260 research outputs found

    Descripción de la morfología microscópica de comunidades de nostoc sp, provenientes de la parroquia de Pintag provincia de Pichincha.

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    This research describes the microscopic morphology of Nostoc sp., from Pintag (Pichincha), in relation to weather variables from May to September 2015. The features evaluated from the samples were: diameter of cells (µm), heterocyst diameter (µm), mucilage area (µm²), filament length (µm) and heterocyst number in relation to one hundred vegetative cells. Fifteen samples were analyzed using as reference the temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and solar radiation. Each sample was hydrated and settled on plates with methylene blue to be observed with a microscopy. In the data analysis, according to Pearson correlations, the heterocyst number, filament length and mucilage area do not present any correlation with the weather variables studied. Vegetative cells diameter, displayed correlation with the solar radiation (r = 0.95 / p= 0.01) but does not present any kind of correlation with the other weather variables (p>0.05). The heterocyst diameter indicated that solar radiation is correlated (r = 0.93 / p=0.019), the same for the relative humidity (r = -0,89 / p=0.04), but the temperature and precipitation (p>0.05) do not present correlation. Multiple lineal regression shows correlation between heterocyst number vs. temperature, solar radiation and precipitation, showing that morphological variables depend on the surrounding weather conditions.En el presente trabajo se describe la morfología microscópica de comunidades de Nostoc sp., nativas de la parroquia de Pintag provincia de Pichincha, en función de las variables ambientales durante los meses de mayo a septiembre de 2015. En las muestras se evaluó: diámetro de células vegetativas (µm), diámetro de heterocistos (µm), área de mucílago (µm²), longitud de filamento (µm) y número de heterocistos en relación a cien células vegetativas. Se analizaron 15 muestras tomando como referencia, la temperatura, precipitación, humedad relativa y radiación solar. En el laboratorio cada muestra fue hidratada y colocada en placas con azul de metileno para ser observadas al microscopio. En el análisis de los datos se obtuvo de acuerdo a correlación de Pearson que, en el número de heterocistos, longitud de filamento y área de mucílago no existió correlación frente a las variables climáticas estudiadas. El diámetro de células vegetativas presentó correlación frente a la radiación solar (r = 0.95 / p = 0.01) y con respecto a las demás variables climáticas no presentó correlación (p > 0.05). Para el diámetro de heterocistos se demostró que, la radiación solar está correlacionada (r = 0.93 / p = 0.019), al igual que la humedad relativa (r = -0,89 / p = 0.04), mientras que temperatura y precipitación (p > 0,05) no presentan correlación. En la regresión lineal múltiple se demostró la existencia de correlación entre el número de heterocistos, temperatura, radiación solar y precipitación, expresando que la variable morfológica depende de las condiciones del entorno

    Mapeo reticular del Discurso de la Sociología y el desarrollo rural en América Latina. Caso de estudio : Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología Rural (ALASRU)

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    Los procesos de descomposición sistémica que se viven en Latinoamérica están siendo abordados por una miríada de investigadores, provenientes de las distintas geografías de la región y operadores de una compleja diversidad de marcos epistemológicos que permiten observar preocupaciones en común: procesos de vulnerabilidad social, económica, política, cultura, ambiental, etc. En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un mapa conceptual, a partir de los trabajos presentados en el 9° congreso de ALASRU (México D.F., 2014), por medio del análisis de redes sociales, a fin de sintetizar la construcción reticular, en Latinoamérica, del discurso epistemológico de la sociología y el desarrollo rural y poderlo agrupar por región y país. Esto se realizó al analizar dos tipos de coocurrencias: la de palabras en un determinado texto y la de matrices de actores por palabras. Esto permitió descomponer (en términos semánticos), cada uno de los abstracts presentados en dicho congreso, en sus diversos conceptos y conectores gramaticales, lo que arrojó una retícula causal del discurso de cada trabajo.Latin America systematic breakdown processes are being approached by a myriad of researchers coming from different places of the region, users of a complex diversity of epistemological frameworks. This allows the observation of common interests: social, economic, political, cultural and environmental vulnerability processes. This work purpose is to develop a conceptual map, from the papers presented in the 9th ALASRU Congress (Mexico City, 2014), through social network analysis, in order to synthetize the reticular construction in Latin America of development and sociology discourse and group it at a "glocal" level, per region, institution and researcher. This was done by analyzing two types of co-occurrences: words from a given text and actor per words. This allowed to restructure (in semantic terms) every and each abstract presented in the Congress, regarding their concepts and grammatical connectors, which generated a casual grid for each paper discourse

