2,322 research outputs found

    Physical crosslinking of pea protein-based bioplastics: Effect of heat and UV treatments

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    Climate change and the enhancement of ecology have generated the need to create packaging that is biodegradable and, at the same time, allows food to be preserved efficiently in order to avoid the accumulation of plastic and minimize food waste. In this sense, protein-based bioplastics are a promising alternative, but due to their limited properties they need additional crosslinking in order to compete with conventional plastics. Among them, physical crosslinking is of special interest in the food industry, as it does not generate toxicity problems. In this way, the overall objective of this work was to develop pea protein-based bioplastics by injection moulding, using two different physical crosslinking methods: heat treatment (50ºC-24 h, 120 ºC-4 h and 120 ºC-24 h) and ultraviolet (UV) treatment (50, 120 and 500 mJ/cm2). Thus, different bioplastics were compared based on their mechanical, functional and antimicrobial properties. The relevance of this study is based on the improvement of certain aspects of the mechanical and functional properties of bioplastics by the addition of an extra physical crosslinking stage to the fabrication process. In fact, UV treatment improves the antimicrobial activity of bioplastics, which gives it a significant improvement to compete with conventional plastics in the food sector.This work is part of a research project sponsored by “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci´on-Agencia Estatal de Investigaci´on” (MCI/AEI/ FEDER, EU) from the Spanish Government (Ref. RTI2018–097100-BC21). The authors gratefully acknowledge their financial support. This work is also possible thanks to the postdoctoral contract of Víctor M. P´erez Puyana from the “Contrataci´on de Personal Investigador Doctor” supported by the European Social Fund and Junta de Andalucía (PAIDI DOCTOR – Convocatoria 2019–2020, DOC_00586) and for the predoctoral grant of Mercedes Jim´enez Rosado from "Ministerio de Educaci´on y Formaci´on Profesional" (FPU17/01718)

    Interventions within the Scope of Occupational Therapy in the Hospital Discharge Process Post-Stroke: A Systematic Review

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    Stroke is one of the main causes of disability in adulthood. Its rehabilitation is a complex process that requires a multidisciplinary team of specialised professionals. The main goal of this review was to determine the impact of occupational therapy intervention post-stroke on the home discharge process. A systematic search was carried out of the following databases: Pubmed, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, Otseeker, and Dialnet. A screening was performed taking into account the type of article, including exclusively RCT, and type of intervention, only including interventions within the scope of occupational therapy that take place during the process of hospital discharge post-stroke. A total of 2285 citations were identified in the search from which 13 articles met the inclusion criteria. Comparisons of the groups indicated that early occupational therapy intervention during the process of hospital discharge can be effective in terms of functional recovery and can lead to the caregiver seeing improvements in self-efficacy and fatigue. In addition, the inclusion of a caregiver in the intervention influences the patient’s adherence to treatment, leading to a reduction in the cost of treatment and rehabilitation.This study will be supported by University of Malaga (Spain). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Estado de saúde percebido em idosos: desigualdades regionais e sociodemográficas na Espanha

