144 research outputs found

    Synaptic frailty and mitochondrial dysfunction in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    L’Esclerosi Lateral Amiotròfica (ELA) és una malaltia neurodegenerativa de la motoneurona. Totes les neurones del sistema motor es veuen afectades pel flux degeneratiu en aquesta malaltia des de l’escorça motora primària fins a la junta neuromuscular. Al 1993, la descoberta de mutacions en el gen SOD1 va obrir nous horitzons experimentals amb la creació dels primers rosegadors transgènics per aquesta malaltia. Des d’aquell moment i fins a l’actualitat la mutació més estudiada en l’ELA ha estat la SOD1-G93A a tot el món. Els models transgènics per aquesta mutació de la SOD1 han revelat mecanismes essencials de la neurodegeneració en aquesta malaltia incloent l’excitotoxicitat, la disfunció proteica i la degeneració axosinàptica entre altres. En aquest treball hem explorat els canvis moleculars que tenen lloc als terminals-C, uns terminals molt especialitzats en les α-moto neurones, dels rosegadors transgènics SOD1-G93A. A més, també hem focalitzat la nostra atenció a la relació patològica que s’estableix en l’ELA familiar (ELAF) entre la mutació SOD1-G93A i les mitocòndries de les motoneurones. En relació als terminals C en moto neurones durant la ELAF, hem trobat canvis associats a l’aparició dels símptomes com ara expressió incrementada del factor neurotròfic Neuregulina-1 localitzat també per primer cop a la cisterna subsinàptica dels terminals C aposats a les α-moto neurones. La Neuregulina-1 en aquestes estructures de reticle endoplasmàtic va ser observada a dins de vesícules extracel·lulars (VEs), suggerint que l’anàlisi de la Neuregulina-1 en VEs durant ELA és especialment prometedor com a biomarcador potencial en aquesta malaltia. Així nosaltres hem desenvolupat també un nou mètode per tal d’aïllar VEs, donat que aquest és un pas essencial previ a l’estudi de les proteïnes associades amb aquestes estructures. El nostre mètode aplicat a la purificació de VEs en teixits complexos fou capaç de facilitar la identificació de la Neuregulina-1 en VEs provinents de teixits clínics i fluids biològics. En relació a les implicacions de la mitocòndria en la ELA, hem trobat que la mutació SOD1-G93A estabilitza la proteïna PINK1 a la mitocòndria seguidament activant el factor nuclear NFκB en neurones. La interacció seqüencial entre la SOD1 mutant i NFκB crea una clara disfunció en la capacitat proteolítica del proteosoma, el qual promou coagregació de la SOD1 mutant i el PINK1 en aquestes cèl·lules. Aquests resultats afegeixen un substancial coneixement mecanístic sobre els rols de la mitocòndria en els events neurodegeneratius clàssics de l’ELA, com ara en l’agregació de proteïnes disfuncionals en moto neurones. Seguint el nostre estudi de l’afectació mitocondrial en la ELA, hem creat i caracteritzat un nou model de Drosophila que expressa la mutació humana SOD1-G93A exclusivament en fibres musculars toràciques sota el promotor 24B. Aquest model de Drosophila transgènica recapitula amb èxit el fenotip mitocondrial prèviament observat de l’ELA presentant importants avantatges sobretot en l’elecció de nous compostos terapèutics. En definitiva, els resultats generats en aquesta tesi proporcionen evidència experimental, extensa comprensió molecular i insinuen nous horitzons terapèutics sobre els mecanismes moleculars i els events neurodegeneratius associats a la disfunció sinàptica i mitocondrial en l’ELAF.La Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa de la motoneurona. Todas las motoneuronas se ven afectadas desde la corteza motora primaria hasta la unión neuromuscular. En 1993 la descubierta de mutaciones en el gen SOD1 abrió nuevos límites experimentales con la creación de los primeros roedores transgénicos para esta enfermedad. Desde ese momento y hasta la actualidad, la mutación más estudiada en la ELA ha sido la mutación SOD1-G93A. Los modelos transgénicos de esta mutación han revelado mecanismos esenciales de la neurodegeneración en la ELA, incluyendo la excitotoxicidad, la disfunción proteica y la degeneración axosináptica entre otras. En este trabajo hemos explorado los cambios moleculares que tienen lugar en los terminales C, unos terminales altamente especializados de las α-motoneuronas, en un modelo murino de ELA con la mutación SOD1-G93A. Además, también hemos focalizado nuestra atención sobre la relación patológica que se establece en la ELA familiar (ELAF) entre la mutación SOD1-G93A y las mitocondrias. En relación a los terminales C durante la ELAF, hemos encontrado cambios asociados con la aparición de síntomas, como por ejemplo el incremento de la expresión del factor neurotrófico Neuregulina-1, localizado por primera vez en la cisterna subsináptica de los terminales C. La Neuregulina-1 en esas estructuras de retículo endoplasmático fue observada dentro de vesículas extracelulares (VEs), sugiriendo