509 research outputs found

    Using Flipped learning method with preschool children

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    Završni rad na temu „Metoda Flipped learning kod djece predškolske dobi“ odabran je kako bi se jasnije prikazalo korištenje ove metode učenja kod djece predškolske dobi. Svrha pisanja ovog završnog rada je prikazati ključne čimbenike koji utječu na motivaciju djece te kako se od predškolske dobi djece treba poticati na samostalno učenje i usavršavanje. Rad se zasniva na prikazu Flipped learning metode te njegovim značajkama. U uvodnom dijelu rada objašnjen je nastanak i razvoj metode, koji su preduvjeti potrebni za njegovo postizanje te koja je općenita svrha ove metode učenja. Nakon toga je prikazan utjecaj tehnologije u Flipped learning metodi te što je sve potrebno za implementaciju metodu u sklopu nastave.The final paper on the "Flipped learning method in pre-school children" was selected to more clearly demonstrate the use of this method of learning in pre-school children. The purpose of writing this final paper is to outline the key factors that influence children's motivation and how, from preschool age, children should be encouraged to learn and improve independently. The paper is based on the presentation of the Flipped learning method and its features. In the introductory part of the paper the origin and development of the method are explained, what are the prerequisites for achieving it, and what is the general purpose of this method of learning.After that, the impact of technology in the Flipped learning method is presented and all that is required to implement the method in the classroom

    Experimental investigation of rockwool insulation hygrothermal properties related to material structure

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    The hygrothermal properties related to rockwool insulation material structure with different additives are presented using rockwool insulation products obtained from row material of southern Serbia (Vranje region) in the wide range of reference temperatures (10 degrees C to 70 degrees C). The hygrothermal properties of basic sample (without additives) are compared to two samples with different additives for two sets of rockwool insulation samples namely: light-soft-panels with density of 50 kg/m(3), and middle-weight-panels with density of 80 kg/m(3). It is shown that there is significant (approximately 10%) improvement of thermal conductivity for additives based on zeolite. Also, correlation of thermal conductivity and sorption properties of selected samples are presented

    Experimental investigation of rockwool insulation hygrothermal properties related to material structure

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    The hygrothermal properties related to rockwool insulation material structure with different additives are presented using rockwool insulation products obtained from row material of southern Serbia (Vranje region) in the wide range of reference temperatures (10 degrees C to 70 degrees C). The hygrothermal properties of basic sample (without additives) are compared to two samples with different additives for two sets of rockwool insulation samples namely: light-soft-panels with density of 50 kg/m(3), and middle-weight-panels with density of 80 kg/m(3). It is shown that there is significant (approximately 10%) improvement of thermal conductivity for additives based on zeolite. Also, correlation of thermal conductivity and sorption properties of selected samples are presented

    Language Professionals and Culture Professionals

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    The contemporary language industry is characterised by a growing presence of new professions requiring competences in language and technology. Even though it might seem that such developments could marginalise culture-related knowledge, this chapter claims that this is not the case, and that (inter)cultural competence remains an important asset even for the tech-focused professions. The evidence presented for this claim comes from data sources ranging from a literature review to job advertisements and interviews with industry representatives, conducted and collected within the ongoing project UPgrading the SKIlls of Linguistics and Language Students. The project identifies seven competence clusters that it proposes for inclusion in the university education of future language professionals. An (inter)cultural cluster is placed at the core, jointly with the disciplinary (language-related) and transversal knowledge and skills, and is seen as required for all students of languages and linguistics

    Claiming the Aboriginal Body in Tasmania

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    How do contemporary Tasmanian Aboriginals think of the body? How do they think of the dead body and of their human remains? This work examines the intersection of different cultural, biological and legal concepts of authenticity and belonging as these concepts come into focus as the stake of disputes over Aboriginal remains. In claiming remains, Tasmanians engage a complex set of discursive practices in which the aboriginal body is denoted, performed and negotiated in various ways as the sign of ancestral rights. Petrović-Šteger attends particularly to the language in which Tasmanian human remains are accounted for, appropriated and resignified in the context of the British policy on repatriation. Her work examines naturalist interpretations of both Tasmanian Aboriginal and Western ideas of biology, ancestry and kinship. Attending to a number of recalcitrant concepts—including those of the authority of science, purity of indigenous peoples and exclusive rights of descendants—Petrović-Šteger considers questions arising from contemporary data collection processes as they image and measure remains, and subject them to DNA and isotopic analysis. The collection also broaches the question of how contemporary understandings of Tasmanian indigeneity and ancestral rights are constituted and promoted through the use of various scientific, museological and representational technologies

