766 research outputs found

    Low-Cost Methods for Molecular Characterization of Mutant Plants: Tissue Desiccation, DNA Extraction and Mutation Discovery: Protocols

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    Plant Breeding/Biotechnology; Biological Techniques; Nucleic Acid Chemistr

    The ATLAS 5.5 GHz survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Catalogue, Source Counts and Spectral Indices

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    Star forming galaxies are thought to dominate the sub-mJy radio population, but recent work has shown that low luminosity AGN can still make a significant contribution to the faint radio source population. Spectral indices are an important tool for understanding the emission mechanism of the faint radio sources. We have observed the extended Chandra Deep Field South at 5.5 GHz using a mosaic of 42 pointings with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). Our image reaches an almost uniform sensitivity of ~12 microJy rms over 0.25 deg^2 with a restoring beam of 4.9 x 2.0 arcsec, making it one of the deepest 6cm surveys to date. We present the 5.5 GHz catalogue and source counts from this field. We take advantage of the large amounts of ancillary data in this field to study the 1.4 to 5.5 GHz spectral indices of the sub-mJy population. For the full 5.5 GHz selected sample we find a flat median spectral index, alpha_med = -0.40, which is consistent with previous results. However, the spectral index appears to steepen at the faintest flux density levels (S_{5.5 GHz} < 0.1 mJy), where alpha_med = -0.68. We performed stacking analysis of the faint 1.4 GHz selected sample (40 < S_{1.4 GHz} < 200 microJy) and also find a steep average spectral index, alpha = -0.8, consistent with synchrotron emission. We find a weak trend of steepening spectral index with redshift. Several young AGN candidates are identified using spectral indices, suggesting Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources are as common in the mJy population as they are at Jy levels.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Low-Cost Methods for Molecular Characterization of Mutant Plants: Tissue Desiccation, DNA Extraction and Mutation Discovery: Protocols

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    Plant Breeding/Biotechnology; Biological Techniques; Nucleic Acid Chemistr

    High-resolution VLA Imaging of SDSS Stripe 82 at 1.4 GHz

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    We present a high-resolution radio survey of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Southern Equatorial Stripe, a.k.a. Stripe 82. This 1.4 GHz survey was conducted with the Very Large Array (VLA) primarily in the A-configuration, with supplemental B-configuration data to increase sensitivity to extended structure. The survey has an angular resolution of 1.8" and achieves a median rms noise of 52 microJy/bm over 92 deg^2. This is the deepest 1.4 GHz survey to achieve this large of an area, filling a gap in the phase space between small, deep and large, shallow surveys. It also serves as a pilot project for a larger high-resolution survey with the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA). We discuss the technical design of the survey and details of the observations, and we outline our method for data reduction. We present a catalog of 17,969 isolated radio components, for an overall source density of ~195 sources/deg^2. The astrometric accuracy of the data is excellent, with an internal check utilizing multiply-observed sources yielding an rms scatter of 0.19" in both right ascension and declination. A comparison to the SDSS DR7 Quasar Catalog further confirms that the astrometry is well tied to the optical reference frame, with mean offsets of 0.02" +/- 0.01" in right ascension, and 0.01" +/- 0.02" in declination. A check of our photometry reveals a small, negative CLEAN-like bias on the level of 35 microJy. We report on the catalog completeness, finding that 97% of FIRST-detected quasars are recovered in the new Stripe 82 radio catalog, while faint, extended sources are more likely to be resolved out by the resolution bias. We conclude with a discussion of the optical counterparts to the catalog sources, including 76 newly-detected radio quasars. The full catalog as well as a search page and cutout server are available online at http://third.ucllnl.org/cgi-bin/stripe82cutout.Comment: 18 pages, 22, figures. Submitted to AJ, revised to address referee's comment

    The VLA-COSMOS Survey. IV. Deep Data and Joint Catalog

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    In the context of the VLA-COSMOS Deep project additional VLA A array observations at 1.4 GHz were obtained for the central degree of the COSMOS field and combined with the existing data from the VLA-COSMOS Large project. A newly constructed Deep mosaic with a resolution of 2.5" was used to search for sources down to 4 sigma with 1 sigma ~ 12 microJy/beam in the central 50'x50'. This new catalog is combined with the catalog from the Large project (obtained at 1.5"x1.4" resolution) to construct a new Joint catalog. All sources listed in the new Joint catalog have peak flux densities of >5 sigma at 1.5" and/or 2.5" resolution to account for the fact that a significant fraction of sources at these low flux levels are expected to be slighty resolved at 1.5" resolution. All properties listed in the Joint catalog such as peak flux density, integrated flux density and source size are determined in the 2.5" resolution Deep image. In addition, the Joint catalog contains 43 newly identified multi-component sources.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures (3 at reduced resolution). Accepted for publication in ApJS

