177 research outputs found

    Developing methods to compare tablet formulations of atorvastatin

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    Atorvastatin (ATV) is an antilipemic drug of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry. ATV does not appear in the monographs of Brazilian pharmacopoeia, and analytical methodologies for its determination have been validated. The chromatographic conditions used included: RP-18 column-octadecylsilane (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 mm), detection at 238 nm, mobile phase containing 0.1% phosphoric acid and acetonitrile (35:65% v/v), flow at 1.5 mL min-1, oven temperature at 30ºC, and injection volume of 10 mL. ATV is classified as a class II product, according to the biopharmaceutical classification system. As such, a dissolution test was proposed to evaluate pharmaceutical formulations on the market today, under the following conditions: water as a dissolution medium, 1000 mL as a volume, paddle apparatus at a rotation speed of 50 rpm, 80% (Q) in 15 minutes with UV spectrophotometer readings at 238 nm. In the pattern condition proposed as the ideal dissolution test, which appropriately differentiates amongst formulations, the generic product was not considered pharmaceutically equivalent; however, in other less differential dissolution methods, which also fall within appropriate legal parameters, this product could come to be regarded as generic.Atorvastatina (ATV) é um fármaco antilipêmico de grande interesse para a indústria farmacêutica. ATV não apresenta monografia na Farmacopéia Brasileira e metodologias analíticas para sua determinação foram validadas. As condições cromatográficas utilizadas foram: coluna RP-18-octadecilsilano (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 mm), detecção em 238 nm, fase móvel contendo ácido fosfórico 0,1% e acetonitrila (35:65% v/v), fluxo de 1,5 mL min-1, temperatura do forno de 30 ºC e volume de injeção de 10 mL. ATV é classificada como um fármaco de classe II, de acordo com o sistema de classificação biofarmacêutica (SCB). Como tal, um teste de dissolução foi proposto para avaliar as formulações farmacêuticas do mercado atual, sob as seguintes condições: água como meio de dissolução, volume de 1000 mL, aparato pá, velocidade de rotação de 50 rpm, 80% (Q) em 15 minutos com leituras espectrofotômetro UV a 238 nm. Na condição padrão proposta para o teste de dissolução, o qual seria capaz de diferenciar apropriadamente as formulações farmacêuticas, o produto genérico não foi considerado equivalente farmacêutico. No entanto, em outros métodos de dissolução menos discriminativos, que também seriam considerados apropriados pelos parâmetros legais, este produto pode vir a ser considerado como genérico

    Mulheres idosas na educação de pessoas jovens e adultas:: problematizando relações de gênero na vida-escola

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    O artigo apresenta resultado de pesquisa desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino (Mestrado e Doutorado), da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Campus de Vitória da Conquista, buscando compreender e problematizar discursos sobre gênero e suas implicações na trajetória de vida e de escolarização de estudantes idosas da Educação de Pessoas Jovens e Adultas. Participaram da pesquisa sete estudantes, mulheres idosas, regularmente matriculadas na Escola Municipal Antônia Cavalcanti e Silva, no ano de 2019, instituição pertencente à rede municipal de ensino da cidade de Vitória da Conquista, Estado da Bahia. O processo de construção das informações ocorreu por meio da realização de sete entrevistas narrativas e de três sessões coletivas de diálogo, apoiando-se, na fase de análise, em postulados foucaultianos e conceitos do campo dos estudossobre gênero. Entre as conclusões da pesquisa, constatamos que implicações no convívio familiar foram construídas com base no medo, castigos e práticas opressoras, representados pela figura do pai. Implicações de ordem psicológica imprimiram nas crianças, tornadas adultas precocemente, marcas que permanecem na atualidade. As implicações físicas, impostas por meio de castigos, deixaram marcas para toda a vida. A negação do direito à escola significou, entre outros motivos, o impedimento a outros processos de formação e de escolarização, assim como a outros direitos fundamentais de cidadania

    Mulheres idosas na educação de pessoas jovens e adultas:: problematizando relações de gênero na vida-escola

