152 research outputs found

    Keskipakopumpun toiminta puhaltimena

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    The requirements of pumping gas in high pressure environments have led to the use of centrifugal pumps as fans. Pumps are originally designed for pumping water and their performance with air was not known. In this thesis the performance of a centrifugal pump with air was measured with two different impellers. The differences of air and water as a working fluid were studied. The measurement system was designed and built following the guidelines of the fan measurement standard ISO 5801:2007. The accuracy of the available sensors was not enough to fulfill the requirements of the standard and standardized measurements were not the design target of the measurement system. A simple flat plate boundary layer analysis showed that the friction coefficient is higher with air on a smooth plate. The surface roughness diminishes the differences because the viscous sublayer disappears in the hydraulically fully rough flow regime. High surface roughness leads to a high friction coefficient with both fluids. The transition of the boundary layer from laminar to turbulent can have unpredictable effects inside the impeller channel with air and possibly with water in small pumps. The boundary layer analysis also showed that the flow in the impeller channel is more likely to separate with air due to lower Reynolds number. The possible flow separation causes high losses and the hydraulic efficiency deteriorates. The measurements confirmed that pump can be used as a fan and the operation curves are almost similar. The measurements provided the operation curves of the pump with air at different rotational speeds for both impeller. The impeller with extra half length blades produced higher pressure at high flow rates compared to the normal impeller. The effect of the size of the gap between the impeller and casing was noticeable but not very large. The fan efficiency measurements were conducted with torque measurement and thermodynamic method. The efficiency measurement with the torque method failed due to insufficient radial load on the bearings. The measured friction power of the bearing unit is too high, because the bearings are not operating correctly. The thermodynamic method showed that the fan efficiency of the pump with air is almost at the same level as the pump hydraulic efficiency with water.Tavalliset puhaltimet eivÀt sovellu kaasun pumppaamiseen korkeapaineisissa jÀrjestelmissÀ, mikÀ on johtanut pumppujen kÀyttÀmiseen tÀhÀn tarkoitukseen. Pumput on alunperin suunniteltu veden pumppaamiseen eikÀ niiden suorituskyky ilmalla ole ollut tiedossa. TÀssÀ työssÀ keskipakopumpun suorituskyky ilmalla mitattiin kahdella eri juoksupyörÀllÀ. Ilman kÀyttÀmistÀ pumppausnesteenÀ tutkittiin vertaamalla mittaustuloksia vedellÀ mitattuihin arvoihin. KÀytetty mittausjÀrjestelmÀ suunniteltiin ja rakennettiin alusta alkaen noudattaen puhallinmittausstandardia ISO 5801:2007. KÀytettÀvissÀ olevien anturien tarkkuus ei ollut riittÀvÀ tÀyttÀmÀÀn standardin vaatimuksia. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ pumpun toiminta puhaltimena eikÀ suorittaa standardoituja mittauksia. Yksinkertainen tasolevyvirtauksen rajakerrosanalyysi osoitti, ettÀ virtauksen kitkakerroin sileÀllÀ pinnalla on suurempi ilmalla verrattuna veteen. Pinnankarheuden vaikutus pienentÀÀ eroa, koska laminaari alakerros katoaa pinnan ollessa hydraulisesti karhea. Suuri pinnankarheus kasvattaa kitkakerrointa molemmilla virtausaineilla. Rajakerroksen muuttuminen laminaarista turbulentiksi voi aiheuttaa odottamattomia ilmiöitÀ juoksupöyrÀn virtauskanavan sisÀllÀ. Rajakerrosanalyysin mukaan ilmavirtaus irtoaa helpommin alhaisemmasta Reynoldsin luvusta johtuen. Virtauksen irtoaminen aiheuttaa hÀviöitÀ ja hydraulinen hyötysuhde pienenee merkittÀvÀsti. Mittaustulokset vahvistivat, ettÀ pumppua voi kÀyttÀÀ puhaltimena ja toimintakÀyrÀt ovat samankaltaisia. Tuloksina saatiin pumpun toimintakÀyrÀt eri kierrosluvuilla molemmilla juoksupyörillÀ. Toinen juoksupyörÀ, jossa on puolikkaat lisÀsiivet, tuotti enemmÀn painetta korkeilla tilavuusvirroilla tavalliseen juoksupyörÀÀn verrattuna. JuoksupörÀn ja kotelon vÀlisen raon koon vaikutus pumpun toimintaan oli mitattavissa, mutta vaikutus ei ole suuri. Hydraulinen hyötysuhde mitattiin kÀyttÀen momenttimittausta ja termodynaamista menetelmÀÀ. Momenttimittaus ei onnistunut, koska laakereihin kohdistuva radiaalivoima ei ollut riittÀvÀllÀ tasolla. Laakerit eivÀt toimineet oikein ja mitatut kitkatehot olivat liian suuria. Termodynaaminen hyötysuhteen mittaus vahvistaa, ettÀ pumpun hydraulinen höytysuhde ilmalla on lÀhes yhtÀ hyvÀ kuin vedellÀ