que el análisis de la Neuregulina-1 dentro de VEs en la ELA resulta especialmente prometedor como biomarcador potencial para esta enfermedad. Así, nosotros hemos desarrollado también un nuevo método para purificar VEs, dado que este es un paso esencial previo al estudio de las proteínas asociadas con estas estructuras. Nuestro método aplicado a la purificación de VEs de tejidos complejos fue capaz de facilitar la identificación de la Neuregulina en VEs provenientes de tejidos clínicos y fluidos biológicos. En relación a las implicaciones de la mitocondria en la ELA, hemos encontrado que la mutación SOD1-G93A estabiliza la proteína PINK1 en las mitocondrias activando el factor nuclear NFκB en neuronas. La interacción secuencial entre la SOD1 mutante y el NFκB crea una clara disfunción sobre la capacidad proteolítica del proteosoma, la cual a su vez promueve co-agregación de la SOD1 mutante y PINK1 en estas células. Estos resultados suman un sustancial conocimiento mecanístico sobre los roles de la mitocondria en eventos degenerativos clásicos de la ELA, como es la agregación de proteínas disfuncionales en motoneuronas. Siguiendo nuestro estudio de la afectación mitocondrial en la ELA, hemos creado y caracterizado un nuevo modelo de Drosophila que expresa la mutación humana SOD1-G93A en fibras musculares torácicas bajo el promotor 24B. Este modelo de Drosophila transgénica recapitula con éxito en fenotipo mitocondrial característico de la ELA presentando importantes ventajas para la elección de nuevos compuestos terapéuticos. En definitiva, los resultados generados en esta tesis proporcionan evidencia experimental, extensa comprensión molecular y insinúan nuevos horizontes terapéuticos acerca de los mecanismos moleculares y eventos neurodegenerativos asociados con la disfunción sináptica y la disfunción mitocondrial en la ELAF.Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is an orphan age-associated neurodegenerative disease. All motoneurones in ALS are affected by degenerative flow from the primary motor cortex to the neuromuscular junction. In 1993, mutations of the gene SOD1 opened new research avenues allowing for the generation of familial ALS experimental models in rodents. Since then, the FALS mutation SOD1-G93A has been extensively studied worldwide in ALS to date. Transgenic models for this SOD1 mutation have revealed essential mechanisms of neurodegeneration including excitotoxicity, proteinopathy and axosynaptic degeneration among others. In this dissertation, we explored the molecular changes that occur in C-terminals, a very specialised synapse type from α-motoneurones of SOD1-G93A rodents. Also, we focused on the pathological relationship between the FALS mutant SOD1-G93A and mitochondria in motoneurones. With regard to C-terminals in FALS motoneurones, we found changes that were symptomatically associated with the up-regulated expression of the neurotrophic factor Neuregulin-1 located for the first time in the subsurface system of C-boutons juxtaposed to α-motoneurones. Furthermore, Neuregulin-1 in these endoplasmic reticulum structures was observed inside extracellular vesicles, suggesting that analysis of Neuregulin-1 from extracellular vesicles in ALS holds promise as a potential reliable biomarker for that neurodegenerative disease. We therefore have developed a new method for isolation of extracellular vesicles, as this remains as an essential step for the study of molecules associated with these structures. Our method applied to purify extracellular vesicles from complex biological tissues was able to facilitate the identification of Neuregulin-1 in extracellular vessicles from clinical tissues and biological fluids. Regarding implications of mitochondria in ALS, we have found that the FALS mutant hSOD1-G93A stabilises PINK1 in mitochondria and subsequently activates NFκB in neuronal cells. Sequential interaction between hSOD1 and NFκB impairs the proteosome proteolitic function promoting co-aggregation of SOD1 and PINK1 in these cells. These results add substantial mechanistic insight on the roles of mitochondria in classical ALS-associated neurodegenerative events, including aggregation of dysfuntional proteins in motoneurones. Following our study of mitochondria affectation in ALS, we have created and characterised a novel Drosophila model that expresses human SOD1-G93A in thoracic muscles under the genetic muscular promoter 24B. Flies expressing human SOD1-G93A in thoracic muscles successfully recapitulate FALS mitochondrial phenotype with several advantages in front of the current available rodent models for this FALS mutation. Taken together, the results generated in this thesis provide experimental evidence, further molecular comprehension and promise novel therapeutic approaches to the molecular mechanisms and neurodegenerative events associated with synaptic frailty and mitochondrial disfunction in FALS

