3,356 research outputs found

    Reclassification of the nearest quasar pair candidate: SDSS J15244+3032 - RXS J15244+3032

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    We present optical spectroscopy of the nearest quasar pair listed in the 13th edition of the Veron-Cetty & Veron catalogue, i.e. the two quasars SDSS J15244+3032 and RXS J15244+3032 (redshift z~0.27, angular separation ~7 arcsec, and line-of-sight velocity difference ~1900 km/s). This system would be an optimal candidate to investigate the mutual interaction of the host galaxies with ground based optical imaging and spectroscopy. However, new optical data demonstrate that RXS J15244+3032 is indeed a star of spectral type G. This paper includes data gathered with the Asiago 1.82m telescope (Cima Ekar Observatory, Asiago, Italy).Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in APS

    Ultrasound Guidance in Paravertebral Injections of Oxygen-Ozone: Treatment of Low Back Pain

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    Background: Paravertebral injection of ozone is an established clinical practice for the treatment of Low Back Pain (LBP). The role of Ultrasound Guidance (USG) in mini invasive procedures has become important in many clinical practice thanks to the greater precision this technique can add. As matter of fact, a large volume of ozone in a single administration may have some adverse or side effects. In this study we wanted to verify if the use of USG in Oxygen/ Ozone (O2/O3) infiltrations could allow the administration of a smaller volume of gas mixture, increasing the safety and the comfort of the procedure itself, obtaining however similar or better results in pain decrease. Methods: We compared two groups of 25 patients affected by LBP, undergoing 10 infiltrations of O2/O3, by using USG (group U) or only anatomical landmarks (group AL). Pain intensity, by calculating Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) difference before and after the treatment, and the discomfort were evaluated in both groups. Results: The mean of the VAS before the treatment was 6.44 in group U and 6.48 in group AL. The mean of the VAS after the treatment was 2.22 in group U and 3.04 in group AL. The mean of discomfort rate was 2.84 in group U and 5.44 in group AL. The number of patients with unbearable discomfort was 0 in group U and 7 in group AL. Conclusions: As many other treatment, also paravertebral injections of O2/O3 benefits of the advantages of the US device which makes this treatment safer and more accurate

    Energy affordability and the benefits system in Italy

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    In this paper, we discuss a number of ways to define and measure the affordability of energy consumption, and we examine the emergence of energy poverty in Italy in the period from 1998 to 2011. The paper examines the eligibility criteria for claiming the benefits available to support energy consumption for vulnerable families and it identifies the potential beneficiaries. The study assesses the appropriateness of the eligibility criteria by comparing the population targeted by the policy with the population actually facing affordability problems. A simulation exercise, using the hypothetical scenario most likely to result in energy benefits made available, shows that, regardless of the affordability index adopted, the provision of state energy benefits has little impact on fuel poverty

    A Cahn–Hilliard system with forward-backward dynamic boundary condition and non-smooth potentials

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    A system with equation and dynamic boundary condition of Cahn–Hilliard type is considered. This system comes from a derivation performed in Liu–Wu (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 233:167–247, 2019) via an energetic variational approach. Actually, the related problem can be seen as a transmission problem for the phase variable in the bulk and the corresponding variable on the boundary. The asymptotic behavior as the coefficient of the surface diffusion acting on the boundary phase variable goes to 0 is investigated. By this analysis we obtain a forward-backward dynamic boundary condition at the limit. We can deal with a general class of potentials having a double-well structure, including the non-smooth double-obstacle potential. We illustrate that the limit problem is well-posed by also proving a continuous dependence estimate. Moreover, in the case when the two graphs, in the bulk and on the boundary, exhibit the same growth, we show that the solution of the limit problem is more regular and we prove an error estimate for a suitable order of the diffusion parameter

    Hemisphere Mixing: a Fully Data-Driven Model of QCD Multijet Backgrounds for LHC Searches

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    A novel method is proposed here to precisely model the multi-dimensional features of QCD multi-jet events in hadron collisions. The method relies on the schematization of high-pT QCD processes as 2->2 reactions made complex by sub-leading effects. The construction of libraries of hemispheres from experimental data and the definition of a suitable nearest-neighbor-based association map allow for the generation of artificial events that reproduce with surprising accuracy the kinematics of the QCD component of original data, while remaining insensitive to small signal contaminations. The method is succinctly described and its performance is tested in the case of the search for the hh->bbbb process at the LHC.Comment: 4 pages plus header, 1 figure, proceedings of EPS 2017 Venic

    Circum-galactic medium in the halo of quasars

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    The properties of circum-galactic gas in the halo of quasar host galaxies are investigated analyzing Mg II 2800 and C IV 1540 absorption-line systems along the line of sight close to quasars. We used optical spectroscopy of closely aligned pairs of quasars (projected distance ≀\leq 200 kpc, but at very different redshift) obtained at the VLT and Gran Telescopio Canarias to investigate the distribution of the absorbing gas for a sample of quasars at z∌\sim1. Absorption systems of EW ≄\geq 0.3 A˚\rm{\AA} associated with the foreground quasars are revealed up to 200 kpc from the centre of the host galaxy, showing that the structure of the absorbing gas is patchy with a covering fraction quickly decreasing beyond 100 kpc. In this contribution we use optical and near-IR images obtained at VLT to investigate the relations between the properties of the circum-galactic medium of the host galaxies and of the large scale galaxy environments of the foreground quasars.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the conference "QUASARS at all cosmic epochs", accepted for publication on Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Scienc

    HST Observations of the Optical Jets of PKS 0521-365, 3C371, and PKS 2201+044

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    HST observations have led to the discovery of the optical counterpart of the radio jet of PKS 2201+044, and to a detailed analysis of the optical jets of PKS 0521-365 and 3C371. At HST spatial resolution these jets are well resolved, displaying knotty morphologies. When compared with radio maps of appropriate resolution, a clear one-to-one correspondence between optical and radio structures is found, showing that all detected optical structures are indeed related to the radio synchrotron emission. Photometry of the brightest knots shows that the radio-to-optical spectral index and the derived intensity of the equipartition magnetic field are approximately constant along the jet. Thus, present observations suggest that the electron energy distribution does not change significantly all along the jet.Comment: Accepted for publications on the Astrphysical Journal. Contains 14 pages and 5 figure

    Joint parental school choice: exploring the influence of individual preferences of husbands and wives

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    The objective of this paper is to study school choice as a deliberate joint parental decision. This decision is affected by the underlying preferences of the husband and wife. We use survey data from a sample of parents in the metropolitan area of Bilbao (Spain) to estimate a bargaining discrete choice model. The collected data set contains hypothetical school choices gathered in the form of a typical discrete choice experiment (stated preferences) and the actual school choice (revealed preferences). Stated preference data are obtained separately for husbands and wives, but the revealed preference choice is taken jointly. Our findings show, firstly, that the husband's and wife's stated preferences regarding school choice do not differ markedly. Secondly, the results obtained for the revealed preferences deviate from the stated preferences for some school characteristics. Finally, we find that neither the husband's nor the wife's preferences prevail in the actual joint school choice decision
