462 research outputs found

    Exploração de Dados de Sensores com Aplicação de Cartas de Controlo Univariadas

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    A evolução que se tem vindo a assistir a nível económico leva a que, cada vez mais, pessoas e organizações sejam obrigadas a fazer mais com menos. A Marinha Portuguesa não é exceção e na área de manutenção, que é uma das áreas mais dispendiosas, tem visto o seu orçamento ser reduzido gradualmente, levando por vezes à prática de uma gestão de manutenção pouco equilibrada. A utilização de uma manutenção baseada na condição dos equipamentos ajuda o utilizador a compreender quais as variações que estão presentes no equipamento e as causas desses sintomas, possibilitando ainda a realização de estudos mais detalhados do comportamento dos equipamentos. As cartas de controlo, mais especificamente, são ferramentas poderosas na manutenção, que permitem facilmente detetar variações e avarias existentes no sistema. A sua utilização baseia-se em alguns pressupostos analisados neste estudo como a independência e Normalidade dos dados. Caso se verifique a falha de um dos pressupostos a utilização das cartas pode levar a conclusões erradas. Nesta dissertação foram utilizadas as cartas de Somas Acumuladas Modificadas e as cartas da Média Exponencialmente Amortecida Modificadas para a avaliação da condição do equipamento e estudar as respostas à degradação, utilizando dados gerados através da variação da média. As regras de intervenção de manutenção foram estabelecidas de acordo com a análise das cartas, tendo em vista o objetivo definido, maximizar a deteção de variações no sistema por se tratar de um equipamento crítico, ainda que existisse a hipótese de serem falsos avisos. A metodologia apresentada foi desenvolvida na Escola Naval, com o objetivo de implementar a utilização de métodos de monitorização contínua de equipamentos na Marinha Portuguesa por forma a melhorar o apoio às decisões de manutenção.The evolution that has been witnessing economically means that, increasingly, people and organizations are forced to do more with less. The Portuguese Navy is no exception and in the maintenance area, which is one of the most expensive areas, has seen its budget be reduced gradually, sometimes leading to the practice of unbalanced maintenance management. The use of a condition-based maintenance of equipment helps the user understand which variations are present in the equipment and the causes of these symptoms, even allowing for the realization of more detailed studies of the behavior of the equipment. The control charts, more specifically, are powerful tools of maintenance, allowing an easily detection of variations and existing faults in the system. Its use is based on certain assumptions that are analyzed in this study as the independence and normality of the data. If one of the assumptions is not verified the use the charts can lead to wrong conclusions. In this dissertation the Modified Cumulative Sums control charts and Modified Exponentially-Weighted Moving Average control charts are used for assessing equipment condition and were used to study the responses to degradation, using data generated by varying the average. The maintenance intervention rules were established according to the analysis of the charts, considering the defined objective, the maximization of the detection of variations in the system since it is critical equipment, though there were chances of being false warnings. The presented methodology was developed at the Naval School, with the aim of implementing the use of methods of continuous monitoring equipment in the Portuguese Navy in order to improve decision support for maintenance

    Development of pH-sensitive magnetoliposomes containing shape anisotropic magnetic nanoparticles for applications in dual cancer therapy

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    In this work, anisotropic magnetic nanoparticles of mixed calcium/magnesium ferrite were synthesized and characterized. These nanoparticles were encapsulated in pH-sensitive liposomes loaded with doxorubicin, and the resulting nanosystems were characterized by DLS. Fluorescence emission assays were performed to elucidate the structural characterization and study the release profile of doxorubicin at different pH values and promising results were obtained for application in combined cancer therapy.FCT under Strategic funding of CF-UM-UP (UIDB/04650/2020)

    Specific hygiene procedures and practices assessment : a cross-sectional study in fresh fishery product retailers of Lisbon’s traditional food markets

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    Research Areas: Food Science & TechnologyThis study aimed to assess the compliance of specific hand hygiene and food contact surfaces hygiene in fresh fishery product retailers (FFPR) and its relation to socio-demographic characteristics that might influence the observed procedures and practices. A cross-sectional study was conducted in traditional food markets’ FFPRs (N = 74) using interviews and audits for data collection purposes. Results revealed that women were overrepresented among FFPR managers; most were over 50 years of age and had a long working experience in fish retail activities, despite a low educational level. The majority had attended training courses in food hygiene, safety, and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points-based procedures. Both documental assessment and hand hygiene procedures and practices verification revealed a low level of compliance. Many documents supporting hygiene practices were lacking. Several non-conforming requisites were identified related to the handwashing procedure and equipment and to glove wearing practices. A higher level of compliance was obtained in food contact surfaces hygiene procedures and practices verification, with complete hygiene procedures applied and proper cleaning of utensils and chemical products management in several cases. These findings reflect an ambiguous understanding and misconceptions related to hygiene procedures and practices, suggesting the need to improve and update FFPR food handler training regarding basic food hygiene and safety.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório estágio profissional