    New learning scenarios for the 21st century related to Education, Culture and Technology

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    This paper presents a summary of proposals and new learning scenarios for the 21st century related to the theme of “Education, Culture and Technology”. These proposals and scenarios are based on the work conducted in 2014 by a group of experts from Andorra, Catalonia, the United States and the United Kingdom during the International Forum on Education and Technology (FIET) held in Tarragona, Spain. The main aim of this work is to analyze the interconnection between education and culture through the discussion and selection of best practices and to identify the role played by technology in this process. The methodology used in this qualitative research was the focus group, whereby a group of experts analyzed and selected a range of good practices related to the main issue. The results of this process were shared at two plenary sessions with 100 expert reviewers and 500 educators. After considering the challenges faced by education in the 21st century and the best practices selected by the experts, it was agreed that digital technology can promote the dialogue that is needed to create a culture of innovation and enhance new ways of learning, participating, and contributing to local and global culture. At the end of this paper we make several proposals and recommendations for constructing learning environments that integrate education, culture and technology for a transformative experience


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    في السياق التعليمي الحالي, أصبح استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات (TIC) بعد الوباء أكثر أهمية. هناك وعي متزايد بالحاجة إلى تعزيز اكتساب كفاءة التدريس الرقمي (CDD) وتقييمها. وقد بذلت محاولات لقياس وتقييم التنمية المجتمعية باستخدام تقنيات وأدوات مختلفة, ولكن لا توجد حتى الآن أداة محددة لقياسها لدى معلمي التعليم الثانوي في التدريب الأولي. الهدف من هذا العمل هو التحقق من صحة أداة لتقييم موضوعي معرفة CDD لمعلمي التعليم الثانوي في المستقبل. وبالتالي, في هذا العمل, تم تكييف أداة COMDID-C الحالية, المستخدمة, مع معلمي المستقبل, والتحقق من صحتها. وفي المرحلة الأولى, تم تكييف الأداة مع سياق التعليم الثانوي, بمشاركة 21 خبيرا في هذا المجال. وفي المرحلة التجريبية الثانية, أجاب على الاختبار 667 معلماً في التعليم الثانوي قيد التدريب. على الرغم من أن تحليل الموثوقية أظهر نتائج ألفا الترتيبية التي تشير إلى أن العوامل ليس لديها اتساق داخلي جيد, إلا أنه يمكن تفسير ذلك لأن التحليل تم إجراؤه باستخدام أزواج من الأسئلة العشوائية, ولم يكن من الممكن إنشاء نظام آخر للتكافؤلتحليلك.على أية حال, ومع الأخذ في الاعتبار الاتساق الداخلي, يمكن ملاحظة أن الأداة تحافظ على هيكل مماثل للأداة السابقة. ستسمح لنا هذه الأداة بمعرفة مهارات التطوير المهني لمعلمي المستقبل, وفي الوقت نفسه ستسمح لنا بالتفكير في مستوى تدريبهم, سواء في البداية أو الخروج, وبناء على هذه البيانات، تصميم وتكييف خطط التدريب من أجل تحسين اكتساب هذه الكفاءةEducation has become even more dependent on information and communication technologies (ICT) in post-pandemic era, and there is a growing awareness of the need to promote and assess teachers’ digital competence. Different tools have been used to try to measure and assess digital competence, but there is still no specific tool that can measure it among secondary school teachers completing their initial training. The aim of this paper is to validate a tool that is able to objectively assess the digital competence and knowledge of future secondary school teachers. We adapt and validate the existing tool known as COMDID-C, currently used for future primary school teachers. First, 21 experts in the field worked on adapting the tool to suit secondary education; Second pilot phase, 667 trainee secondary school teachers completed the test. The reliability analysis yielded ordinal alpha results indicating that the factors are not wholly internally consistent. However, this may be attributed that the analysis was carried out on the basis of randomised pairs of questions, without the possibility of establishing any other system of equivalence. In any case, bearing in mind the internal consistency, it is clear that the tool’s structure is comparable to that of its predecessor. This tool will make it possible to ascertain future teachers’ digital competence and reflect on their level of training at the start and at the end. It will also mean we can use this data to design and adapt training plans that improve the acquisition of these digital skills.El uso de las TIC después de la pandemia ha tomado importancia. Cada vez existe más conciencia de la necesidad de fomentar la adquisición de la Competencia Digital Docente (CDD) y así mismo de su evaluación. La CDD se ha intentado medir y evaluar con diferentes técnicas e instrumentos, pero todavía no existe una herramienta específica para medirla en docentes de educación secundaria en formación inicial. En este