343 research outputs found

    The Institute for Civic Education (ICE)

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    Kathryn Vegso

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    Unleashing the Organizational Potential : Extra-Role Creativity, Innovation, and Performance in the Context of Social Influences

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    New ideas are important for companies to evolve and overcome problems. This dissertation focuses on utilizing the companies’ potential for these ideas: their employees. It examines in detail extra-role creativity as a subdimension of creativity. Extra-role creativity describes the discretionary generation of new and useful ideas beyond one’s job role expectations. This subdimension has, to our knowledge, only been theoretically proposed, but not empirically assessed. The dissertation further evaluates its relation to innovation—the implementation of ideas—and performance. In addition, it examines social factors relevant to fostering extra-role creativity, innovation, and performance. It specifically looks at the influences of the direct social environment of an employee exerted through leadership behavior and different team climate dimensions. Taken together, this dissertation addresses three research questions. Each manuscript relates to one or more of the following research questions: 1) How is extra-role creativity perceived by employees? 2) What is the connection between extra-role creativity and innovation as well as between extra-role creativity and performance? 3) Which leadership behaviors or team climate dimensions are relevant for extra-role creativity, innovation, and performance

    Interpersonal Mistreatment, Organizational Attitudes and Well-Being: The Impact of Instigator’s Hierarchical Position and Demographic Characteristics

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    Identifying the consequences of interpersonal mistreatment on the targets\u27 organizational attitudes and well-being is key to promoting a healthy organizational culture. Across two experiments, we explored the impact of an instigator’s hierarchical position and demographic characteristic on the targets’ organizational attitudes and situational well-being. In the first experiment, respondents were presented with a vignette describing an interpersonal mistreatment scenario in which an instigator’s hierarchical position and gender had been manipulated. As hypothesized, interpersonal mistreatment conducted by a supervisor significantly decreased the targets’ organizational commitment and increased turnover intentions. Also, higher turnover intentions and more positive emotions were experienced by those mistreated by a male instigator. In the second experiment, we aimed to replicate these findings, adding an age condition. Consistent with the first experiment, the instigator’s hierarchical position shaped the respondents’ organizational attitudes. Interaction effects revealed that interpersonal mistreatment by an older male instigator decreased the targets’ positive emotions significantly

    Transferability of Algebra Language and Skills to Algebra-Based Physics: Student and Instructor Perception and Student Skills

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    This convergent parallel mixed methods study explores college instructors' and students' perceptions of transferability algebra skills and language to the study of algebra-based physics. The data analyzed included responses from on online survey completed by 31 instructors of college algebra and algebra-based physics instructors, interview transcripts from eight instructor of the survey groups, responses from survey completed by 17 students enrolled in an algebra-based physics course, results to isomorphic problems in the mathematics and physics context, and transcripts of interviews and task-based interviews of three students from the survey group. The results are organized into three distinct studies each addressing a specific set of research questions. Overall, the dissertation findings indicated that both instructors and students express concerns over transfer of both algebra skills and language to the study of physics. Results from the isomorphic problems indicated that students were not able to demonstrate an understanding of graphing concepts in either the mathematics or physics context. These students also struggle with solving quadratic equations when asked to solve for the x variable, creating difficulty in examining the transferability of those skills from mathematics to physics. When examining instructors' and students' perceptions of the transferability of algebra language to physics, both groups indicated similar concerns in translating the vocabulary and variables used in the algebra to physics. However, the students also indicated struggles with understanding the formulas used in physics. Both instructors and students suggested that additional application problems would assist students in making connections between algebra and physics.Educatio

    Dealing With Earthquake Disaster on Java 2006: A Comparison of Affected and Non-affected People

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    The study investigated affected and non-affected people in Indonesia after the earthquake and the volcanic eruption in May 2006. We expected belief in a just world (BJW) and coping styles to be important factors when dealing with natural disasters for disaster attribution and psychopathological symptoms. Overall, 80 affected and 66 non-affected people were asked in the survey about their BJW, coping style, earthquake attribution, and psychopathological symptoms. ANOVAs and path models were used to analyze the data. Results show that people with a strong BJW attribute the disaster as a consequence of human failure. Avoidance coping was correlated with both emotional disturbance and psychological affectedness whereas approach coping was not related to the assessed psychopathological symptoms. Differences in the structural relations for the affected group emerged when compared to the non- affected group. Studi ini meneliti masyarakat di Indonesia yang terdampak dan yang tak-terdampak setelah gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi pada Mei 2006. Kami mengharapkan keyakinan terhadap dunia yang adil (DYA) dan gaya koping (coping styles) merupakan factor-faktor penting ketika berhadapan dengan bencana alam terkait atribusi kebencanaan dan gejala psikopatologis. Sejumlah 80 masyarakat terdampak dan 66 tak-terdampak diwawancarai dalam survei tentang DYA, gaya koping, atribusi gempa bumi, dan gejala psikopatologisnya. Untuk menganalisis data digunakan model ANOVA dan jalur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat dengan DYA kuat mengatribusikan bencana sebagai konsekuensi kegagalan manusia. Koping penghindaran berkorelasi dengan gangguan emosional dan akibat psikologis sedangkan koping pendekatan tidak berkorelasi dengan gejala psikopatologis yang dinilai. Perbedaan dalam hubungan struktural pada kelompok terdampak muncul bila dibandingkan terhadap kelompok yang tak-terdampak

