3,656 research outputs found

    Influence of compositionally induced defects on the vibrational properties of device grade Cu2ZnSnSe4 absorbers for kesterite based solar cells

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    This work presents a detailed analysis of the impact of compositionally induced defects on the vibrational properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 absorbers for kesterite based solar cells. Systematic changes in the intensity of the E and B modes located around the 170, 220, and 250 cm-1 frequency regions, which involve mostly cation vibrations, were observed and analyzed in relation to the occurrence of different kinds of defect clusters involving VCu, ZnCu, ZnSn, CuZn, and SnZn point defects. Additional changes are also interpreted in terms of the appearance of SnSe, ZnSe, and CuSe-like contributions at the 185 and 250 cm-1 spectral regions, respectively. The sensitivity of the Raman measurements to the presence of these kinds of defects corroborates the potential of Raman scattering for point defect assessment in these systems. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLCPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Validity of a four-factor modelunderlying the physical fitness in adults with intellectual disabilities a confirmatory factor analysis

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    Purpose: To use confirmatory factor analysis to test whether a four factor might explain the clustering of the components of the physical fitness in adults with intellectual disabilities (FID). Relevance: Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) are significantly weaker than individuals without ID at all stages of life. These subjects might be particularly susceptible to loss of basic function because of poor physical fitness. Participants: We studied 267 adults with intellectual disability of the Spanish Special Olympics Games. Methods: The four-factor model included: the flexibility, the strength, the balance and the cardiorespiratory endurance with 9 variables of the fitness assessment. Analysis: The construct validity of the model was assessed through the factor loadings, interpreted as the correlation between the variables in the model and their underlying factor, which is the FID construct. Results: Factor loading were 0,55 for the passive knee extension, o,52 for Functional shoulder rotation, −0.71 for the timed-stand test, 0.58 for the grip test, 0.75 the single leg stance with eyes open, 0.69 single leg stance with eyes closed, 0.72 for the resting heart rate, 0.56 for the two-minute step test (2MST) 0,97 for 2 minutes after finish 2MST. The four-factor model also showed a good fit to the data, as indicated by a high comparative fit index (CFI=0,93) and a low standardized root mean square residual (SRMR=0,072) Conclusions: A four underlying factor has shown acceptable validity to represent FID Implications: The new model of FID can offer understanding better these construct in this special populationUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Revealing the beneficial effects of Ge doping on Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin film solar cells

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    Kesterite (CZTSe) is a promising thin film photovoltaic absorber material due to its composition of more earth abundant materials compared to mature thin film photovoltaic technologies. Up to now, power conversion efficiencies are still lower and its main problem is the low open circuit voltage (Voc). Recently, a novel sintering approach using a nanometric Ge layer showed a large increase in device performance and especially in Voc. In this work, in-depth solar cell characterization as well as Raman and Photoluminescence studies of devices employing different Ge doped CZTSe absorber layers is presented. The main focus is to reveal the beneficial effects of Ge doping and furthermore investigate the interaction of Ge and Na. For low Ge doping an increase in charge carrier concentration is observed, resulting in devices with Voc of 460 mV, which corresponds to Voc deficits (Eg/q–Voc) of 596 mV a value comparable to current record devices. For high Ge amounts admittance spectroscopy measurements identified the appearance of a deep defect which can explain the observed deterioration of solar cell performance. Additional Na provided during crystallization of high Ge doped devices can reduce the density of this deep defect and recover device performance. These results indicate that Na plays an important role in defect passivation and we propose a defect model based in the interaction of group IV elements and Na with Cu vacancies


