278 research outputs found

    Boron concentration profiling by high angle annular dark field-scanning transmission electron microscopy in homoepitaxial delta-doped diamond layers

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    To develop further diamond related devices, the concentration and spatial location of dopants should be controlled down to the nanometer scale. Scanning transmission electron microscopy using the high angle annular dark field mode is shown to be sensitive to boron doping in diamond epilayers. An analytical procedure is described, whereby local boron concentrations above 1020 cm-3 were quantitatively derived down to nanometer resolution from the signal dependence on thickness and boron content. Experimental boron local doping profiles measured on diamond p-/p++/p- multilayers are compared to macroscopic profiles obtained by secondary ion mass spectrometry, avoiding reported artefacts.4 page

    Glycine methyl ester hydro­chloride

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    The title compound [systematic name: (methoxy­carbonyl­meth­yl)ammonium chloride], crystallizes as a salt, C3H8NO2 +·Cl−, with the charged species inter­acting mutually via strong and highly directional N+—H⋯Cl− hydrogen bonds which lead to the formation of a supra­molecular tape running parallel to the c axis. Tapes close pack in the solid state mediated by multipoint recognition synthons based on weak C—H⋯O inter­actions and van der Waals contacts between adjacent methyl groups

    The social wellbeing of irrigation water. A demand-side integrated valuation in a Mediterranean agroecosystem

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    [EN] Irrigation water is a vital input for agricultural production. The supply of irrigation water to crops enhances land productivity and affects the agroecosystem functioning. Agroecosystems co-provide a wide range of agroecosystem services and disservices, which contribute positively and negatively, respectively, to human wellbeing. Therefore, irrigated agroecosystems produce several positive and negative outcomes in relation to society, and agricultural water management is key to the provision of adequate incentives for the enhancement of social wellbeing. In such a context, the aim of this work was to value the contribution of water to the provision of agroecosystem services and disservices, as a way to summarise the contribution of irrigation to social wellbeing. To this end, a demand-side integrated valuation of agroecosystem services and disservices was carried out for both rain-fed and irrigated agriculture in two different agroecosystems of the Region of Murcia (south-eastern Spain), a semi-arid western Mediterranean region characterised by water scarcity. In addition, the intensity of the agricultural water use was considered by distinguishing traditional and highly-intensive irrigated agroecosystems. Almond and lemon, two woody crops, were employed to develop the economic valuation in rain-fed and irrigated agroecosystems, respectively. The assessment of biophysical indicators to quantify the provision of services and disservices and their economic valuation, using market and non-market methods, were used. The results show that the contribution of water to social wellbeing is valued at 9000-12,300 euro/ha/year, being greater when the intensive use of agricultural water is promoted. The net economic value of all categories of agroecosystem services and disservices increases when irrigation water is supplied. Notwithstanding, the greatest contribution is due to the increase in provisioning services, mainly food provision in the case of the highly-intensive agroecosystem. Traditional irrigated agroecosystems make a greater contribution to regulating and cultural agroecosystem services. Hence, agricultural water management should focus on increasing the contribution of irrigated agroecosystems to human wellbeing.This work was supported by the AgriCambio project (Grant PID2020- 114576RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033). Jos¿e A. Zabala, Víctor Martínez-García and Jos¿e A. Albaladejo-García acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Personal Training (FPU 16/03473; FPU19/05143; FPU 16/ 03562)Alcon, F.; Zabala, J.; Matínez-García, V.; Albaladejo, J.; López-Becerra, E.; De Miguel, MD.; Martínez-Paz, JM. (2022). The social wellbeing of irrigation water. A demand-side integrated valuation in a Mediterranean agroecosystem. Agricultural Water Management. 262. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.10740026

    Signs of Overload After an Intensified Training

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    [EN] This study investigated eff ects of a 9-week intensified aerobic training and 3-weeks of recovery on signs of overload in 9 healthy active young males. Blood and saliva samples were collected and psychological questionnaires were administered during baseline (T1), intermediate load (T2), maximal load (T3), and recovery (T4) periods. Maximal oxygen uptake increased and blood lactate concentration decreased in T3, while running time in a 3 000 m track fi eld test was significantly shorter. No signifi cant changes were found in hematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count, lactate dehydrogenase, transaminases, interleukin-6, tumour necrosis factor- α , myeloperoxidase and markers of oxidative stress in plasma, or salivary cortisol and testosterone. Increases in diff erent negative aff ectscales and in the total mood disturbance score of the Profi le of Mood States were observed during T3. Scores in the stress scales of the Recovery- Stress Questionnaire for Athletes and in the State Anxiety Scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory also showed signifi cant increases during T3. The lack of eff ects in biomarkers together with the changes observed in psychological assessment indicates that an intensifi ed training can produce psychological disturbances prone to early overreaching development. Additionally, it seems that psychological parameters are sensitive markers to detect stress produced by load increases.SIThis work was supported by the Acción Estratégica Sobre el Deporte, Spain (grants n ° 2006-56141-C03-01 to J. G., n ° 2006- 56141-C03-02 to S.M., and n ° 2006-56141-C03-03 to F.S.

