1,171 research outputs found

    How Debian GNU/Linux is translated into Spanish

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    La Debian GNU/Linux és un dels paquets de programari per a Linux que compta amb una major distribució. Inclou milers de paquets de programari lliure (free, open source) provinents de moltes fonts diferents. Una de les peculiaritats del projecte Debian rau en el fet que funciona gràcies a un grup de voluntaris seleccionats per ells mateixos. En concret, això vol dir que les tasques de localització (inclosa la traducció) a moltes de les llengües previstes es duen a terme a partir de l'esforç de voluntaris. Aquest article descriu com es localitza el Debian al castellà, com a exemple dels esforços que s'estan fent en el món del programari lliure.La Debian GNU/Linux es uno de los paquetes de software para Linux que cuenta con una mayor distribución. Incluye miles de paquetes de software libre (free, open source) que provienen de muchas Fuentes diferentes. Una de las peculiaridades del proyecto Debian radical en el hecho de que funciona gracias a un grupo de voluntarios seleccionados por ellos mismos. En concreto, esto quiere decir que las tareas de localización (incluida la traducción) a muchas de las lenguas previstas se llevan a cabo a partir del esfuerzo de voluntarios. Este artículo describe cómo se localiza el Debian al castellano como ejemplo de los esfuerzos que es están realizando en el mundo del software libre.Debian GNU/Linux is one of the largest Linux-based software distributions, including thousands of libre (free, open source) software packages coming from many different sources. One of the peculiarities of the Debian project is being run altogether by a self-selected group of volunteers. In particular, this means that all the localization tasks (including translation) to the many supported languages is run on volunteer effort. This paper describes how Debian is localized to the Spanish language, as a case example of translation efforts in the libre software world

    Evaluation of the proposal for bimodal learning as an alternative in post-confinement

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    [EN] The  bimodal  education  model  adopted by  some  spanish  universities  during the  post-confinement  period  has  been based on making presentiality, and non- presentiality, teaching compatible, in order to adapt satisfactorily to the new reality of university classrooms. The leap to virtuality last year allowed us to enrich the traditional teaching model with respect to the future, and the course of the current year leads us to the combination of both types of education,  presentiality,  and  virtual, whose  main  contribution  is  to  provide continuity to a school year, and also, to achieve flexibility in pedagogical strategies. In addition, the rethinking of the teaching-learning process has involved an important restructuring of spaces and processes that ensure not only the health of all members of  the  university  community,  but  also quality teaching to promote the permanent intellectual  and  personal  development of students. in the time. The success of the social transformation in which we are immersed depends largely on education; therefore,  the  educational  community must  adjust  itself  adequately  to  these new circumstances. In the future, it will be important to inquire with perspective about the impact of all the changes caused by  COVID  in  the  teaching  and  learning process  of  students  and  teachers.  A transcendental aspect will be to know the progress of students in the post-pandemic era and adopt the pedagogical actions that are necessary to adapt to this new scenario.[ES] El modelo de educación bimodal adoptado por algunas universidades españolas durante el post-confinamiento se ha fundamentado en la compatibilización de la enseñanza presencial y la no presencial, para acomodarse de forma satisfactoria a la nueva realidad de las aulas universitarias. El salto a la virtualidad del curso pasado nos permitió enriquecer el modelo de enseñanza tradicional con respecto al futuro, y el recorrido del curso actual nos lleva a la combinación de ambos tipos de educación, presencial y virtual, cuya principal contribución es la de dar continuidad a un curso lectivo, y también, la de lograr la flexibilización de las estrategias pedagógicas. Además, el replanteamiento del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje ha supuesto una importante reestructuración de espacios y procesos que aseguran no sólo la salud de todos los miembros de la comunidad universitaria, sino una docencia de calidad orientada a promover el desarrollo personal e intelectual permanente de los estudiantes en el tiempo. El éxito de la transformación social en la que estamos inmersos depende en gran medida de la educación, por ello, la comunidad educativa debe ajustase adecuadamente a esas nuevas circunstancias. En el futuro será importante indagar con perspectiva sobre la repercusión de todos los cambios provocados por la COVID en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de estudiantes y profesores.  Un aspecto transcendental será conocer el progreso de los estudiantes en la era postpandemia y adoptar las acciones pedagógicas que sean necesarias para adaptarnos a dicho nuevo escenario.Peña Fernández, MÁM.; Peña-Fernández, A. (2022). Evaluación de la propuesta de aprendizaje bimodal como alternativa en el post-confinamiento. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 20(1):161-168. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2022.17029OJS16116820

