665 research outputs found

    A Frame-Based System for Automatic Classification of Semi- Structured Data

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    The problem of data classification goes back to the definition oftaxonomies covering knowledge areas. With the advent of the Web, the amount of data available increased several orders of magnitude, making manual data classification impossible. This work presents a tool to automatically classify semi-structured data, represented by frames, without any previous knowledge about structured classes. The tool uses a variation of the K-Medoid algorithm and organizes a set of frames into classes, structured as a strict hierarchy

    Mapping Knowledge Flows in ExploratoryWeb Searches

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    This paper provides an understanding of the knowledge flow in exploratory Web searches. Based on the Design Science Research epistemology, we represented the information-gathering behaviour and uncovered the knowledge flow of Web searchers as a Knowledge-intensive Process (KiP). By mapping searchers' steps and paths during Web searches, representing their search patterns and decision-making process, it was possible to reveal the knowledge flow and infer the resources more likely to be selected to meet the searchers' information needs. With the help of six teachers, we applied the Think-Aloud method in a scenario where they searched for online (educational) resources on the Web. The application of the Think-Aloud method made knowledge-flow processes explicit throughout Web searches. The results can support new strategies for information retrieval systems and be applied to support expertise exchange and innovation


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    Relações culturais estão presentes na língua e podem ser compreendidas por processos metafóricos e metonímicos, que descrevem como o mundo é conceptualizado. Diante dessa relação entre língua e cultura, analisamos 14 sinais da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), relacionados à religião. Com base em um estudo qualitativo, os sinais foram coletados do programa “A Vida em Libras”, do Instituto Nacional de Educação – INES. À luz de pressupostos teóricos da Linguística Cognitiva, são tomadas como base as Teorias da Metáfora Conceptual, da Metonímia Conceptual (LAKOFF, JONHSON, 1980) e da Iconicidade Cognitiva (WILCOX, 2004; NUNES, 2014) para análise de sinais da Libras (BRITO, 2010 [1995]). Dentre os sinais religiosos selecionados para estudo, foram observados processos metafóricos e metonímicos na conceptualização proposta. Dessa forma, a análise desses processos linguístico-cognitivos é um caminho nos estudos linguísticos para compreender a produção de sinais em Libras

    Summaries on the fly: Query-based extraction of structured knowledge from web documents

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    A large part of Web resources consists of unstructured textual content. Processing and retrieving relevant content for a particular information need is challenging for both machines and humans. While information retrieval techniques provide methods for detecting suitable resources for a particular query, information extraction techniques enable the extraction of structured data and text summarization allows the detection of important sentences. However, these techniques usually do not consider particular user interests and information needs. In this paper, we present a novel method to automatically generate structured summaries from user queries that uses POS patterns to identify relevant statements and entities in a certain context. Finally, we evaluate our work using the publicly available New York Times corpus, which shows the applicability of our method and the advantages over previous works. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39200-9_2

    Interlinking documents based on semantic graphs

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    Connectivity and relatedness of Web resources are two concepts that define to what extent different parts are connected or related to one another. Measuring connectivity and relatedness between Web resources is a growing field of research, often the starting point of recommender systems. Although relatedness is liable to subjective interpretations, connectivity is not. Given the Semantic Web's ability of linking Web resources, connectivity can be measured by exploiting the links between entities. Further, these connections can be exploited to uncover relationships between Web resources. In this paper, we apply and expand a relationship assessment methodology from social network theory to measure the connectivity between documents. The connectivity measures are used to identify connected and related Web resources. Our approach is able to expose relations that traditional text-based approaches fail to identify. We validate and assess our proposed approaches through an evaluation on a real world dataset, where results show that the proposed techniques outperform state of the art approaches.CAPESEU/FP7/2007-2013CNPFAPER

