16 research outputs found

    Tradução comentada para o espanhol da obra O Medo, de Monteiro Lobato

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, Florianópolis, 2015.Este trabalho apresenta uma retradução (comentada) da obra brasileira lobatiana O Medo (2012), composta pelos quatro contos: O Medo; Boitatá; O Negrinho; Meia-Noite, para o espanhol argentino e a sugestão de um paratexto (GENETTE, 2009) ilustrativo embasado nos seres folclóricos presentes na obra, tema predominante no corpus desta pesquisa. Ademais, analisa a trajetória do autor brasileiro Monteiro Lobato enquanto escritor e tradutor, além de sua relação com a Argentina e sua contribuição para a literatura infantojuvenil. Esta dissertação está dividida em três capítulos: o primeiro capítulo apresenta Monteiro Lobato e trata da sua contribuição no âmbito da literatura infantojuvenil brasileira e argentina; apresenta o corpus deste trabalho, a obra O Medo (2012), e disserta sobre o principal tema contido no objeto de estudo: o folclore. Ademais, analisa as obras envolvidas nesta dissertação, O Saci (1921 e 1947) e El Genio del Bosque (1945) e esclarece suas relações com o corpusdo trabalho. O segundo capítulo apresenta a tradução da obra O Medo ao espanhol argentino. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo apresenta a retradução comentada, fundamentada nos estudos de Antoine Berman, e a contribuição e proposta de um paratexto ilustrativo.Abstract : This paperpresents a new translational motion (commented) of the lobatiana Brazilian work O Medo(2012)in argentinean Spanish and the suggestion of a paratext (GENETTE, 2009) illustrative grounded in Brazilian folklore, this theme mainly present in the corpusof this research.Moreover, it analyzes the history of the brazilian author Monteiro Lobato as a writer and translator, as well as his relationship with Argentina and his contribution to the children's literature. We divided this research in three chapters: the first chapter begins with the introduction of Monteiro Lobato and his contribution with the brazilian and argentinean children and youth literature; it also presents the corpus of this work, Fear (2012) and discusses about the main theme contained in the study object: the folklore. Besides, analyze the works involved in this dissertation, O Saci (1921 and 1947) and El Genio del Bosque (1945) and clarify their relations with thecorpus work. The second chapter, presents the translationof the O Medowork to argentinean Spanish.Finally, the third chapter presents our translational proposal commented, based on studies of Antoine Berman and our contribution and proposal for an illustrative paratext

    Women's perspective on breast cancer screening: a cross-sectional observational study in the Southeast region / Perspectiva da mulher sobre o rastreio do câncer de mama: um estudo observacional transversal na região Sudeste

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    Objective: to analyze the knowledge of women in the Southeast region about breast cancer and its forms of early detection.Methods: a semi-structured questionnaire filled out via an online platform was adopted, whose variables were related to women's knowledge about breast cancer screening.Results: When assessing the knowledge about which exam is most used for screening in relation to the age variable, the most relevant result was that the majority of the interviewees, 57.5%, chose the correct option, that is, mammography. The option that addressed self-examination as the screening technique was also quite selected: among women aged 18 to 25 years and 35 to 45 years, it was, respectively, 31.2% and 28.9%. From 26 to 34 years old, this assertion was even more expressive, that is, 53.4% of the interviewees. When evaluating the participants' knowledge about the age group at which the first mammogram should be performed, in the general population, only 6.2% of the total participants selected the option from 50 to 69 years and in relation to the frequency only 16 .6% of the total number of interviewees selected the correct option according to the Ministry of Health.Conclusion: The data obtained show that most of the interviewees have doubts about the national protocols for the early detection of breast cancer. The efforts of preventive medicine suggest encouraging information through public policies that help educate the population about prevention and health promotion techniques

    Recombinant Protein Containing B-Cell Epitopes of Different Loxosceles Spider Toxins Generates Neutralizing Antibodies in Immunized Rabbits