trabajo se adapta y valida la herramienta COMDID-C para medir evaluación de futuros maestros a docentes de educación secundaria en formación inicial. En una primera fase se realizó la adaptación del instrumento al contexto de educación secundaria, con la participación de 21 expertos en la materia. En una segunda fase piloto, 667 docentes de educación secundaria en formación respondieron la prueba. Aunque el análisis de fiabilidad arrojó resultados del alfa ordinal que indican que los factores no tienen buena consistencia interna, se puede explicar debido a que el análisis se realizó a partir de pares de preguntas aleatorizadas, no pudiéndose establecer ningún otro sistema de equivalencias para su análisis. En cualquier caso, y teniendo en cuenta la consistencia interna, se puede constatar que el instrumento mantiene una estructura equiparable al instrumento predecesor. Esta herramienta permitirá conocer la CDD de los futuros docentes, al mismo tiempo permitirá reflexionar sobre el nivel, tanto de partida o salida, de la formación de estos, y a partir de estos datos diseñar y adecuar los planes de formación para una mejor adquisición de esta competencia.A utilização das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC) após a pandemia tornou-se ainda mais importante. Existe uma consciência crescente da necessidade de fomentar a aquisição da Competência Digital Docente (CDD) e também a sua avaliação. Foram feitas tentativas para medir e avaliar a CDD com diferentes instrumentos, mas ainda não existe uma ferramenta específica para a medir em professores do ensino secundário em formação inicial. O objetivo deste trabalho é validar um instrumento para avaliar objetivamente os conhecimentos da CDD dos futuros professores do ensino secundário. Neste trabalho, adapta-se e valida-se a ferramenta COMDID-C existente, utilizada com futuros professores. O instrumento foi adaptado ao contexto do ensino secundário, com a participação de 21 peritos na matéria. Numa fase piloto, 667 professores de ensino secundário em formação fizeram o teste. Embora a análise de fiabilidade tenha produzido resultados do alfa ordinal que indicam que os fatores não têm uma boa consistência interna, tal pode ser explicado análise ter sido realizada com base em pares de perguntas aleatórias, não tendo sido possível estabelecer qualquer outro sistema de equivalência para a sua análise. Em todo o caso, e tendo em conta a consistência interna, pode-se constatar que o instrumento mantém uma estrutura comparável à do instrumento antecessor. Esta ferramenta permitirá conhecer a CDD dos futuros professores e permitirá refletir sobre o nível, tanto de partida como de saída, da sua formação e, com base nestes dados, conceber e adequar os planos de formação para uma melhor aquisição desta competência.A utilização das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC) após a pandemia tornou-se ainda mais importante. Existe uma consciência crescente da necessidade de fomentar a aquisição da Competência Digital Docente (CDD) e também a sua avaliação. Foram feitas tentativas para medir e avaliar a CDD com diferentes instrumentos, mas ainda não existe uma ferramenta específica para a medir em professores do ensino secundário em formação inicial. O objetivo deste trabalho é validar um instrumento para avaliar objetivamente os conhecimentos da CDD dos futuros professores do ensino secundário. Neste trabalho, adapta-se e valida-se a ferramenta COMDID-C existente, utilizada com futuros professores. O instrumento foi adaptado ao contexto do ensino secundário, com a participação de 21 peritos na matéria. Numa fase piloto, 667 professores de ensino secundário em formação fizeram o teste. Embora a análise de fiabilidade tenha produzido resultados do alfa ordinal que indicam que os fatores não têm uma boa consistência interna, tal pode ser explicado análise ter sido realizada com base em pares de perguntas aleatórias, não tendo sido possível estabelecer qualquer outro sistema de equivalência para a sua análise. Em todo o caso, e tendo em conta a consistência interna, pode-se constatar que o instrumento mantém uma estrutura comparável à do instrumento antecessor. Esta ferramenta permitirá conhecer a CDD dos futuros professores e permitirá refletir sobre o nível, tanto de partida como de saída, da sua formação e, com base nestes dados, conceber e adequar os planos de formação para uma melhor aquisição desta competência.在现在的教育环境下,即使是在疫情结束后,信息通讯技术的使用仍然承担着重要的作用。与此同时,教师数字化能力的获取及评估意识也在日益加强。现已有测量和评估教师数字化能力的工具众多,可针对处在培养初期的未来中等教育教师数字化能力的测量工具却一个也没有。所以该研究的主要目的是验证一项对未来中等教育教师的数字化能力进行客观评估的工具。研究对已存在的COMDID-C工具进行调整和验证,来对未来教师的数字化能力进行测量。在研究的第一阶段,根据中等教育背景,由21名专家参与对工具进行调整。在研究的第二拓展阶段,667名仍处在学习阶段的未来中学教师参与了实验。研究信度分析中的定序变量结果显示因素间缺少内部一致性,导致该结果的原因很明确,就是分析样本由随机性问题组成,无法建立对等系统进行分析,但即便如此,通过内部一致性,也可以证实研究使用的调整工具与原工具保持结构一致性。这项工具不但让我们对未来教师数字化能力得到了解,还同时允许我们对这些未来教师在培养初期及培养结束时的水平进行反思。因此,研究可以在这些数据的基础上,调整设计出能够更好地提高教师数字化能力的培养计

