2,536 research outputs found

    La planificación del estudio de la cueva

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    The authors explain why it was necessary to establish a single reference system for all of the cave and how the problem was solved. They present a graphic sketch of each of the walls of the site which will permits the clarification of any doubts which may arise later.Los autores narran cómo se vio la necesidad de organizar un sistema de referencia único para toda la cueva y la manera cómo resolvieron el problema. Presentan un esquema gráfico de cada una de las paredes del yacimiento que permita aclarar dudas en el caso de que éstas se planteasen

    Identification of two new intimin types in atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Stool specimens of patients with diarrhea or other gastrointestinal alterations who were admitted to Xeral-Calde Hospital (Lugo, Spain) were analyzed for the prevalence of typical and atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). Atypical EPEC strains (eae+ bfp–) were detected in 105 (5.2%) of 2015 patients, whereas typical EPEC strains (eae+ bfp+) were identified in only five (0.2%) patients. Atypical EPEC strains were (after Salmonella) the second most frequently recovered enteropathogenic bacteria. In this study, 110 EPEC strains were characterized. The strains belonged to 43 O serogroups and 69 O:H serotypes, including 44 new serotypes not previously reported among human EPEC. However, 29% were of one of three serogroups (O26, O51, and O145) and 33% belonged to eight serotypes (O10:H–, O26:H11, O26:H–, O51:H49, O123:H19, O128:H2, O145:H28, and O145:H–). Only 14 (13%) could be assigned to classical EPEC serotypes. Fifteen intimin types, namely, α1 (6 strains), α2 (4 strains), β1 (34 strains), ξR/β2 (6 strains), γ1 (13 strains), γ2/θ (16 strains), δ/k (5 strains), ε1 (9 strains), νR/ε2 (5 strains), ζ (6 strains), ι1 (1 strain), μR/ι2 (1 strain), νB (1 strain), ξB (1 strain), and ο (2 strains), were detected among the 110 EPEC strains, but none of the strains was positive for intimin types μ1, μ2, λ, or μB. In addition, in atypical EPEC strains of serotypes O10:H–, O84:H–, and O129:H–, two new intimin genes (eae-νB and eae-ο) were identified. These genes showed less than 95% nucleotide sequence identity with existing intimin types. Phylogenetic analysis revealed six groups of closely related intimin genes: (i) α1, α2, ζ, νB, and ο; (ii) ι1 and μR/ι2; (iii) β1, ξR/β2B, δ/β2O, and κ; (iv) ε1, ξB, η1,η2, and νR/ε2; (v) γ1, μB, γ2, and θ; and (vi) λ. These results indicate that atypical EPEC strains belonging to large number of serotypes and with different intimin types might be frequently isolated from human clinical stool samples in Spain. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(2):103-110


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    Se describe una curiosa complementariedad entre el uso constatable de «plantar el árbol de mayo» en la noche de las valpurgis (30 de abril al 1 de mayo) para quitarlo en último día del mes de.las flores y la localización geográfica de las cuevas con «columbarios» en La Rioja. En la medida de nuestro conocimiento, donde se plantaba el «mayo» no se dan los columbarios rupestres y en cambio donde hay «columbarios rupestres» no se plantaba el «mayo». Hay, además, otra coincidencia: Los «columbarios» se dan en la Rioja Baja, es decir en la mitad oriental de la región, que coincide con la tierra en la que se puede constatar la difusión del culto a San Bábilas, un santo oriental cuya veneración se extiende también por la baja Navarra. ¿Hay relación entre los tres motivos? ¿Puede aceptarse una difusión de un monacato de origen oriental que hubiera traído a estas tierras el uso de los «columbarios» y el culto a este santo oriental a la vez que hubiera hecho la labor misionera de eliminar el culto pagano que significaría el «arbol de mayo»


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    A very short note to awaken an interest in the etnographic uses that seem to be found in abundance throughout al1 the Mediterranean area. It would be convenient to make a catalogue of these, and this would without a doubt, contribute to throw more light on the subject that we are dealing with in this volume.Brevísima nota para sugerir el interés de usos etnográficos que parecen abundar por toda la geografía mediterránea cuyo catálogo convendría hacer y que sin duda alguna podría contribuir a iluminar el tema del que tratamos en este volumen

    Chiral Distorted Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes Bearing a Nonagon-Embedded Carbohelicene