    Abordaje interdisciplinario de lesión periapical confluyente que involucraba el seno maxilar: reporte de un caso

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    Interdisciplinarity in the diagnosis and treatment of large periapical lesions in the jaws is essential for a favorable prognosis and preservation of dental organs. This case presents apical granulomas as a consequence of chronic endo-periodontal diseases and inadequate and untimely diagnoses. This is how tools such as cone-Bean tomography, histopathology and immunohistochemistry were also applied, playing a fundamental role in their intervention for an accurate diagnosis. The objective of this case was to describe an interdisciplinary approach to a confluent periapical lesion involving the maxillary sinus, which evolved satisfactorily.La interdisciplinariedad en los diagnósticos y tratamientos de lesiones periapicales de gran tamaño en los maxilares es fundamental para el pronóstico favorable y conservación de órganos dentales. El presente caso exhibe a los granulomas apicales a consecuencia de enfermedades endo-periodontales crónicas y de inadecuados manejo e inoportunos diagnósticos. Es así como también fueron aplicadas herramientas como tomografía cone-Bean, histopatología e inmunohistoquímica jugando un rol fundamental en la intervención de las mismas para un diagnóstico certero. El objetivo del presente caso fue describir un abordaje interdisciplinario de lesión periapical confluyente que involucraba el seno maxilar, el cual evolucionó de manera satisfactoria

    El Papel del Emprendimiento en la Educación Superior: un Estudio Comparativo de Programas Universitarios

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    This study investigates the role of entrepreneurship in higher education in Latin America. The aim is to analyze pedagogical strategies, technological integration, and the economic impact of entrepreneurial education. Research articles from the last five years were reviewed and compared in Scielo and Latindex databases. The methodology included content and comparative analysis of the findings. Results highlight the significance of innovation in entrepreneurial education, the positive relationship between technology and entrepreneurship, and the economic impact on regional development. The need for robust teacher training and inter-institutional collaboration to address challenges is underscored. These findings reinforce the relevance of adapting entrepreneurial education to local contexts and promoting collaboration to maximize socioeconomic impact in Latin America.Este estudio investiga el papel del emprendimiento en la educación superior en América Latina. El objetivo es analizar las estrategias pedagógicas, la integración tecnológica y el impacto económico de la educación emprendedora. Se revisaron y compararon artículos de investigación de los últimos cinco años en Scielo y Latindex. La metodología incluyó un análisis de contenido y comparativo de los hallazgos. Los resultados destacan la importancia de la innovación en la educación emprendedora, la relación positiva entre tecnología y emprendimiento, y el impacto económico en el desarrollo regional. Se subraya la necesidad de una formación docente sólida y la colaboración interinstitucional para abordar los desafíos. Estos hallazgos refuerzan la relevancia de adaptar la educación emprendedora a contextos locales y promover la colaboración para maximizar el impacto socioeconómico en América Latina

    Emprendimiento en el Contexto de la Educación Superior: una Revisión de la Literatura

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    This study aimed to explore the intersection of entrepreneurship and higher education in Latin America. The objective was to analyze pedagogical approaches, entrepreneurial programs, and their impacts. Using a literature review approach, research published in academic databases was selected. The results highlight the importance of innovative pedagogical approaches in entrepreneurship education, with an emphasis on creativity and problem-solving. Additionally, it was found that entrepreneurial programs enhance transferable skills and contribute to regional economic development. Challenges such as gender equity and the implementation of long-term strategies were identified. These findings align with prior research and underscore the need for inclusive and collaborative strategies. This research suggests the implementation of innovative pedagogical approaches and context-specific entrepreneurial programs to drive economic growth and equitable entrepreneurship in the region.El presente estudio se propuso explorar la intersección del emprendimiento y la educación superior en América Latina. El objetivo consistió en analizar enfoques pedagógicos, programas emprendedores y sus impactos. Utilizando un enfoque revisión bibliográfica, se seleccionaron investigaciones publicadas en bases de datos académicas. Los resultados resaltan la importancia de enfoques pedagógicos innovadores en la enseñanza del emprendimiento, con énfasis en la creatividad y resolución de problemas. Además, se encontró que los programas emprendedores fortalecen habilidades transferibles y contribuyen al desarrollo económico regional. Se identificaron desafíos, como la equidad de género y la implementación de enfoques a largo plazo. Estos hallazgos concuerdan con investigaciones previas, y enfatizan la necesidad de estrategias inclusivas y colaborativas. Esta investigación sugiere la implementación de enfoques pedagógicos innovadores y programas emprendedores contextualizados para impulsar el crecimiento económico y el emprendimiento equitativo en la región