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    The focus of this work is to analyze from a medical perspective the multiple aspects that guide the criteria that assumes the training of health professionals. This research is based on the theory of social representations; this theory is referred to an epistemology of the sense common, which allows to interpret the reality-the knowledge every day, product of social interactions. Within this theoretical framework, it worked with the approach process, which focuses on the content of the representation in terms of its meaning and significance. It was a descriptive study, qualitative, cross-not experimental, with interviews semistructured with three axes categorical (training, bonding and regulation). The sample was obtained in a manner not probabilistic, they interviewed 12 subject, six heads of teaching and six medical in training attached to the institutions that agreed to participate in the research. From the crossroads of knowledge, the experiences and opinions of education managers and doctors in training, is develop that the training of the professional of the health still framed in the paradigm positivist (hegemonic biomedical). Of this form is evidence a worldview in the training of the medical and an approach to this reality training, that allows carry to the reflection all those aspects forgotten that dan by made a conformation infinite and dogmatic of medical and thus, placed in the context to the actors main (universities, institutions of health, decision makers of decisions, executing or responsible of the training).The focus of this work is to analyze from a medical perspective the multiple aspects that guide the criteria that assumes the training of health professionals. This research is based on the theory of social representations; this theory is referred to an epistemology of the sense common, which allows to interpret the reality-the knowledge every day, product of social interactions. Within this theoretical framework, it worked with the approach process, which focuses on the content of the representation in terms of its meaning and significance. It was a descriptive study, qualitative, cross-not experimental, with interviews semistructured with three axes categorical (training, bonding and regulation). The sample was obtained in a manner not probabilistic, they interviewed 12 subject, six heads of teaching and six medical in training attached to the institutions that agreed to participate in the research. From the crossroads of knowledge, the experiences and opinions of education managers and doctors in training, is develop that the training of the professional of the health still framed in the paradigm positivist (hegemonic biomedical). Of this form is evidence a worldview in the training of the medical and an approach to this reality training, that allows carry to the reflection all those aspects forgotten that dan by made a conformation infinite and dogmatic of medical and thus, placed in the context to the actors main (universities, institutions of health, decision makers of decisions, executing or responsible of the training).Beca CONACYT estudiante de maestri

    Scalable heating-up synthesis of monodisperse Cu2ZnSnS4 nanocrystals

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    Monodisperse Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) nanocrystals (NCs), with quasi spherical shape, were prepared by a facile, high-yield, scalable, and high-concentration heat-up procedure. The key parameters to minimize the NC size distribution were efficient mixing and heat transfer in the reaction mixture through intensive argon bubbling and improved control of the heating ramp stability. Optimized synthetic conditions allowed the production of several grams of highly monodisperse CZTS NCs per batch, with up to 5 wt % concentration in a crude solution and a yield above 90%

    Patrones histológicos y características histopatológicas del carcinoma basocelular en el Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú

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    Objetivo: Determinar los patrones histológicos y características histopatológicas del carcinoma baso celular. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo en el departamento de Anatomía Patológica del Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú de enero 2015 a diciembre del 2017. Resultados: Se realizó el estudio de 191 casos de carcinoma basocelular, siendo frecuente en el sexo masculino en el 54,97 % (n =105) y en 45,03 % (n = 86) en el sexo femenino; respecto a la topografía corporal es frecuente en cara en un 83,25 % (n = 159), con mayor frecuencia en nariz. En relación a la morfología, es frecuente la forma nodular en el 63,87 % (n = 122), el tipo ulcerado en el 26,18 % (n = 50), el pigmentado con el 9,95 % (n = 19). En cuanto al patrón histopatológico de las lesiones, se encontró que el 53,40 % (n = 102) correspondía a un patrón solido infiltrante, el 26,70 % (n = 51) correspondía a la variante sólido, seguido por el adenoideo en el 8,90 % (n = 17). Conclusiones: Los carcinomas basocelulares son frecuentes en la población adulta y adulta mayor, es frecuente en la cara, a predominio de la nariz. El tipo histológico más frecuentes es el sólido infiltrante

    Beneficios fiscales de las sociedades cooperativas de producción

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    En la sociedad mexicana, la figura de la sociedad cooperativa desde hace algunos años solo se ve como un medio de reducción de impuestos al establecer la estructura laboral de la empresa bajo el plan de pago basado en esta figura trastocando la verdadera esencia de esta sociedad. La investigación buscó determinar los beneficios fiscales, económicos y sociales que ofrecen las sociedades cooperativas de producción, así como establecer una forma para su mayor aprovechamiento. Esta investigación utiliza el tipo de análisis cualitativo, es un trabajo descriptivo documental, se obtendrá opiniones de diferentes autores o investigadores que hayan abordado el tema y publicado los resultados obtenidos, aunado a esto se entrevistó a 5 contadores con experiencia de este tipo de sociedades. Los resultados de la investigación conceden beneficios fiscales tales como calcular impuestos conforme al régimen de las actividades empresariales y profesionales, pagar solo el impuesto anual, diferir el pago de impuestos del ejercicio hasta el ejercicio en que distribuya la renta gravable correspondiente a sus socios. Lo que nos da a concluir que las sociedades cooperativas de producción tienen importante ventaja sobre otras formas de asociarse

    Ultrathin a-Si:H/Oxide transparent solar cells exhibiting UV-Blue selective-like absorption