    Las metodologías activas enriquecidas con tecnología

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    L'aprenentatge actiu, encara que no constitueix un element nou, ha guanyat popularitat en els darrers anys dins dels col·lectius docents tant per la necessitat de cercar respostes als nous reptes com per la incorporació de la tecnologia a l'educació. Aquest article presenta una aproximació conceptual a les metodologies actives, posant en valor la pràctica docent basada en evidències com a mètode i eina per a la millora de l'educació, realitzant un recorregut històric del concepte, i finalment destacant com aquestes metodologies i estratègies s'enriqueixen i implementen amb la tecnologia. Per finalitzar aquesta presentació al monogràfic, es presenta un model dèxit dintegració de les metodologies actives enriquides amb tecnologia.Active learning, although nothing new, has gained popularity in recent years within the teaching community due to the need to find answers to new challenges and the incorporation of technology in education. This article makes a conceptual approach to active methodologies, highlighting the value of evidence-based teaching practice as a method and tool for improving education, making a historical review of the concept, and finally seeing how these methodologies and strategies are enriched and implemented with technology. Finally, a successful model of integration of active methodologies enriched with technology is presented.El aprendizaje activo, aunque no constituye un elemento nuevo, ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años dentro de los colectivos docentes tanto por la necesidad de buscar respuestas a los nuevos retos como por la incorporación de la tecnología en la educación. Este artículo presenta una aproximación conceptual a las metodologías activas, poniendo en valor la práctica docente basada en evidencias como método y herramienta para la mejora de la educación, realizando para ello un recorrido histórico del concepto, y finalmente destacando cómo estas metodologías y estrategias se enriquecen e implementan con la tecnología. Para finalizar esta presentación al monográfico, se presenta un modelo de éxito de integración de las metodologías activas enriquecidas con tecnología

    Urban destination loyalty drivers and cross-national moderator effects: The case of Barcelona

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the loyalty of tourists to urban tourism destinations, studying the differences existing on the basis of nationality of origin. The review of the academic literature identified perceived value and satisfaction as antecedents of loyalty. A theoretical model was constructed which was tested empirically with a total of 927 surveys of Italian and American tourists in the city of Barcelona. In the study of the data, structural equation models (SEM) were used, by means of a multi-group analysis. The empirical results show that the causal relationships among perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty and the moderating effect of nationality are partially confirmed. This study contributes to better knowledge of the processes that lead tourists to be loyal to an urban tourism destination