    The star catalogues of Ptolemaios and Ulugh Beg: Machine-readable versions and comparison with the modern Hipparcos Catalogue

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    In late antiquity and throughout the middle ages, the positions of stars on the celestial sphere were obtained from the star catalogue of Ptolemaios. A catalogue based on new measurements appeared in 1437, with positions by Ulugh Beg, and magnitudes from the 10th-century astronomer al-Sufi. We provide machine-readable versions of these two star catalogues, based on the editions by Toomer (1998) and Knobel (1917), and determine their accuracies by comparison with the modern Hipparcos Catalogue. The magnitudes in the catalogues correlate well with modern visual magnitudes; the indication `faint' by Ptolemaios is found to correspond to his magnitudes 5 and 6. Gaussian fits to the error distributions in longitude / latitude give widths sigma ~ 27 arcmin / 23 arcmin in the range |Delta lambda, Delta beta|<50 arcmin for Ptolemaios and sigma ~ 22 arcmin /18 arcmin in Ulugh Beg. Fits to the range |Delta lambda, Delta beta|<100 arcmin gives 10-15 per cent larger widths, showing that the error distributions are broader than gaussians. The fraction of stars with positions wrong by more than 150 arcmin is about 2 per cent for Ptolemaios and 0.1 per cent in Ulugh Beg; the numbers of unidentified stars are 1 in Ptolemaios and 3 in Ulugh Beg. These numbers testify to the excellent quality of both star catalogues (as edited by Toomer and Knobel).Comment: to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 34 pages with 57 Figures. Note changed address and email address of first autho

    The ATLAS 5.5 GHz survey of the extended Chandra Deep Field South: The second data release

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    We present a new image of the 5.5 GHz radio emission from the extended Chandra Deep Field South. Deep radio observations at 5.5 GHz were obtained in 2010 and presented in the first data release. A further 76 h of integration has since been obtained, nearly doubling the integration time. This paper presents a new analysis of all the data. The new image reaches 8.6 ĀµJy rms, an improvement of about 40 per cent in sensitivity. We present a new catalogue of 5.5 GHz sources, identifying 212 source components, roughly 50 per cent more than were detected in the first data release. Source counts derived from this sample are consistent with those reported in the literature for S5.5 GHz &gt; 0.1 mJy but significantly lower than published values in the lowest flux density bins (S5.5 GHz &lt; 0.1 mJy), where we have more detected sources and improved statistical reliability. The 5.5 GHz radio sources were matched to 1.4 GHz sources in the literature and we find a mean spectral index of -0.35 Ā± 0.10 for S5.5 GHz &gt; 0.5 mJy, consistent with the flattening of the spectral index observed in 5 GHz sub-mJy samples. The median spectral index of the whole sample is amed =-0.58, indicating that these observations may be starting to probe the star-forming population. However, even at the faintest levels (0.05 &lt; S5.5 GHz &lt; 0.1 mJy), 39 per cent of the 5.5 GHz sources have flat or inverted radio spectra. Four flux density measurements from our data, across the full 4.5-6.5 GHz bandwidth, are combined with those from literature and we find 10 per cent of sources (S5.5 GHz ? 0.1 mJy) show significant curvature in their radio spectral energy distribution spanning 1.4-9 GHz. Ā© 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

    The role of clathrin in post-golgi trafficking in toxoplasma gondii

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    Apicomplexan parasites are single eukaryotic cells with a highly polarised secretory system that contains unique secretory organelles (micronemes and rhoptries) that are required for host cell invasion. In contrast, the role of the endosomal system is poorly understood in these parasites. With many typical endocytic factors missing, we speculated that endocytosis depends exclusively on a clathrin-mediated mechanism. Intriguingly, in Toxoplasma gondii we were only able to observe the endogenous clathrin heavy chain 1 (CHC1) at the Golgi, but not at the parasite surface. For the functional characterisation of Toxoplasma gondii CHC1 we generated parasite mutants conditionally expressing the dominant negative clathrin Hub fragment and demonstrate that CHC1 is essential for vesicle formation at the trans-Golgi network. Consequently, the functional ablation of CHC1 results in Golgi aberrations, a block in the biogenesis of the unique secretory microneme and rhoptry organelles, and of the pellicle. However, we found no morphological evidence for clathrin mediating endocytosis in these parasites and speculate that they remodelled their vesicular trafficking system to adapt to an intracellular lifestyle
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