166 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The success of the learners in learning a language is their ability to write, and the successful teaching of writing is affected by the strategies employed. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of Semantic Mapping (SM), Think Pair Share (TPS) strategies, and Grade Point Average (GPA) on descriptive paragraph writing achievement of Education Technology students of Baturaja University. Thirty-six second semester students were equally divided into two groups. One group was instructed through SM strategy, and the other was taught using TPS strategy. Both groups were classified based on students’ GPA. To determine the effectiveness of the teaching strategies, a writing test of descriptive paragraph was administered. The results showed that both SM and TPS strategies could improve students’ writing achievement significantly. However, SM strategy was more suitable for high level students; meanwhile TPS strategy was more suitable for low level studentThe success of the learners in learning a language is their ability to write, and the successful teaching of writing is affected by the strategies employed. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of Semantic Mapping (SM), Think Pair Share (TPS) strategies, and Grade Point Average (GPA) on descriptive paragraph writing achievement of Education Technology students of Baturaja University. Thirty-six second semester students were equally divided into two groups. One group was instructed through SM strategy, and the other was taught using TPS strategy. Both groups were classified based on students’ GPA. To determine the effectiveness of the teaching strategies, a writing test of descriptive paragraph was administered. The results showed that both SM and TPS strategies could improve students’ writing achievement significantly. However, SM strategy was more suitable for high level students; meanwhile TPS strategy was more suitable for low level students. Key words: semantic mapping, think pair share, grade point average,        writin


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    Penelitian ini khusus membahas variasi bunyi atau fonologi yang terdapat pada dialek Bahasa Bali daerah Kuta Selatan, khususnya di Desa adat Jimbaran, Kedonganan dan Ungasan. Keunikan yang terjadi adalah walaupun ketiga daerah ini berdekatan, dialek bahasa Bali yang dituturkan oleh masing-masing masyarakat daerah tersebut berbeda dan memiliki keunikan tersendiri, terlebih jika dituturkan oleh penutur dari daerah asal yang sama. Suatu leksikal tertentu yang disebutkan dalam perbincangan penutur yang sama menjadi susah dimengerti atau dianggap lucu oleh penutur bahasa Bali pada daerah asal yang berbeda karena adanya penggantian fonem ataupun variasi bunyi tertentu dalam leksikal tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode simak dengan teknik sadap, teknik libat cakap, teknik bebas libat cakap, teknik rekam dan teknik catat serta metode cakap dengan teknik pancing yang menjadi acuan dalam menemukan tujuan penelitian yaitu menemukan dan menganalisis variasi fonologis apa saja yang ditemukan dalam Bahasa Bali dialek Kuta Selatan beserta dengan kaidah fonologinya untuk merumuskan representasi fonetik yang terjadi dalam proses variasi bunyi yang terjadi pada dialek tiga daerah tersebut. Dari analisis tiga dialek bahasa Bali daerah Kuta Selatan ini, ditemukan pada daerah Jimbaran dan Kedonganan variasi bunyi yang dominan adalah pelesapan bunyi segmen baik di awal kata, tengah ataupun di belakang kata, sehingga terdengar tidak biasa dan terdengar janggal bagi penutur bahasa Bali daerah lain. Beberapa kekhasan variasi pelesapan yang terjadi pada masing-masing dialek timbul karena intonasi dan kecepatan dalam berucap masyarakat setempat. Variasi bunyi yang sangat menarik ditemukan di daerah Ungasan yakni terjadi perubahan bunyi vokal tengah // menjadi vokal belakang /o/ pada suku kata terbuka dan // dalam suku kata tertutup. Terjadi proses pelesapan bunyi, penyisipan dan terjadi proses asimilasi bunyi yang sangat berbeda dengan 2 daerah lainnya


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    Abstrak Penelitian Quasy Eksperimental ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya penerapan tipe inside-outside circle bermedia lingkaran berputar dalam menstimulasi kemampuan mengenal warna pada anak kelompok A di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 31 Wiyung Surabaya. Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia 4-5 tahun di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 31 Wiyung Surabaya, kelompok A yang berjumlah 15 anak.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara.Teknik analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data Mann Whithney U-Test dengan rumus Uhitung<Utabel dengan taraf signifikan 0,05.  Jika Uhitung<Utabel maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima.  Dari hasil pengolahan data yang diperoleh  nilai Uhitung= 16 dan Utabel = 209, maka 16<209. Data tersebut menunjukkan Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Jadi dapat disimpulkan penerapan tipe inside-outside circle bermedia lingkaran berputar dapat menstimulasi kemampuan mengenal warna pada anak kelompok A di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 31 Wiyung Surabaya. Kata Kunci : Tipe Inside-Outside Circle, Mengenal Warna    Abstrack Research Pre Experimental Design aims to determine the application of the type inside-circle circle of circle rotating media on the ability to recognize color of group A in kindergarten Asyiyah Bustanul Athfal 31 Wiyung Surabaya. Research subjects are children aged 4-5 years in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 31 Wiyung Surabaya, A group of 15 children. Technique of data analysis of this research use Mann Whithney U-Test analysis data with Uhitung <Utabel formula with significant level 0,05. If Uhitung <Utabel then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. From result of data processing result Uhitung = 16 and Utabel = 209, then 16 <209. The data shows Ho rejected and Ha accepted. So it can be the application of the type inside-circle circle of circle rotating media on the ability to recognize color of group A in kindergarten Asyiyah Bustanul Athfal 31 Wiyung Surabaya.   Keywords: The Type Of Inside-Outside Circle, Recognize Color