    Impact evaluation methods in public economics : a brief introduction to randomized evaluations and comparison with other methods

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    Recent years have seen a large expansion in the use of rigorous impact evaluation techniques. Increasingly, public administrations are collaborating with academic economists and other quantitative social scientists to apply such rigorous methods to the study of public finance. These developments allow for more reliable measurements of the effects of different policy options on the behavioral responses of citizens, firm owners, or public officials. They can help decision makers in tax administrations, public procurement offices, and other public agencies design programs informed by well-founded evidence. This article provides an introductory overview of the most frequently used impact evaluation methods. It is aimed at facilitating communication and collaboration between practitioners and academics by introducing key vocabulary and concepts used in rigorous impact evaluation methods, starting with randomized controlled trials and comparing them with other methods ranging from simple pre–post analysis to difference-in-differences, matching estimations, and regression discontinuity designs

    Air pollution, inflammation and preterm birth in Mexico City: Study design and methods

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    Preterm birth is one of the leading causes of perinatal mortality and is associated with long-term adverse health consequences for surviving infants. Preterm birth rates are rising worldwide, and no effective means for prevention currently exists. Air pollution exposure may be a significant cause of prematurity, but many published studies lack the individual, clinical data needed to elucidate possible biological mechanisms mediating these epidemiological associations. This paper presents the design of a prospective study now underway to evaluate those mechanisms in a cohort of pregnant women residing in Mexico City. We address how air quality may act together with other factors to induce systemic inflammation and influence the duration of pregnancy. Data collection includes: biomarkers relevant to inflammation in cervico-vaginal exudate and peripheral blood, along with full clinical information, pro-inflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms and air pollution data to evaluate spatial and temporal variability in air pollution exposure. Samples are collected on a monthly basis and participants are followed for the duration of pregnancy. The data will be used to evaluate whether ambient air pollution is associated with preterm birth, controlling for other risk factors. We will evaluate which time windows during pregnancy are most influential in the air pollution and preterm birth association. In addition, the epidemiological study will be complemented with a parallel toxicology invitro study, in which monocytic cells will be exposed to air particle samples to evaluate the expression of biomarkers of inflammation

    The F4/AS01B HIV-1 Vaccine Candidate Is Safe and Immunogenic, But Does Not Show Viral Efficacy in Antiretroviral Therapy-Naive, HIV-1-Infected Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    The impact of the investigational human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) F4/AS01(B) vaccine on HIV-1 viral load (VL) was evaluated in antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naive HIV-1 infected adults.This phase IIb, observer-blind study (NCT01218113), included ART-naive HIV-1 infected adults aged 18 to 55 years. Participants were randomized to receive 2 (F4/AS01(B)_2 group, N=64) or 3 (F4/AS01(B)_3 group, N=62) doses of F4/AS01(B) or placebo (control group, N=64) at weeks 0, 4, and 28. Efficacy (HIV-1 VL, CD4(+) T-cell count, ART initiation, and HIV-related clinical events), safety, and immunogenicity (antibody and T-cell responses) were evaluated during 48 weeks.At week 48, based on a mixed model, no statistically significant difference in HIV-1 VL change from baseline was demonstrated between F4/AS01(B)_2 and control group (0.073 log(10)copies/mL [97.5% confidence interval (CI): -0.088; 0.235]), or F4/AS01(B)_3 and control group (-0.096 log(10)copies/mL [97.5% CI: -0.257; 0.065]). No differences between groups were observed in HIV-1 VL change, CD4(+) T-cell count, ART initiation, or HIV-related clinical events at intermediate timepoints. Among F4/AS01(B) recipients, the most frequent solicited symptoms were pain at injection site (252/300 doses), fatigue (137/300 doses), myalgia (105/300 doses), and headache (90/300 doses). Twelve serious adverse events were reported in 6 participants; 1 was considered vaccine-related (F4/AS01(B)_2 group: angioedema). F4/AS01(B) induced polyfunctional F4-specific CD4(+) T-cells, but had no significant impact on F4-specific CD8(+) T-cell and anti-F4 antibody levels.F4/AS01(B) had a clinically acceptable safety profile, induced F4-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses, but did not reduce HIV-1 VL, impact CD4(+) T-cells count, delay ART initiation, or prevent HIV-1 related clinical events