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess regional and sociodemographic differences in self-perceived health status among older adults. METHODS: A face-to-face quality of life survey was conducted in a representative sample of the Spanish population comprising 1,106 non-institutionalized elderly aged 60 or more in 2008. Logistic regression models were used to explain self-perceived health status according to the EuroQol Group Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS). Independent variables included sociodemographic and health characteristics as well as the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics level 1 (NUTS1: group of autonomous regions) and level 2 (NUTS 2: autonomous regions). RESULTS: Younger and better off respondents were more likely to have a positive self-perceived health status. Having no chronic conditions, independence in performing daily living activities and lower level of depression were also associated with positive self-perceived health status. People living in the south of Spain showed a more negative self-perceived health status than those living in other regions. CONCLUSION: The study results point to health inequality among Spanish older adults of lower socioeconomic condition and living in the south of Spain. The analysis by geographic units allows for international cross-regional comparisons.OBJETIVO: Analisar as diferenças regionais e sociodemográficas no estado de saúde percebido por adultos mais velhos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um inquérito de qualidade de vida mediante entrevista pessoal com amostra representativa da população espanhola de 1.106 pessoas com 60 e mais anos não institucionalizadas, em 2008. Aplicaram-se modelos de regressão logística para explicar a saúde percebida segundo a escala visual analógica do EuroQol Group (EQ-VAS). As variáveis independentes incluíram características sociodemográficas e de saúde, assim como unidades territoriais estatísticas de nível 1 (grupo de comunidades autônomas) e nível 2 (comunidades autônomas). RESULTADOS: Os participantes dos grupos mais jovens e os que tinham uma melhor situação econômica mostraram maior probabilidade de ter uma percepção positiva da sua saúde. A ausência de problemas crônicos de saúde, a independência para realizar atividades da vida diária e menor nível de depressão também se associaram positivamente à saúde percebida como boa. Os idosos que viviam no sul mostraram uma percepção mais negativa da saúde do que as que vivem noutras regiões. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam uma desigualdade relativa no estado de saúde dos adultos mais velhos de níveis socioeconômicos inferiores e dos habitantes do sul do país. A análise por unidades territoriais estatísticas permite estabelecer comparações entre regiões em nível internacional.OBJETIVO: Analizar las diferencias regionales y sociodemográficas en el estado de salud percibido por ancianos. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una encuesta de calidad de vida mediante entrevista personal en una muestra representativa de la población española de 1.106 personas con 60 y más años no institucionalizadas en 2008. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión logística para explicar la salud percibida de acuerdo con la escala visual analógica del EuroQol Group (EQ-VAS). Las variables independientes incluyeron características sociodemográficas y de salud, así como unidades territoriales estadísticas de nivel 1 (NUTS1: grupos de comunidades autónomas), y nivel 2 (NUTS2: comunidades autónomas). RESULTADOS: Los participantes de ambos grupos, el de los más jóvenes y los que tenían una mejor situación económica, mostraron mayor probabilidad de tener una percepción positiva de la salud. La ausencia de problemas crónicos de salud, la independencia para desarrollar actividades de la vida diaria y un menor nivel de depresión también se asociaron positivamente a la salud percibida como buena. Los ancianos que vivían en el sur mostraron una percepción más negativa de su salud que aquellos que vivían en otras regiones. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran desigualdad relativa en el estado de salud de los ancianos de niveles socioeconómicos inferiores y en los habitantes del sur del país. El análisis estadístico por unidades territoriales permite establecer comparaciones entre regiones en nivel internacional

    Turismo en el medio rural, riesgos y oportunidades. El caso de Ansó.

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    En el complejo caldo de cultivo que es la recuperación de las zonas rurales, y conocedores del creciente flujo turístico hacia estos núcleos. Se busca analizar el factor positivo o negativo que pueda tener el turismo en la repoblación del entorno rural, poniendo especial atención en el acceso a la vivienda.<br /

    Evaluación de metodologías didácticas en trabajos de fin de grado en titulaciones de Ciencias Experimentales

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    Mediante encuestas a estudiantes que se encuentran finalizando el Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) y profesores que dirigen de los seis grados de la facultad de Ciencias (Biología, Ciencias del Mar, Geología, Matemáticas, Óptica y Optometría, Química) de la Universidad de Alicante, se han identificado los puntos de menor fortaleza de los TFGs independientemente para cada grado. A continuación, hemos comparado los resultados entre grados para ver el nivel de similitud entre ellos y la singularidad de cada uno de ellos. A partir de ahí, hemos identificado los posibles factores que configuran cada TFG con el fin de intentar entender su singularidad en cada caso. Esta información es importante para ayudarnos a comprender cómo se podrían fortalecer posibles carencias en TFGs específicos. Con esta información y en base a la experiencia previa, proponemos medidas que permitan favorecer la implementación y desarrollo de los TFGs. Con estas propuestas se espera mejorar la eficiencia de los TFGs y conseguir un mayor nivel de satisfacción y el rendimiento en esta asignatura común en todos los grados

    Análisis de los Trabajos de Fin de Grado desde la visión docente

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    El Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en los grados de la Facultad de Ciencias, constituye una asignatura con importantes competencias transversales que representa la fase final del plan de estudios, y supone la realización por parte del estudiante de un proyecto, memoria o estudio bajo la supervisión de un tutor o tutora. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio general de los TFGs y la utilización del UA-project, desde la visión del profesorado. Para poder optimizar el desarrollo de los TFGs, en este trabajo se realizó un análisis interno mediante un cuestionario. Para dar mayor amplitud y proyección a la propuesta se han enviado los cuestionarios a profesores de todos los grados de la Facultad de Ciencias: Biología, Ciencias del Mar, Química, Geología, Matemáticas y Óptica y Optometría. Estos cuestionarios reflejan la experiencia docente obtenida en los últimos años en la tutorización de los TFGs, para así poder obtener conclusiones e ideas de mejora para su posterior aplicación