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    Relatório final de estágio profissionalizante do 6.º an

    Mudar com o psicodrama: Estudo de caso com o hermeneutic single-case efficacy design

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioO presente estudo de caso pretende avaliar o impacto da terapia psicodramática num cliente de trinta e três anos, que frequentou cerca de quarenta sessões de psicodrama. Recorreu-se a uma investigação de processo e resultado, com cruzamento de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos, segundo o modelo Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design (HSCED), desenvolvido por Robert Elliot. A resposta às questões: “O cliente mudou? A responsável pela mudança é a psicoterapia? Que factores específicos contribuíram para a mudança? esteve subjacente a todo o processo de investigação. Os resultados obtidos suportam a eficácia da terapia psicodramática no caso estudado.ABSTRACT: This study case pretends to evaluate the impact of psychodrama therapy in a thirty three year-old client who attended about forty psychodrama sessions. We based our investigation on therapy process and outcome, mixing qualitative and quantitative methods, following the Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design (HSCED) model of analysis developed by Robert Elliot. Throughout the entire process of investigation we seek to answer the questions: “Has the client actually changed? Is psychotherapy generally responsible for change? What specific factors are responsible for change?”. The results suggest the effectiveness of the psychodrama therapy in the case in research

    Doença isquémica do coração em Portugal: a epidemiologia na resposta a necessidades locais de saúde

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    O diagnóstico de saúde, etapa inicial do planeamento em saúde, tem por finalidade identificar necessidades de saúde e de investigação que apoiem a tomada de decisão no controlo de problemas de saúde e seus determinantes. A epidemiologia, ferramenta transversal à prática da saúde pública, suporta a identificação de necessidades de saúde, mas tem uma aplicação mais específica no desenvolvimento de estudos que gerem conhecimento para o controlo específico dos problemas identificados. Pretende-se apresentar um exemplo da aplicação abrangente da epidemiologia ao planeamento local, e consequente definição de políticas locais de saúde orientadas para intervenções mais efetivas, eficientes e adequadas às necessidades da população. De acordo com o Plano Local de Saúde de Almada-Seixal 2013-2016 (PLS 2013-2016), a doença isquémica cardíaca (DIC) foi identificada como o problema de saúde prioritário em Almada e Seixal, dois concelhos contíguos da Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (RLVT). As doenças do aparelho circulatório são a causa de morte mais frequente, sendo que Almada, ao contrário do Seixal, apresenta risco de mortalidade superior à média nacional. Também o risco de morte prematura por DIC no sexo masculino (TMP de 41,1/105) foi significativamente superior ao risco médio estimado para a RLVT (35,3/105) e para o continente (26,8/105). Conjugando estes dados com o excesso de mortalidade geral nos homens em Almada em comparação com os do Seixal, no PLS 2013-2016 admite-se que o risco aumentado de morte prematura por DIC nos homens diga respeito aos residentes em Almada. Desconhece-se se o excesso de risco de morte prematura por DIC no sexo masculino em Almada se deve a um excesso de risco de adoecer ou a uma menor sobrevida, dificultando a implementação de ações de prevenção dirigidas aos determinantes envolvidos nas diferentes fases da história natural da DIC. Tendo-se priorizado o estudo dos determinantes da DIC, está em curso um projeto bietápico que inclui um estudo qualitativo através da técnica de focus group, com o objetivo de identificar as perceções dos profissionais de saúde sobre os determinantes da DIC, e um estudo caso-controlo, no qual os casos incidentes de DIC e os controlos serão selecionados na população sob observação da Rede Médicos Sentinela Local. Os resultados da primeira etapa serão usados no questionário a aplicar no estudo caso-controlo. Admite-se que os resultados do projeto permitam adequar às especificidades locais os programas de prevenção e controlo, minimizando o impacto dos determinantes da DIC na população da área de estudo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unraveling Depressive Symptomatology and Risk Factors in a Changing World

