240 research outputs found

    The Intrinsic Fundamental Group of a Linear Category

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    We provide an intrinsic definition of the fundamental group of a linear category over a ring as the automorphism group of the fibre functor on Galois coverings. If the universal covering exists, we prove that this group is isomorphic to the Galois group of the universal covering. The grading deduced from a Galois covering enables us to describe the canonical monomorphism from its automorphism group to the first Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology vector space.Comment: Final version, to appear in Algebras and Representation Theor

    Multi-site observations of Delta Scuti stars 7 Aql and 8 Aql (a new Delta Scuti variable): The twelfth STEPHI campaign in 2003

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    We present an analysis of the pulsation behaviour of the Delta Scuti stars 7 Aql (HD 174532) and 8 Aql (HD 174589) -- a new variable star -- observed in the framework of STEPHI XII campaign during 2003 June--July. 183 hours of high precision photometry were acquired by using four-channel photometers at three sites on three continents during 21 days. The light curves and amplitude spectra were obtained following a classical scheme of multi-channel photometry. Observations in different filters were also obtained and analyzed. Six and three frequencies have been unambiguously detected above a 99% confidence level in the range 0.090 mHz--0.300 mHz and 0.100 mHz-- 0.145 mHz in 7 Aql and 8 Aql respectively. A comparison of observed and theoretical frequencies shows that 7 Aql and 8 Aql may oscillate with p modes of low radial orders, typical among Delta Scuti stars. In terms of radial oscillations the range of 8 Aql goes from n=1 to n=3 while for 7 Aql the range spans from n=4 to n=7. Non-radial oscillations have to be present in both stars as well. The expected range of excited modes according to a non adiabatic analysis goes from n=1 to n=6 in both stars.Comment: 8 pages, 7 fugures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    ALMA observations of Elias 2–24: a protoplanetary disk with multiple gaps in the Ophiuchus molecular cloud

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    We present ALMA 1.3 mm continuum observations at 0. 2 (25 au) resolution of Elias 2–24, one of the largest and brightest protoplanetary disks in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud, and we report the presence of three partially resolved concentric gaps located at ∼20, 52, and 87 au from the star. We perform radiative transfer modeling of the disk to constrain its surface density and temperature radial profile and place the disk structure in the context of mechanisms capable of forming narrow gaps such as condensation fronts and dynamical clearing by actively forming planets. In particular, we estimate the disk temperature at the locations of the gaps to be 23, 15, and 12 K (at 20, 52, and 87 au, respectively), very close to the expected snowlines of CO (23–28 K) and N2 (12–15 K). Similarly, by assuming that the widths of the gaps correspond to 4–8× the Hill radii of forming planets (as suggested by numerical simulations), we estimate planet masses in the range of 0.2 1.5 – MJup, 1.0 8.0 – MJup, and 0.02 0.15 – MJup for the inner, middle, and outer gap, respectively. Given the surface density profile of the disk, the amount of “missing mass” at the location of each one of these gaps (between 4 and 20 MJup) is more than sufficient to account for the formation of such planets.Fil: Cieza, Lucas A.. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Casassus, Simon. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Pérez, Sebastian. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Hales, Antonio. Alma Observatory; ChileFil: Cárcamo, Miguel. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Ansdell, Megan. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: Avenhaus, Henning. Universitat Zurich; SuizaFil: Bayo, Amelia. Universidad de Valparaiso; ChileFil: Bertrang, Gesa H.-M.. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Cánovas, Hector. Agencia Espacial Europea; EspañaFil: Christiaens, Valentin. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Dent, William. Alma Observatory; ChileFil: Ferrero, Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gamen, Roberto Claudio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Olofsson, Johan. Universidad de Valparaiso; ChileFil: Orcajo, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Osses, Axel. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Peña Ramirez, Karla. Universidad de Antofagasta; ChileFil: Principe, David. Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: Ruíz Rodríguez, Dary. Rochester Institute Of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: Schreiber, Matthias R.. Universidad de Valparaiso; ChileFil: Plas, Gerrit van der. Univ. Grenoble Alpes; SuizaFil: Williams, Jonathan P.. Institute For Astronomy, University Of Hawaii; Estados UnidosFil: Zurlo, Alice. Universidad Diego Portales; Chil

