542 research outputs found

    Ecología térmica de Microlophus occipitalis (Sauria: Tropiduridae) en el Bosque Seco de Llanura de Tumbes, Perú

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    The thermal ecology of Microlophus occipitalis Peters 1871 in the plain dry forests of Tumbes (northewestern Peru) was studied. Mean body temperature was 36.1 ± 1.8 ºC, similar to body temperatures exposed by Microlophus peruvianus in northern Peru. There were no differences between body temperature and degree of thermoregulation of males and females, due to a possible association to their social structure and microhabitat use. Air and substrate temperature affects the body temperature of Microlophus occipitalis, where air temperature accounts for a significant proportion of body temperature variation. We suggest more detailed studies on this lizard species, especially under climate change scenarios in northwestern Peru.Se estudió la ecología termal de Microlophus occipitalis Peters 1871 en el Bosque Seco de Llanura de Tumbes (noroeste del Perú). La temperatura corporal promedio fue de 36,1 ± 1,8 ºC, similar a las temperaturas exhibidas por Microlophus peruvianus en el norte del Perú. No se identificaron diferencias entre la temperatura corporal y el grado de termorregulación de hembras y machos, posiblemente asociado a su estructura social y uso de microhábitat. La temperatura del aire y del sustrato afectaron la temperatura corporal de Microlophus occipitalis, aunque la temperatura del aire afecta en mayor grado la variación de la temperatura corporal. Se sugiere realizar estudios más detallados en esta especie, especialmente bajo escenarios de cambio climático en el noroeste del Perú

    A new record of <i>Phyllodactylus sentosus</i> (Dixon & Huey, 1970) (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) for the coastal desert of Perú

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    Peru, Department of Lima, Municipality of El Agustino, La Atarjea (Sedapal) (12° 1' 19.31" S; 76° 55' 2.24" W). Collection data: 7 July 2011, Collector: José Pérez Z. Deposited in the herpetological collection of the Museum of Natural History (MUSM), National University of San Marcos. MUSM 31335, subadult (snout–vent length: 41.1 mm, tail length: 13.4 mm.).Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA

    A new record of <i>Phyllodactylus sentosus</i> (Dixon & Huey, 1970) (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) for the coastal desert of Perú

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    Peru, Department of Lima, Municipality of El Agustino, La Atarjea (Sedapal) (12° 1' 19.31" S; 76° 55' 2.24" W). Collection data: 7 July 2011, Collector: José Pérez Z. Deposited in the herpetological collection of the Museum of Natural History (MUSM), National University of San Marcos. MUSM 31335, subadult (snout–vent length: 41.1 mm, tail length: 13.4 mm.).Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA

    Driving rate effects in avalanche-mediated, first-order phase transitions

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    We have studied the driving rate and temperature dependence of the power-law exponents that characterize the avalanche distribution in first-order phase transitions. Measurements of acoustic emission in structural transitions in Cu-Zn-Al and Cu-Al-Ni are presented. We show how the observed behaviour emerges within a general framework of competing time scales of avalanche relaxation, driving rate, and thermal fluctuations. We have confirmed our findings by numerical simulations of a prototype model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Ecology of the diurnal lizards community in the Reserva Nacional de Paracas, Ica, Peru

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    En el presente trabajo estudiamos algunos aspectos de la ecología de la comunidad de saurios diurnos de la Reserva Nacional de Paracas (RNP) desde abril a setiembre de 1999. Analizamos la distribución espacial, el uso del hábitat (nicho espacial), patrones de actividad (nicho temporal) y la dieta (nicho trófico) de estos reptiles, con el objetivo de identificar las principales diferencias que permitirían la división en el uso de los recursos. Estas especies mostraron preferencias por algunos hábitats, a excepción de Microlophus peruvianus, la lagartija de los arenales M. theresiae y la lagartija de los gramadales M. thoracius icae. Las especies mostraron preferencias por algunos hábitats, a excepción de Microlophus peruvianus que estuvo presente en todos los hábitats. La actividad de los saurios se concentraron al medio día, a excepción de C. adspersa. La dieta de estos saurios esta compuesta principalmente por insectos. Los saurios diurnos en la RNP presentan diferencias en el nicho trófico, espacial y/o temporal que posibilitarían su coexistencia en simpatría.In present paper we study some ecological aspects of the diurnal saurian community of National Reserve of Paracas (RNP) since April to September 1999.”. The spatial distribution, habitat uses (spatial niche), activities patterns (temporal niche) and the diet (trophic niche) of these reptiles were analyzed with the objective of identifying the main differences that will allow a division in the use of the resources. Ctenoblepharis adspersa (bigheaded lizard), Microlophus peruvianus (beach lizard), M. theresiae (dune lizard) and M. thoracius icae (grass lizard) were the species studied. Each lizard showed preference for some particular habitat, to exception of M. peruvianus that was present in all the habitats. The activity was concentrated to the half-day, to exception of C. adspersa. The diets were mainly insects. Differences in trophic, temporal and spatial niche were observed and these would facilitate the coexistence in sympatry of species lizards

