750 research outputs found

    Conserved currents for unconventional supersymmetric couplings of self-dual gauge fields

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    Self-dual gauge potentials admit supersymmetric couplings to higher-spin fields satisfying interacting forms of the first order Dirac--Fierz equation. The interactions are governed by conserved currents determined by supersymmetry. These super-self-dual Yang-Mills systems provide on-shell supermultiplets of arbitrarily extended super-Poincar\'e algebras; classical consistency not setting any limit on the extension N. We explicitly display equations of motion up to the N=6N=6 extension. The stress tensor, which vanishes for the N3N\le 3 self-duality equations, not only gets resurrected when N=4N=4, but is then a member of a conserved multiplet of gauge-invariant tensors.Comment: 6 pages, latex fil

    Quantum dynamics of N=1N=1, D=4D=4 supergravity compensator

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    A new N=1N=1 superfield theory in D=4D=4 flat superspace is suggested. It describes dynamics of supergravity compensator and can be considered as a low-energy limit for N=1N=1, D=4D=4 superfield supergravity. The theory is shown to be renormalizable in infrared limit and infrared free. A quantum effective action is investigated in infrared domain

    Linear and nonlinear realizations of superbranes

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    The coordinate transformations which establish the direct relationship between the actions of linear and nonlinear realizations of supermembranes are proposed. It is shown that the Rocek-Tseytlin constraint known in the framework of the linear realization of the theory is simply equivalent to a limit of a "pure" nonlinear realization in which the field describing the massive mode of the supermembrane puts to zero.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX + espcrc2.sty The talk given at the D. Volkov Memorial Conference SQFT, July, 25-29, 200

    Diagonal reduction algebras of \gl type

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    Several general properties, concerning reduction algebras - rings of definition and algorithmic efficiency of the set of ordering relations - are discussed. For the reduction algebras, related to the diagonal embedding of the Lie algebra glngl_n into glnglngl_n \oplus gl_n, we establish a stabilization phenomenon and list the complete sets of defining relations.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    R-matrices in Rime

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    We replace the ice Ansatz on matrix solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation by a weaker condition which we call "rime". Rime solutions include the standard Drinfeld-Jimbo R-matrix. Solutions of the Yang--Baxter equation within the rime Ansatz which are maximally different from the standard one we call "strict rime". A strict rime non-unitary solution is parameterized by a projective vector. We show that this solution transforms to the Cremmer-Gervais R-matrix by a change of basis with a matrix containing symmetric functions in the components of the parameterizing vector. A strict unitary solution (the rime Ansatz is well adapted for taking a unitary limit) is shown to be equivalent to a quantization of a classical "boundary" r-matrix of Gerstenhaber and Giaquinto. We analyze the structure of the elementary rime blocks and find, as a by-product, that all non-standard R-matrices of GL(1|1)-type can be uniformly described in a rime form. We discuss then connections of the classical rime solutions with the Bezout operators. The Bezout operators satisfy the (non-)homogeneous associative classical Yang--Baxter equation which is related to the Rota-Baxter operators. We classify the rime Poisson brackets: they form a 3-dimensional pencil. A normal form of each individual member of the pencil depends on the discriminant of a certain quadratic polynomial. We also classify orderable quadratic rime associative algebras. For the standard Drinfeld-Jimbo solution, there is a choice of the multiparameters, for which it can be non-trivially rimed. However, not every Belavin-Drinfeld triple admits a choice of the multiparameters for which it can be rimed. We give a minimal example.Comment: 50 pages, typos correcte

    The matreoshka of supersymmetric self-dual theories

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    Extended super self-dual systems have a structure reminiscent of a ``matreoshka''. For instance, solutions for N=0 are embedded in solutions for N=1, which are in turn embedded in solutions for N=2, and so on. Consequences of this phenomenon are explored. In particular, we present an explicit construction of local solutions of the higher-N super self-duality equations starting from any N=0 self-dual solution. Our construction uses N=0 solution data to produce N=1 solution data, which in turn yields N=2 solution data, and so on; each stage introducing a dependence of the solution on sufficiently many additional arbitrary functions to yield the most general supersymmetric solution having the initial N=0 solution as the helicity +1 component. The problem of finding the general local solution of the N>0N>0 super self-duality equations therefore reduces to finding the general solution of the usual (N=0) self-duality equations. Another consequence of the matreoshka phenomenon is the vanishing of many conserved currents, including the supercurrents, for super self-dual systems.Comment: 19 pages, Bonn-HE-93-2

    Braidings of Tensor Spaces

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    Let VV be a braided vector space, that is, a vector space together with a solution R^End(VV)\hat{R}\in {\text{End}}(V\otimes V) of the Yang--Baxter equation. Denote T(V):=kVkT(V):=\bigoplus_k V^{\otimes k}. We associate to R^\hat{R} a solution T(R^)End(T(V)T(V))T(\hat{R})\in {\text{End}}(T(V)\otimes T(V)) of the Yang--Baxter equation on the tensor space T(V)T(V). The correspondence R^T(R^)\hat{R}\rightsquigarrow T(\hat{R}) is functorial with respect to VV.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    On Inflation Rules for Mosseri-Sadoc Tilings

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    We give the inflation rules for the decorated Mosseri-Sadoc tiles in the projection class of tilings T(MS){\cal T}^{(MS)}. Dehn invariants related to the stone inflation of the Mosseri-Sadoc tiles provide eigenvectors of the inflation matrix with eigenvalues equal to τ=1+52\tau = \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} and τ1-\tau^{-1}.Comment: LaTeX file, 4(3) pages + 7 figures (FIG1.gif, FIG2.gif,... FIH7.gif) and a style file (icqproc.sty

    Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum Lie algebra

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    Quantum Lie algebras related to multi-parametric Drinfeld-Jimbo RR-matrices of type GL(mn)GL(m|n) are classified.Comment: 9 page