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    We acknowledge the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC-2015-STG-677023), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU/FEDER/AEI, Spain, PGC2018-101181-B-I00), the Universidad de Granada (UGR) (Plan Propio - Intensificacion de la Investigacion PP2017-PRI.I-02) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Spark 2019 Grant CRSK-2_190365) for financial support. We thank the CSIRC-Alhambra, the Service and Support for Science IT (S3IT) of the University of Zurich and Prof.Dr. Michal Juriek for supercomputing facilities. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.A new family of chiral saddle-helix hybrid nanographenes is reported. The first hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) analogues bearing a nine-membered carbocycle are presented. Furthermore, for the first time, pi-extended carbo[n]helicenes containing a nine-membered ring as part of the helical moiety have been synthesized. The combination of a [5]helicene moiety and a nonagon ring in a single chiral motif induces a tremendous distortion from planarity into the nanographenic structures compared to other saddle-helix hybrids such as heptagon- and octagon-containing pi-extended carbo[5]helicenes. In fact, the interplanar angle of the two terminal rings reaches the largest angle (134.8 degrees) of a carbohelicene reported to date, thus being by far the most twisted helicene yet prepared. Photophysical properties evaluation showed improved absorption dissymmetry factors (|g(abs)|=4.2x10(-3)) in the new family of nonagon-containing pi-extended carbo[5]helicenes.European Research Council (ERC) ERC-2015-STG-677023Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU/FEDER/AEI, Spain) PGC2018-101181-B-I00Universidad de Granada (UGR) (Plan Propio - Intensificacion de la Investigacion) PP2017-PRI.I-02Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) European Commission CRSK-2_190365Universidad de Granada/CBU

    The Diachronic Spanish Sonnet Corpus (DISCO): TEI and Linked Open Data Encoding, Data Distribution and Metrical Findings

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    We present a corpus covering 4094 sonnets in Spanish by 1204 authors, from the 15th to the 19th centuries, extracted from HTML sources. The corpus was encoded in TEI. Author metadata not available in a standardized format in the sources were systematically retrieved or inferred from the sources and added to the corpus, e.g. author gender or VIAF IDs. RDFa was used to render TEI semantics in the Linked Open Data paradigm. Scansion was annotated automatically with the ADSO Scansion System. Enjambment was annotated automatically with our enjambment detection tool (ANJA). Stanza types were also annotated. The corpus covers both canonical and non-canonical authors, from Europe and Latin America. The range of authors and periods, the use of both TEI and RDFa for interoperability, and the combination of metrical and enjambment annotations goes beyond previously available digital resources for the study of poetry in Spanish. This corpus is a contribution within an area where digital resources are scarce. We also present some literary analysis results that illustrate the type of research questions that can be answered with the corpus

    Gene expression and fatty acid profiling in longissimus thoracis muscle, subcutaneous fat, and liver of light lambs in response to concentrate or alfalfa grazing

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    A better understanding of gene expression and metabolic pathways in response to a feeding system is critical for identifying key physiological processes and genes associated with polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content in lamb meat. The main objective of this study was to investigate transcriptional changes in L. thoracis (LT) muscle, liver, and subcutaneous fat (SF) of lambs that grazed alfalfa (ALF) and concentrate-fed (CON) slaughtered at 23 kg and using the Affymetrix Ovine Gene 1.1 ST whole-genome array. The study also evaluated the relationship between meat traits in LT muscle, including color, pigments and lipid oxidation during 7 days of display, a-tocopherol content, intramuscular fat (IMF) content and the fatty acid (FA) profile. Lambs that grazed on alfalfa had a greater a-tocopherol concentration in plasma than CON lambs (P 0.05). Grazing increased the a-tocopherol content (P < 0.001) and decreased lipid oxidation on day 7 of display (P < 0.05) in LT muscle. The ALF group contained a greater amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), C18:3 n-3, C20:5 n-3, C22:5 n-3, and C22:6 n-3 than did the CON group (P < 0.05). We identified 41, 96 and four genes differentially expressed in LT muscle, liver, and subcutaneous fat, respectively. The most enriched biological processes in LT muscle were skeletal muscle tissue development, being the genes related to catabolic and lipid processes downregulated, except for CPT1B, which was upregulated in the ALF lambs. Animals grazing alfalfa had lower expression of desaturase enzymes in the liver (FADS1 and FADS2), which regulate unsaturation of fatty acids and are directly involved in the metabolism of n-3 PUFA series. The results found in the current study showed that ingesting diets richer in n-3 PUFA might have negative effects on the de novo synthesis of n-3 PUFA by downregulating the FADS1 and FADS2 expression. However, feeding diets poorer in n-3 PUFA can promote fatty acid desaturation, which makes these two genes attractive candidates for altering the content of PUFAs in meat