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    Jumlah Penduduk Jawa Timur semakin lama semakin bertambah melebihi ambang batas daya dukung lahan sehingga  Pemerintah Orde Baru menerapkan berbagai kebijakan untuk mengendalikan laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Salah satu kebijakan yang diterapkan adalah menekan praktek perkawinan dini. Berbagai peraturan diterapkan, antara lain pembatasan usia minimum perkawinan melalui undang-undang dan peraturan pemerinah, peningkatan peranan wanita, dan peningkatan pendidikan. Penulisan ini difokuskan pada kebijakan pemerintah tentang perkawinan dini selama kurun waktu tahun 1974-1980 dan hubungannya dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri dari heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan keadaan Demografis Masyarakat Jawa Timur antara lain: kependudukan Jawa Timur awal Orde Baru, Perkawinan dalam masyarakat Jawa Timur dan Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk Jawa Timur. Pemerintah kemudian membuat kebijakan dengan mengesahkan undang-Undang Perkawinan No.1 Tahun 1974 yang memuat pembatasan umur minimal perkawinan bagi perempuan 16 tahun dan laki-laki 19 tahun. Untuk mendukung Undang-undang tersebut diterapkan kebijakan lain seperti peningkatan peranan wanita dan peningkatan pendidikan bagi masyarakat. Dengan adanya kebijakan tersebut perkawinan dini di Jawa Timur mulai berkurang. Pada tahun 1970 prosentase penduduk Jawa Timur yang pernah menikah pada kelompok umur 10-14 tahun adalah 2,14 % dan pada kelompok umur 15-19 tahun adalah 25,10%. Kemudian pada tahun 1980 prosentase ini menurun menjadi 1,22% dan 19,94%. Penurunan prosenstase perkawinan dini berpengaruh terhadap menurunnya laju pertumbuhan penduduk Jawa Timur dari dekade 1970-an sebesar 1,49 % pertahun menjadi 1,08 % pertahun pada periode tahun 1980-1990. Kata Kunci : Government policy, Early Marriage, Population Growt


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    The background of the research is the low folklore listening skills and the lack of learning models and media applied to class X. It has impact to the students’ scores for under the KKM. This research was conducted during the Covid-19 (coronavirus disease) pandemic which implements distance learning (online) in class X MIPA 2 SMA Nusantara Plus, with total  26 students of the 2020/2021 school year. The research method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Learning activities using this articulation model make the learning process easier to listen folklores. Kahoot media known as an attractive and more efficient evaluation media. This research was conducted in two cycles, in each cycle there were two meetings. The results of this study indicate an increase in the ability to listen to saga stories. This can be seen from the results of the pre-cycle average score of 55, cycle I increased to 70 but did not meet the KKM, followed by cycle II with an average value of 86. Thus it can be concluded that the use of Kahoot in articulation learning model can improve folklore listening skills of class X SMA Nusantara Plus.    Keywords: articulation learning model, Kahoot, listening skills, folklore


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    PPh is a tax imposed on tax subjects on income received or earned in the form of taxes. It is one of the most essential items in a country as a source of income used to pay government spending. In Indonesia, taxes are a significant source of state revenue for long-term growth, as tax revenues rise in tandem with the country's economy and level of life in the context of self-sufficiency in financing national development. The goal of this research was to examine how CV. Alvindo Pratama calculated corporate income tax under Law No. 7 of 1983, as amended by Law No. 7 of 1991, Law No. 10 of 1994, Law No. 17 of 2000, Law No. 36 of 2008, Government Regulations, Presidential Decrees, Ministerial Decrees, Director General of Taxes Decrees, and Circulars of the Director General of Taxes. This is a qualitative study utilizing a descriptive method. The researcher attempts to present facts in conformity with current reality without interfering with the circumstances. Data collected from the company in the form of financial statements produced by CV. Alvindo Pratama is the source of data used in this work. The results reveal that CV. Alvindo Pratama's tax calculations are accurate and up to date, and that he pays and reports Corporate Income Tax on time

    Geology Structural Analysis of the Tanjung Betung II Region, Bengkulu: Recognized through Geological Mapping and Lineament Analysis