    Adaptación de los TFGs de Ciencias al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: valoración del alumnado

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    Este estudio tiene el objetivo de obtener una percepción desde el punto de vista del alumnado del Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG). Para ello, se realizaron encuestas a estudiantes de grado que están finalizando el (TFG) en la facultad de Ciencias (Biología, Ciencias del Mar, Geología, Matemáticas, Óptica y Optometría, y Química) de la Universidad de Alicante. En un principio, se analizaron para cada grado de forma independiente con el propósito de tener una visión global de la percepción de los alumnos para cada grado. A continuación, se contrastaron los resultados obtenidos entre los grados para buscar posibles similitudes entre ellos y entender las singularidades de cada uno. Mediante este estudio podemos conocer la opinión sobre TFG desde el punto de vista del alumnado. Dichos resultados pueden sentar las bases para enriquecer y optimizar el desarrollo de los TFGs con el fin de favorecer su capacidad formativa al ser una asignatura obligatoria común en todos los grados

    Endangered subspecies of the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi and E. s. lusitanica) in Iberian Peninsula have different genetic structures

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    In the Iberian Peninsula, populations of two subspecies of the Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus have become increasingly fragmented during the last decades when suitable habitats have been lost and/or the populations have gone extinct. Presently, both subspecies are endangered. We estimated the amount of genetic variation and population structure in order to define conservation units and management practices for these populations. We found that the subspecies lusitanica has clearly reduced genetic variation in nuclear and mitochondrial markers, has a drastically small effective population size and no genetic differentiation between populations. In contrast, the subspecies witherbyi is significantly structured, but the populations still hold large amounts of variation even though the effective population sizes are smaller than in the non-endangered subspecies schoeniclus. We suggest several management units for the Iberian populations. One unit includes subspecies lusitanica as a whole; the other three units are based on genetically differentiated populations of witherbyi. The most important genetic conservation measure in the case of lusitanica is to preserve the remaining habitats in order to at least maintain the present levels of gene flow. In the case of the three management units within witherbyi, the most urgent conservation measure is to improve the habitat quality to increase the population sizes.This project would not have been possible without the help of many people, among them A. Rodriguez, D. Bigas, P. Vicens, J. Segura, M. Suarez, J. L. Martinez, V. Urios, M. Rebassa, C. Torralvo, J. L. Hernandez, M. Carregal, P. Alcazar, J. L. Canto, J. Ramirez,, D. Alonso, J. Arizaga, F. Arcos, H. Rguibi, Acciona-Trasnmediterranea, and many others who helped us with the difficult task of sampling Reed Buntings and who sent us their samples. We apologize if we have forgotten someone. "Arcea Xestion de Recursos Naturais S. L." was of inestimable value in obtaining most of the samples from Galicia in 2008, in getting funding from the "Xunta de Galicia", and in helping us with the discussion of the results. We would like to thank the authorities of Daimiel National Park, Marjal Pego-Oliva Natural Park, S'Albufera de Mallorca Natural Park, Delta de L'Ebre Natural Park, "Consejeria de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Rural de Castilla La Mancha", "Servicio de Conservacion de la Diversidad del Gobierno de Navarra", "Direccion Xeral de Conservacion da Natureza de la Xunta Galicia and "Servei de Conservacio de la Biodiversitat de la Generalitat Valenciana" for the facilities to work in protected areas and for the appropriate permits to obtain the samples. The people from these protected areas were always very nice and helped us with the fieldwork. This study was funded by projects CGL2005-02041/BOS of the "Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia" of Spain, and SC000207, Orden 14-12-2005 of the "Consejeria de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Rural de la Junta de Castilla La Mancha", Spain, through the "Ayudas para la realizacion de actuaciones de apoyo a la conservacion de las areas y recursos naturales protegidos, Orden 14-12-2005". The "Direccion Xeral de Conservacion da Natureza de la Xunta de Galicia", Spain, funded part of the fieldwork in NW Iberian Peninsula during the development of the Recovery plan for Emberiza schoeniclus lusitanica in Galicia. The experiments comply the current laws of the countries (Spain, Portugal and Finland) where they were done.Kvist, L.; Ponnikas, S.; Belda Perez, EJ.; Encabo, I.; Martinez, E.; Onrubia, A.; Hernandez, JM.... (2011). Endangered subspecies of the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi and E. s. lusitanica) in Iberian Peninsula have different genetic structures. 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    The Personal Wellbeing among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Spain and Associated Factors

