196 research outputs found

    Comparacion de abordaje terapeutico tradicional y otro basado en biofeedback visual en patologias vocales en relacion a la perturbacion de la frecuencia (Jitter)

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    81 p.La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo establecer si existen diferencias significativas en relación a la variación del porcentaje de la perturbación de la frecuencia (Jitter) en pacientes con disfonía disfuncional simple, que se sometieron a 8 sesiones terapéuticas con diferentes enfoques (Terapia Vocal Tradicional v/s Terapia Vocal Tradicional más Biofeedback Visual). Para comparar la variación del porcentaje de perturbación de la frecuencia (Jitter) , se realizo un análisis acústico pre y post terapia, acompañado de una evaluación perceptual de la voz y una telelaringoscopía, que permitió descartar daño orgánico. El total de sujetos participantes del estudio correspondió a 18 personas, de los cuales 9 (36 hombres y 6 mujeres) recibieron terapia vocal tradicional y 9 (3hombres y 6 mujeres), fueron sometidos a terapia vocal tradicional más biofeedback visual. De acuerdo a los porcentajes obtenidos, se evidenciaron resultados no significativos estadísticamente entre ambos enfoques terapéuticos, dado que la significancia para ambos grupos fue de 0,757, lo que indica que el porcentaje de perturbación de la frecuencia (Jitter), no tuvo una variación importante para ninguno de los enfoques terapéuticos empleados

    Empreendedorismo sustentável e novos modelos de negócios: Uma pesquisa de mercado na Colômbia

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    Purpose –The aim of this work is to approach the concept of sustainable entrepreneurship from a theoretical and a practical point of view, paying attention to new business models that are emerging around the world for social innovation. In this context, we focus the attention on the business model called one-for-one and we wonder whether the Colombian market should be a good option for developing this business model.Design/methodology/approach – To test the viability of the business model one-for-one we conducted a market research in March 2019, with a sample of students from two higher education institutions in the city of Medellin (Colombia). Findings – The results of the empirical research show the positive moral attitude of Colombian to solve social problems, but also the market immaturity because of the relative low purchase intentions found in Colombian potential consumers. Research limitations/implications– Not exempt from criticism, this work defends innovative business models standing for a business driven concept of sustainability which focusses on increasing both economic as well as social value.Practical implications – The model of donating one item to someone in need, for each item purchased, could be considered in the future a viable option for developing business models in Colombia.Social implications – Nowadays and more than never before, society requires that the actions of companies are aimed at contributing to social development and environmental sustainability, as well as economic viability. Companies oriented towards present and future sustainability in the decision making of purchase or investment will be an important source of competitive advantages in the near future.Originality/value – Although the study of sustainable entrepreneurship is still in very early stages in Latin American countries, this work shed light on the topic analyzing the business model one-for-one as a potential mean to foster a transition towards more sustainable societies.Objetivo - O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar o conceito de empreendedorismo sustentável do ponto de vista teórico e prático, atentando para novos modelos de negócios que estão surgindo em todo o mundo para a inovação social. Nesse contexto, foca-se a atenção no modelo de negócio denominado one-for-one e busca-se entender se o mercado colombiano deve ser uma boa opção para o desenvolvimento desse modelo de negócio.Metodologia - Para testar a viabilidade do modelo de negócios one-for-one, realizou-se uma pesquisa de mercado em março de 2019, com uma amostra de alunos de duas instituições de ensino superior da cidade de Medellín (Colômbia).Resultados - Os resultados da pesquisa empírica mostram a atitude moral positiva do colombiano para resolver os problemas sociais, mas também a imaturidade do mercado devido às baixas intenções de compra encontradas nos consumidores potenciais colombianos.Limitações/implicações da pesquisa - Não isento de críticas, este trabalho defende modelos de negócios inovadores que representam um conceito de sustentabilidade orientado para o negócio, que se concentra no aumento do valor econômico e social.Implicações práticas - O modelo de doar um item a um necessitado, para cada item adquirido, pode ser considerado no futuro uma opção viável para o desenvolvimento de modelos de negócios na Colômbia.Implicações sociais – Cada vez mais, a sociedade exige que as ações das empresas contribuam para o desenvolvimento social e para a sustentabilidade ambiental, bem como com a viabilidade econômica. Empresas orientadas para a sustentabilidade presente e futura na tomada de decisão de compra ou investimentos, serão importantes fontes de vantagens competitivas em um futuro próximo.Originalidade/valor - Embora o estudo do empreendedorismo sustentável ainda esteja em seus estágios iniciais nos países latino-americanos, este trabalho lança luz sobre o tema, analisando o modelo de negócios one-for-one como um meio potencial para promover uma transição para sociedades mais sustentáveis

    Plan Estratégico de la Gerencia Estratégica y Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa ProAlba Ltda.