    Exploring the Co-operative Form’s Potential in Crowdfunding : A Non-monetary Perspective

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    Technology-driven change has generated new, even revolutionary business models, characterized by high levels of user participation. In the finance field, business models based on crowdfunding have seen significant growth and entered use as an alternative means of extending access and gaining financing for various types of projects. Nonetheless, current crowdfunding practices have been subject to criticism for issues such as information asymmetry, lack of trust and transaction costs, spurring discussion of how to develop and improve these practices. One way of speaking to the criticism has been a suggestion that platforms could be owned by the ones who use them. While the associated way of thinking, referred to as platform co-operativism, has seen some inroads in practice, its novel and practical nature means that a clear knowledge gap remains with regard to its potential for dealing with challenges of platform economy. Consequently, the aim of this study is to examine the relevance and potential of the co-operative company form for crowdfunding arrangements. Our conceptual study utilizes existing research on co-operatives and considers features of crowdfunding from three different perspectives: asymmetry of information and of trust, interaction frequency and homogeneity of interests. As a result, we provide three taxonomies for outlining future research on co-operative platforms.Technology-driven change has generated new, even revolutionary business models, characterized by high levels of user participation. In the finance field, business models based on crowdfunding have seen significant growth and entered use as an alternative means of extending access and gaining financing for various types of projects. Nonetheless, current crowdfunding practices have been subject to criticism for issues such as information asymmetry, lack of trust and transaction costs, spurring discussion of how to develop and improve these practices. One way of speaking to the criticism has been a suggestion that platforms could be owned by the ones who use them. While the associated way of thinking, referred to as platform co-operativism, has seen some inroads in practice, its novel and practical nature means that a clear knowledge gap remains with regard to its potential for dealing with challenges of platform economy. Consequently, the aim of this study is to examine the relevance and potential of the co-operative company form for crowdfunding arrangements. Our conceptual study utilizes existing research on co-operatives and considers features of crowdfunding from three different perspectives: asymmetry of information and of trust, interaction frequency and homogeneity of interests. As a result, we provide three taxonomies for outlining future research on co-operative platforms.Peer reviewe

    Arvokalojen sopimuskasvatustoiminta 2004–2010

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    Is Childhood Obesity Associated with Bone Density and Strength in Adulthood?

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    Associations between childhood obesity and adult bone traits were assessed among 62 obese premenopausal women, of which 12 had been obese since childhood (ObC), and 50 had gained excess weight in adulthood (ObA). Body composition and bone mineral content (BMC) of the total body, spine, and proximal femur were assessed with DXA. Total cross-sectional area and cortical (diaphyseal CoD) and trabecular (epiphyseal TrD) bone density of the radius and tibia were measured with pQCT. Compared to ObA-group, ObC-group was 5.2 cm taller having 2.5 and 3.5 kg more lean and fat mass, respectively. Depending on the statistical adjustment, ObC-group had 5–10% greater TrD both in tibia and in radius. The remaining bone traits did not significantly differ between the groups. Current preliminary observations bring up an interesting question whether childhood obesity can result in denser trabecular bone in adulthood. However, prudence must be exercised in the statistical adjustment

    Citizen science in information systems research: Evidence from a systematic literature review