    Precision of Digital Volume Correlation Approaches for Strain Analysis in Bone Imaged with Micro-Computed Tomography at Different Dimensional Levels

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    Accurate measurement of local strain in heterogeneous and anisotropic bone tissue is fundamental to understand the pathophysiology of musculoskeletal diseases, to evaluate the effect of interventions from preclinical studies, and to optimize the design and delivery of biomaterials. Digital volume correlation (DVC) can be used to measure the three-dimensional displacement and strain fields from micro-computed tomography (μCT) images of loaded specimens. However, this approach is affected by the quality of the input images, by the morphology and density of the tissue under investigation, by the correlation scheme, and by the operational parameters used in the computation. Therefore, for each application, the precision of the method should be evaluated. In this paper, we present the results collected from datasets analyzed in previous studies as well as new data from a recent experimental campaign for characterizing the relationship between the precision of two different DVC approaches and the spatial resolution of the outputs. Different bone structures scanned with laboratory source μCT or synchrotron light μCT (SRμCT) were processed in zero-strain tests to evaluate the precision of the DVC methods as a function of the subvolume size that ranged from 8 to 2,500 µm. The results confirmed that for every microstructure the precision of DVC improves for larger subvolume size, following power laws. However, for the first time, large differences in the precision of both local and global DVC approaches have been highlighted when SRμCT or in vivo μCT images were used instead of conventional ex vivo μCT. These findings suggest that in situ mechanical testing protocols applied in SRμCT facilities should be optimized to allow DVC analyses of localized strain measurements. Moreover, for in vivo μCT applications, DVC analyses should be performed only with relatively course spatial resolution for achieving a reasonable precision of the method. In conclusion, we have extensively shown that the precision of both tested DVC approaches is affected by different bone structures, different input image resolution, and different subvolume sizes. Before each specific application, DVC users should always apply a similar approach to find the best compromise between precision and spatial resolution of the measurements

    Investigating Piezochromic Properties of πconjugated Materials: a combined Raman and DFT Study

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    Π-conjugated materials have been studied for decades due to their great interest in organic electronics. Among them, piezochromic materials, which exhibit color changes resulting from external pressure or mechanical grinding, become very attractive from a scientific viewpoint owing to their potential applications as pressure-sensing and opticalrecording systems1. The main target of the present work is to develop a joint experimental and theoretical approach able to deliver crucial information for the understanding of the structural effects causing piezochromic changes. To this end, we will focus our attention on two families of -conjugated materials with potential application as sensors. The first one is a family of 9,10-Bis((E)-n(pyrid-2-yl)vinyl) anthracene, BPnVA (n=2 orto-,3 metha- and 4 para-) compounds, see Figure 1. Interestingly, these three compounds with varying position of the nitrogen on the external pyridyl group exhibit different molecular packing modes. Grinding and the application of external pressure on the powder also led to a strong change in their photoluminescence color.2 The second familiy is based on the N,N’-Bis-Boc-3,3’-di(pyren-1yl)-2,2’-biindole compound (compound 1c in Figure 1) which also shows photoluminescence under pressure application. However, the molecular packing induced by this phenomenon is still under study 3. In both cases, it will be also very interesting to determine how temperature affects the vibrational structure of these systems.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Time-resolved fluorescence line-narrowing of Eu3+ in biocompatible eutectic glass-ceramics

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    The spectroscopic properties of Eu3+ in biocompatible glass and glass-ceramic eutectic rods of composition 0.8CaSiO3-0.2Ca3(PO4)2 doped with 0.5 wt% of Eu2O3 are investigated to explore their potential applications as optical probes. The samples were obtained by the laser floating zone technique. Depending on the growth rate, they exhibit three (two crystalline and one amorphous) or two (one crystalline and one amorphous) phases. The crystalline phases correspond to Ca2SiO4 and apatite-like structures. At high growth rates the system presents an amorphous arrangement which gives a glass phase. The results of time-resolved fluorescence line narrowing spectroscopy obtained under excitation within the inhomogeneous broadened 7F0¿5D0 absorption band allow to isolate the emission from Eu3+ ions in the crystalline and amorphous environments and to accurately correlate the spectroscopic properties with the microstructure of these eutectics