    Ammonia transport accident exposure analysis

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    Anhydrous ammonia proved its efficiency and has been used extensively in the food and processing industry as a refrigerant. Between production and utilization locations it is necessary to organize transport of this substance. Due to its physicochemical properties, there is a possibility for the endangering population and environment in urban areas if the tank traffic accident occurs during the transport. Therefore, this research analyses exposure to ammonia transport accidents through the use of two software applications


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    The use of metaphors often characterizes contemporary public discourses on various issues. By the same token, metaphors have been used extensively in the discourse on the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper examines the war metaphor as a framing and rhetorical device with distinct persuasive potency within the Croatian sociocultural context. The analysis shows that militaristic metaphors were omnipresent in the Croatian public discourse at the beginning of the pandemic. Their dual role, explanatory and persuasive, was instrumental in convincing the public to understand the pandemic and accept the restrictive mandates put in place.Metafore se često upotrebljavaju u suvremenim javnim diskursima o različitim temama, pa tako i u diskursu o pandemiji virusa COVID-19. Prema rezultatima dosadašnjih istraživanja (Bates 2020, Semino 2021, Wicke and Bolognesi 2020), u javnom diskursu o pandemiji koronavirusa najbrojnije su ratne metafore, koje su tema ovog rada. U radu su prikupljeni metaforički jezični izrazi iz izvorišne domene rata korišteni u dnevnim novinama za vrijeme prvog vala pandemije te je analiziran njihov retorički persuazivni potencijal u hrvatskom sociokulturnom kontekstu. Kvalitativna analiza korpusa temelji se na Charteris-Blackovom (2011) trodijelnom pristupu koji obuhvaća identifikaciju, interpretaciju i objašnjenje metafora. Cilj je utvrditi koji su se metaforički jezični izričaji iz domene rata koristili u hrvatskom javnom diskursu o pandemiji te objasniti zašto su se koristili i na koji način su oblikovali percepciju javnosti. Rezultati analize potvrdili su sveprisutnost ratnih metafora u hrvatskom javnom diskursu na početku pandemije koronavirusa. Njihova dvostruka uloga, kao sredstva za tumačenje i uvjeravanje, bila je ključna u oblikovanju mišljenja javnosti o pandemiji i prihvaćanju nametnutih restriktivnih mjera

    Flux of Ca2+ ions in the synaptosomal mitochondrial membrane

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    In the present study, the flux of Ca2+ ions in the synaptosomal mitochondrial membrane isolated from the whole brain and hippocampus of chronically ovariectomized female rats was examined. Under basal conditions no significant difference was found. Addition of estradiol (0.5 nmol/l) in the preincubation mixture decreased significantly (25%) Na-dependent Ca2+ efflux in mitochondria from both sources which may be the way that it exerts its role in nerve cell homeostasis.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Toward a new profile for twenty-first century language specialists: Industry, institutional and academic insights. UPSKILLS Intellectual Output 1.2

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    The extraordinary achievements of artificial intelligence are impacting all sectors of society and raising issues that concern, among others, what emerging skills are needed by the world of work, how amplification of the current gender gap can be limited, and whether disruption can be an engine for positive change. These issues affect the language and linguistics sectors strongly, and should be carefully considered by higher education degrees in setting their priorities so as to favour employability, job retention and job satisfaction for the coming years

    Generating the focal-directorial geometric forms as a designing pattern of the architectural-urban space

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    Истраживањем различитих типова равних кривих и површи које су генерисане као геометријско место тачака (ГМТ) са константном сумом/производом растојања до фокуса, показано је да постоје и такве геометријске форме које настају као ГМТ са константном сумом/производом растојања до директриса. Захваљујући оваквој генези, добијена је веза фокалних и директрисних геометријских форми са Паладијевим пропорционалним системом, али и са Ферма-Веберовим скупом тачака, тј. са Веберовим локацијским проблемом. Такође, анализирањем ових елемената уочила се њихова повезаност са неким геометријским неједнакостима многоугла, и на основу тога, формиран је прелазни тип. Прелазни тип је назван фокално-директрисно генерисани елемент (фокално-директрисна крива и фокално-директрисна површ)...Through explorations of various types of planar curves and surfaces generated as locus of points with constant sum/product of distances to the focus, it was shown that there also exist geometric forms that are locus of points with constant sum/product of distances to the directrix. Due to such genesis, one could obtain a connection between focal and directorial geometric forms with Palladio’s proportional system, as well as with Fermat-Weber’s set of points, i.e. with Weber’s location problem. In addition, analysis of these elements led to observations of their connections with some geometric polygonal inequalities, which then led to introduction of a transitory element type. This transitory type of an element is called focal-directorial generated element (focal-directorial curve and focal-directorial surface)..