10 research outputs found


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    Kemampuan siswa Indonesia dalam Literasi Sains dikategorikan pada "result of PISA 2015" masih sangat rendah. Kemampuan literasi sains merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang penting untuk diasah dan terus ditingkatkan. Kemampuan literasi sains adalah dasar dalam mencapai peningkatan kognitif siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat literasi sains siswa dalam 4 kategori, yakni: Literasi Nominal, Literasi Fungsional, Literasi Konseptual/Prosedural, dan Literasi Multidimensional. Siswa SMP Negeri 7 Jember yang diuji berasal dari beberapa tingkat dengan total 40 siswa. Tes bersifat CBT dengan menggunakan bantuan media aplikasi game turnament "Kahoot!". Hasil uji kemampuan literasi sains menunjukkan bahwa hanya 85% siswa telah baik dalam literasi nominal. Selanjutnya sebanyak 70% siswa cukup mampu dalam literasi fungsional. Siswa pada ranah literasi konseptual dan multidimensional dengan kriteria kurang berturut-turut memiliki persentase sebesar 53% dan 40%


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    This article aims to develop Android-based digital learning resources using smart apps creators for science subjects for class VIII. The type of development model used in this development research is the Lee Owens model with the following stages; (1) analysis consisting of needs assessment and front end analysis (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. The resulting product development shows that 25% consider it very easy to use, 47% easy, and 19.6% quite easy. While the percentage which shows that 51% of students are very enthusiastic in learning to use this product. Then as much as 23.5% assess the number of students' interest in using android applications for learning is at a sufficient level. Meanwhile, 17.6% of students' interest in using android applications for learning is at a sufficient level.This article aims to develop Android-based digital learning resources using smart apps creators for science subjects for class VIII. The type of development model used in this development research is the Lee Owens model with the following stages; (1) analysis consisting of needs assessment and front end analysis (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. The resulting product development shows that 25% consider it very easy to use, 47% easy, and 19.6% quite easy.While the percentage which shows that 51% of students are very enthusiastic in learning to use this product. Then as much as 23.5% assess the number of students' interest in using android applications for learning is at a sufficient level. Meanwhile, 17.6% of students' interest in using android applications for learning is at a sufficient level

    Four Tier Diagnostic Tes Instrument To Identify Misconceptions For Grade Ix Junior High School Students In Jember Regency

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    Misconception is an event where there is a fallacy of the concept received by students after following a learning process, this accepted concept is not in accordance with existing scientific studies. One of the most common materials is material related to human heredity material class IX junior high school. The development of a Four-Tier Diagnostic Test instrument is one of the efforts in identifying the misconception of the material.  This study aims to find out the validity level of the Four-Tier Diagnostic Test instrument as a good measuring tool in identifying the misconception of class IX junior high school human heredity material located in Jember Regency. This study involved 29 learners from Muhammadiyah Junior High School 4 Tanggul for instrument validity test. This type of research is descriptively quantitative using purposive sampling methods. Based on the analysis of expert validity tests obtained validity rate of 84.16% (very valid), instrument validity test value of 92.30% valid questions and 7.69% of invalid questions, reliability test value obtained 12 questions have reliability value of 0.785, difficulty tests obtained results of 75% of moderate problems, 8.30% of easy problems, and 16.60% of difficult problems, and different power tests obtained results of 33.33% of sufficient questions,  41.66% about good, 16.66% about good, and 8.33% bad

    Chat Gpt : Improving Biology Learning Outcomes Problem-Based Learning Assisted Artificial Intelligence

