138 research outputs found

    Un atelier de fabrication de règles en os dans une villa gallo-romaine de Cuperly (Marne) ? étude technologique d’ébauches de règles réalisées en série

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    Les fouilles archéologiques préventives réalisées entre 2000 et 2004 à l’occasion de la construction de la ligne TGV Est ont permis de découvrir, sur la commune de Cuperly (Marne, F.), site de la Perte, une villa gallo-romaine dont l’occupation a été datée entre le IIe s. et le IVe s. de n. è. Le site n’a livré que quelques objets en os dont une série de sept ébauches de règles, vraisemblablement issues de la cave de l’habitat. Si les règles en os, instruments de l’écriture, sont bien connues pour la période romaine, aucun atelier n’avait été découvert jusqu’à présent. Il convient donc de souligner le caractère tout à fait exceptionnel de cette série qui, à l’état d’ébauche, a permis une étude tracéologique, métrologique et typologique complète. Cette série nous renseigne, alors, sur les procédés opératoires et outils employés dans le cadre d’une production artisanale ou domestique ponctuelle, ainsi que sur leur possible utilisation dans un contexte rural gallo-romain.A Gallo-Roman villa dating from the 2nd to the 4th century AD was discovered at “La Perte” Cuperly (Marne) during developer funded archaeological excavations carried out from 2000 to 2004 during the building of the TGV Est rail track. Only a handful of bone objects were discovered in the settlement’s cellar including seven roughed out rulers. Even though this type of instrument is well known in the roman period, this is the first workshop to be discovered. Its importance can be underlined by the fact that the objects are rough-outs which have given the opportunity of metrological, typological and use-wear analysis. This series provides ample information on the step by step making of the objects and the tools used as well as their use in Gallo-Roman rural life, probably representing a small domestic production or even a craft workshop.Bei den zwischen 2000 und 2004 anlässlich des Baus der Trasse des TGV-Est durchgeführten Präventivgrabungen wurde auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Cuperly (Departement Marne, Frankreich), am Ort mit dem Flurnamen „La Perte“ eine gallo-römische villa entdeckt, die zwischen dem 2. und 4. Jh. u. Z. genutzt wurde. Die Fundstätte hat nur ein paar Knochenartefakte geliefert, darunter eine Reihe von sieben Linealrohlingen, die wahrscheinlich aus dem Keller des Wohnbereichs stammen. Zwar sind Lineale aus Knochen als Schreibutensilien in der römischen Zeit gut belegt, doch bis heute hatte man noch keine Werkstatt gefunden. Der außerordentliche Charakter dieser Fundreihe muss also betont werden. Da es sich um Rohlinge handelt, konnte neben einer Analyse zur Herstellung eine komplette metrologische und typologische Analyse durchgeführt werden. Diese Reihe unterrichtet uns also über die Verfahren und Werkzeuge, die im Rahmen einer handwerklichen oder beschränkten häuslichen Produktion angewandt wurden, sowie über die mögliche Verwendung von Linealen in einem ländlichen gallo-römischen Kontext

    Une grille d'analyse pour décrire et comparer des ateliers de tabletiers ?

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    International audienceHow can we compare ancient bone-workshops, if not from our main documentary source, the wastes ? In order to test the validity of such approaches, the wastes were attributed to one or another phase of the artefact production process. But the waste volume varies according to the operating chain considered. Although it can reveal unobvious similarities between workshops producing objects of various nature, the method needs to be precised according to the operating chains. Problem : several of them often co-exist on worshops sites, and the wastes are mixed. We therefore need a better description of the wastes elaborated on single-production sites.Comment comparer des ateliers de tablettiers antiques, si ce n'est à partir de notre principale source documentaire, les rebuts ? Pour tester la validité de telles comparaisons, les déchets attestés ont été classés en fonction de l'étape d'élaboration de l'artefact à laquelle on peut les rattacher. On s'aperçoit néanmoins que la quantité de déchets varie en fonction de la chaîne opératoire considérée. Si elle permet de mettre en évidence des similitudes a priori peu lisibles entre ateliers dévolus à des productions différentes, la méthode demande cependant à être affinée en fonction des chaînes opératoires. Problème : plusieurs co-existent couramment sur leurs ateliers, et lers rebuts sont mélangés. On a donc besoin de redéfinir les déchets sur des sites à production unique

