1,462 research outputs found

    A gyökfogó dokozahexaénsav mint agyvédő = Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as a free radical scavenger brain protector

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    Telítetlen zsírsavak (PUFA) fontos szerepet játszanak mint antioxidánsok az emberi testben, különös tekintettel az agyban. Lipidek szisztematikus számítási vizsgálatait az OTKA támogatás előtt már elkezdtük. A támogatás alatt 4 fő tématerületen értünk el eredményeket: Téma 1: Molekuláris konformció változások termodinamikai alapjai Egyszerű szerves molekulák, mint különböző szénhidrogén származékok, peptidek, folytonos termodinamikai fügvényeit állítottuk elő konformációs mozgások mentén. Téma 2: Zsirsavak konformációs információ Igazoltuk a PUFA-k flexibilátásbeli hasonlóságát a peptidekhez a potenciál felületek hasonlóságával. DHA a legfontosabb képviselője a PUFA családnak. Téma 3: Foszfolipidek konformációs információi Az első két téma eredmnyeinek felhasználásával egyszerű foszfolipid modelleket konstruáltunk. A két zsirsavlánc relativ helyzte, kölcsönhatásai, membránszerű elrendeződés esetén állt vizsgálataink homlokterében. Téma4 Szabadgyökök reakciói PUFA és PUFA modellekkel Szabadgyökök és reakcióik PUFA-val lipidek kettősrétegeiben biológiailag nagyon fontos folyamatok. Az E vitamin az egyik leghatékonyabb gyökfogó membránokban. A PUFA-kban mindig megtalálható allil-C-H kötések és különböző típusú gyökök reakcióinak kiterjedt vizsgálata folyt. | Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) play an important role as an antioxidant in the whole human body but more specifically in the brain. The overall project had 4 Topics: Topic 1 Fundamental Thermodynamics of Molecular Conformational Changes: Simple organic molecules were investigated in computing continues thermodynamic functions along conformational changes. These included a variety of compounds from hydrocarbons to peptides. Topic 2 Conformational information of fatty acid: Interestingly enough their felxibility was similar to that of peptides as could be judged from the similarity of their conformational potential energy surfaces. Topic 3 Conformational information of phospholipids: The results and experience obtained from the first two topics were used to construct simple phospholipids. The relative orientations of the two fatty acids in a phospholipid had to be studied to see if the nearly parallel arrangement within the lipid bilayer is enforced by nearest neighbour interaction or if such a geometry is an intrinsically stable structure. Topic 4 Free radical reactions with PUFA and PUFA models: Free radicals and their reactions with PUFA within the lipid bilayer are a biologically very important reactions. The generation of free radicals and their transformation as well as their reactions with allylic C-H bonds, which are always present is PUFA, has been studied in details

    The NAD salvage pathway during the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a major chronic liver disease and thus a main reason for liver-related morbidities and mortality. NAFLD covers a wide range of diseases starting with steatosis and frequently progressing to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which is an independent predictor for the development of the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), the key enzyme of the mammalian NAD salvage pathway, recycles nicotinamide to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), which is further converted to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). NAD is not only an important redox partner but also a crucial co-substrate for NAD-dependent enzymes such as sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). Thus, NAD metabolism might be involved in the progression of NAFLD by regulating many cellular processes, such as apoptosis, de novo lipogenesis, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, in the liver. Interestingly, tumor cells have a high NAD turnover due to their rapid proliferation and high activity of NAD-dependent enzymes. For these reasons, I hypothesized that the NAD salvage pathway is dysregulated during the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Therefore, the first study of the present work deals with the role of the NAD salvage pathway in a diet-induced mouse model of hepatic steatosis. In mice fed a high-fat diet for 11 weeks hepatic NAMPT mRNA, protein abundance and activity as well as NAD levels were increased. Additionally, SIRT1 protein abundance was upregulated indicating a higher SIRT1 activity. This could be confirmed by detecting decreased acetylation or transcription of SIRT1 targets. For example, p53 and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) were less acetylated demonstrating lower activity of key regulators of apoptosis and inflammation, respectively. In the second study of this thesis NAMPT activity was inhibited by applying its specific inhibitor FK866 in hepatocarcinoma cells to investigate whether or not NAMPT inhibition could be a potential novel therapeutic approach in HCC treatment. Hepatocarcinoma cells were more sensitive to NAMPT inhibition by FK866 than primary human hepatocytes, presenting a high number of apoptotic cells after FK866 treatment. FK866 induced NAD and ATP depletion which was associated with activation of the key regulator of energy metabolism 5’-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and decreased activity of its downstream target mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). This thesis shows that the NAD salvage pathway is involved in hepatic steatosis and HCC. During hepatic steatosis NAD metabolism is upregulated to potentially protect against adverse effects of the massive hepatic lipid accumulation. To repress the progression to NASH it might be useful to maintain the hepatic NAD levels during early disease stages by administration of NAD precursors, such as NMN. However, hepatocarcinoma cells have a higher activity of NAMPT and NAD-dependent enzymes. NAMPT inhibition by FK866 could be a potential therapeutic approach in HCC, especially due to the fact that NAD depletion is selectively induced in hepatocarcinoma cells, but not in primary human hepatocytes