    Laparoscopic versus open colectomy for acute complicated diverticulitis: a comparative study of outcomes - a systematic review

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    Acute complicated diverticulitis presents a more severe form of diverticular illness frequently needing urgent medical intervention and possibly surgical therapy. The aim of this review is to gather conclusive evidence from the literature comparing laparoscopic techniques to open and conservative ones in order to determine the most effective treatment plan for complicated diverticulitis. Online databases like PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane, Elsevier and many others were systematically searched according to an inclusion criterion to obtain a total of 13 studies to be included in the review. 8/13 studies presented short term outcomes while 5/13 studies concluded with long term outcomes following index surgeries. Based on the end results, it can be concluded that laparoscopic surgery, in particular laparoscopic colon resection is superior to other techniques in treating complicated diverticulitis in terms of fewer short-term complications, low mortality rate better quality of life with few recurrence rates. However, other approaches have their own advantages and can be given priority based on the unique presentation of each case. The clinicians are advised to make informed decisions keeping in view all the patient and disease associated aspects

    Plan estratégico para Alimentos Montecarlo S.A.S. al año 2020 Marca Colandes

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    58 Páginas.ALIMENTOS MONTECARLO S.A.S. y su marca comercial COLANDES, es una empresa familiar dedicada a la recolección de leche cruda, proceso, producción y comercialización de leche pasteurizada y derivados lácteos en Zipaquirá Cundinamarca. Fue fundada por 5 hermanos en el mes de Septiembre del 2008. Está constituida por 40 empleados directos y 4 externos. Sus productos se comercializan en Zipaquirá, Cajicá, Chía, Funza, Mosquera, Madrid y en un sector de Bogotá. La empresa está en un proceso de crecimiento por lo tanto las ventas son realizadas por medio de distribuidores, realizando venta directa a pocos clientes, la empresa no cuenta con una estructura comercial, por lo que en los 6 años que lleva en el mercado su único instrumento para el crecimiento en ventas ha sido el voz a voz; con éste esquema se ha obtenido un leve crecimiento, sin embargo COLANDES requiere de un plan estratégico para mejorar su estructura creando un departamento comercial y fortaleciendo las demás áreas

    Depósito y caracterización de recubrimientos cerámicos de Al2o3 sobre acero 1020 por termorrociado

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    RESUMEN: Se determinaron los parámetros necesarios para la elaboración de recubrimientos de , sobre aceros AISI 1020, utilizando como mecanismo de anclaje entre el sustrato y el cerámico una aleación a base de Ni, los polvos utilizados fueron comerciales y el método de deposición por aspersión con llama oxiacetilénica. Los revestimientos se analizaron por EDS (espectroscopía de dispersión de energías, SEM (microscopía electrónica de barrido), OM (microscopía óptica), la adherencia se cuantificó bajo la norma ASTM C633-08. Los parámetros obtenidos para la proyección de Ni son apropiados ya que producen recubrimientos uniformes con baja porosidad cerrada. Los parámetros para la proyección de la alúmina deben revisarse ya que el recubrimiento obtenido es poco uniforme, poroso y de espesor irregular, esto se debe al alto punto de fusión de la alúmina y a la amplia distribución en la granulometría del polvo. Las pruebas de adhesión dejan ver una buena adhesión entre el sustrato y la aleación de Ni, pero se observa una falla adhesiva entre la alúmina y la capa de Ni.ABSTRACT: This paper discuses about the required parameters to fabricate coatings Al2O3, on AISI 1020 steels by thermal spray, using as anchoring mechanism between the substrate and the ceramic an alloy based , powders were commercial, and spraying with oxyacetylene flame were the deposition method used. The coatings were analyzed by EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy, SEM (scanning electron microscopy), OM (optical microscopy), and the adhesion was measured under the ASTM C633-08 standard. The obtained parameters for the Ni projection are suitable because they produce uniform coatings with low closed porosity. The parameters for the projection of the alumina should be reviewed since the obtained coating is not uniform, it has porous and irregular thickness, this is due to the high melting point of alumina and to the wide distribution in the powder granulometry. The results show a good adhesion between the substrate and the Ni alloy, but an adhesive failure between the alumina and the Ni layer

