329 research outputs found

    Justice for data:a right future in the smart city

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    T7-like bacteriophages to control biofilm forming bacteria

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Development of a device to simulate tooth mobility

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    Objectives: The testing of new materials under simulation of oral conditions is essential in medicine. For simulation of fracture strength different simulation devices are used for test set-up. The results of these in vitro tests differ because there is no standardization of tooth mobility in simulation devices. The aim of this study is to develop a simulation device that depicts the tooth mobility curve as accurately as possible and creates reproducible and scalable mobility curves. Materials and methods: With the aid of published literature and with the help of dentists, average forms of tooth classes were generated. Based on these tooth data, different abutment tooth shapes and different simulation devices were designed with a CAD system and were generated with a Rapid Prototyping system. Then, for all simulation devices the displacement curves were created with a universal testing machine and compared with the tooth mobility curve. With this new information, an improved adapted simulation device was constructed. Results: A simulations device that is able to simulate the mobility curve of natural teeth with high accuracy and where mobility is reproducible and scalable was developed

    The Randomized Shortened Dental Arch Study: Tooth Loss

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    The evidence concerning the management of shortened dental arch (SDA) cases is sparse. This multi-center study was aimed at generating data on outcomes and survival rates for two common treatments, removable dental prostheses (RDP) for molar replacement or no replacement (SDA). The hypothesis was that the treatments lead to different incidences of tooth loss. We included 215 patients with complete molar loss in one jaw. Molars were either replaced by RDP or not replaced, according to the SDA concept. First tooth loss after treatment was the primary outcome measure. This event occurred in 13 patients in the RDP group and nine patients in the SDA group. The respective Kaplan-Meier survival rates at 38 months were 0.83 (95% CI: 0.74-0.91) in the RDP group and 0.86 (95% CI: 0.78-0.95) in the SDA group, the difference being non-significant

    Quantum Theory contents insertion in High School curricula

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    A inovação científica e tecnológica do século XX foi esmagadora. Contudo, a nossa experiência docente permite-nos afirmar que as aprendizagens na escola secundária estão longe de acompanhar a evolução que se verifica na sociedade atual. No entanto, já estão a ser incluídos alguns conteúdos de Física Moderna nos currículos oficiais de vários países, parecendo evidenciar uma preocupação em atualizar a preparação dos jovens para o mundo que os rodeia. Neste artigo relatamos um estudo que fizemos acerca dos currículos de Física de alguns países, sobretudo no que diz respeito à Teoria Quântica, a grande invenção do século XX, tentando identificar os conteúdos selecionados e a maneira como estes se integram nas orientações curriculares gerais.In the XXth century, scientific and technological innovation has been overwhelming. Our teaching profession lead us to believe that studies in High Schools do not follow the evolution of ideas that characterizes our modern society. However, some contents of Modern Physics are already included in the official curricula of several countries, which seem to be worried about the improvement of today’s youth training. In this paper we report a study made about Physics’ curricula in several countries, emphasizing Quantum Theory issues, the biggest invention of the XXth century, trying to identify the selected subjects selected and the way they fit into general curricula orientations

    Molecular origin of enhanced proton conductivity in anhydrous ionic systems

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    YesIonic systems with enhanced proton conductivity are widely viewed as promising electrolytes in fuel cells and batteries. Nevertheless, a major challenge toward their commercial applications is determination of the factors controlling the fast proton hopping in anhydrous conditions. To address this issue, we have studied novel proton-conducting materials formed via a chemical reaction of lidocaine base with a series of acids characterized by a various number of proton-active sites. From ambient and high pressure experimental data, we have found that there are fundamental differences in the conducting properties of the examined salts. On the other hand, DFT calculations revealed that the internal proton hopping within the cation structure strongly affects the pathways of mobility of the charge carrier. These findings offer a fresh look on the Grotthuss-type mechanism in protic ionic glasses as well as provide new ideas for the design of anhydrous materials with exceptionally high proton conductivity

    Alpha-Photon Coincidence Spectroscopy Along Element 115 Decay Chains

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    Produced in the reaction 48Ca+243Am, thirty correlated α-decay chains were observed in an experiment conducted at the GSI Helmholzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany. The decay chains are basically consistent with previous findings and are considered to originate from isotopes of element 115 with mass numbers 287, 288, and 289. A set-up aiming specifically for high-resolution charged particle and photon coincidence spectroscopy was placed behind the gas-filled separator TASCA. For the first time, γ rays as well as X-ray candidates were observed in prompt coincidence with the α-decay chains of element 115

    A comparison of genomic profiles of complex diseases under different models

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    Background: Various approaches are being used to predict individual risk to polygenic diseases from data provided by genome-wide association studies. As there are substantial differences between the diseases investigated, the data sets used and the way they are tested, it is difficult to assess which models are more suitable for this task. Results: We compared different approaches for seven complex diseases provided by the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) under a within-study validation approach. Risk models were inferred using a variety of learning machines and assumptions about the underlying genetic model, including a haplotype-based approach with different haplotype lengths and different thresholds in association levels to choose loci as part of the predictive model. In accordance with previous work, our results generally showed low accuracy considering disease heritability and population prevalence. However, the boosting algorithm returned a predictive area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.8805 for Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and 0.8087 for rheumatoid arthritis, both clearly over the AUC obtained by other approaches and over 0.75, which is the minimum required for a disease to be successfully tested on a sample at risk, which means that boosting is a promising approach. Its good performance seems to be related to its robustness to redundant data, as in the case of genome-wide data sets due to linkage disequilibrium. Conclusions: In view of our results, the boosting approach may be suitable for modeling individual predisposition to Type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis based on genome-wide data and should be considered for more in-depth research.This work was supported by the Spanish Secretary of Research, Development and Innovation [TIN2010-20900-C04-1]; the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III [PI13/02714]and [PI13/01527] and the Andalusian Research Program under project P08-TIC-03717 with the help of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The authors are very grateful to the reviewers, as they believe that their comments have helped to substantially improve the quality of the paper
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