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    Learning outcomes are an assessment of success in education, where success is achieved when learning objectives are met. To measure this achievement, learning outcome tests are used by providing numerical assessments. This research study aims to identify the improvement of students' cognitive learning outcomes through the implementation of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model assisted by Artificial Intelligence (AI): ChatGpt. Cognitive learning outcomes hold significant value as they are used as indicators to evaluate the achievement of learning objectives and provide benefits for students in developing their thinking abilities to tackle various problems. The research adopts a quantitative descriptive approach, with the research subjects being students of X - 5 class at SMAN X Purwosari. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted during the period of March to May 2023, consisting of two cycles. The CAR stages include planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research results demonstrate a significant improvement in students' cognitive learning outcomes, with an increase of 25% in cycle 1 and 77% in cycle 2.ABSTRAK: Hasil pembelajaran adalah penilaian keberhasilan dalam pendidikan, di mana keberhasilan dicapai ketika tujuan pembelajaran terpenuhi. Untuk mengukur pencapaian ini, ujian hasil pembelajaran digunakan dengan memberikan penilaian numerik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif siswa melalui implementasi model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM) yang dibantu oleh Kecerdasan Buatan (AI): ChatGpt. Hasil belajar kognitif memiliki nilai yang signifikan karena digunakan sebagai indikator untuk mengevaluasi pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dan memberikan manfaat bagi siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir mereka untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah. Penelitian ini mengadopsi pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X - 5 di SMAN X Purwosari. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dilakukan selama periode Maret hingga Mei 2023, yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Tahapan PTK meliputi perencanaan, implementasi, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam hasil belajar kognitif siswa, dengan peningkatan sebesar 25% pada siklus 1 dan 77% pada siklus 2

    Improving kindergarten students' reading ability using fantasy shadow puppet

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    This Classroom Action Research aims to improve students’ low reading skills. Improving reading skills will promote brain development and imagination, develop language and emotions, and strengthen relationships. Through Fantasy Shadow Puppet, students will be more interested and motivated to learn to read. To obtain the desired research results, a quantitative approach with two cycles was used. Each of the cycles covered four competencies, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data was obtained by observing 20 students of Group B at TKM NU 262 AL KAMAL SIDOARJO using observation sheets. The results of the study showed a very significant increase in the students' reading ability up to 37.63% after learning using Fantasy Shadow Puppets. With Fantasy Shadow Puppets students can ask questions, guess which, then find answers (language development reactions) to the storylines they hear, the span of attention to stories becomes longer because students concentrate on stories, and are able to organize their own abilities because children learn from amazing experiences so that they will build confidence in what is conveyed

    Integrated Paired Literacy Model Problem-Based Learning to Improve Biology Learning Outcomes

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    The application of PBL learning can improve students' literacy skills because the learning activities require students to actively engage in literacy to find solutions to a given problem. Literacy skills are very important for students to have in learning biology; through these skills, students can improve their learning outcomes. Health literacy skills to support student learning outcomes are supported by the application of paired literacy techniques. Through the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method with a cyclical research model over 5 weeks, it is expected to be able to improve the learning outcomes of class XI Science. Data collection was carried out by testing techniques with quantitative data types. Therefore, it can be concluded that paired literacy activities in the PBL model can improve biology learning outcomes in the reproductive system material of class XI Science  students with a classical completion percentage of 61.11%

    Student Learning Outcome through STEAM Ecobrick Project

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    The world of education is expected to produce students according to the Graduate Competency Standards. To achieve this, it is necessary to apply STEAM-based learning with the Project Based Learning model so that it can improve student learning outcomes related to material environmental pollution in KD 3.8. The main problem is related to non-biodegradable plastic waste, a solution is needed, namely the Ecobrick method in managing plastic waste. This study aims to determine students' cognitive learning outcomes by applying the STEAM Ecobrick Project to cognitive learning outcomes at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Jember and SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Wuluhan. The method used in this research is quantitative with a comparative type. The sources of data or respondents in the study were seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Jember and SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Jember. The data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The research data were analyzed using SPSS with decision making criteria based on the significance value indicated by the Mann Whitney test output.  The results of the Mann Whitney test value of 0.77, meaning that there is no difference in cognitive learning outcomes by applying STEAM Ecobrick Project-based learning to students at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Jember with students at SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Wuluhan. The average value of cognitive learning outcomes for students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Jember is 82.88 and students of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Wuluhan are 79.81, the difference between the two is 3.07. By implementing STEAM Ecobrick Project-based learning it can improve students' cognitive learning outcomes


