14 research outputs found

    O sítio mesolítico antigo da Cruz da Areia: uma abordagem (geo)arqueológica

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    Tese de mestrado em Geoarqueologia, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2014A correcta interpretação de um sítio arqueológico tem como base a análise ponderada de vários dados, uma vez que o produto final que chega ate nós, no momento da sua descoberta, sofreu uma série de alterações assentes na dicotomia natural vs cultural. No sentido de avaliar estes fenómenos torna-se necessária uma abordagem multidisciplinar correlacionando metodologias das geociências e da arqueologia. Tomando como exemplo o sítio arqueológico de Cruz da Areia (Leiria, Portugal) intervencionado em 2010, enquadrado crono-culturalmente no Mesolítico Antigo, propôs-se, no âmbito do Mestrado em Geoarqueologia, leccionado na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, um trabalho de dissertação sobre a interpretação de determinadas características que o sítio apresentava, correlacionando dados da sedimentologia e estratigrafia com a distribuição espacial da classe artefactual, no sentido de determinar os processos de formação do sítio (cronologia, tipo e funcionalidade) e os processos deposicionais e pós-deposicionais, compreendendo de que modo transformaram ou não a configuração do mesmo. Para alcançar este objectivo realizaram-se análises aos sedimentos (granulometria da fracção fina e grosseira), à percentagem da matéria-orgânica presente nos depósitos, e à componente artefactual e estrutural. Os resultados obtidos permitiram caracterizar os depósitos, avaliar o estado de conservação da organização espacial e propor várias áreas funcionais na área intervencionada do sítio.The correct interpretation of an archaeological site is based on a weighted analysis of various data, since the final product that comes to us at the time of its discovery, underwent a number of changes based on the natural vs cultural dichotomy. To assess these phenomena becomes necessary a multidisciplinary approach methodologies correlating the geosciences and archeology. Taking as an example the archaeological site of the Cruz da Areia (Leiria , Portugal) intervened in 2010 , framed chrono-culturally in Early Mesolithic, it was proposed under the Master in Geoarcheology, lectured at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, a dissertation on the interpretation of certain features that the site presented, by correlating data from sedimentology and stratigraphy with the spatial distribution of artefacts class, in order to determine the processes of formation of the site (dates, type and functionality ) and depositional processes and post depositional, including how it turned out or not setting the same. To achieve this objective analyzes were performed to sediments (grain size of the fine and coarse fraction), the percentage of raw organic present in the deposits, and the artefacts and structural component. The results allowed us to characterize the deposits, assess the state of conservation of the spatial organization and propose intervened in various functional areas of the sit

    The “Ferradeira” individual burial of Herdade do Álamo (Beja): facets of social change in the late 3rd millennium BC in South Portugal

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    The individual burial of the Herdade do Alamo, located in Beja municipality, South Portugal, is presented along with its bioanthropological study, radiocarbon dating and isotopic approaches on diet and mobility. The results show a male, with a terrestrial diet and youth mobility, dating from the last quarter of the 3rd millennium BC. The archaeometallurgical study of the metal votive assemblage (one tongue dagger and three Palmela points) indicates a copper metallurgy with high values of Arsenic (As), typical of this period of transition. The burial is contextualized in a process of individuation of the funerary practices and in the "Ferradeira Horizon", considered as a facet of the diversified funerary practices and of the complex social changes of the late 3rd millennium BC in the South of Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Upper Palaeolithic lithic raw material sourcing in Central and Northern Portugal as an aid to reconstructing hunter-gatherer societies

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    We present the results of the study of lithic raw materials used in Upper Palaeolithic occupations preserved in caves, rockshelters and open-air sites from two different geological environments in Portugal. For the sites located in the Lusitanian Basin, flint or silcrete sources are easily available in close vicinity. The Côa Valley sites, located in the Iberian Massif, are within a geological environment where restricted fine-grained vein quartz and siliceous metamorphic rocks are available, but no flint or silcrete, even though both are present in the archaeological assemblages. Data from the two clusters of sites are compared with a third newly located site in the Lower Vouga valley, at the limit of the Iberian Massif with the Lusitanian Basin, where quartz vein raw material types are locally available and flint is about 40 kilometres distant. This study reveals prehistoric adaptations to these different geological contexts, with shorter networks for the Lusitanian basin sites contrasting with the long distance ones for the Côa Valley, and the Vouga site at an intermediary position. Finally, we propose that lithic raw material supply networks, defined by a GIS least-cost algorithm, could be used as a proxy not only for territoriality in the case of local and regional lithic raw material sources, but also to infer long-distance social networks between different Palaeolithic human groups, created and maintained to promote the access to asymmetrically distributed resources

    O Neolítico de Juromenha 1 (Alandroal, Alentejo Central): vinte anos depois

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    O sítio de Juromenha 1 foi intervencionado há cerca de 20 anos no âmbito Plano de Minimização de Impactes do Regolfo de Alqueva. Com o propósito de apresentarmos os resultados obtidos em recentes trabalhos de prospeção geomagnética, elaborou-se aqui um ponto de situação do estudo dos resultados da intervenção de 1998.The site of Juromenha 1 was excavated about 20 years ago in a Rescue excavation related with the building of Alqueva dam. In order to present the results obtained in recent works of geomagnetic field survey, we intent to present here a brief study of the results obtained in the 1998 test-pits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uncovering archaeological sites in airborne LiDAR data with data-centric artificial intelligence