    RockDroid : uma arquitetura para coleta de dados geológicos

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2016.Este documento apresenta o RockDroid, aplicativo desenvolvido para o sistema operacional Android que visa auxiliar geólogos durante suas pesquisas de campo, fornecendo ferramentas e formulários para facilitar seu trabalho de coleta de dados. A capacidade de trabalhar em modo offline e a sincronização com um banco de dados central são duas das principais características do RockDroid. O aplicativo encontra-se descrito neste trabalho e sua validação foi realizada por alunos e especialistas da área da geologia e pesquisadores de áreas relacionadas, como a geofísica.This document presents RockDroid, an application developed for the operating system Android that aims to assist geologists during their field researches by providing tools and forms to ease their work of data collection. The ability of working in offline mode and the synchronization with a central database are two of the main features of RockDroid. The application is described in this paper and its validation was performed by students, geology experts and researchers in related fields such as geophysics

    Prospecção Tecnológica: Levantamento de Patentes, Atuação da Academia e Potenciais Inovações em Ambientes de Aprendizagem no Brasil de 2000 a 2015

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    Prospecção tecnológica é um processo formal para identificar, avaliar e interpretar uma inovação (ou uma proposta) disponı́vel sobre um determinado tema. Este trabalho mostra um estudo baseado em prospecção tecnológica para verificar as propostas de inovações de ambientes virtuais e tecnologias utilizadas para apoiar a educação. Como resultado, foi constatado que o principal assunto discutido na comunidade acadêmica de informática na educação é alvo de poucas, mas existentes, tentativas de inovação por pessoas não necessariamente ligadas às universidades

    Exploiting the wisdom of the crowds for characterizing and connecting heterogeneous resources

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    Heterogeneous content is an inherent problem for cross-system search, recommendation and personalization. In this paper we investigate differences in topic coverage and the impact of topicstopics in different kinds of Web services. We use entity extraction and categorization to create ‘fin-gerprints ’ that allow for meaningful comparison. As a basis taxonomy, we use the 23 main categories of Wikipedia Cat-egory Graph, which has been assembled over the years by the wisdom of the crowds. Following a proof of concept of our approach, we analyze differences in topic coverage and topic impact. The results show many differences between Web services like Twitter, Flickr and Delicious, which re-flect users ’ behavior and the usage of each system. The paper concludes with a user study that demonstrates the benefits of fingerprints over traditional textual methods for recommendations of heterogeneous resources

    Coincidence or correlation?

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    Rationale:Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is a familial syndrome that results from the disruption of a tumor suppressor protein called MENIN. Its management is challenging, as MEN1 affects different endocrine tissues and predisposes to both benign and malignant tumors. MENIN-deficient cells have recently been recognized to play a role in triggering autoimmunity. Herein, we present a case of MEN1 with multiple endocrine and autoimmune disorders.Patient concerns:A 50 years old female with a 25 years history of complicated nephrolithiasis presented with primary hyperparathyroidism.Diagnoses:Over several decades, she was diagnosed with recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, multinodular goiter, pernicious anemia, metastatic gastric type 1 neuroendocrine tumor, macroprolactinemia, gonadotropin deficiency, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the thyroid gland, positive anti-calcium sensor receptor antibodies, and BRCA 1/2-negative invasive breast cancer. The autoimmune regulator gene was sequenced, but no pathogenic variants were found. Next-generation sequencing revealed both a pathogenic MEN1 mutation and a benign CDC73 gene variant. Familial genetic screening revealed a large kindred with multiple carriers of one or both genetic variants (MEN1 = 19; CDC73 = 7).Interventions:The patient underwent surgical excision of three parathyroid glands, total thyroidectomy and breast tumorectomy plus tamoxifen, and monthly injections of octreotide. The patient and family members with the MEN1 mutation are under a life-long surveillance program for MEN1 prototypic tumors.Outcomes:The patient was stable and alive during a 24-years follow-up period.Lessons:With the present case, the authors highlight a new interplay between MENIN and the immune system, which may have implications for future targeted life-long surveillance and treatment of MEN1 patients.publishersversionpublishe