19 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to explain the educational values ​​in the novel Negeri 5 Menara by A. Fuadi. This was a descriptive qualitative study to describe the explicit and implicit educational values ​​in the novel Negeri 5 Menara by A. Fuadi. In the implementation of this research design, the researcher firstly collected data, processed, and analyzed the data. The results showed that the educational values ​​in the novel Negeri 5 Menara by A. Fuadi, namely: (1) Divine values ​​include faith in Allah, faith in prophets and apostles, faith in the holy book, and faith in the hereafter; (2) Moral values ​​include giving advice, loving children, filial piety to parents, responsibility, being diligent, disciplined, respecting, not giving up easily, loving the homeland, keeping promises, being sincere, and being high-minded; (3) Social values ​​include sympathy, sharing, friendship, and a sense of kinship; (4) Cultural values ​​include love of local products, pride in their mother tongue, preserving local arts, caring for traditional houses, appreciating special foods, trading systems, pesantren culture, campus culture, and livelihood system; and (5) Aesthetic values ​​include the style of rhetorical questions, figurative language styles, and rhymes

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Sektor Ekonomi Unggulan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Menggunakan Analisis LQ dan Shift Share

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini sangat penting, karena semua kegiatan yang dilakukan membutuhkan informasi. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam sebuah organisasi besar. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan prosesnya yang berkelanjutan merupakan syarat utama bagi kelangsungan pembangunan ekonomi daerah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem informasi sektor ekonomi unggulan di provinsi sulawesi selatan. Data ini diperoleh dari 1) Penelitian Lapangan, 2) Studi Kepustakaan, 3) Wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi sektor ekonomi unggulan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan hasil pengujian pada aspek pengujian memiliki rata-rata 92% sehingga dapat dikatakan sangat baik

    Metode New Jersey untuk Cadangan Asuransi Jiwa Dwiguna dengan Distribusi Gompertz

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    This article discusses the prospective premium reserve modified using New Jersey method on endowment insurance. This method limits calculation of reserves for 20 years. The calculations of the endowment insurance reserve is solved by priordetermination of the annuity, single premium, and annual premium based on the distribution of Gompertz

    Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Google Form Pada Aparat dan Perangkat Desa Kurusumange, Kecamatan Tanralili, Kabupaten Maros

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    Desa merupakan sebuah perwujudan dari segi geografis, ekonomis, budaya, sosial dan politik yang terdapat di suatu daerah dan mempunyai hubungan timbal balik antar daerah lainnya. Data desa perlu dilakukan pembaharuan, sehingga kepala desa tidak keliru dalam menentukan arah perkembangan desa dan dapat mendeteksi permasalahan yang menghambat laju perkembangan masyarakat. Di era pandemi Covid 19 membuat pendataan jadi terhambat karena adanya pembatasan kontak langsung dengan masyarakat untuk mengumpulkan data. Google Form merupakan bagian dari mesin pencari atau google pada Internet yang paling  sering dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana untuk pengumpulan data dan informasi. Dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas internet untuk memudahkan aparat desa dalam pengumpulan data yang cepat dan akurat, sehingga memudahkan pihak kepala desa dalam menentukan program untuk perkembangan dan pembangunan desa yang sesuai


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    Digital business atau disebut juga bisnis digital adalah bisnis tercanggih saat ini yang diperkirakan terus berkembang setiap tahun dan semakin lama akan meningkat tajam. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang bergerak sangat cepat baik dibidang pendidikan, bisnis, pemasaran dan bidang lainnya. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) lebih fokus pada penyiapan siswanya untuk memasuki dunia kerja. SMK membekali siswanya untuk bisa bekerja secara mandiri dan terampil. Kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan metode sosialisasi dan metode diskusi. Proses sosialisasi terkait bisnis digital ini disajikan dalam bentuk pemaparan materi secara langsung. kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan akan memberikan wawasan dan inspirasi bagi siswa-siswi SMK Prima Tiara Makassar yang tertarik untuk menjelajahi potensi bisnis digital


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    The application of Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) helps to solve problems in the field thathave been experienced by village heads and other related staff in fulfilling the feasibility of village / city worthy ofchildren. This system will help stakeholders ranging from the RT level, to the Regency / City level to get various kinds ofbreakthroughs, motivations and encouragement to meet the requirements for the region as Kota Layak Anak (KLA). Themethod used in this study is the method of R & D (research and development). Research phases refer to the steps ofresearch and development, which are arranged in several stages, namely: 1) Phase of research and collection ofinformation, 2) Planning phase, 3) Product development stage, 4) Trial phase, and 5) Final product repair phase

    Relationship among growth, behaviour and stress response in broilers and red jungle fowl when reared separately or intermingled