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    Mapping potential archaeological sites using remote sensing and artificial intelligence can be an efficient tool to assist archaeologists during project planning and fieldwork. This paper explores the use of airborne LiDAR data and data-centric artificial intelligence for identifying potential burial mounds. The challenge of exploring the landscape and mapping new archaeological sites, coupled with the difficulty of identifying them through visual analysis of remote sensing data, results in the recurring issue of insufficient annotations. Additionally, the top-down nature of LiDAR data hinders artificial intelligence in its search, as the morphology of archaeological sites blends with the morphology of natural and artificial shapes, leading to a frequent occurrence of false positives. To address this problem, a novel data-centric artificial intelligence approach is proposed, exploring the available data and tools. The LiDAR data is pre-processed into a dataset of 2D digital elevation images, and the known burial mounds are annotated. This dataset is augmented with a copy-paste object embedding based on Location-Based Ranking. This technique uses the Land-Use and Occupation Charter to segment the regions of interest, where burial mounds can be pasted. YOLOv5 is trained on the resulting dataset to propose new burial mounds. These proposals go through a post-processing step, directly using the 3D data acquired by the LiDAR to verify if its 3D shape is similar to the annotated sites. This approach drastically reduced false positives, attaining a 72.53% positive rate, relevant for the ground-truthing phase where archaeologists visit the coordinates of proposed burial mounds to confirm their existence.This work was supported by the Project Odyssey: Platform for Automated Sensing in Archaeology Co-Financed by COMPETE 2020 and Regional Operational Program Lisboa 2020 through Portugal 2020 and FEDER under Grant ALG-01-0247-FEDER-070150.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The “Ferradeira” individual burial of Herdade do Álamo (Beja): facets of social change in the late 3rd millennium BC in South Portugal

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    Se presenta el entierro individual de la Herdade do Álamo, ubicada en el municipio de Beja, Sur de Portugal, junto con su estudio bioantropológico, datación por radiocarbono y enfoques isotópicos sobre dieta y movilidad. Los resultados muestran un varón, con dieta terrestre y movilidad juvenil, que data del último cuarto del 3º milenio antes de Cristo. El estudio arqueometalúrgico del conjunto votivo metálico (un puñal de lengüeta y tres puntas de Palmela) indica una metalurgia del cobre con altos valores de Arsénico (As), propios de este período de transición. El entierro se contextualiza en un proceso de individuación de las prácticas funerarias y en el “Horizonte Ferradeira”, considerado como una faceta de las prácticas funerarias diversificadas y de los complejos cambios sociales de finales del III milenio antes de Cristo en el sur de Portugal

    Geographic Information Systems in Archaeology: A Systematic Review

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    GIS are an essential element in archaeology. Their use has become widespread for their potential to store, reference, analyse and visualise spatial information. Nonetheless, to the best of our knowledge, a systematic review of academic peer-reviewed publications related to the use of GIS, as a framework, in archaeology has never been presented before. Our goal in this work is to identify what has been published so far in relation to using GIS in archaeology within a small selected sample. We used the PRISMA guideline to perform a systematic review of 671 publications that we identified using the SCOPUS database and the keywords ‘GIS’ and ‘archaeology’. The collected publications were screened, analysed, and categorized into different relevant categories. Our analysis shows that GIS, in our selected sample, are mostly used for visualization and information management tasks. Moreover, spatial analysis studies were more common than other studies, and theoretical publications are scarce. The lack of a theoretical background in GIS may be the cause of some of the problems related to GIS applications in archaeology

    Reassessing Roman military activity through an interdisciplinary approach: Myth and archaeology in Laboreiro Mountain (Northwestern Iberia)

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    The present work aims at the archaeological characterisation and historical contextualisation of two large enclosures recently located through remote sensing in the Laboreiro Mountain on the border between Portugal and Galicia: Lomba do Mouro and Chaira da Maza. Ancient written sources, remote sensing, archaeological survey, and absolute dating will be combined in order to shed new light on these enclosures. Given the specificity of the archaeological structures and contexts under study, the need to use complementary absolute dating methods will be discussed, including luminescence and radiocarbon dating. The results in the case of the Lomba do Mouro enclosure point to it possibly being a Roman military camp of late-Republican chronology.JF was funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship “Finisterrae: Negotiating and contesting marginal landscapes on the Western fringes of the Roman Empire” funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 794048. C2TN/IST authors gratefully acknowledge the FCT (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation) support through the UID/Multi/04349/2020 and post-doctoral grant SFRH/BPD/114986/2016 of A. L. Rodrigues. Part of this research was also funded by FEDER through the COMPETE 2020 Programme, Lisboa Regional Programme and European Regional Development Fund (FEEI), and National Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) under the scope of the Iberian Tin project (PTDC/HAR-ARQ/32290/2017).Peer reviewe

    iArchaeology: contributions for LIDAR sensor adoption in mobile devices in the archaeological practice

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    A prática arqueológica foi, e sempre será, pautada por constantes adaptações e inovações que, na maioria dos casos, pretendem optimizar o trabalho arqueológico e os já tradicionalmente escassos recursos disponíveis. Todavia, a comunidade arqueológica nacional, tende a ser mais relutante na adopção de ferramentas em fases ainda iniciais do seu desenvolvimento. Com este trabalho apresentam-se os dispositivos móveis dotados de sensores LiDAR, inicialmente lançados em 2020 pela Apple, com uma perspectiva exclusivamente arqueológica, enfatizando-se as capacidades destas ferramentas de futuro, que optimizam e melhoram o trabalho e o próprio registo arqueológico, disponíveis já nos dias de hoje.Archaeological practice has been, and always will be, guided by constant adaptations and innovations that, in most cases, aim to optimize archaeological work and the already traditionally scarce available resources. However, the Portuguese archaeological community tends to be more reluctant to adopt tools in the early stages of their development.This work presents mobile devices equipped with LiDAR sensors, initially launched in 2020 by Apple, with an exclusively archaeological perspective, emphasising the capabilities of these “tools of the future”, which optimise and improve the archaeological work and record itself, already available today.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio