of 194 mg L-1. The dose of nitrogen applied in the mini-garden influenced the rooting significantly, I accumulate and it of dry substance of the formed changes.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509818411Por fazer parte de inúmeros compostos e estar diretamente relacionado com a capacidade fotossintética das plantas, o nitrogênio (N) pode influenciar significativamente na produção e enraizamento de estacas. Com base nesse contexto, o trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses crescentes de N na produtividade, capacidade e velocidade de enraizamento das miniestacas produzidas de minicepas do clone híbrido de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla (I-224), além da qualidade das mudas formadas. O presente trabalho foi realizado no viveiro de mudas clonais de Eucalyptus, em minijardim de leito de areia da FAEF – Garça – SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com 4 repetições, sendo os tratamentos constituídos por 5 doses de nitrogênio diferentes na solução nutritiva (0; 80; 160; 240 e 320 mgL-1). As variáveis analisadas foram: número de estacas produzidas, índice de produtividade, enraizamento das estacas produzidas e determinação da massa seca das mudas. A dose de nitrogênio aplicada no minijardim influenciou na produção de estacas, apresentando comportamento quadrático, atingindo a produção máxima (13,1 estacas cepa-1 mês-1) com a dose estimada de 129 mg L-1. O percentual de enraizamento apresentou comportamento linear crescente. A dose que proporcionou o maior índice de produtividade do minijardim foi de 194 mg L-1. A dose de nitrogênio aplicada no minijardim influenciou significativamente na velocidade de enraizamento, e o acúmulo de matéria seca das mudas formadas


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    Por fazer parte de in\ufameros compostos e estar diretamente relacionado com a capacidade fotossint\ue9tica das plantas, o nitrog\ueanio (N) pode influenciar significativamente na produ\ue7\ue3o e enraizamento de estacas. Com base nesse contexto, o trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses crescentes de N na produtividade, capacidade e velocidade de enraizamento das miniestacas produzidas de minicepas do clone h\uedbrido de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla (I-224), al\ue9m da qualidade das mudas formadas. O presente trabalho foi realizado no viveiro de mudas clonais de Eucalyptus , em minijardim de leito de areia da FAEF \u2013 Gar\ue7a \u2013 SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com 4 repeti\ue7\uf5es, sendo os tratamentos constitu\ueddos por 5 doses de nitrog\ueanio diferentes na solu\ue7\ue3o nutritiva (0; 80; 160; 240 e 320 mgL-1). As vari\ue1veis analisadas foram: n\ufamero de estacas produzidas, \uedndice de produtividade, enraizamento das estacas produzidas e determina\ue7\ue3o da massa seca das mudas. A dose de nitrog\ueanio aplicada no minijardim influenciou a produ\ue7\ue3o de estacas, apresentando comportamento quadr\ue1tico, atingindo a produ\ue7\ue3o m\ue1xima (13,1 estacas cepa-1 m\ueas-1) com a dose estimada de 129 mg L-1. O percentual de enraizamento apresentou comportamento linear crescente. A dose que proporcionou o maior \uedndice de produtividade do minijardim foi de 194 mg L-1. A dose de nitrog\ueanio aplicada no minijardim influenciou significativamente na velocidade de enraizamento, e o ac\ufamulo de mat\ue9ria seca das mudas formadas.For being part of innumerable compounds and being directly related with the photosynthetic capacity of plants, Nitrogen (N) can significantly influence the production and rooting of cuttings. On the basis of this context, the work aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing doses of N in the productivity, capacity and speed of rooting mini-cuttings produced from mini-stumps of hybrid clones of Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla (I-224), beyond the quality of the formed changes. The present work was carried through in nursery seedlings of Eucalyptus , in a mini-garden of sand stream bed of FAEF, in Gar\ue7a, S\ue3o Paulo state. The used experimental delineation was complete randomized design with 4 replications, being the treatments consisted of 5 different doses of Nitrogen in nutritional solution (0; 80; 160; 240 and 320 mg L-1). The variables analyzed were: number of cuttings produced, the productivity index, rooting of cuttings produced and determination of the dry mass of seedlings. The dose of nitrogen applied in the minigarden influenced the production of stakes, with a quadratic, reaching maximum production (13,1 stakes strain-1 month-1) with the estimated dose of 129 mg L-1.The percentage of rooting presented increasing linear behavior. The dose that provided the biggest index of productivity of the mini-garden was of 194 mg L-1. The dose of nitrogen applied in the mini-garden influenced the rooting significantly and the dry mass of formed seedlings