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    Funding Information: The present publication was funded by the Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, IP national support, through CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Background: This study aimed to examine the prevalence and factors associated with symptoms of depression during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A representative sample of Portuguese adults was included in this populational survey, conducted between 25 March and 31 July 2021, with participants completing a structured questionnaire via phone interview. The symptoms of depression were measured using the Portuguese version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to examine the association between sociodemographic, health, and lifestyle factors and depression levels (normal, mild, or moderate/severe). Results: The estimated prevalence of depression symptoms among participants was 24%. Participants who were women, were in older age groups, had multimorbidity, lived in isolated Portuguese regions such as islands and Alentejo, and were retired or unemployed more frequently reported depression symptoms. Economic hardship was also found to be associated with an increased frequency of mild or moderate-to-severe depression. In contrast, higher levels of education, regular alcohol intake, and regular exercise were associated with a lower frequency of depression symptoms. Conclusions: These findings highlight that during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, a high proportion of Portuguese adults reported depression symptoms, particularly the COVID-19-vulnerable strata such seniors, patients with multimorbidity, and people in economic hardship. On the other hand, citizens who performed regular physical exercise reported lower depressive symptomology. Our work contributes to improving the planning of mental health promotion after the COVID-19 pandemic and future emergencies.publishersversionpublishe

    Enhancing the interface behavior on polycarbonate/elastomeric blends: morphological, structural, and thermal characterization

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    A systematic study was performed to provide better understanding of the effect of elas tomeric materials on the behavior of polycarbonate blends (PC). Thus, blends of PC with different amounts of elastomers, such as copolyether ester elastomer (COPE), acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS), maleic anhydride-grafted ABS (ABS-g-MA), and styrene–ethylene–butylene–styrene (SEBS g-MA) were prepared in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. The materials were characterized by an electronic microscopy (SEM), an infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermal (DSC) and thermo mechanical (DMA) techniques. The incorporation of elastomeric phases was observed by changes in the FTIR band’s intensity, whereas a new shoulder of the ester band of COPE at 1728 cm−1 indicates the occurrence of a transesterification reaction. Unmodified and modified ABS (5% and 10%) did not affect the glass transition temperature (Tg) of PC, while 1% SEBS-g-MA slightly increased this value. PC/10% COPE showed that a decrease in Tg of 25 ◦C has a result of better compatibilization between both phases, which is visible via SEM. SEM analysis identified three main toughening mechanisms, depending on the type of elastomer. Unlike any other study, this work deepens the knowledge, in a comparative way, to understand the elastomeric effect at the interface and consequently, on the mechanical behavior of PC systems.This work was founded by Portugal 2020, and Fundo Social Europeu (FSE) through Programa Operacional Regional do NORTE (NORTE-08-5369–FSE-000034), developed under the pro gram “IMPULSE—Polímeros e Compósitos: Drivers da inovação tecnológica e da competitividade industrial”. The authors also acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (TSSiPRO—TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE AND SMART INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS— NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000015) and UID/CTM/50025/2013 for the financial support

    Protocol for a Scoping Review Abstract

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    ©Sílvia Rego, Ana Rita Henriques, Sofia Silvério Serra, Teresa Costa, Ana Maria Rodrigues, Francisco Nunes. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (https://www.researchprotocols.org), 26.10.2023.BACKGROUND: Clinical trials often use digital technologies to collect data continuously outside the clinic and use the derived digital endpoints as trial endpoints. Digital endpoints are also being developed to support diagnosis, monitoring, or therapeutic interventions in clinical care. However, clinical validation stands as a significant challenge, as there are no specific guidelines orienting the validation of digital endpoints. OBJECTIVE: This paper presents the protocol for a scoping review that aims to map the existing methods for the clinical validation of digital endpoints. METHODS: The scoping review will comprise searches from the electronic literature databases MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus (including conference proceedings), Embase, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Xplore, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library, CENTRAL (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials), Web of Science Core Collection (including conference proceedings), and Joanna Briggs Institute Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. We will also include various sources of gray literature with search terms related to digital endpoints. The methodology will adhere to the Joanna Briggs Institute Scoping Review and the Guidance for Conducting Systematic Scoping Reviews. RESULTS: A search for reviews on the existing evidence related to this topic was conducted and has shown that no such review was previously undertaken. This review will provide a systematic assessment of the literature on methods for the clinical validation of digital endpoints and highlight any potential need for harmonization or reporting of methods. The results will include the methods for the clinical validation of digital endpoints according to device, digital endpoint, and clinical application goal of digital endpoints. The study started in January 2023 and is expected to end by December 2023, with results to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. CONCLUSIONS: A scoping review of methodologies that validate digital endpoints is necessary. This review will be unique in its breadth since it will comprise digital endpoints collected from several devices and not focus on a specific disease area. The results of our work should help guide researchers in choosing validation methods, identify potential gaps in the literature, or inform the development of novel methods to optimize the clinical validation of digital endpoints. Resolving these gaps is the key to presenting evidence in a consistent way to regulators and other parties and obtaining regulatory acceptance of digital endpoints for patient benefit. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): PRR1-10.2196/47119.publishersversionpublishe