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    Loxoscelism is the most important form of araneism in South America. The treatment of these accidents uses heterologous antivenoms obtained from immunization of production animals with crude loxoscelic venom. Due to the scarcity of this immunogen, new alternatives for its substitution in antivenom production are of medical interest. In the present work, three linear epitopes for Loxosceles astacin-like protease 1 (LALP-1) (SLGRGCTDFGTILHE, ENNTRTIGPFDYDSIMLYGAY, and KLYKCPPVNPYPGGIRPYVNV) and two for hyaluronidase (LiHYAL) (NGGIPQLGDLKAHLEKSAVDI and ILDKSATGLRIIDWEAWR) from Loxosceles intermedia spider venom were identified by SPOT-synthesis technique. One formerly characterized linear epitope (DFSGPYLPSLPTLDA) of sphingomyelinase D (SMase D) SMase-I from Loxosceles laeta was also chosen to constitute a new recombinant multiepitopic protein. These epitopes were combined with a previously produced chimeric multiepitopic protein (rCpLi) composed by linear and conformational B-cell epitopes from SMase D from L. intermedia venom, generating a new recombinant multiepitopic protein derived from loxoscelic toxins (rMEPLox). We demonstrated that rMEPLox is non-toxic and antibodies elicited in rabbits against this antigen present reactivity in ELISA and immunoblot assays with Brazilian L. intermedia, L. laeta, L. gaucho, and L. similis spider venoms. In vivo and in vitro neutralization assays showed that anti-rMEPLox antibodies can efficiently neutralize the sphingomyelinase, hyaluronidase, and metalloproteinase activity of L. intermedia venom. This study suggests that this multiepitopic protein can be a suitable candidate for experimental vaccination approaches or for antivenom production against Loxosceles spp. venoms


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    <p>Loxoscelism is the most important form of araneism in South America. The treatment of these accidents uses heterologous antivenoms obtained from immunization of production animals with crude loxoscelic venom. Due to the scarcity of this immunogen, new alternatives for its substitution in antivenom production are of medical interest. In the present work, three linear epitopes for Loxosceles astacin-like protease 1 (LALP-1) (SLGRGCTDFGTILHE, ENNTRTIGPFDYDSIMLYGAY, and KLYKCPPVNPYPGGIRPYVNV) and two for hyaluronidase (LiHYAL) (NGGIPQLGDLKAHLEKSAVDI and ILDKSATGLRIIDWEAWR) from Loxosceles intermedia spider venom were identified by SPOT-synthesis technique. One formerly characterized linear epitope (DFSGPYLPSLPTLDA) of sphingomyelinase D (SMase D) SMase-I from Loxosceles laeta was also chosen to constitute a new recombinant multiepitopic protein. These epitopes were combined with a previously produced chimeric multiepitopic protein (rCpLi) composed by linear and conformational B-cell epitopes from SMase D from L. intermedia venom, generating a new recombinant multiepitopic protein derived from loxoscelic toxins (rMEPLox). We demonstrated that rMEPLox is non-toxic and antibodies elicited in rabbits against this antigen present reactivity in ELISA and immunoblot assays with Brazilian L. intermedia, L. laeta, L. gaucho, and L. similis spider venoms. In vivo and in vitro neutralization assays showed that anti-rMEPLox antibodies can efficiently neutralize the sphingomyelinase, hyaluronidase, and metalloproteinase activity of L. intermedia venom. This study suggests that this multiepitopic protein can be a suitable candidate for experimental vaccination approaches or for antivenom production against Loxosceles spp. venoms.</p

    Inflammatory Response and Activation of Coagulation after COVID-19 Infection

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    SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection is responsible for causing a disease with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. Predisposition to thromboembolic disease due to excessive inflammation is also attributed to the disease. The objective of this study was to characterize the clinical and laboratory aspects of hospitalized patients, in addition to studying the pattern of serum cytokines, and associate them with the occurrence of thromboembolic events. Methodology: A retrospective cohort study with 97 COVID-19 patients hospitalized from April to August 2020 in the Triângulo Mineiro macro-region was carried out. A review of medical records was conducted to evaluate the clinical and laboratory aspects and the frequency of thrombosis, as well as the measurement of cytokines, in the groups that presented or did not present a thrombotic event. Results: There were seven confirmed cases of thrombotic occurrence in the cohort. A reduction in the time of prothrombin activity was observed in the group with thrombosis. Further, 27.8% of all patients had thrombocytopenia. In the group that had thrombotic events, the levels of IL1b, IL-10, and IL2 were higher (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In the studied sample, there was an increase in the inflammatory response in patients with thrombotic events, confirmed by the increase in cytokines. Furthermore, in this cohort, a link was observed between the IL-10 percentage and an increased chance of a thrombotic event

    Resumos concluídos - Bioquímica

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    Resumos concluídos - Bioquímic

    Resumos concluídos - Bioquímica

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    Resumos concluídos - Bioquímic

    From taxonomy to molecular characterization of brown spider venom: An overview focused on Loxosceles similis

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