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    Kacang-kacangan merupakan tanaman yang pada bagian buahnya berupa polong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis kacang-kacangan yang ada di Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara terstruktur terhadap petani dan penjual kacang di pasar-pasar Jember. Lokasi pengambilan sampel di lima pasar yang termasuk pasar sentral dan pasar kelas 1, pemilihan pasar ini disebabkan pasar yang luas dan lengkap. Lima pasar diantaranya pasar Tanjung (Kecamatan Kaliwates), pasar Ambulu (Kecamatan Ambulu), pasar Sempolan (Kecamatan Silo), pasar Sukowono (Kecamatan Sukowono), dan pasar Tanggul (Kecamatan Tanggul). Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan 16 jenis kacang-kacangan yang ditemukan di Kabupaten Jember tetapi hanya 14 jenis kacang-kacangan saja yang dibudidayakan di Kabupaten Jember. Kata Kunci: Keanekaragaman, Kacang-Kacangan, Kabupaten Jember

    PKM Pelatihan Penyusunan Media Pembelajaran Android Interaktif bagi Guru MGMP IPA Wilayah Jember Selatan

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    Pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang berlangsung telah mendorong penggunaan blended learning sebagai sistem pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, guru diharapkan dapat menyusun media pembelajaran yang efektif, efisien, dan menarik khususnya para guru bidang studi IPA di wilayah Jember selatan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan dan pelatihan penyusunan media pembelajaran berbasis android dan mengetahui penelian guru tentang pemanfaatan aplikasi tersebut. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah para guru dapat memahami cara kerja Smart Apps Creator 3 dan membuat produk media pembelajaran berbasis android dalam satu kelompok mengajar. Respon peserta terhadap aplikasi Smart Apps Creator 3 menunjukkan bahwa 88% dari peserta guru setuju bahwa topik pelatihan yang diberikan relevan, 72,5% menyatakan bahwa mudah membuat media pembelajaran menggunakan Smart Apps Creator 3, 88,5% setuju bahwa produk yang dihasilkan dapat mempermudah penyampaian materi kepada siswa, dan 68,6% dari peserta menilai siswa akan memiliki minat yang besar pada media pembelajaran berbasis android.Pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang berlangsung telah mendorong penggunaan blended learning sebagai sistem pembelajaran.Oleh karena itu, guru diharapkan dapat menyusun media pembelajaran yang efektif, efisien, dan menarikkhususnya para guru bidang studi IPA di wilayah Jember selatan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan dan pelatihan penyusunan media pembelajaran berbasis android dan mengetahui penelian guru tentang pemanfaatan aplikasi tersebut. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah para guru dapat memahami cara kerja Smart Apps Creator 3 dan membuat produk media pembelajaran berbasis android dalam satu kelompok mengajar. Respon peserta terhadap aplikasi Smart Apps Creator 3 menunjukkan bahwa 88% dari peserta guru setuju bahwa topik pelatihan yang diberikan relevan, 72,5% menyatakan bahwa mudah membuat media pembelajaran menggunakan Smart Apps Creator 3, 88,5% setuju bahwa produk yang dihasilkan dapat mempermudah penyampaian materi kepada siswa, dan 68,6% dari peserta menilai siswa akan memiliki minat yang besar pada media pembelajaran berbasis android

    Contained Testing: Comparison of Scientific Literacy Ability of Middle and High School Students Aged 15 Years Old

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    One of skills used as the basic of high order thinking skills is scientific literacy ability. This ability is evaluated by OECD in PISA program follow by students aged 15 years old from various countries. Therefore, this article is amied to compare scientific literacy ability of middle and high school students aged 15 years old on a limited scale.  Scientific literacy ability has 4 indicators which are nominal literacy, functional literacy, conceptual/procedural literacy, and multi-dimensional literacy. The data were gained from the comparison between 25 students grade IX SMP Negeri 7 Jember and 25 students grade X SMA Negeri 2 Situbondo. The data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis with SPSS program. The result showed that 3 among 4 indicators of scientific literacy test of middle and high school students aged 15 years old had sig >0.05, which means there is no significant difference. Those 3 indicators are nominal literacy (0.204), functional literacy (0.107), and conceptual/procedural literacy (0.154). Meanwhile, for multi-dimensional literacy showed sig 0.04 or <0.05, hence it can be concluded that there is significant difference of multi-dimensional literacy ability between middle and high school students aged 15 years old