    Methyl 2-(4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl­amino)acetate

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    The title compound, C6H6Cl2N4O2, was prepared by the nucleophilic substitution of 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine by glycine methyl ester hydro­chloride, and was isolated from the reaction by using flash chromatography. The crystal structure at 150 K reveals the presence two crystallographically independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit which differ in the orientation of the pendant methoxy­carbonyl group. Each mol­ecular unit is engaged in strong and highly directional N—H⋯N hydrogen-bonding inter­actions with a symmetry-related mol­ecule, forming supra­molecular dimers which act as the synthons in the crystal packing

    Dolor crónico: relación con sintomatología prefrontal y estrés percibido

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The quality of perceived stress coping in chronic pain is related to the performance of the prefrontal cortex as the main structure of control and coordination of superior behavior control. The present study explores the presence of prefrontal symptomatology, in the form of problems to manage cognition, emotions and behavior, and perceived stress in a sample of people suffering from chronic pain. Material and methods: We studied 78 participants with a diagnosis of chronic pain ranging in age from 27 to 81 years (mean 54.2 and d.t 13.4). Sociodemographic and clinical variables were analyzed together with the results in the 11-item Short Brief Pain Questionnaire (CBD) to assess the intensity and interference of pain, the Prefrontal Symptom Inventory (ISP), both in its complete version of 46 items and in the abbreviated of 20, and the 10-itme Perceived Scale of Perceived Stress (EEP). Results and discussion: Significant correlations between the prefrontal symptomatology and the intensity (r = 0.32) and the interference (r = 0.53) of the pain, as well as between the stress and the interference of the pain in the mood (r = 0.36). People report more painful feelings when they refer more cognitive and emotional management problems surrounding the environment. The general interference of pain is related to more motivational and attention problems, while the interference that the pain produces in the mood also increases the problems with executive and emotional control. A preliminary structural equation explaining the effect is proposed. Conclusion: The data suggest that the stress perceived by people with chronic pain depends on the inability of the prefrontal cortex to cope with a changing or threatening situation and this problem is fed back over and over as the person is less able to cope with the environment. Therefore, comprehensive treatment of chronic pain should include psychological interventions focused on coping with stress and cognitive optimization of skills related to prefrontal functioning.RESUMEN Objetivo: La calidad del afrontamiento del estrés percibido en el dolor crónico está relacionada con el rendimiento de la corteza prefrontal como estructura principal de control y coordinación de control superior de la conducta. El presente trabajo estudia la presencia de sintomatología prefrontal, en forma de problemas para gestionar la cognición, las emociones y el comportamiento, y de estrés percibido en una muestra de personas que sufren dolor crónico. Material y métodos: Se estudiaron 78 participantes con diagnóstico de dolor crónico con edades comprendidas entre 27 y 81 años (media 54,2 y d.t. 13,4). Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas y clínicas junto con los resultados en el Cuestionario Breve de Dolor (CBD) abreviado de 11 ítems para valorar la intensidad e interferencia de dolor, el Inventario de Síntomas Prefrontales (ISP), tanto en su versión completa de 46 ítems como en la abreviada de 20, y la Escala de Estrés Percibido (EEP) abreviada de 10 ítems. Resultados y discusión: Aparecen correlaciones significativas entre la sintomatología prefrontal y la intensidad (r = 0,32) y la interferencia (r = 0,53) del dolor, así como entre el estrés y la interferencia del dolor en el estado del ánimo (r = 0,36). Las personas declaran más sensación dolorosa cuando refieren más problemas de gestión cognitiva y emocional del entorno que las rodea. La interferencia general del dolor se relaciona con más problemas motivacionales y de atención, mientras que la interferencia que el dolor produce en el estado del ánimo incrementa, además, los problemas con el control ejecutivo y emocional. Se propone una ecuación estructural preliminar explicativa del efecto. Conclusión: Los datos sugieren que el estrés percibido por las personas con dolor crónico depende de la incapacidad de la corteza prefrontal para afrontar una situación cambiante o amenazante, y este problema se retroalimenta una y otra vez al ser la persona cada vez menos capaz de afrontar el ambiente. Por tanto, el tratamiento integral del dolor crónico debe incluir intervenciones psicológicas centradas en el afrontamiento del estrés y la optimización cognitiva de las habilidades relacionadas con el funcionamiento prefrontal