    CO2 leakage in a shallow aquifer - Observed changes in case of small release

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    International audienceGeological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers is one of the options considered for the mitigation of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. A deep geological CO2 storage is not expected to leak but potential leakage monitoring is required by legislation, as e.g. the EU Directive relative to Geological Storage of CO2. To ensure that the storage will be permanent and safe for the environment and human health, the legislation require that the CCS operators monitor the injection, the storage complex and if needed the environment to detect any CO2 leakage and its hazardous effects on the environment. Various monitoring methods are available for the monitoring of CO2 storage sites and the environment as listed by the IEA-GHG and the monitoring selection tool. Geophysical based methods have a greater area of investigation but may suffer from insufficient sensitivities to detect small leakages. At the opposite, geochemical monitoring methods may have insufficient investigation area but may be able to detect more subtle changes even if monitoring in deep environments is not straightforward. Leakage detection is not yet well constrained and research efforts and tests are required to gain confidence into monitoring strategies. In the framework of the CIPRES project, funded by the French Research Agency, a shallow CO2 release experiment has been performed in October 2013 in a chalk aquifer from the Paris basin. The Catenoy site has been characterised since March 2013 through several wells set on a straight line oriented along the local flow (see Gombert et al., this conference). Such an experiment is designed to gain confidence in leakage detection in subsurface environments by understanding processes and principles governing seepage occurrence. Contrary to other experiments such as ZERT or CO2FieldLab ones, where gaseous CO2 was injected directly in the water, the injection was done with water saturated with CO2 at atmospheric pressure. 10 m3 of water were pumped from the aquifer, then saturated with 20 kg of food-grade CO2 and injected during 40 hours between 12 and 25 m depth. Daily monitoring of soil gases and water was performed during injection and post-injection phases (2 weeks duration) in the area previously delimited by a tracer test. The aim is to determine if geochemical methods are accurate enough to allow detecting small release in shallow environments. If successful, such an experiment can help to gain confidence in leakage detection. As expected, no change was noticed in the unsaturated zone. The shape of gas concentrations distribution at the surface (CO2, O2, N2, 4He, 222Rn) observed during the injection is strictly similar to the repartition of gas species observed since March 2013. The main process observed is respiration and no change linked to the injection was highlighted, only seasonal effects. Slight changes were observed in the saturated zone. The water was collected at 15 m deep excepted for one stratified borehole where water was sampled at 15 and 18 m. The pH of the injected water was lower (mean value: 5.3±0.1) than the initial pH of the aquifer (7.1-7.2) due to CO2 dissolution. Only two monitoring boreholes set 10 m and 20 m downstream from the injection well may be considered as influenced by the experiment. A probable enrichment in HCO3 linked to interaction of the CO2 saturated water with chalk was noticed, with an enrichment close to +8 to +10% of the initial value. For one borehole the pH value remained nearly stable in relation with pH buffering and in the other borehole a slight decrease was observed (-0.1 to -0.15 pH unit). However this decrease is significant as it is above the instrumental uncertainty of the electrodes. In addition, a slight increase of the electrical conductivity was noticed but it did not exceed +6% compared to baseline data. Such slight changes in the physico-chemical parameters are related to small variations in dissolved elements. Apart from HCO3, the other major ion affected by CO2-water rock-interaction is Ca as the aquifer is mainly composed by calcite. Concentrations increases by +8 to +9% whose amplitude is in agreement with the increase of HCO3. Trace elements were also little affected, the main change concerned Sr (+8 to +10% increase). Modifications occurring during this CO2 release experiment have small amplitude as expected but these results highlight that geochemical methods are able to detect small leakages. Consequently, effects were noticed only during a short period of time. It is not possible to determine if all the injected CO2 has migrated downwards in the direction of flow or if partial lateral migration has occurred, but post-injection monitoring and boreholes logging 12 days after the stop of injection did not reveal any discrepancy in the water columns. On the other hand, the magnitude of the pH change is consistent with the behaviour of the co-injected tracer (dilution ratio ~30). In the perspective of getting more information on the remobilisation of trace metal elements, a push-pull test will be performed in 2014 on the basis of the learning of this first experiment

    Effect of prolonged treatment with tyramine on glucose tolerance in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

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    The biogenic amine tyramine has been reported to stimulatein vitro glucose transport in adipocytes, cardiomyocytes and skeletal muscle, and to improvein vivo glucose utilization in rats. These effects were dependent on amine oxidation, since they were blocked by inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (MAO) and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO). We thus tested in this work whether a prolonged treatment with tyramine could improve glucose tolerance in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. First, tyramine content of standard rodent chow was determined by HPLC and daily tyramine intake of control rats was estimated to be around 26 μmol/kg body weight. Then, tyramine was administred during 3 weeks in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats at 29 μmol/kg by daily i.p. injection alone or together with vanadate 0.02 μmol/kg. In another group of diabetic rats, tyramine was subcutaneously delivered at 116 μmol/kg/day by osmotic minipumps. All tyramine treatments resulted in a decrease of the hyperglycemic responses to an i.p. glucose load. Adipocytes isolated from either untreated or treated diabetic rats were sensitive to the stimulation of glucose uptake by tyramine. However, diabetic animals receiving tyramine for three weeks did not recover from their hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia and glucosuria. These results show that the improvement of glucose tolerance induced by prolonged tyramine administration occurs in an insulin-depleted model and probably results from peripheral insulin-like actions of the oxidation of MAO/SSAO substrates, such as the stimulation of glucose uptake into adipocytes