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    Código de ética y Formato de recolección de informaciónPodemos decir que las empresas las sostiene el mercado, donde pueden tener acciones socialmente responsables aplicando una RSE interna con los proveedores y trabajadores y RSE externa con los diferentes entornos sociales, el buen uso de la RSE se evidencia cuando la empresa se optimiza en los productos y/o servicios además de su imagen corporativa también genera a sus colaboradores más sentido de pertenencia y la empresa adquiere mayor identidad. Con lo anterior se logra identificar que ejercer socialmente responsable no solo beneficia los recursos naturales, medioambiente, humanos y sociales sino también se ve reflejado en las ventajas financieras donde muestran la aplicación de RSE como una inversión. La empresa elegida nos permite conocer, de acuerdo con lo investigado, que está comprometida con las normas internacionales y su aplicabilidad con el fin de mejorar. La sostenibilidad de los negocios no se trata solamente de satisfacer a los clientes con productos y servicios que requieran sino de laborar de una manera socialmente responsable.We can say that companies are supported by the market, where they can have socially responsible actions applying internal CSR with suppliers and workers and external CSR with different social environments, the good use of CSR is evidenced when the company optimizes its products and/or services in addition to its corporate image also generates a greater sense of belonging to its collaborators and the company acquires a greater identity. With the above, it is possible to identify that exercising socially responsible not only benefits natural, environmental, human, and social resources but is also reflected in the financial advantages where they show the application of CSR as an investment. The chosen company allows us to know, according to the investigated, that it is committed to international standards and their applicability in order to improve. Business sustainability is not only about satisfying customers with the products and services they require but about working in a socially responsible manner

    In-depth characterization of NK cell markers from CML patients who discontinued tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy

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    IntroductionTreatment-free remission (TFR) in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase is considered a safe option if suitable molecular monitoring is available. However, the question arises as to which factors can contribute to the maintenance of TFR, and immunologic surveillance of the remaining leukemic cells is believed to be one of them. Argentina Stop Trial is an open-label, single-arm, multicenter trial assessing TFR after tyrosine kinase inhibitors interruption, that after more than 4 years showed a successful TFR rate of 63%.MethodsIn this context, we set up an immunological study by flow cytometry in order to analyze specific NK cell subsets from peripheral blood patient samples both at the time of discontinuation as well as during the subsequent months.ResultsAt the time of discontinuation, patients show a mature NK cell phenotype, probably associated to TKI treatment. However, 3 months after discontinuation, significant changes in several NK cell receptors occurred. Patients with a higher proportion of CD56dim NK and PD-1+ NK cells showed better chances of survival. More interestingly, non-relapsing patients also presented a subpopulation of NK cells with features associated with the expansion after cytomegalovirus infection (expression of CD57+NKG2C+), and higher proportion of NKp30 and NKp46 natural cytotoxicity receptors, which resulted in greater degranulation and associated with better survival (p<0.0001).DiscussionThis NK cell subset could have a protective role in patients who do not relapse, thus further characterization could be useful for patients in sustained deep molecular response

    Ассоциативно-семантическая группа как языковая основа концепта

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    Статья посвящена описанию особой лексико-семантической парадигмы ассоциативно-семантической группы, которая является частью ассоциативно- семантического комплекса и рассматривается как языковая основа концепта. Исследование проведено с применением описательного, структурного и функционального методов.Статтю присвячено опису особливої лексико-семантичної парадигми асоціативно-семантичної групи, яка є частиною асоціативно-семантичного комплексу і являє собою мовну основу концепту. Дослідження проведено із застосуванням описового, структурного та функціонального методів.The particular lexico-semantic paradigm – associative-semantic group (ASG) which is the part of associative-semantic complex (ASC) – is investigated in the article as a linguistic base of concept. Descriptive, structural, and functional methods were used

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research

    Identification of four novel susceptibility loci for oestrogen receptor negative breast cancer

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    Common variants in 94 loci have been associated with breast cancer including 15 loci with genome-wide significant associations (P<5 × 10−8) with oestrogen receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer and BRCA1-associated breast cancer risk. In this study, to identify new ER-negative susceptibility loci, we performed a meta-analysis of 11 genome-wide association studies (GWAS) consisting of 4,939 ER-negative cases and 14,352 controls, combined with 7,333 ER-negative cases and 42,468 controls and 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers genotyped on the iCOGS array. We identify four previously unidentified loci including two loci at 13q22 near KLF5, a 2p23.2 locus near WDR43 and a 2q33 locus near PPIL3 that display genome-wide significant associations with ER-negative breast cancer. In addition, 19 known breast cancer risk loci have genome-wide significant associations and 40 had moderate associations (P<0.05) with ER-negative disease. Using functional and eQTL studies we implicate TRMT61B and WDR43 at 2p23.2 and PPIL3 at 2q33 in ER-negative breast cancer aetiology. All ER-negative loci combined account for ∼11% of familial relative risk for ER-negative disease and may contribute to improved ER-negative and BRCA1 breast cancer risk prediction