402 research outputs found

    Fungicidbekämpningens lönsamhet i höstvete under gotländska förhållanden

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    På Gotland råder lägre smittotryck av bladfläcksvampar och rost än i övriga delar av landet. Det lägre smittotrycket är en följd av Gotlands geografiska lokalisation samt de väderförhållanden som råder. Vädret kännetecknas i normalfallet av varma och torra perioder under odlingssäsongen, vilket bidrar till svag lönsamhet i de fungicidbekämpningsförsök som gjort på ön. I den här studien undersöktes resultat från fjorton års fältförsök på Gotland. Syftet var att undersöka lönsamheten i fungicidbekämpning i höstvete. I studien ingår också en genomgång av litteraturen och redovisning av specifika års resultat för att på ett överskådligt sätt gestalta enskilda års resultat och deras påverkande faktorer. Studien visade en svag lönsamhet för fungicidbekämpning de flesta år. Ett år, 2009, står ut ur mängden med relativt god lönsamhet åtminstone från regionen sett. De faktorer som enligt studien hade störst påverkan på merskörden vid behandling var temperaturen i juni. En låg temperatur medförde en ökad lönsamhet för bekämpning. Slutsatsen av studien är att de bekämpningar som görs idag fungerar som riskhantering snarare än intäktshöjande insatser. Dock behövs fler studier med ett större försöksunderlag än det underlag som ingick i denna studie

    Entrepreneurship at the limits

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    This PhD dissertation is based on four published articles. It operates within the processual view of entrepreneurship studies (Steyaert, 1997), which draws on process philosophy to develop research strategies (Sørensen, 2005). The research has been guided by two strategies for understanding entrepreneurship: ‘moving’ (e.g. Steyaert and Hjorth, 2003) and ‘unveiling’ (e.g. Jones and Spicer, 2009). These strategies have so far been pursued largely in the conceptual domain, and this doctoral dissertation is an effort to take them a step further by combining empirical investigation and philosophical reflection. The aim is to investigate how a processual study of entrepreneurship ‘should be worked out’ in practice (Kristensen, Lopdrup-Hjorth and Sørensen, 2014). The first two studies contribute an empirically informed conceptualisation of entrepreneurship, the first focused on how organisations are created, the second providing stories of emerging practices of female entrepreneurs. Though they aim to provide alternative conceptualisations, they remain firmly rooted in ‘traditional’ social science, offering alternative approaches to the dominant understandings of entrepreneurship, and utilizing accepted and traditional methodologies and theories. The last two papers are more experimental in their design. The aim is still to problematize discursive or practical aspects of entrepreneurship and processes around entrepreneurship, but also to investigate alternative methods for creating knowledge. The third study explores the somewhat paradoxical results of SME support schemes and develops a role-play-enhanced focus group technique. The fourth study is based on an organisational ethnography in antiquarian bookshops and experiments with fictional accounts and literary techniques as methods to generate knowledge. The contribution of this dissertation to processual studies in entrepreneurship research is twofold. The first two papers are illustrations of an application of process concepts, while the last two papers illustrate the attempt to create process concepts. Taken together, the studies demonstrate how a processual study of entrepreneurship might be worked out in practice

    Інформаційна система моделювання і обробки сейсмічних сигналів

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    Austenitic stainless steel grade UNS S31035 (Sandvik Sanicro® 25) has been developed for use in super-heaters and reheaters in the next generation of A-USC power plants. This new grade shows very good resistances to steam oxidation and hot corrosion, and higher creep rupture strength than other austenitic stainless steels available today. This makes it an interesting alternative for super-heaters and reheaters in future high-efficient coal fired boilers. This paper will mainly focus on the study of the creep and LCF behavior of the material at temperatures from 600 °C to 750 °C by using TEM and ECCI. The mechanisms at different temperatures and loading conditions have been identified. The interactions between dislocations and precipitates and their contribution to the creep rupture strength have been discussed. In this paper, different models have been used to evaluate the long-term creep behavior of the grade. A creep rupture strength near 100 MPa at 700 °C for 100 000 h has been predicted

