20 research outputs found


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    Morphosyntax is inseparable from the aspect of applied linguistics. The theory of morphological processes such as affixation, word order, and rewriting rules are unconsciously employed by English teachers to develop students’ reading and writing skills. However, the understanding that Morphosyntax entails to English proficiency is not widely known by some English teachers, since the terminology of Morphosyntax tends to be associated to diachronic linguistics research. It affects to the perception that the course of Morphosyntax is designed to be more linguistics, although the students are the English language education ones. Whereas, the needs of English language education students revolve more on vocabulary mastering and sentence pattern to support their English proficiency skills. This paper proposes the course-redesigning products of Morphosyntax based on Corder’s concept of lexical and skill-based syllabus design. The elements of Morphosyntax courseredesigning discussed in this paper consists of the basic competencies, materials, references, course description, concept map, course objectives, competencies and achievement indicators, timeline, assessment, and teaching strategies

    PENGGUNAAN KERTAS ORIGAMI DALAM MENINGKATN KEMAMPUAN MENGENAL BENTUK GEOMETRI ANAK USIA DINI : Penelitian Tindakan Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun di Wilayah Berdikari Kota Sukabumi JawaBara

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh permasalahan mengenai pengenalan bentuk geometri untuk anak usia 4-5 (tahun). Kesulitan yang dialami oleh anak yakni kesulitan dalam mengingat dan mengenal bentuk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui cara meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri dan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri setelahi penggunaan kertas origami. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian tindakan (PT) model Pelton. Setiap tindakan terdiri dari lima langkah meliputi: identifikasi masalah, pengumpulan data, perencanaan tindakan, merencanakan aktivitas, dan penilaian hasil. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, catatan anekdot, dan dokumentasi. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen berupa lembar observasi anak dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri setelah penggunaan kertas origami terjadi peningkatan setiap tindakan. Hal ini terlihat pada aspek mengenal ciri pola bentuk geometri, membedakan bentuk berdasarkan seriasi (ukuran bentuk geometri) dan mengelompokkan bentuk berdasarkan warna. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan kertas origami dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri pada anak usia dini. ----- This research is motivated by the problems due to the introduction of geometric shapes for children aged 4-5 (years). They have difficulty in remembering and recognizing shapes. Therefore, this research aimed to determine children's ability to recognize geometrical shapes and their development to recognize geometrical shapes by using origami paper. Action research (PT) Pelton model was used as a research method in this paper. Each action consists of five steps that include problem identification, data collection, action planning, activity planning, and outcome assessment. The technique of collecting data through observation, anecdotal notes, and documentation. The data obtained from the learning process of children using observation sheets. The results showed that the development of a child's ability to identify geometrical shapes increased each action after the use of origami paper. Thus can be seen in the recognition of geometrical form patterns, the differentiation of shapes by serialization (the size of geometrical shapes), and the grouping of color-based forms. It can be concluded that the use of origami can develop the ability to recognize geometric shapes in earl


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui struktur senyawa flavonoid dari ekstrak metanol bagian batang tumbuhan paku Nephrolepis radicans (Burm.) Kuhn dan aktivitasnya sebagai antioksidan. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi, pemisahan dengan teknik kromatografi, dan penentuan struktur molekul dengan metode spektroskopi. Uji aktivitas pendahuluan antioksidan isolat flavonoid dilakukan dengan menggunakan 1,1-diphenil-2-pikrihidrazil (DPPH). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolat flavonoid yang diperoleh adalah 2’-hidroksi-4’-metoksi-dihidrocalkon-6’-O-α-L-arabinopiranosil (1à6)-β-D-glukopiranosida. Isolat tersebut positif pada uji pendahuluan antioksidan menggunakan DPPH. Kata kunci: Nephrolepis radicans (Burm.) Kuhn, flavonoid, aktivitas antioksidan,  1,1-diphenil-2-pikrihidrazil (DPPH)       Abstract. The aim of research is to know the structure of flavonoid compound from methanole extract of Nephrolepis radicans (Burm.) Kuhn steam and antioxidant actvity’s. Extraction was carried out by maceration, separation by chromatography techniques, and determination of molecular structure by spectroscopic method. Antioxidant activity of isolat carried out with 1,1-diphenil-2-pikrihidrazil (DPPH). The results of research showed that flavonoid isolat obtained was identified as 2’-hidroksi-4’-metoksi-dihidrocalkon-6’-O-α-L-arabinopiranosil (1à6)-β-D-glukopiranosida. It showed positive in antioxidant activity carried out DPPH.   Key words: Nephrolepis radicans (Burm.) Kuhn, flavonoid, antioxidant activity,  1,1-diphenil-2-pikrihidrazil (DPPH