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    Objective: The conceptual framework of Quality of Life (QoL) allows approaching the knowledge of the living conditions of people in order to help establishing policies for QoL improvement. This study is aimed at examining the assessment made by older adults on their personal wellbeing and the satisfaction with life and the associated factors. A summary of the psychometric properties of the measurement instrument was also presented. Method: The data came from the Ageing in Spain Longitudinal Study, Pilot Survey (ELES-PS), carried out in 2011 among people 50 years old or more living in family housing in Spain. The Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI), as a multidimensional measure of QoL, was used to evaluate the subjective wellbeing. Personal, social and residential characteristics were considered as independent variables. Descriptive statistical analysis, ANOVA, correlation, factor and regression analyses were applied. Results and conclusions: The PWI had good psychometric properties and showed the convergent validity with satisfaction with life as a whole (SWLW). Unidimensional structure of the scale was also demonstrated. PWI and SWLW total scores reached 74.5%SM and 77.1%SM, respectively. The best rated life domains were the satisfaction with relationships, safety and feeling part of the community. The SWLW observed significant differences in gender categories while PWI within age and social status. Both scales were associated with marital status, educational level, household size, current activity status and social status. The regression model of the PWI explained 34.2% of the variance through factors on socio-demographic and economic resources, psychosocial, health/functioning, family and social networks, leisure and residential environment. Based on these results, it would be desirable to deepen on this line from a longitudinal perspective to detect the influence of the changing conditions of the aged people in their personal well-being and life satisfaction.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (National R&D&I Plan: ref. CSO2009-08645-E/SOCI, CSO2009-06638-E/SOCI, CSO2009-06637-E/SOCI), by the Fundación Obra Social Cajamadrid and by the Basque Government, and supported by the Ageing Process Research Unit INGEMA-CSIC, for carrying out the ELES Project Pilot Survey. Another grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (National R&D&I Plan: ref. CSO2011-30210-C02-01) was endorsed for the analysis. Authors would like to thank the editor and the anonymous reviewer/s for their helpful comments during the development of this paper

    Impact of Wnt/β-Catenin Inhibition on Cell Proliferation through CDC25A Downregulation in Soft Tissue Sarcomas.

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    The Wnt signaling pathway is an important cellular mechanism for regulating differentiation processes as well as cell cycle events, and different inhibitors of this pathway, for example, PRI-724, are showing promising results in clinical trials for treatment of advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma or ovarian cancer. Growing evidence suggests that Wnt signaling may also be crucial for tumorigenesis and progression of soft tissue sarcomas (STS), a malignant neoplasm with few therapeutic options at an advanced state. Our study with several STS cell lines and primary cultures shows that inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling with PRI-724 is able to suppress cell viability/proliferation and to increase cell death rates. TCF/β-catenin-mediated transcriptional activity is decreased in treated cells, leading to downregulation of its target genes CCND1 and CDC25A. The latter was critical because its downregulation via siRNA was able to mimic the effect of PRI-724 on cell cycle arrest and cell death induction. An evaluation of NCBI/GenBank data confirmed that CDC25A mRNA is elevated in STS patients. Importantly, PRI-724 in combination with standard STS chemotherapeutics doxorubicin or trabectedin enhanced their antitumoral effect in a synergistic manner according to isobolographic analysis, suggesting that Wnt inhibition through PRI-724 could be a beneficial combination regime in patients with advanced STS.This study was financed by Grupo Español de Investigación en Sarcomas (GEIS) and Fundación Mari PazJiménez Casado. MPC is supported by Programa Estrategia de Emprendimiento y Empleo Joven,Garantía Juvenil(Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social-SOIB.S