    Empleo de materiales secundarios como materia prima de nuevos tipos de cementos

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    The present paper is a comparative study of some characteristics of new belite cements obtained from two kind of wastes, which were used as secondary raw materials: fly ash (FA), of low CaO content, from coal combustion, and ash from incineration of municipal solid waste (MSWIA). Cements were synthesised in a range of temperature between 700°C and 900°C from MSWIA and FA, which were previously activated by hydrothermal treatment at 200°C The evolution of cemented phases with the heating temperature was followed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results were compared with those obtained from heating the starting FA and MSWIA without the previous hydrothermal treatment. The degree of hydration was quantitatively evaluated by the combined water content, determined from thermogravimetric analyses, during a period of 28 days or 200 days from mixing depending of hydration kinetics of each cement.Este trabajo es un estudio comparativo de algunas de las características de nuevos cementos belíticos, obtenidos a partir de dos tipos de residuos, como materia prima secundaria: cenizas volantes (CV) de bajo contenido en cal, procedentes de la combustión del carbón y cenizas procedentes de la incineración de residuos sólidos urbanos (CIRSU). Los cementos fueron sintetizados en un rango de temperaturas comprendido entre 700°C y 900°C después de un tratamiento hidrotermal de la CV y CIRSU a 200°C La evolución de las fases cementicias, con la temperatura de calentamiento, fue estudiada por difracción de rayos X (DRX). Los resultados fueron comparados con aquellos obtenidos, directamente, por calentamiento de los residuos, sin un tratamiento hidrotermal previo de los mismos. El grado de hidratación fue cuantitativamente evaluado, por medio del análisis termogravimétrico, a partir del agua combinada de los cementos hidratados durante un período de 28 días o 200 días, dependiendo de la cinética de hidratación de cada cemento

    Multi-atlas label fusion by using supervised local weighting for brain image segmentation

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    La segmentación automática de estructuras de interés en imágenes de resonancia magnética cerebral requiere esfuerzos significantes, debido a las formas complicadas, el bajo contraste y la variabilidad anatómica. Un aspecto que reduce el desempeño de la segmentación basada en múltiples atlas es la suposición de correspondencias uno-a-uno entre los voxeles objetivo y los del atlas. Para mejorar el desempeño de la segmentación, las metodologías de fusión de etiquetas incluyen información espacial y de intensidad a través de estrategias de votación ponderada a nivel de voxel. Aunque los pesos se calculan para un conjunto de atlas predefinido, estos no son muy eficientes en etiquetar estructuras intrincadas, ya que la mayoría de las formas de los tejidos no se distribuyen uniformemente en las imágenes. Este artículo propone una metodología de extracción de características a nivel de voxel basado en la combinación lineal de las intensidades de un parche. Hasta el momento, este es el primer intento de extraer características locales maximizando la función de alineamiento de kernel centralizado, buscando construir representaciones discriminativas, superar la complejidad de las estructuras, y reducir la influencia de los artefactos. Para validar los resultados, la estrategia de segmentación propuesta se compara contra la segmentación Bayesiana y la fusión de etiquetas basada en parches en tres bases de datos diferentes. Respecto del índice de similitud Dice, nuestra propuesta alcanza el más alto acierto (90.3% en promedio) con suficiente robusticidad ante los artefactos y respetabilidad apropiada.The automatic segmentation of interest structures is devoted to the morphological analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging volumes. It demands significant efforts due to its complicated shapes and since it lacks contrast between tissues and intersubject anatomical variability. One aspect that reduces the accuracy of the multi-atlasbased segmentation is the label fusion assumption of one-to-one correspondences between targets and atlas voxels. To improve the performance of brain image segmentation, label fusion approaches include spatial and intensity information by using voxel-wise weighted voting strategies. Although the weights are assessed for a predefined atlas set, they are not very efficient for labeling intricate structures since most tissue shapes are not uniformly distributed in the images. This paper proposes a methodology of voxel-wise feature extraction based on the linear combination of patch intensities. As far as we are concerned, this is the first attempt to locally learn the features by maximizing the centered kernel alignment function. Our methodology aims to build discriminative representations, deal with complex structures, and reduce the image artifacts. The result is an enhanced patch-based segmentation of brain images. For validation, the proposed brain image segmentation approach is compared against Bayesian-based and patch-wise label fusion on three different brain image datasets. In terms of the determined Dice similarity index, our proposal shows the highest segmentation accuracy (90.3% on average); it presents sufficient artifact robustness, and provides suitable repeatability of the segmentation results