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    The research area is located in the Tanjung Betung II area, North Kaur, Bengkulu. This research was conducted to determine the geological structure and its relationship with the graben system in the Bengkulu basin by identifying and measuring structural components recorded in rock units. In interpreting deformation mechanisms, this research utilizes surface data obtained from geological structure mapping and lineament analysis based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) images. Field observations on outcrops have identified five types of structures that have a general northwest-southeast trend, hereinafter referred to as the Manau IX fault, Bunian fault, Tanjung Kurung fault, Aek Kule syncline and Padang Manis fault. This structure may be associated with a graben system that formed in the late phase of basin evolution in the Neogene. Importantly, the structures recorded in the outcrop sequence may be the result of tectonic deformation that occurred during the Late Neogene, coinciding with the start of the Barisan orogeny


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    Butterflies are insects that have aesthetic beauty and are also important assets in the field of nature protection. In nature, butterflies have a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems, especially in the process of pollination of flowering plants which contributes to the natural propagation of plants. Butterfly wings have an important role in identifying butterfly species based on size, shape and color. In mathematics, there is the concept of fractals which is a very suitable method for modeling natural phenomena and used as a tool to represent natural objects. In this study, a classification of butterfly species was carried out based on the shape of the butterfly's wings. A total of 100 butterfly images were used in this study, the first step was to convert the RGB images to grayscale and then segment the butterfly wings. The area is then used to identify butterfly wing type patterns using edge detection using the Canny method. Furthermore, by using the fractal box counting method, the resulting dimensional values are used in the clustering process. The results of the dimension values will be classified using the K-Means grouping method with five groups, namely Adonis Butterfly, Julia Butterfly, Brown Siproeta Butterfly, Metal Marks Butterfly, and African Giant Swallowtail Butterfly, showing an accuracy of 89%

    EFEKTIVITAS IKLAN BERDASARKAN CUSTOMER RESPONSE INDEX DENGAN KONSEP AISAS (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Iklan YouTube Pantene Indonesia #Rambutkecharged versi Keanu Angelo pada Followers Akun Instagram @panteneid)

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    Dalam kegiatan komunikasi, alur komunikasi sangat penting untuk menentukan bagaimana sebuah pesan komunikasi dapat tersampaikan. Salah satunya adalah dengan teori SOR yang dapat menjelaskan bagaimana alur komunikasi yang akhirnya dapat menyebabkan respon dari konsumen yang menjadi kunci keberhasilan komunikasi tersebut. Implementasi teori SOR, salah satunya dapat dilihat pada aktivitas komunikasi pemasaran yakni iklan. Iklan berperan penting untuk menjadi jembatan komunikasi antara perusahaan dengan target konsumennya. Di tengah persaingan perusahaan yang semakin ketat pada era digital ini, iklan banyak disebarkan melalui media sosial dengan konsep yang kreatif. Pantene Indonesia melewati persaingan tersebut dengan membuat terobosan dengan konsep beriklan terbaru pada media sosial, YouTube. Pada penelitian ini, fokus Peneliti adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana efektivitas iklan YouTube #Rambutkecharged Pantene Indonesia versi Keanu Angelo berdasarkan perhitungan Customer Response Index (CRI) dengan konsep AISAS untuk menyesuaikan kondisi digital saat ini. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan instrumen penelitian yaitu kuesioner yang ditujukan pada 100 followers akun Instagram @panteneid untuk mempermudah penjangkauan responden. Melalui kuesioner tersebut, Peneliti berusaha menggali respon audiens yang berlandaskan pada tahapantahapan AISAS yakni, attention, interest, search, action, dan share yang hasilnya akan saling memengaruhi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan melalui respon konsumen yang didapatkan iklan Pantene Indonesia #Rambutkecharged versi Keanu Angelo memiliki efektivitas yang rendah ditujukan dari hasil perhitungan CRI AISAS 3,5%, CRI AISS 7,8%, CRI AIAS 9,7%, dan CRI AIS 21,4%. Namun, iklan tersebut memiliki efektivitas yang tinggi dalam memberikan informasi dan menarik audiens yang ditandai dengan hasil attention sebesar 94,3% dan interest sebesar 67,7%

    The Differences between Key Words-Pictorial and After Reading Card Methods in English Vocabulary Mastery

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    This study aims to determine the differences in English vocabulary skills of students using the Keywords-Pictorial learning method with students who use the After Reading Card Game learning method. This study used a quasi-experimental research method with the study of Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population subjects in this study were all of the fifth grade students of MI Al-Istiqomah, Tangerang City, which numbered 50 students, taking a sample of 25 students in the first experimental class and 25 students in the second experimental class. The technique of collecting data using test questions instruments describing vocabulary skills consists of 20 valid and realistic questions. Based on the results of the study, testing the posttest hypothesis from the results of the t-test obtained tcount = 29.05 and table = 2.02, it can be concluded that there are significant differences between the posttest grade values of the first experimental class and the second experimental class. This can be interpreted that the English vocabulary abilities of students using the After Reading Card Game learning method are higher with students who use the Keywords-Pictorial learning method. Keywords: Keywords-Pictorial method; After Reading Card Game, mastery of vocabular
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