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    Localization and description. There are archaeological remains in front of the cliff where the cave was excavated whose excavation and study are worth while. The most outstanding characteristics are: the shape of the alveolus, which are a type of spherical caps but don't have sufficient base for an animal to nest. There are three situated in the main place of te principal front that have also excavated a sort of beard. There are graffiti in the spaces between the alveolus, at least two of which are Christian. With these characteristics this cave can only be a "columbarium".Localización y descripción. Restos arqueológicos delante de la peña en la que está horadada la cueva, que valdría la pena excavar y estudiar. Características más destacables: forma de los alvéolos, que son a modo de casquetes esféricos y no tienen base suficiente para que en ellos pueda anidar animal alguno. Hay tres que tienen vaciada lo que podríamos denominar la «barba». Grafitos por los espacios entre los alvéolos, de los que al menos dos son inscripciones cristianas. Con tales características esta cueva sólo puede ser un «columbario»

    Applications of Direct Injection Soft Chemical Ionisation-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Pre-blast Smokeless Powder Organic Additives

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    Analysis of smokeless powders is of interest from forensics and security perspectives. This article reports the detection of smokeless powder organic additives (in their pre-detonation condition), namely the stabiliser diphenylamine and its derivatives 2-nitrodiphenylamine and 4-nitrodiphenylamine, and the additives (used both as stabilisers and plasticisers) methyl centralite and ethyl centralite, by means of swab sampling followed by thermal desorption and direct injection soft chemical ionisation-mass spectrometry. Investigations on the product ions resulting from the reactions of the reagent ions H3O+ and O2+ with additives as a function of reduced electric field are reported. The method was comprehensively evaluated in terms of linearity, sensitivity and precision. For H3O+, the limits of detection (LoD) are in the range of 41-88 pg of additive, for which the accuracy varied between 1.5 and 3.2%, precision varied between 3.7 and 7.3% and linearity showed R20.9991. For O2+, LoD are in the range of 72 to 1.4 ng, with an accuracy of between 2.8 and 4.9% and a precision between 4.5 and 8.6% and R20.9914. The validated methodology was applied to the analysis of commercial pre-blast gun powders from different manufacturers.(VLID)4826148Accepted versio

    Human recombinant glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 1 (GOT1) supplemented with oxaloacetate induces a protective effect after cerebral ischemia

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    Blood glutamate scavenging is a novel and attractive protecting strategy to reduce the excitotoxic effect of extracellular glutamate released during ischemic brain injury. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 1 (GOT1) activation by means of oxaloacetate administration has been used to reduce the glutamate concentration in the blood. However, the protective effect of the administration of the recombinant GOT1 (rGOT1) enzyme has not been yet addressed in cerebral ischemia. The aim of this study was to analyze the protective effect of an effective dose of oxaloacetate and the human rGOT1 alone and in combination with a non-effective dose of oxaloacetate in an animal model of ischemic stroke. Sixty rats were subjected to a transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Infarct volumes were assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before treatment administration, and 24 h and 7 days after MCAO. Brain glutamate levels were determined by in vivo MR spectroscopy (MRS) during artery occlusion (80 min) and reperfusion (180 min). GOT activity and serum glutamate concentration were analyzed during the occlusion and reperfusion period. Somatosensory test was performed at baseline and 7 days after MCAO. The three treatments tested induced a reduction in serum and brain glutamate levels, resulting in a reduction in infarct volume and sensorimotor deficit. Protective effect of rGOT1 supplemented with oxaloacetate at 7 days persists even when treatment was delayed until at least 2 h after onset of ischemia. In conclusion, our findings indicate that the combination of human rGOT1 with low doses of oxaloacetate seems to be a successful approach for stroke treatment.Ministeiro de Economía y Competitividad de EspañaXunta de Galicia /Consellería Economía IndustriaXunta de Galicia/ Consellería EducaciónInstituto de Salud Carlos IIISpanish Research Network on Cerebrovascular Diseases RETICS-INVICTUSFundación Mútua MadrileñaEuropean Union program FEDEREspaña. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad/SAF2011-30517Xunta de Galicia /Consellería Economía Industria/10PXIB918282PRXunta de Galicia / Consellería Educación/ CN2011/010Instituto de Salud Carlos III/PI11/00909Instituto de Salud Carlos III/CP12/03121Spanish Research Network on Cerebrovascular Diseases RETICS-INVICTUS /RD12/0014Instituto de Salud Carlos III/PI10/00449Instituto de Salud Carlos III/PI12/0311