    Effects of hydropeaking on bed mobility: evidence from a Pyrenean river

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    Hydropower production involves significant impacts on the dynamics and continuity of river systems. In this paper we analyse the effects of hydropeaks on river-bed particle mobility along a 2-km river channel. For this, a total of four study reaches were stablished: one considered a control reach (no impact by hydropeaking) and three impacted (upstream and downstream from the confluence of tributaries). Mobility related to three hydrological scenarios considered representative of the entire flow conditions in the control and impacted reaches was investigated. Results indicate that sediment availability and dynamics proved different in the control reach to those observed downstream in reaches daily affected by hydropeaks. In the absence of large floods capable of resetting the system from a sedimentary point-of-view, only the role of tributaries during small flow events reduces the effects of hydropeaks on river-bed particles’ availability and mobility. The effects of a hydropeaked regime are not observed for the whole spectrum of grain-sizes present in the river-bed. While the structural large elements (i.e., boulders) in the channel do not move, sand and fine gravel stored in patches of the bed are constantly entrained, transported and depleted whereas, in between, medium and large gravel are progressively winnowed. Our results point out that hydropeaked flows, which are generally not considered as disturbances in geomorphic terms, initiate frequent episodes of (selected) bed mobility and, consequently, the river-bed becomes depleted of fine sediments from patches and progressively lacks other fractions such as medium gravels, all of which are highly relevant from the ecological point of view.This research was undertaken under the MorphPeak (CGL2016-78874-R) project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness and the European Regional Development Fund Scheme (FEDER). Authors acknowledge the support from ENDESA S.A. at the first stage of the research. D.V. (first author) is funded through the Serra Húnter Programme (Catalan Government). F.V. (second author) has a grant funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain (BES-2017-081850). Authors acknowledge the support from the Economy and Knowledge Department of the Catalan Government through the Consolidated Research Group ‘Fluvial Dynamics Research Group’ -RIUS (2017 SGR 459)

    The role of emotions in a model of behavioral intentions of visitors to the Gaudí historic house museums in Barcelona, Spain

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    This study examined an integrated model of behavioral intentions toward historic house museums, through the simultaneous relationships among visitors' perceptions of the historic house museum, crowding, interactions with employees, emotions about their visit, intention to revisit the museum and recommend it to others, and the moderator effect of price fairness. Seven hundred thirty-six visitors were surveyed after visiting La Pedrera and Casa Batlló, the historic house museums of the architect Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona. The results from a structural equation model indicate that visitors' perception of the historic house museum (i.e., their appreciation of the houses' architecture, aesthetic quality, artistic work, and accessibility), visitors' positive interactions with employees, and low levels of crowding are antecedents of positive emotions, and visitors' positive emotions about their visit are a predictor of intentions to revisit and recommend the museum to others. In addition, price fairness was tested as a moderator effect using multigroup analysis. This analysis consists of comparing two subsamples of visitors, which were selected according to whether they believe the admission price is fair or unfair. The effect between perceptions of the historic house museum and positive emotions, and the effect of positive emotions on behavioral intentions is greater for visitors who found the price fair than for those who found the price unfair. The results lead to recommendations for cultural heritage managers

    Effects of colored lighting on learning processes: Towards a smart classroom

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    Colour in the classroom, either in isolation or in conjunction with other environmental factors, is an element that has been widely discussed in the scientific literature, albeit not systematically. On the other hand, its evolution towards coloured light, made possible in recent years by light emitting diode (LED) technology, has hardly found a place among researchers. Despite the progressive rise of smart classrooms, intelligent learning environments or references by some authors to "dynamic lighting", its analogous concept, "dynamic colour", hardly appears in reviews of the scientific literature. This exploratory, quasi-experimental study shows how coloured light affects the learning process in primary school classroom environments, integrating cognitive processes, instrumental learning and affective processes, and helping to define the dynamic potential of its use. The experimental part has been carried out for four weeks, collecting data that are analysed descriptively, comparatively with the control group and in the internal variance of the experimental group. The results show positive influence tendencies in the cognitive and affective processes of the students, although not so much in instrumental learning

    Uso del e-portafolio en la formación: el e-portafolio integral

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    : The use of e-portfolio is becoming common in the learning and assessment of students. This is due to the need of teachers to enhance student autonomy making them to reflect on the process of learning. Lately, we have worked with different software, facilitating its generation and use. In this paper, the recent experience in the use of e-portfolio at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Universitat Rovira i Virgili are set.Postprint (published version