    ANNODIS : une approche outillée de l'annotation de structures discursives

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    International audienceThe ANNODIS project has two interconnected objectives: to produce a corpus of texts annotated at discourse-level, and to develop tools for corpus annotation and exploitation. Two sets of annotations are proposed, representing two complementary perspectives on discourse organisation: a bottom-up approach starting from minimal discourse units and building complex structures via a set of discourse relations; a top-down approach envisaging the text as a whole and using pre-identified cues to detect discourse macro-structures. The construction of the corpus goes hand in hand with the development of two interfaces: the first one supports manual annotation of discourse structures, and allows different views of the texts using NLP-based pre-processing; another interface will support the exploitation of the annotations. We present the discourse models and annotation protocols, and the interface which embodies them.Le projet ANNODIS vise la construction d'un corpus de textes annotés au niveau discursif ainsi que le développement d'outils pour l'annotation et l'exploitation de corpus. Les annotations adoptent deux points de vue complémentaires : une perspective ascendante part d'unités de discours minimales pour construire des structures complexes via un jeu de relations de discours ; une perspective descendante aborde le texte dans son entier et se base sur des indices pré-identifiés pour détecter des structures discursives de haut niveau. La construction du corpus est associée à la création de deux interfaces : la première assiste l'annotation manuelle des relations et structures discursives en permettant une visualisation du marquage issu des prétraitements ; une seconde sera destinée à l'exploitation des annotations. Nous présentons les modèles et protocoles d'annotation élaborés pour mettre en œuvre, au travers de l'interface dédiée, la campagne d'annotation

    CXCL12 expression by healthy and malignant ovarian epithelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>CXCL12 has been widely reported to play a biologically relevant role in tumor growth and spread. In epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), CXCL12 enhances tumor angiogenesis and contributes to the immunosuppressive network. However, its prognostic significance remains unclear. We thus compared CXCL12 status in healthy and malignant ovaries, to assess its prognostic value.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistochemistry was used to analyze CXCL12 expression in the reproductive tracts, including the ovaries and fallopian tubes, of healthy women, in benign and borderline epithelial tumors, and in a series of 183 tumor specimens from patients with advanced primary EOC enrolled in a multicenter prospective clinical trial of paclitaxel/carboplatin/gemcitabine-based chemotherapy (GINECO study). Univariate COX model analysis was performed to assess the prognostic value of clinical and biological variables. Kaplan-Meier methods were used to generate progression-free and overall survival curves.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Epithelial cells from the surface of the ovary and the fallopian tubes stained positive for CXCL12, whereas the follicles within the ovary did not. Epithelial cells in benign, borderline and malignant tumors also expressed CXCL12. In EOC specimens, CXCL12 immunoreactivity was observed mostly in epithelial tumor cells. The intensity of the signal obtained ranged from strong in 86 cases (47%) to absent in 18 cases (<10%). This uneven distribution of CXCL12 did not reflect the morphological heterogeneity of EOC. CXCL12 expression levels were not correlated with any of the clinical parameters currently used to determine EOC prognosis or with HER2 status. They also had no impact on progression-free or overall survival.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings highlight the previously unappreciated constitutive expression of CXCL12 on healthy epithelia of the ovary surface and fallopian tubes, indicating that EOC may originate from either of these epithelia. We reveal that CXCL12 production by malignant epithelial cells precedes tumorigenesis and we confirm in a large cohort of patients with advanced EOC that CXCL12 expression level in EOC is not a valuable prognostic factor in itself.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00052468">NCT00052468</a></p

    Les matières dures animales (os, bois de cerf et ivoire) dans la vallée de<br />l'Hérault : production et consommation

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    International audienceThanks to archaeological excavations conducted during the last decades, we now have access, in the Herault valley, to rich collections of ancient artefacts in bone, antler and ivory. Studied in context, this data not only enlightens daily life and the influence of urban society on the countryside, as often stressed, but also synergies between crafts : here, the production of bone sewing needles at pezenas, on a site devoted to a textile production, most likely of wool.Grâce aux fouilles archéologiques des dernières décennies, on dispose dans la vallée de l'Hérault d'une documentation significative en matière d'objets en matière dure animale (os, bois de cerf et ivoire) de l'Antiquité. Etudié en contexte, ce mobilier éclaire plusieurs aspects de la vie quotidienne dane le secteur : non seulement, comme on le voit couramment, sur les modes de vie et l'influence de la société urbaine à la campagne, mais aussi sur les synergies entre artisanats : ici, la production d'aiguilles en os à Pézenas, sur un site qui a dû connaître une activité de production textile, sans doute en laine