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    O artigo apresenta resultado de pesquisa desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino (Mestrado e Doutorado), da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Campus de Vitória da Conquista, buscando compreender e problematizar discursos sobre gênero e suas implicações na trajetória de vida e de escolarização de estudantes idosas da Educação de Pessoas Jovens e Adultas. Participaram da pesquisa sete estudantes, mulheres idosas, regularmente matriculadas na Escola Municipal Antônia Cavalcanti e Silva, no ano de 2019, instituição pertencente à rede municipal de ensino da cidade de Vitória da Conquista, Estado da Bahia. O processo de construção das informações ocorreu por meio da realização de sete entrevistas narrativas e de três sessões coletivas de diálogo, apoiando-se, na fase de análise, em postulados foucaultianos e conceitos do campo dos estudossobre gênero. Entre as conclusões da pesquisa, constatamos que implicações no convívio familiar foram construídas com base no medo, castigos e práticas opressoras, representados pela figura do pai. Implicações de ordem psicológica imprimiram nas crianças, tornadas adultas precocemente, marcas que permanecem na atualidade. As implicações físicas, impostas por meio de castigos, deixaram marcas para toda a vida. A negação do direito à escola significou, entre outros motivos, o impedimento a outros processos de formação e de escolarização, assim como a outros direitos fundamentais de cidadania

    Infrared Video Thermometry Guidance for Surgical Correction of Chylothorax in Dogs

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    Background: Macroscopic identification of the extravasation site of chyle in patients with chylothorax is a major challenge. Current forms of identification are invasive and/or expose patients to radiation, as in computerized tomography and radiography. A prototype device that uses infrared video thermometry images to detect temperature increments of 0.1ºC has been developed. This device can process and show real-time images or video on a monitor during surgeries. Therefore, the aim of this work was to report the first successful case in which this innovative device was tested in the transoperative period to identify the thoracic duct and its tributaries in a chylothorax surgery performed in a dog.Case: A 2-year-old male dog of the Shiba Inu breed was presented to the veterinary hospital with exercise intolerance, cough, emaciation, and no history of trauma. Clinical examination was performed along with complete blood count, biochemical analysis, and thoracic radiography. The patient exhibited dyspnea and had diminished breath sounds on chest auscultation. Radiographic images revealed moderate pleural effusion. The dog was anesthetized and submitted to thoracotomy, which enabled visualization of a chylous effusion. A sample of the effusion was collected for cytological and biochemical analyses. Subsequently, pericardiectomy was carried out, and identification of the thoracic duct and its tributaries was guided by an innovative device that generates infrared video thermometry images in real time. The extravasation site of the chylewas visualized on the images shown on a monitor. Consequently, after ligation of the tributary vessel, interruption of chyle overflow could be noticed on the monitor. Thoracotomy was routinely closed, and a drain was placed through an intercostal space after incision. Thirty days after the surgery, the dog exhibited no signs of recurrence. Cytological and biochemical analyses of the effusion revealed an abnormal transudate that had a density of 1,030 g/cm3, alkaline pH, predominance of neutrophils and lymphocytes, and high levels of proteins, triglycerides and cholesterol. These results indicated that the effusion analyzed was chyle.Discussion: Macroscopic aspects of an effusion alone should not be used to make a definitive diagnosis; cytological, physical, and biochemical evaluations are indispensable. The specimen analyzed had a higher concentration of triglycerides than blood, and its cholesterol concentration was lower than that found in blood. Findings like these have already been reported as indicative of chylous effusion. Thoracic duct ligation is the most used technique for correction of chylothorax, and is the technique with better outcomes. Thermometry has already been used for clinical examination in several diseases. However, the innovative device used in this study has the advantage of being noninvasive, and was able to guide the surgeon during the surgery to locate the thoracic duct and precisely identify the tributary lymphatic vessel responsible for the chylous effusion. The physical space occupied by the device did not disturb the surgical team since a small infrared image generator was placed one meter above the patient to take high definition images of the entire animal in the evaluation field. The thermometry device was very useful, non-invasive, and precise to differentiate thoracic structures and to identify the siteof extravasation of chyle. It also allowed a more interactive and precise surgical approach by the surgical team, which was essential to the success of the surgery.Keywords: chyle extravasation, infrared diagnosis, surgery, thorax

    Clinical complications of G6PD deficiency in Latin American and Caribbean populations : systematic review and implications for malaria elimination programmes

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    Background: Although G6PDd individuals are generally asymptomatic throughout their life, the clinical burden of this genetic condition includes a range of haematological conditions, including acute haemolytic anaemia (AHA), neonatal jaundice (NNJ) and chronic non-sphaerocytic anaemia (CNSA). In Latin America (LA), the huge knowledge gap regarding G6PDd is related to the scarce understanding of the burden of clinical manifestation underlying G6PDd carriage. The aim of this work was to study the clinical significance of G6PDd in LA and the Caribbean region through a systematic review. Methods: A systematic search of the published literature was undertaken in August 2013. Bibliographies of manuscripts were also searched and additional references were identified. Only original research was included. All study designs were included, as long as any clinical information was present. Studies were eligible for inclusion if they reported clinical information from populations living in LA or Caribbean countries or about migrants from these countries living in countries outside this continent. Results: The Medline search generated 487 papers, and the LILACS search identified 140 papers. After applying the inclusion criteria, 100 original papers with any clinical information on G6PDd in LA were retrieved. Additionally, 16 articles were included after reading the references from these papers. These 116 articles reported data from 18 LA and Caribbean countries. The major clinical manifestations reported from LA countries were those related to AHA, namely drug-induced haemolysis. Most of the published works regarding drug-induced haemolysis in LA referred to haemolytic crises in P. vivax malaria patients during the course of the treatment with primaquine (PQ). Favism, infection-induced haemolysis, NNJ and CNSA appear to play only a minor public health role in this continent. Conclusion: Haemolysis in patients using PQ seems to be the major clinical manifestation of G6PDd in LA and contributes to the morbidity of P. vivax infection in this continent, although the low number of reported cases, which could be linked to under-reporting of complications. These results support the need for better strategies to diagnose and manage G6PDd in malaria field conditions. Additionally, Malaria Control Programmes in LA should not overlook this condition in their national guidelines

    COVID-19 in Brazil: advantages of a socialized unified health system and preparation to contain cases

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    oai:ops.preprints.scielo.org:preprint/7The outbreak of new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) reported for the first time in Wuhan, China in late December 2019 have rapidly spread to other countries and it was declared on January 30, 2020 as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization. Before the first COVID-19 cases were reported in Brazil, several measures have been implemented including the adjustment of legal framework to carry out isolation and quarantine. As the cases increased significantly, new measures, mainly to reduce mortality and severe cases, have also been implemented. Rapid and robust preparedness actions have been undertaken in Brazil while first cases have not yet been identified in Latin-American. The outcome of this early preparation should be analyzed in future studies

    Deficiência de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase e uso de primaquina : estimativa de custos de profissionais por macrocusteio e microcusteio

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    A pesquisa teve por objetivo estudar se o macrocusteio, baseado no valor médio identificado no Sistema de Internação Hospitalar (SIH/SUS), constitui um bom estimador do custo de profissionais de saúde por paciente, tendo como comparação o método de microcusteio. O estudo foi desenvolvido no contexto da assistência hospitalar oferecida ao portador da deficiência de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (dG6PD) do sexo masculino com evento adverso grave devido ao uso da primaquina, na Amazônia Brasileira. O macrocusteio baseado no gasto em serviços profissionais do SIH/SUS, como proxy desse custo, correspondeu a R60,71,eomicrocusteio,baseadonossalaˊriosdomeˊdico(R60,71, e o microcusteio, baseado nos salários do médico (R30,43), do enfermeiro (R16,33)edoteˊcnicodeenfermagem(R16,33) e do técnico de enfermagem (R5,93), estimou um custo total de R52,68.Adiferenc\cafoideapenasR52,68. A diferença foi de apenas R8,03, mostrando que os valores pagos pela Autorização de Internação Hospitalar (AIH) são estimadores próximos daqueles obtidos por técnica de microcusteio para os profissionais envolvidos diretamente no cuidado.The aim of this study has been to study whether the top-down method, based on the average value identified in the Brazilian Hospitalization System (SIH/SUS), is a good estimator of the cost of health professionals per patient, using the bottom-up method for comparison. The study has been developed from the context of hospital care offered to the patient carrier of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency with severe adverse effect because of the use of primaquine, in the Brazilian Amazon. The top-down method based on the spending with SIH/SUS professional services, as a proxy for this cost, corresponded to R60.71,andthebottomup,basedonthesalariesofthephysician(R60.71, and the bottom-up, based on the salaries of the physician (R30.43), nurse (R16.33),andnursingtechnician(R16.33), and nursing technician (R5.93), estimated a total cost of R52.68.ThedifferencewasonlyR52.68. The difference was only R8.03, which shows that the amounts paid by the Hospital Inpatient Authorization (AIH) are estimates close to those obtained by the bottom-up technique for the professionals directly involved in the care