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    Relationship among growth, feeding behaviour, bird-to-bird pecking and stress responses was studied in commercial broilers (CB) and jungle fowl (JF) reared from hatching as separate (S) and intermingled (I) flocks. Body weight on Day 7 was greater for JF in I than S flock but not at other ages. In contrast, intermingling reduced body weight of CB at 7 days of age and thereafter. Percentages of chicks eating were greater for JF in I than S flock at 4 days of age. On Days 23 and 32, feeding occurred with higher frequency in JF than CB. On Day 25 and thereafter, JF reared intermingled, manifested bird-to-bird pecking behaviour towards their CB counterparts. Regardless of I or S flock, bird-to-bird pecking activity, remained relatively low within the JF population. Broiler chicks did not exhibit any ʻdamagingʼ pecking activity. Stress attributed to being pecked was reflected by elevated heterophil to lymphocyte ratios in the intermingled CB. There were, however, no adrenal glands, bursa of Fabricius and spleen relative weights response to the stressor

    Disease progression in Plasmodium knowlesi malaria is linked to variation in invasion gene family members.

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    Emerging pathogens undermine initiatives to control the global health impact of infectious diseases. Zoonotic malaria is no exception. Plasmodium knowlesi, a malaria parasite of Southeast Asian macaques, has entered the human population. P. knowlesi, like Plasmodium falciparum, can reach high parasitaemia in human infections, and the World Health Organization guidelines for severe malaria list hyperparasitaemia among the measures of severe malaria in both infections. Not all patients with P. knowlesi infections develop hyperparasitaemia, and it is important to determine why. Between isolate variability in erythrocyte invasion, efficiency seems key. Here we investigate the idea that particular alleles of two P. knowlesi erythrocyte invasion genes, P. knowlesi normocyte binding protein Pknbpxa and Pknbpxb, influence parasitaemia and human disease progression. Pknbpxa and Pknbpxb reference DNA sequences were generated from five geographically and temporally distinct P. knowlesi patient isolates. Polymorphic regions of each gene (approximately 800 bp) were identified by haplotyping 147 patient isolates at each locus. Parasitaemia in the study cohort was associated with markers of disease severity including liver and renal dysfunction, haemoglobin, platelets and lactate, (r = ≥ 0.34, p =  <0.0001 for all). Seventy-five and 51 Pknbpxa and Pknbpxb haplotypes were resolved in 138 (94%) and 134 (92%) patient isolates respectively. The haplotypes formed twelve Pknbpxa and two Pknbpxb allelic groups. Patients infected with parasites with particular Pknbpxa and Pknbpxb alleles within the groups had significantly higher parasitaemia and other markers of disease severity. Our study strongly suggests that P. knowlesi invasion gene variants contribute to parasite virulence. We focused on two invasion genes, and we anticipate that additional virulent loci will be identified in pathogen genome-wide studies. The multiple sustained entries of this diverse pathogen into the human population must give cause for concern to malaria elimination strategists in the Southeast Asian region

    Analisis Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis pada Materi Peluang Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Awal Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan penalaran matematis dilihat dari kemampuan awal siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal materi Peluang. Indikator Penalaran Matematis yang digunakan ialah Indikator Penalaran Matematis yang disebutkan oleh Agustin yang terdiri dari tiga indikator yaitu melakukan proses pengamatan dan identifikasi menggunakan hubungan matematis, mengembangkan bukti dari berbagai argument matematis, dan menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan alasan yang logis. Metode yang digunakan pada penelititian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu 4 siswa kelas VIII SMP. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah soal tes uraian sebanyak satu soal dan melakukan wawancara kepada masing-masing subjek. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal siswa. Ada 3 tahapan untuk menganalisis data yaitu dengan mengumpulkan hasil tes kemampuan, dan hasil wawancara. kemudian menyederhanakan pengumpulan data yang diperoleh, yang selanjutnya membuat kesimpulan data agar mendapat hasil kesimpulan yang akurat. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan dari ke 4 siswa hanya 2 siswa yang memahami sekurang kurangnya 2 dari 3 indikator kemampuan penalaran matematis yang hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan penalaran matematis pada materi peluang berdasarkan kemampuan awal masih tergolong rendah dikarenakan siswa memiliki kemampuan awal yang rendahKata

    Ethical awareness of computer use among undergraduate students

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    This study investigates the ethical awareness of computer use among undergraduate computer science students at two public Malaysian universities. One hundred and fifty-nine students were asked to evaluate the code of ethics pertaining to computer ethics. A comparison of undergraduate computer science students between two public universities was done to determine the level of ethical awareness of computer use. Independent Samples t-tests for differences were performed across four distinct groups: university, gender, age, and duration of computer use. The results of the tests conducted indicate that the ethical awareness of computer use of the students differ most significantly on the basis of the university itself. There were minimal differences across gender, age and duration of computer use. This suggests that computer ethics awareness training is needed for university users. The results are discussed and the implications for studies in an educational context are outlined