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    This paper aims at describing the stages of developing vocabulary worksheet by using affixes by adopting the process of the same development research of Wutsqo. The stages of vocabulary worksheet development involved the needs analysis, the making of the vocabulary worksheet, the validation process by the reviewer, the make up of the first design based on the feedback by the reviewer, and the try out. the object of this study  was the students of Grammar for English Teacher class of the academic year 2014/2015. The instruments of this study were pre-test as the initial needs analysis of the students capability of vocabulary stock that they had. The second instrument was the previous research data that was conducted by the researchers to identify how necessary to develop an effective vocabulary learning. The third instrument were three two of questionaires. The first one was for the reviewer to validate the first design of the worksheet and to ask for the feedback, and the second one was for the students in order to identify their personal impression towards the worksheet. The results of this study are; 1) Based on the assessment validator can be concluded that the aspect of validity has met the criteria development vocabualry student worksheet to learn the material additive that has been prepared to have a very good quality, 2) Based on the recommendation of experts and providers of materials, practicality aspect has fulfilled the minimum criteria with certain notes on 21st century learning, 3) The results of the pre-test and post-test student learning augmentation material by using SVW has met the minimum criteria of improvement

    Higher Education Students’ Voice in Experiencing Problem Based Learning

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    This paper is aimed at describing the students’ perception of the implementation of problem-based learning during the Materials Development course in the eve semester 2018. The participants were 58 students of English pre-service teachers.  The data were collected through the 58 reflective writings at the end of the course, and the observation recording during the group discussion. Through qualitative analysis, there are five positive themes, and two negative themes found in the reflective writings. This study found that among three characteristics of Problem based learning, most of the students perceived positively in stimulating critical thinking and devoting authentic experiences. Whereas, there are also some students who perceived problem-based learning as challenging, especially in technical obstacles such as; the appearing of the lecturer’s stress during discussion session; not engaging friends in a group


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    Current research in Indonesia about reading habits tends to discuss the topic quantitatively instead of exploring the process of how reading habits were developed. Whereas it is necessary to see reading habits as a process of development. Through seeing it as a process, reading habit can be seen as not just a measurable component but more into a sustained lifetime literacy. To fill this void, this research aimed to investigate the development of an adult learner’s reading habits as their lifetime literacy. In conducting this study, the researcher usednarrative inquiry as the method of the research. The data were collected through twice in-depth interviews with the participant. The data were analysed by using narrative three-dimensional aspects by Clandinin et.al (2013). In terms of temporality, the participant has experienced a reading habit since she was in Czech elementary school. Because her family maintains the habit, the reading habit remains until today. In terms of sociality, the role models of the reading habit are the participants' schoolmates and her father. In terms of spatiality, Czech has shaped the experience of the participants' reading habit. When she went back to Indonesia, the reading habit in Indonesian school was less exposed. This indicated that reading habits can be developed through the interaction of two key people. The first was the schoolteachers and the second was parents. The reading habits activity should be sustainable at school and at home.

    Language Learning Strategies: A Cross Sectional Survey Of Vocational High School Students

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    The use of language learning strategies might be influenced by many factors such as gender, background cultures, career orientation and learning settings. In vocational setting, career orientation become an issue that needs a concern. The choice of department as career orientation is suspected to affect different strategies in learning English. This study aimed to identify the language learning strategies employed by the vocational high school students and to find out the differences in strategy use between two majors. This study involved 95 students from automotive engineering and electrical engineering of vocational high school students. Strategies Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire which was constructed by Oxford (1990) was used in this study. Six domains were included in this questionnaire: Memory, Cognitive, Compensatory, Metacognitive, Affective, and Social. There are 50 items with 5 likert points in data completion. To analyze the data, SPSS and Microsoft Excel were used by the researcher. Results showed that there was a difference (M=9.168) in language learning strategies use of electrical engineering and automotive engineering students. Furthermore the metacognitive strategy was the most used while the memory strategy was the least used by the students


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, pertama, mengetahui proses kemampuan menulis puisi bebas menggunakan pembelajaran di luar kelas. Kedua, mengetahui hasil kemampuan menulis puisi bebas menggunakan pembelajaran di luar kelas siswa kelas V SD Negeri Karangwuni Sleman. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menerapkan metode eksperimen. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri Karangwuni Sleman, yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, tes, hasil dokumentasi siswa, dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pembelajaran di luar kelas dapat mengembangkan proses pembelajaran dan hasil kemampuan menulis puisi bebas. Hal ini dapat dilihat saat pertemuan pertama. Pada pertemuan pertama, siswa melakukan pembelajaran di luar kelas, siswa diminta untuk memilih satu objek yang ada di sekitar halaman sekolah, untuk dijadikan bahan objek menulis puisi. Pada pertemuan ketiga, siswa sangat antusias mengamati gambar yang telah disediakan guru. Lalu siswa dan guru menyepakati tema yang akan dipakai untuk menulis puisi yang akan dilakukan di luar kelas. Dilihat dari segi rata-rata kelas dan presentase ketuntasan siswa, nilai rata-rata pada kondisi awal adalah 52,6, pertemuan pertama sebesar 67,8 dan pertemuan terakhir sebesar 74,1. Sedangkan presentase ketuntasan siswa pada kondisi awal sebesar 5%, pertemuan pertama sebesar 49%, dan pertemuan terakhir sebesar 85%. Hal ini menandakan bahwa penelitian ini dihentikan pada saat pertemuan keempat, karena kriteria keberhasilan penelitian telah tercapai. Kata kunci : kemampuan menulis puisi bebas, pembelajaran di luar kelas