    Introduction: converging data sources in cognitive linguistics

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    The aim of the paper is to outline the topic of the present special issue. In the first section, the authors give a concise overview of current discussions on the structure and function of linguistic data and evidence in general. They argue that one of the main insights which the discussions led to is the need to integrate different data sources in linguistic theorising. The second section deals with the specific manifestation of these discussions in cognitive linguistics. The authors raise the questions which the papers in the special issue address with respect to cognitive linguistics: What data sources can be integrated?; How can different data sources be integrated?; How does the integration of different data sources affect the acceptability of hypotheses? Finally, in the last section, the structure of the special issue is summarised

    A prózai műfajok változásai a felvilágosodás korában = The evolution of prose genres in the age of the Enlightenment

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    A prózai műfajok XVIII. századi változásait elemeztem a francia és a magyar kutatások összekapcsolásával. Voltaire és Montesquieu történeti munkáiban és elméleti írásaiban azokat az átalakulásokat vizsgáltam, amelyek a század első felére jellemzőek. Voltaire világtörténete, az Essai sur les mœurs különösen jelentős hatással volt a magyar felvilágosodás filozófiájára a század közepétől kezdve. Prévost abbé munkásságában azt kutattam, hogyan változott a regény-memoár műfaja azokban a műveiben, ahol történeti témát választott. Elemzéseim feltárták, hogy az egész századra jellemző a műfajok mutációja és hogy az eredetiség kritériuma válik dominánssá. A regény, a történetírás és a rövid műfajok (bevezető, esszé, enciklopédiákban és folyóiratban megjelenő írások) változatairól folytatott kutatásaimat francia kutatókkal és a szegedi doktori képzés résztvevőivel együttműködve végeztem. Kutatásaim jelentős részét szenteltem annak a kérdésnek, hogyan függenek össze Bessenyei György prózai műfaji kísérletei filozófiájának átalakulásával. Részletesen elemeztem életművében a regény, a történeti elbeszélés, a színdarab, a dialógus, az esszé, a levél, a bevezető, a jegyzet műfajának sajátosságait. Ezek a kutatási eredmények egy kismonográfiában jelennek majd meg. | I have analyzed the changes of prose genres of 18th century in connexion with the results of French and Hungarian research. I have studied the transformations, characteristic of the first half of the 18th century, in Voltaire's and Montesquieu's works both in their theoretical and historical writings. My studies proved that genuinity becomes dominant criterion in the age of the Enlightenment, while the aim of codifying prose genres becomes less important. The world history of Voltaire (Essai sur les mœurs) is the most important work concerning its influence on the philosophy of Enlightenment in Hungary from the middle of the 18th century. I studied the change of the genre of the novel-memoire in the works of Abbot Prévost dealing with historical themes. In cooperation with French scholars and participants of the PhD Program of the French Department of the Szeged University, I examined the different forms of the novel, the history writing and the short genres (preface, essay, writings published in encyclopedies and periodicals). With respect to Hungarian literature, I dealt with these questions predominantly in the oeuvre of György Bessenyei, I examined how his experiments in prose genres reflect the transformation of his philosophy. I performed a detailed analysis of the genres of the novel, historical writing, drama, dialogue and letter in Bessenyei?s oeuvre. I am planning to publish these results of my research in a short monograph