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    Citizen science refers to partnerships between scientists and the public in scientiïŹc research. Citizen science is considered as an emerging approach for conducting research in the field of information systems (IS). However, there is a fragmented understanding of citizen science in the IS community. As a result, we conducted a systematic literature review on citizen science in IS field aiming at understanding what and how IS scholars view and conduct their research related to citizen science. We searched papers from the database of the basket of eight senior journals, 47 SIG recommended journals by the Association for Information Systems, and the proceedings of five major conferences in IS including ICIS, ECIS, HICSS, PACIS, and AMCIS. Our findings provide the current status of citizen science research in IS field, such as how scholars view about citizen science, how to set up a citizen science project, or how citizen science is adopted in IS community. This research also contributes to the field by laying out suggestions for the future research of citizen science

    Neuromuscular training and the risk of leg injuries in female floorball players: cluster randomised controlled study

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    Objective To investigate whether a neuromuscular training programme is effective in preventing non-contact leg injuries in female floorball players

    Exploration of Ideas for Sustaining Digital Innovation Management : A Case Study in the Ostrobothnia Region of Finland

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    Disruption of technologies, climate changes and epidemic crises have significantly affected individuals, organizations, and society. These phenomena force organizations to extend and innovate their business models to adapt to new circumstances. However, literature provides a limited coverage on how sustainable innovations ideas form and evaluate in practice. We thus focus on this issue in the present study. We used nominal focus group technique, C-K design theory for innovative design with citizen sciences as our study’s lenses. Data collection was from three groups of 81 participants who live in three cities in the Ostrobothnia region of Finland. The findings illustrate the process of establishing a sustainable innovation management idea and lesson learned on how to facilitate innovation groups in practice.©2022 Association for Information Systems.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Exploration of Ideas for Sustaining Digital Innovation Management: A Case Study in the Ostrobothnia Region of Finland

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    Disruption of technologies, climate changes and epidemic crises have significantly affected individuals, organizations, and society. These phenomena force organizations to extend and innovate their business models to adapt to new circumstances. However, literature provides a limited coverage on how sustainable innovations ideas form and evaluate in practice. We thus focus on this issue in the present study. We used nominal focus group technique, C-K design theory for innovative design with citizen sciences as our study’s lenses. Data collection was from three groups of 81 participants who live in three cities in the Ostrobothnia region of Finland. The findings illustrate the process of establishing a sustainable innovation management idea and lesson learned on how to facilitate innovation groups in practice

    Change of Direction Biomechanics in a 180-Degree Pivot Turn and the Risk for Noncontact Knee Injuries in Youth Basketball and Floorball Players

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    Background: Studies investigating biomechanical risk factors for knee injuries in sport-specific tasks are needed. Purpose: To investigate the association between change of direction (COD) biomechanics in a 180-degree pivot turn and knee injury risk among youth team sport players. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2. Methods: A total of 258 female and male basketball and floorball players (age range, 12-21 years) participated in the baseline COD test and follow-up. Complete data were obtained from 489 player-legs. Injuries, practice, and game exposure were registered for 12 months. The COD test consisted of a quick ball pass before and after a high-speed 180-degree pivot turn on the force plates. The following variables were analyzed: peak vertical ground-reaction force (N/kg); peak trunk lateral flexion angle (degree); peak knee flexion angle (degree); peak knee valgus angle (degree); peak knee flexion moment (N.m/kg); peak knee abduction moment (N.m/kg); and peak knee internal and external rotation moments (N.m/kg). Legs were analyzed separately and the mean of 3 trials was used in the analysis. Main outcome measure was a new acute noncontact knee injury. Results: A total of 18 new noncontact knee injuries were registered (0.3 injuries/1000 hours of exposure). Female players sustained 14 knee injuries and male players 4. A higher rate of knee injuries was observed in female players compared with male players (incidence rate ratio, 6.2; 95% CI, 2.1-21.7). Of all knee injuries, 8 were anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, all in female players. Female players displayed significantly larger peak knee valgus angles compared with male players (mean for female and male players, respectively: 13.9 degrees +/- 9.4 degrees and 2.0 degrees +/- 8.5 degrees). No significant associations between biomechanical variables and knee injury risk were found. Conclusion: Female players were at increased risk of knee and ACL injury compared with male players. Female players performed the 180-degree pivot turn with significantly larger knee valgus compared with male players. However, none of the investigated variables was associated with knee injury risk in youth basketball and floorball players.Peer reviewe