    Intravenous Busulfan and Melphalan as a Conditioning Regimen for Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma: A Matched Comparison to a Melphalan-Only Approach

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    AbstractMelphalan 200 mg/m2 (MEL200) is the standard conditioning regimen administered to newly diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma (MM) undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). Few alternatives have been explored in order to improve the antimyeloma activity of this conditioning. We compare i.v. busulfan (BU) 9.6 mg/kg and MEL 140 mg/m2 (MEL140) versus MEL200 mg/m2 as a conditioning regimen before ASCT for newly diagnosed patients with MM. For this purpose, 51 patients receiving i.v. BU plus MEL were compared to 102 patients receiving MEL200 mg/m2 in a 1:2 matched control analysis. Matching criteria included age, clinical stage at diagnosis, and response to induction therapy. No differences in the overall and complete response (CR) rates were observed after ASCT between both groups. After a median follow-up of 63 and 50 months in control and BU plus MEL groups, progression-free survival (PFS) was 24 and 33 months, respectively (P = .10). Most frequent toxicities included mucositis and febrile neutropenia in both groups. No case of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome was observed. Transplant-related mortality was 4% and 2% in BU plus MEL and control groups, respectively. ASCT conditioned with i.v. BU plus MEL may be considered an effective and well-tolerated alternative to a MEL-only approach as a conditioning regimen for patients with MM who are candidates for ASCT. (Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT00560053 and NCT00804947.

    Imagen corporal en niños obesos: efectos producidos por un programa de ejercicio físico

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    P. 149-162La autopercepción de la imagen corporal en niños obesos resulta importante, puede generar comportamientos conducentes a aislamiento social, e inducir un aumento en la ingesta de alimentos. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los cambios producidos en el grado de satisfacción con la imagen corporal y las variaciones en indicadores antropométricos de los infantes del estado de Sonora, México, después de participar en un programa de 40 sesiones de ejercicio físico con un gasto calórico promedio de 267 Kcal por sesión. Se reclutó a 119 niños de 8 a 11 años con índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 26.59 ± 4.2 (kg/m2). Se evaluaron antes y después de la intervención mediante el test de Satisfacción con la Imagen Corporal (SIC). Los resultados con cambios significativos (p ≤ 0.05) entre pre-test y post-test se encuentran en el peso y la talla. Se observan además cambios significativos en la autoimagen en 15 partes de los segmentos corporales evaluados principalmente abdomen, pecho, muslos, glúteos, cintura y cadera en la totalidad de los niños del grupo experimental. Los resultados concluyen que el ejercicio físico a pesar de no producir cambios significativos en el IMC puede modificar positivamente la percepción de la imagen corporalS

    Monitoring rumen environment in finishing Lidia bulls

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    Objective. The aim of this work was to characterize the changes in rumen pH and temperature in finishing Lidia breed bulls reared on pasture and fed a total mixed ration (TMR). Materials and methods. Five 4-year-old Lidia bulls received approximately 10 kg of the TMR per animal and day in the morning. Bulls could move freely in a 17-ha fenced area and express normally their feeding behaviour. Internal wireless boluses were used to collect pH and temperature values every 10 minutes throughout the measurement period. Results. Average daily pH was 6.2. Average and maximum daily temperatures were not high enough to be indicative of disease (infections of other pathologies). Conclusions. When rations and feeding systems are appropriately managed, Lidia bulls can be supplemented with concentrates in the finishing stages of their productive cycle without impairing the rumen environment. Objetivo. El presente trabajo pretendió caracterizar las modificaciones que se producen en el pH y la temperatura ruminal de los toros de lidia, criados con un sistema de alimentación basado en el suministro de una mezcla unifeed seca durante la etapa de acabado. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 5 toros cuatreños de la raza de Lidia alimentados con, aproximadamente, 10 kg/animal y día de la mezcla unifeed a primera hora de la mañana. Los toros disponían de un espacio cercado de 17 ha, que les permitiría expresar sus patrones de comportamiento de pastoreo en libertad con plena normalidad. El pH y la temperatura ruminal se midió de forma continua utilizando una sonda interna sin cables. Resultados. El pH medio fue de 6.20. Ni los valores de temperatura ruminal medios ni los máximos registrados son excesivamente altos como para ser indicativos del desarrollo de patologías o infecciones que pudieran afectar al estado de los animales. Conclusiones. Mediante el manejo adecuado de las raciones y del sistema de alimentación, puede llevarse a cabo una suplementación con alimentos concentrados para toros de lidia en la fase de remate de manera adecuada y respetuosa con su ambiente ruminal