    Latitude does not influence cavity entrance orientation of South American avian excavators

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    In the Northern Hemisphere, several avian cavity excavators (e.g., woodpeckers) orient their cavities increasingly toward the equator as latitude increases (i.e., farther north), and it is proposed that they do so to take advantage of incident solar radiation at their nests. If latitude is a key driver of cavity orientations globally, this pattern should extend to the Southern Hemisphere. Here, we test the prediction that cavities are oriented increasingly northward at higher (i.e., colder) latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere and describe the preferred entrance direction(s) of 1501 cavities excavated by 25 avian species (n = 22 Picidae, 2 Trogonidae, 1 Furnariidae) across 12 terrestrial ecoregions (15°S ? 55°S) in South America. We used Bayesian projected normal mixed-effects models for circular data to examine the influence of latitude, and potential confounding factors, on cavity orientation. Also, a probability model selection procedure was used to simultaneously examine multiple orientation hypotheses in each ecoregion, to explore underlying cavity-orientation patterns. Contrary to predictions, and patterns from the Northern Hemisphere, birds did not orient their cavities more toward the equator with increasing latitude, suggesting that latitude may not be an important underlying selective force shaping excavation behavior in South America. Moreover, unimodal cavity-entrance orientations were not frequent among the ecoregions analyzed (infour ecoregions), whereas bimodal (in five ecoregions) or uniform (in three ecoregions) werealso common, although many of these patterns were not very sharp. Our results highlight the need to include data from under-studied biotas and regions to improve inferences at macroecology scales. Furthermore, we suggest a re-analysis of Northern Hemisphere cavity orientation patterns using a multimodel approach, and a more comprehensive assessment of the role of environmental factors as drivers of cavity orientation at different spatial scales in both hemispheres.Fil: Ojeda, Valeria Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Schaaf, Alejandro Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; ArgentinaFil: Altamirano, Tatiana Edith. University of British Columbia; CanadáFil: Bonaparte, Eugenia Bianca. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Bragagnolo, Laura Araceli. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Chazarreta, L.. Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrallo Sustentable de la Nación; ArgentinaFil: Cockle, Kristina Louise. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Dias, R.. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Di Sallo, Facundo Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Ibarra, T.. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Ippi, Silvina Graciela. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Jauregui, Adrian. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Área Zoología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Jimenez, Jaime E.. Universidad de Magallanes; ChileFil: Lammertink, J. Martjan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, F.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Nuñez Montellano, Maria Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: de la Peña, Martín. No especifíca;Fil: Rivera, Luis Osvaldo. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; ArgentinaFil: Vivanco, Constanza Guadalupe. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; ArgentinaFil: Santillán, Miguel. Museo de Historia Natural de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Soto, G.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Vergara, P.. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Politi, Natalia. University of North Texas; Estados Unido