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Lopez-Garcia, A. [et al.]. Ultrathin a-Si:H/Oxide transparent solar cells exhibiting UV-Blue selective-like absorption. "Solar RRL", April 2023, which has been published in final form at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/solr.202200928. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.Herein, the fabrication of transparent solar cells based on nanometric (8 and30 nm) intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous siliconfilms (a-Si:H) and using oxidethinfilms as transparent carrier selective contacts are reported. The ultrathindevices present photovoltaic effect and high average visible transmittance (AVT).Additionally, they display a shifted spectral response toward short wavelengths.Glass/fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO)/aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO)/a-Si:H/MoO3/indium tin oxide (ITO) prototypes are shown, presenting AVT=35% andphotovoltaic conversion efficiency (PCE)=2% for a device with a 30 nm a-Si:Hfilm. This yields a light utilization efficiency (LUE) of 0.7%, a record up to this datefor inorganic oxide-based transparent solar cells. For devices including an 8 nma-Si:Hfilm, the AVT reaches 66% with a PCE=0.6% (LUE=0.4%). These highAVT values are comparable or even superior in some cases to those achieved forpure oxide devices. Thesefindings confirm the potential of the proposedarchitectures for the development of highly transparent energy harvesters asfunctional components in building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), agrophoto-voltaics (APV), sensors and other low-power devices. In addition, these devicesare fabricated with earth-abundant materials and with up-scalable techniquesthat can allow for a feasible implementation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effect of obesity in Independence and balance in people with intelectual disability

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    Background People with obesity often have problems with postural control. Some studies show that people with intellectual disabilities (ID) have a higher likelihood of having falls than the general population, with a prevalence in adults of between 29% and 70% (Cox et al., 2010). Currently, there are no studies that show the effects of obesity on independence and balance in people with ID. The objective of our study is analyse, in people with ID, the degree of influence that obesity has on independence with regard to activities of daily living, static and semi-static balance. Therefore, we can compare two groups: obese people and non-obese people. Our hypothesis is that obesity will exercise a negative influence on static and semi-static balance as well as on independence and the development of the activities of daily living. Method In a cross-sectional study, we compared static and semi-static balance in two groups of people with ID: the obese and the non-obese. All those in the sample had a low ID (IQ: 70-50) to mild ID (IQ 50-35). To measure balance we used a single leg balance test (SLBT) with opened eyes and closed eyes, and a functional reach test (FRT). In order to measure levels of dependence we used a Barthel index. The outcome variables were: time in balance in SLBT open eyes/closed eyes), maximum range of FRT and Barthel index. Results and Discussion We found significant differences in all outcome variables between two groups. To our knowledge, this is the first study to analyze how obesity affects independence, static balance and semi-static balance in people with ID. However, other studies have analyzed the effects of obesity on the general population (Singh et al., 2009). In both studies (General population: Singh et al. 2009 and people with ID in this study) we observed that obesity can be a determinant of negatively static balance and semi-static balance. Conclussion The main conclusion of this study is that obesity has a negative effect on independence, static balance and semi-static balance in people with ID. These results would have been carried out when we carry out an intervention on people with ID to prevent falls. References - Cox CR, Clemson L, Stancliffe RJ, Durvasula S, Sherrington C. Incidence of and risk factors for falls among adults with an intellectual disability. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2010 Dec;54(12):1045-57. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2010.01333.x. - Enkelaar L, Smulders E, van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk H, Weerdesteyn V, Geurts AC. Clinical measures are feasible and sensitive to assess balance and gait capacities in older persons with mild to moderate Intellectual Disabilities. Res Dev Disabil. 2013 Jan;34(1):276-85. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2012.08.014. - Singh D, Park W, Levy MS, Jung ES. The effects of obesity and standing time on postural sway during prolonged quiet standing. Ergonomics. 2009 Aug;52(8):977-86.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    High performance silicon photonic devices based on practical metamaterials

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    Robert Halir, et al., "High performance silicon photonic devices based on practical metamaterials," OECC/PSC, 7-12 July 2019, Fukuoka (Japan)Subwavelength grating metamaterials are enabling a new generation of high-performance silicon photonic devices. Here we discuss the fundamental physics along with some of the latest advances in this rapidly expanding field.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (cofinanciado FEDER) – TEC2016-80718-R, TEC2015-71127-C2-1-R (FPI BES-2016-077798) and IJCI-2016-30484; Community of Madrid – S2018/NMT-4326, Marie Sklodowska-Curie –734331, Czech Science Foundation – 1900062
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