172 research outputs found

    Gli strumenti finanziari nazionali di supporto alla riduzione dei consumi energetici negli edifici delle pubbliche amministrazioni

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    Public Administrations are currently constrained, in their aims of carrying out actions and projects for the limitation of the energy consumption of buildings, by the scarcity of adequate budgets and by the need of observing the Growth and Stability Pact. On the contrary, the availability of (and the access to) suitable financial sources would represent significant opportunities for an economic development characterized by energy and environmental sustainability. This paper, after a short review of the domestic financial tools actually available for the reduction of their energy consumption of municipalities, analyses the technical and economic barriers that limit their effective utilization and that should be properly removed

    Quantum Computation in a radio single mode cavity: the dissipative Jaynes and Cummings Model

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    Our aim is to give an account, trough an analysis of a number of papers by F.Petruccione, H.J.Charmicael, J.C. Raimond and their contemporaries, of the specific answer that we gave to the problem of Open Quantum Systems dynamical evolution and how this idea evolves and develops in physical research and in the scientific debate of the following decades. Permanent solution should not been accepted from physical research, but analysis of the real work of scientists, of the difficulties they face and the ever changing solutions they offer is, we believe, part of our understanding of science and an indispensable basis for further methodological inquiries. In this paper we have chosen to analyze a dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model assuming the common electrodynamics free field for the bipartite system and an another independent bath for the cavity, so taking into account loosing of energy because of the imperfect mirrors. The Nud theorem application leads to predict new cooperative effects between the atom and the cavity mode as the creation of conditional transient entanglement, tending to become stationary as the coupling constant take a well defined value

    Comparison Between Conventional and Vegetated Roof by Means of a Dynamic Simulation

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    Abstract In this paper, a dynamic simulation of a building located in the Campus University of Palermo, Italy, has been carried out. We considered two different scenarios; in the first one, the building as it is, with a conventional covering, while in the second one the roof was equipped with a green roof. The results of the two simulations have been compared, suggesting that such building component could contribute to the energy savings of the building. However, it has to be considered as part of other possible actions devoted to improve the energy efficiency of the whole building

    Characterization of an in vitro model to study the role of human Polyomavirus BK in prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common male neoplasm in the western world, being the most commonly diagnosed non-skin cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death. Various potential risk factors exist for the initial triggering events, including exposure to infectious agents, such as the human Polyomavirus BK (BKV). BKV is a good candidate as risk factor of PCa because it naturally infects the human reno-urinary tract, it establishes latency, and encodes oncoproteins that interfere with tumor suppressors pathways, thus altering the normal progression of cell cycle. Previous studies suggested a potential association between BKV and PCa, revealing that the prevalence of BKV was significantly higher in cancer than in control tissues, with a significant association between viral expression and cancer. However, this hypothesis is controversial because BKV is not restricted to tumor tissues but also infects healthy individuals in a high percentage. Moreover, an in vitro model of BKV infection in prostate cells is not available to understand the role for BKV in pathogenesis of PCa. Our aims were to determine whether BKV a) could infect normal epithelial prostate cells, b) affects cell phenotype and c) affects the phenotype of human prostate tumor cell line PC3. For this purpose normal epithelial prostate cell line RWPE-1 and prostate cancer cells PC3 were infected with BKV for 21 days. Cell proliferation, epithelial-to-mesenchymal markers (EMT) and invasion potential were analyzed by, respectively, MTT, immunofluorescence and SDS-zymography. Our results show that cell proliferation was increased or decreased by BKV, respectively, in RWPE-1 and PC3 cells. BKV induced E-cadherin downregulation and vimentin expression in both control and BKV-infected cells RWPE-1, suggesting that uninfected cells underwent EMT. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 and 9 activity was increased in RWPE-1 cells after BKV infection. By contrast, BKV did not significantly modified the phenotype of PC3 cells. These preliminary results suggest that normal epithelial prostate cells RWPE-1 and PC3 are susceptible and permissive to BKV infection. However, RWPE-1 cells exhibit some phenotype modifications related to EMT, possibly induced by the papilloma virus used to obtain their immortalization, thus suggesting that further experiments will be necessary to define if they represent a good experimental model to study prostate cancer

    Off-Line Methods for Determining Air Quality in Museums

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    This paper will examine three methodologies deployed in off-line research relating to air quality in museums. These methodologies made use of sensors based on the different chemical-physicalproperties of various materials (corrosiveness, hardness and absorption). Various field applications were applied to case studies, which were performed in two museums in Palermo, Italy: the Regional Gallery of Palazzo Abatellis and the Diocesan Museum. This review of methodologies and sensors examines which protocol should be put into practice in museums in monitoring the air quality of display spaces and the conservation of cultural artefacts

    Composite building materials : thermal and mechanical performances of samples realized with hay and natural resins

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Recent years have seen an increasing public interest in issues related to energy saving and environmental pollution reduction in the building sector. As a result, many directives have been issued, the most important being the Directive 2010/31/EU (EPBD Recast) on the energy performance of buildings, which requires that "Member States shall ensure that by 31 December 2020 all new buildings are nearly zero-energy buildings". This goal can be obtained not only by reducing energy demand for heating and cooling, but also, for example, by improving building envelope performances. In this work, a first analysis of the thermal and structural behaviour of a biocomposite material, constituted by a natural resin (rosin) and vegetal fibres (hay), has been performed, with particular attention to the share of fibres and the granulometry in the mixture. The biocomposite has shown both good insulation properties and mechanical resistance. However, the results show that further analyses should be performed on the optimisation of the samples' preparation process

    Isolated Left Ventricular Noncompaction in a Case of Sotos Syndrome: A Casual or Causal Link?

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    A 16-year-old boy affected by Sotos syndrome was referred to our clinic for cardiac evaluation in order to play noncompetitive sport. Physical examination was negative for major cardiac abnormalities and rest electrocardiogram detected only minor repolarization anomalies. Transthoracic echocardiography showed left ventricular wall thickening and apical trabeculations with deep intertrabecular recesses, fulfilling criteria for isolated left ventricular noncompaction (ILVNC). Some sporadic forms of ILVNC are reported to be caused by a mutation on CSX gene, mapping on chromosome 5q35. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a patient affected simultaneously by Sotos syndrome and ILVNC

    Orthorexia nervosa, eating patterns and personality traits: a cross-cultural comparison of Italian, Polish and Spanish university students

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    Background: The amount of research about orthorexic attitudes and behaviours has increased in the last five years, but is still mainly based on descriptive and anecdotal data, yielding a variety of prevalence data and inconsistent results. The interplay between socio-cultural context and orthorexia has been poorly investigated and is still far from being understood. Method: Multicentre, cross-sectional study involving Italian (N = 216), Polish (N = 206) and Spanish (N = 242) university students, assessed through a protocol including informed consent, socio-demographic and anamnestic data sheet and self-administered questionnaires (ORTO-15, Eating Attitudes Test- 26 [EAT-26], Temperament and Character Inventory [TCI]). Results: Higher prevalence of orthorexia (as described by the ORTO-15 cutoff) was found in Poland. Female gender, Body Mass Index (BMI), current Eating Disorder, dieting, EAT-26 score ≥ 20 and low/medium Persistence were associated with orthorexia in the whole sample. The cross-cultural comparison showed several differences among the three subgroups of students. Conclusions: The associations found between orthorexic attitudes, self-reported current eating disorder, BMI and adherence to a dieting need to be supported by further research. The differences among students from the three countries seem to suggest a possible rolve for cultural elements in the construct of orthorexia