    Sustainable Development, Ecological Complexity, and Environmental Values

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    Sustainable Development, Ecological Complexity, and Environmental Values contributes to expanding the idea of sustainability by integrating different thematic issues related to sustainable development in its threefold consideration (economic, social, and environmental) with regard to the case of the Basque Country. On the global scale, changes have clearly accelerated; ecological and social sustainability are two facets of the same changing reality. First, social sustainability depends on ecological sustainability. If we continue degrading nature's capacity to produce the ecosystems' services (water filtration, climate stabilization, etc) and resources (food, materials), both individuals and nations will be affected by growing pressures and increasing conflicts, as well as by threats to public health and personal safety. Second, ecological sustainability depends on social sustainability, a socially unjust and unfair system wiht an ever-increasing population that is not able to have its needs met will necessarily lead to environmental collapse. In addition, human behavior and the social dynamic often lie at the heart of social and ecological problems. It must be, therefore, assumed that there will not be sustainable development if sustainable societies do not first exist. A sustainable society has the challenge of developing human capital. In this book, these global questions are treated as they relate to specific place and context, the Basque Country and its modern institutions.This book was published with generous financial support from the Basque Government.Introduction—Ignacio Ayestarán and Miren Onaindia ? 1. An Evaluation of Ecosystem Services as a Base for the Sustainable Management of a Region by Miren Onaindia and Gloria Rodríguez-Loinaz ? 2. An Evaluation of Millennium Ecosystems from the Basque Country by Igone Palacios, Izaskun Casada-Arzuaga, Iosu Madariaga, and Xabier Arana ? 3. Climate Change: Activities of the EOLO Group at the University of the Basque Country by Agustín Ezcurra, Jon Sáenz, and Gabriel Ibarra-Berastegi ? 4. The Environmental Value of the Karstic Landscape of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve: The Asnarre Promontory (Bizkaia) by Arantza Aranburu, Laura Damas-Mollá, Patxi García-Garmilla, Iñaki Yusta, M. Arriolabengoa, Peru Iridoy, and Eneko Iriarte ? 5. Recent Environmental Transformation of the Bilbao Estuary: Natural and Anthropogenic Processes by Alejandro Cearreta, Maria Jesús Irabien, and Eduardo Leorri ? 6. The Landscape of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country: The Evolution of Forest Systems by Lorena Peña and Ibone Amezaga ? 7. Critical Theories of Sustainable Development by Eguzki Urteaga ? 8. Bases for the Transition toward a Sustainable Economy by Roberto Bermejo, David Hoyos, and Eneko Garmendia ? 9. Environmental Values, the Epistemology of Complex Problems, and Postnormal Science in the Face of Global Change by Ignacio Ayestáran ? 10. Science, Gender, and Sustainable Development by Teresa Nuño Angós ? 11. Environmental Education as Training: A Case Study at the University of the Basque Country by Araitz Uskola Ibarluzea ? 12. Social Values and Sustainable Practices among Basque Inshore Fishermen by Pío Pérez Aldasoro ? 13. Sustainable Development and the Values of Well-Being and Globalization by Eduardo Rubio Ardanaz, Juan Antonio Rubio-Ardanaz, and Xiao Fang ? Index ? List of Contributor

    A critical assessment of Mus musculus gene function prediction using integrated genomic evidence

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    Background: Several years after sequencing the human genome and the mouse genome, much remains to be discovered about the functions of most human and mouse genes. Computational prediction of gene function promises to help focus limited experimental resources on the most likely hypotheses. Several algorithms using diverse genomic data have been applied to this task in model organisms; however, the performance of such approaches in mammals has not yet been evaluated. Results: In this study, a standardized collection of mouse functional genomic data was assembled; nine bioinformatics teams used this data set to independently train classifiers and generate predictions of function, as defined by Gene Ontology (GO) terms, for 21,603 mouse genes; and the best performing submissions were combined in a single set of predictions. We identified strengths and weaknesses of current functional genomic data sets and compared the performance of function prediction algorithms. This analysis inferred functions for 76% of mouse genes, including 5,000 currently uncharacterized genes. At a recall rate of 20%, a unified set of predictions averaged 41% precision, with 26% of GO terms achieving a precision better than 90%. Conclusion: We performed a systematic evaluation of diverse, independently developed computational approaches for predicting gene function from heterogeneous data sources in mammals. The results show that currently available data for mammals allows predictions with both breadth and accuracy. Importantly, many highly novel predictions emerge for the 38% of mouse genes that remain uncharacterized