    Dealing With Earthquake Disaster on Java 2006: A Comparison of Affected and Non-affected People

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    The study investigated affected and non-affected people in Indonesia after the earthquake and the volcanic eruption in May 2006. We expected belief in a just world (BJW) and coping styles to be important factors when dealing with natural disasters for disaster attribution and psychopathological symptoms. Overall, 80 affected and 66 non-affected people were asked in the survey about their BJW, coping style, earthquake attribution, and psychopathological symptoms. ANOVAs and path models were used to analyze the data. Results show that people with a strong BJW attribute the disaster as a consequence of human failure. Avoidance coping was correlated with both emotional disturbance and psychological affectedness whereas approach coping was not related to the assessed psychopathological symptoms. Differences in the structural relations for the affected group emerged when compared to the non- affected group. Studi ini meneliti masyarakat di Indonesia yang terdampak dan yang tak-terdampak setelah gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi pada Mei 2006. Kami mengharapkan keyakinan terhadap dunia yang adil (DYA) dan gaya koping (coping styles) merupakan factor-faktor penting ketika berhadapan dengan bencana alam terkait atribusi kebencanaan dan gejala psikopatologis. Sejumlah 80 masyarakat terdampak dan 66 tak-terdampak diwawancarai dalam survei tentang DYA, gaya koping, atribusi gempa bumi, dan gejala psikopatologisnya. Untuk menganalisis data digunakan model ANOVA dan jalur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat dengan DYA kuat mengatribusikan bencana sebagai konsekuensi kegagalan manusia. Koping penghindaran berkorelasi dengan gangguan emosional dan akibat psikologis sedangkan koping pendekatan tidak berkorelasi dengan gejala psikopatologis yang dinilai. Perbedaan dalam hubungan struktural pada kelompok terdampak muncul bila dibandingkan terhadap kelompok yang tak-terdampak

    Better Together: A Model for Women and LGBTQ Equality in the Workplace

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    Much has been achieved in terms of human rights for women and people of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and queer (LGBTQ) community. However, human resources management (HRM) initiatives for gender equality in the workplace focus almost exclusively on white, heterosexual, cisgender women, leaving the problems of other gender, and social minorities out of the analysis. This article develops an integrative model of gender equality in the workplace for HRM academics and practitioners. First, it analyzes relevant antecedents and consequences of gender-based discrimination and harassment (GBDH) in the workplace. Second, it incorporates the feminist, queer, and intersectional perspectives in the analysis. Third, it integrates literature findings about women and the LGBTQ at work, making the case for an inclusive HRM. The authors underscore the importance of industry-university collaboration and offer a starters' toolkit that includes suggestions for diagnosis, intervention, and applied research on GBDH. Finally, avenues for future research are identified to explore gendered practices that hinder the career development of women and the LGBTQ in the workplace

    Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport (MIPS): English version

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    English translation of the original German version: Stoeber, J., Otto, K., & Stoll, O. (2004). Mehrdimensionales Inventar zu Perfektionismus im Sport (MIPS) [Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport (MIPS)]. In J. Stoeber, K. Otto, E. Pescheck, & O. Stoll, Skalendokumentation "Perfektionismus im Sport" (Hallesche Berichte zur Pädagogischen Psychologie Nr. 7). Halle/Saale, Germany: Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Department of Educational Psychology

    Perfectionism and the Big Five: Conscientiousness predicts longitudinal increases in self-oriented perfectionism

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    Findings from cross-sectional studies on the relationship between perfectionism and the Big Five personality traits demonstrate that conscientiousness shows significant positive correlations with self-oriented perfectionism, and neuroticism with socially prescribed perfectionism. The question is whether conscientiousness and neuroticism also predict longitudinal changes in self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism. A sample of 214 adolescents aged 14-19 years completed measures of the Big Five and perfectionism twice over a period of 5 to 8 months. As was expected, conscientiousness predicted longitudinal increases in self-oriented perfectionism. Neuroticism, however, did not predict any longitudinal increases in perfectionism—neither in self-oriented nor in socially prescribed perfectionism. Providing support for McCrae and Costa’s dynamic personality theory (McCrae & Costa, 1999) which holds that broad personality traits play a part in the development of lower-level personality characteristics, the findings suggest that conscientiousness is a trait that plays a role in the development of self-oriented perfectionism
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