    Efficient Algorithms for Solving Structured Eigenvalue Problems Arising in the Description of Electronic Excitations

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    Matrices arising in linear-response time-dependent density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory, in particular in the Bethe-Salpeter approach, show a 2 × 2 block structure. The motivation to devise new algorithms, instead of using general purpose eigenvalue solvers, comes from the need to solve large problems on high performance computers. This requires parallelizable and communication-avoiding algorithms and implementations. We point out various novel directions for diagonalizing structured matrices. These include the solution of skew-symmetric eigenvalue problems in ELPA, as well as structure preserving spectral divide-and-conquer schemes employing generalized polar decompostions

    The Effect of the English Language Learner Pull Out Program on Primary Students\u27 Language Achievement

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the English Language Learner (ELL) pull out program on student achievement. Schools are facing the unprecedented challenge to educate a multicultural and multilingual student body with varied abilities and backgrounds of learning

    Red Bull gaining momentum in european club football : the competitive advantage of Rasen Ballsport Leipzig e.V.

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    Porter has majorly shaped the recent literature about competitiveness with his concept of competitive advantage. In combination with his idea of a unique value proposition, he has driven companies how to position themselves in the highly dynamic environment, fostered through globalization and digitization. In order to position their products efficiently, many companies use sports sponsoring as a marketing measure. A teaching case, that aims at educating undergraduate and post-graduate students about the concept of competitive advantage, value proposition and sports sponsoring has been developed. For this, Red Bull’s international football conglomerate, with its top club Rasen Ballsport Leipzig e.V. was taken as an example. The German football market has high market entry barriers for financial investors, however Red Bull found ways to establish a 100% equity owned club in Europe’s third strongest league. With a remarkable transfer strategy, only signing players between 17-23, with a salary cap of €3m/a and strong characteristics such a discipline and humbleness, the club moved up from Germany’s fifth league to the first in just seven years and reached the UEFA Champions League in two out of three seasons in the first league. The international competitiveness pays off twofold for Red Bull, as through displays in international broadcasting, brand awareness for the energy drink increases too, aside the increased market value of the club’s young talents.Porter influenciou a mais recente literatura sobre competitividade com o seu conceito de vantagem competitiva. Em combinação com a sua idealização de proposição única de valor, ele guiou o posicionamento de empresas em ambientes altamente dinâmicos, promovido pela globalização e digitalização. De forma a posicionar os seus produtos eficientemente, diversas empresas usam o patrocínio desportivo como uma ferramenta de marketing. Nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido um caso de estudo, que tem como objetivo educar estudantes de licenciatura e mestrado sobre o conceito de vantagem competitiva, proposição de valor e patrocínio desportivo. A título de exemplo, foi utilizado o conglomerado internacional de futebol do Red Bull, com o seu clube Rasen Ballsport Leipzig e.V.. O mercado de futebol alemão apresenta elevadas barreiras de entrada a investidores financeiros, no entanto a Red Bull arranjou forma de obter 100% de participação num clube de futebol da terceira liga mais forte da Europa. Com uma estratégia de transferências marcante, contratando apenas atletas entre as idades 17-23 anos, limite salarial de 3 milhões por ano e com características relevantes como a disciplina, humildade, o clube ascendeu da quinta divisão alemã para a primeira em apenas 7 anos e alcançou a UEFA Champions League em duas das três temporadas que marcou presença na primeira divisão. A competitividade internacional retornou a dobrar a Red Bull, através de transmissões internacionais, maior exposição da marca da bebida energética e adicionalmente um aumento do valor de mercado dos jovens talento do clube

    ELL Students: Literacy Development and Language Development

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    The article is about the history of ELL students and the challenges they are faced in an educational setting. Also literacy development is discussed as educators need to be aware of the importance of literacy development. The article also discusses language development and language acquisition for an ELL student