    Terrestrial reptiles from San Lorenzo Island, Lima, Peru

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    Se reportan cuatro especies de reptiles terrestres, un gecónido (Phyllodactlus cf. microphyllus), dos lagartijas (Microlophus peruvianus y M. tigris) y una culebra (Pseudalsophis elegans) para la isla San Lorenzo, departamento de Lima, Perú. La lagartija de las Lomas M. tigris y la culebra P. elegans son reportadas por primera vez para las islas del mar peruano. La presencia de lomas de herbáceas y la considerable extensión de la Isla San Lorenzo explicarían la considerablemente alta riqueza de especies de reptiles terrestres en esta isla.We report four species of terrestrial reptiles, a geckonid (Phyllodactlus cf. microphyllus), two lizards (Microlophus peruvianus and M. tigris) and one snake (Pseudalsophis elegans) from San Lorenzo island, Departament of Lima, Peru. Herein, we report the first record of “Loma’s lizard” M. tigris and the snake P. elegans in Peruvian islands. The presence of Lomas herbaceous and the considerable extent of San Lorenzo island can explain the relatively high species richness of terrestrial reptiles on the island

    Direct specific isotopic analysis of compounds released by pyrolysis (Py-CSIA): Novel applications in paleoenvironmental studies

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    Poster J.03 presentado en el The 40th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and 13th GCxGC Symposium May 29-June 03, (2016) Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, Riva del Garda, Italyisotopic analysis (Py-CSIA) and analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) opens new windows of information and is particularly useful to study solid materials that are not soluble and therefore not amenable by conventional GC/MS techniques. Py-CSIA is a rather novel hyphenated technique that combines the chromatographic separation of compounds released by pyrolysis (Py-GC) with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). The technique allows the measurement of stable isotope proportions i.e., δ13C, δ15N and δ2H, δ18O in specific compounds released by pyrolysis. The sample preparation is minimized and a molecular fingerprinting of the material is achieved.N

    Dieta de la lagartija de los gramadales Microlophus thoracicus icae en el valle del río Ica, Perú

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    The diet of grass lizard, Microlophus thoracicus icae, was evaluated in three localities of the Ica River Valley, Peru. The dietary pattern was characterized by high consumption of vegetable material, mainly Prosopis spp. leaves, and invertebrates as ants and insect larvae. No significant relationships were found between body size, number of prey eaten or volume consumed. The juvenile, male and female M. t. icae not showed significant differences regarding number of ants or insect larvae consumed, neither on the proportion consumed of plant material. However, total volume of plant material was different between males and females, compared to juveniles. Multivariate analysis showed no evident difference in the diets of juveniles, males and females. Trophic niche amplitude for M. t. icae was Bij = 6.97. The consumption of plant material and invertebrates is important for both juvenile and adult iguanas, therefore; no clear age difference in diet was observed in the individuals studied. This species would present great diet plasticity (omnivory) influenced by the local variation of food resources. Possible consequences of a varied diet may include particular characteristics of its parasites, foraging strategies and efficiency, thermoregulation, morphology, among others.Se evaluó la dieta de la lagartija de los gramadales Microlophus thoracicus icae en tres localidades del Valle del río Ica, Perú. La dieta de este saurio se caracterizó por un importante consumo de material vegetal, principalmente foliolos del árbol Prosopis spp., e invertebrados, especialmente insectos como hormigas y larvas de insectos. No se registraron relaciones significativas entre el tamaño corporal de los individuos y el número total de presas consumidos, ni el volumen total consumido. Los juveniles, hembras y machos de M. t. icae no presentaron diferencias significativas en el número de hormigas o larvas de insectos consumidos. Tampoco se registraron diferencias significativas en la proporción de material vegetal consumido por juveniles, hembras y machos. Sin embargo, el volumen de material vegetal consumido fue mayor para machos y hembras, comparado con juveniles. No se observan diferencias evidentes entre las dietas de juveniles, hembras y machos en el análisis multivariado. La amplitud del nicho trófico para M. t. icae fue de Bij = 6.97. El consumo de material vegetal e invertebrados es importante para juveniles y adultos de M. t. icae, por lo tanto, no se observa una marcada variación etaria en la dieta de los individuos evaluados. Esta especie de saurio presentaría una gran plasticidad en su dieta (omnívora) influenciada principalmente por la variación local de la oferta de los recursos alimenticios. Las posibles consecuencias del consumo de una dieta tan variada podrían incluir características particulares en sus endoparásitos, estrategias y eficiencia de forrajeo, termorregulación, morfología, entre otros

    A new record of Phyllodactylus sentosus (Dixon & Huey, 1970) (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) for the coastal desert of Peru

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    Despite the relatively small distance of this new record from the town of Puruchuco—the closest known population (Icochea and Cossios, 2006)—we consider this new record to be a distinct population because there are effective barriers (runways, buildings, etc.) that likely prevent individuals from dispersing between the localities. Documenting this new population is important because of the few known remaining populations of P. sentosus and the serious threats that this species faces.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin