244 research outputs found

    S-matrices of non-simply laced affine Toda theories by folding

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    The exact factorisable quantum S-matrices are known for simply laced as well as non-simply laced affine Toda field theories. Non-simply laced theories are obtained from the affine Toda theories based on simply laced algebras by folding the corresponding Dynkin diagrams. The same process, called classical `reduction', provides solutions of a non-simply laced theory from the classical solutions with special symmetries of the parent simply laced theory. In the present note we shall elevate the idea of folding and classical reduction to the quantum level. To support our views we have made some interesting observations for S-matrices of non-simply laced theories and give prescription for obtaining them through the folding of simply laced ones.Comment: 26 pages, Latex2e, 4 figure

    Exact S-Matrices for Bound States of a2(1)a_2^{(1)} Affine Toda Solitons

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    Using Hollowood's conjecture for the S-matrix for elementary solitons in complex an(1)a_n^{(1)} affine Toda field theories we examine the interactions of bound states of solitons in a2(1)a_2^{(1)} theory. The elementary solitons can form two different kinds of bound states: scalar bound states (the so-called breathers), and excited solitons, which are bound states with non-zero topological charge. We give explicit expressions of all S-matrix elements involving the scattering of breathers and excited solitons and examine their pole structure in detail. It is shown how the poles can be explained in terms of on-shell diagrams, several of which involve a generalized Coleman-Thun mechanism.Comment: Comments to figure 1 changed, some misprints corrected, 31 pages, LATEX. (Version accepted for publication in NUCLEAR PHYSICS B

    Toda Soliton Mass Corrections and the Particle--Soliton Duality Conjecture

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    We compute quantum corrections to soliton masses in affine Toda theories with imaginary exponentials based on the nonsimply-laced Lie algebras cn(1)c_n^{(1)}. We find that the soliton mass ratios renormalize nontrivially, in the same manner as those of the fundamental particles of the theories with real exponentials based on the nonsimply-laced algebras bn(1)b_n^{(1)}. This gives evidence that the conjectured relation between solitons in one Toda theory and fundamental particles in a dual Toda theory holds also at the quantum level. This duality can be seen as a toy model for S-duality.Comment: LATEX, 17 pages, no figures Note added at end of discussio

    Tau-Functions generating the Conservation Laws for Generalized Integrable Hierarchies of KdV and Affine-Toda type

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    For a class of generalized integrable hierarchies associated with affine (twisted or untwisted) Kac-Moody algebras, an explicit representation of their local conserved densities by means of a single scalar tau-function is deduced. This tau-function acts as a partition function for the conserved densities, which fits its potential interpretation as the effective action of some quantum system. The class consists of multi-component generalizations of the Drinfel'd-Sokolov and the two-dimensional affine Toda lattice hierarchies. The relationship between the former and the approach of Feigin, Frenkel and Enriquez to soliton equations of KdV and mKdV type is also discussed. These results considerably simplify the calculation of the conserved charges carried by the soliton solutions to the equations of the hierarchy, which is important to establish their interpretation as particles. By way of illustration, we calculate the charges carried by a set of constrained KP solitons recently constructed.Comment: 47 pages, plain TeX with AMS fonts, no figure

    Local conserved charges in principal chiral models

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    Local conserved charges in principal chiral models in 1+1 dimensions are investigated. There is a classically conserved local charge for each totally symmetric invariant tensor of the underlying group. These local charges are shown to be in involution with the non-local Yangian charges. The Poisson bracket algebra of the local charges is then studied. For each classical algebra, an infinite set of local charges with spins equal to the exponents modulo the Coxeter number is constructed, and it is shown that these commute with one another. Brief comments are made on the evidence for, and implications of, survival of these charges in the quantum theory.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX; v2: minor correction

    Exact S-Matrices with Affine Quantum Group Symmetry

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    We show how to construct the exact factorized S-matrices of 1+1 dimensional quantum field theories whose symmetry charges generate a quantum affine algebra. Quantum affine Toda theories are examples of such theories. We take into account that the Lorentz spins of the symmetry charges determine the gradation of the quantum affine algebras. This gives the S-matrices a non-rigid pole structure. It depends on a kind of ``quantum'' dual Coxeter number which will therefore also determine the quantum mass ratios in these theories. As an example we explicitly construct S-matrices with Uq(cn(1))U_q(c_n^{(1)}) symmetry.Comment: Latex file, 21 page

    Exact S-matrices for d_{n+1}^{(2)} affine Toda solitons and their bound states

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    We conjecture an exact S-matrix for the scattering of solitons in dn+1(2)d_{n+1}^{(2)} affine Toda field theory in terms of the R-matrix of the quantum group Uq(cn(1))U_q(c_n^{(1)}). From this we construct the scattering amplitudes for all scalar bound states (breathers) of the theory. This S-matrix conjecture is justified by detailed examination of its pole structure. We show that a breather-particle identification holds by comparing the S-matrix elements for the lowest breathers with the S-matrix for the quantum particles in real affine Toda field theory, and discuss the implications for various forms of duality.Comment: Some minor changes and misprints corrected. Version to appear in Nuclear Physics B, 40 pages, LATE

    The Quantum Spectrum of the Conserved Charges in Affine Toda Theories

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    The exact eigenvalues of the infinite set of conserved charges on the multi-particle states in affine Toda theories are determined. This is done by constructing a free field realization of the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra in which the conserved charges are realized as derivative operators. The resulting eigenvalues are renormalization group (RG) invariant, have the correct classical limit and pass checks in first order perturbation theory. For n=1n=1 one recovers the (RG invariant form of the) quantum masses of Destri and DeVega.Comment: 38p, 1 fig. included, MPI-Ph/93-92, LATE

    Non-unitarity in quantum affine Toda theory and perturbed conformal field theory

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    There has been some debate about the validity of quantum affine Toda field theory at imaginary coupling, owing to the non-unitarity of the action, and consequently of its usefulness as a model of perturbed conformal field theory. Drawing on our recent work, we investigate the two simplest affine Toda theories for which this is an issue - a2(1) and a2(2). By investigating the S-matrices of these theories before RSOS restriction, we show that quantum Toda theory, (with or without RSOS restriction), indeed has some fundamental problems, but that these problems are of two different sorts. For a2(1), the scattering of solitons and breathers is flawed in both classical and quantum theories, and RSOS restriction cannot solve this problem. For a2(2) however, while there are no problems with breather-soliton scattering there are instead difficulties with soliton-excited soliton scattering in the unrestricted theory. After RSOS restriction, the problems with kink-excited kink may be cured or may remain, depending in part on the choice of gradation, as we found in [12]. We comment on the importance of regradations, and also on the survival of R-matrix unitarity and the S-matrix bootstrap in these circumstances.Comment: 29 pp, LaTex2e, 6 eps and 1 ps figure
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