    Work, play and boredom

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    This special issue focuses on the interconnections between work, play and boredom in contemporary organizations and features contributions by Donncha Kavanagh, Joyce Goggin, Abe Walker, Norman Jackson and Pippa Carter, Niels �kerstr�m Andersen, Hanne Knudsen, Ole Bjerg, Sophie-Th�r�se Krempl and Timon Beyes, Rasmus Johnsen, Jacob J. Peters, and Peter Fleming. The contributions seek to shed light on the way in which play is becoming increasingly incorporated within the world of work and open on to the question of how we might problematize this phenomenon. Boredom emerges as a prominent theme that provides a critical - if ambiguous - counterpoint to the management of fun and frivolity within modern-day corporations. Encompassing both sociological and philosophical reflections, the papers in this special issue add to ongoing debates around the politics of play currently taking place in the field of organization studies. This issue emerged from the ephemera conference on the same theme held at the University of St Andrews in May 2010

    Ammoniakförluster vid flytgödselhantering

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    The ammonia emissions are an environmental issue since they contribute to eutrophication. By far the largest source of ammonia emissions is manure from agriculture and should therefore be reduced. Loss of ammonia is not only negative for the environment but also to the farmer who loses nitrogen that could have been used by the crop. The focus of this study has been emissions from spreading slurry where the loss can vary widely depending on slurry-, soil-, and weather conditions. There are mainly two different ways to reduce the emissions. One is to inject or mix the slurry into the ground to avoid air contact. The other way is to use acid to reduce the pH in the slurry to a level between 5 and 6 where the equilibrium is so strongly pushed to NH4+ that hardly any NH3 can be lost. Injecting slurry can effectively reduce the emissions under proper ground conditions but can also cause reduced yields because the roots are being damaged by the injection tines or discs. Another problem with this technique is the higher demand of draught force required and the lower capacity compared to band spreading. To reduce the pH of the slurry has been shown to be at least as effective as injecting slurry but without the troubles with root damages and low capacity since band spreading technique can be used. The negative side with acidification is the risk of handling strong acids, the cost of the acid and the fact that the technique is not established in Sweden and not proven during Swedish conditions. Low ammonia emissions can be achieved even without acidification or injection if the spreading is done under perfect weather conditions. If there isn’t perfect weather conditions during and after spreading slurry may acidification and injection be good ways to effectively reduce ammonia emissions.Ammoniakförluster från stallgödsel står för huvuddelen av Sveriges totala ammoniakutsläpp. Dessa ammoniakutsläpp är ett miljöproblem då de bidrar till övergödning och försurning av både land och hav. För lantbrukets del innebär ammoniakförlusterna en ekonomisk förlust när kvävet i stallgödseln försvinner och man tvingas acceptera en lägre kvävegiva till grödan eller att komplettera med inköpt mineralgödsel. Förlusterna kommer i huvudsak från stall, lagring och spridning. Fokus i denna litteratursammaställning har lagts på förluster vid spridning av flytgödsel. Ammoniakförlusternas storlek vid spridning beror av gödselns sammansättning, spridningsteknik, mark-­ och väderförhållanden. Det finns i huvudsak två sätt att tekniskt minska ammoniakförlusterna. Det första av dessa är att minska gödselns kontakt med luften genom att mylla gödseln i jorden. Det kan ske antingen med myllningsaggregat vid spridning i växande gröda som till exempel vallstubb eller genom att harva ner gödseln efter spridning på bar jord. Vid myllning i växande gröda finns risk för skördeförluster trots en bättre kvävetillgång när ammoniakförlusterna reduceras. Skördeförlusten är en följd av rotskador som uppstår när gödseln skärs ner i jorden. Dessutom är spridningskapaciteten reducerad jämfört med bandspridning på grund av en mindre arbetsbredd och ett större dragkraftsbehov. Det andra sättet att minska ammoniakförlusterna är att sänka gödselns pH genom att tillsätta syra. När pH sjunker till mellan 5 och 6 är jämvikten mellan ammonium och ammoniak så starkt förskjuten mot ammonium att förlusterna av ammoniak minskar till liknande nivåer som vid myllning vid bra förhållanden trots att gödseln bandsprids på markytan. Därmed kan man uppnå låga ammoniakförluster utan att göra avkall på spridningskapacitet. Nackdelar med surgörningstekniken är säkerhetsriskerna med hantering av starka syror, kostnad för syraförbrukning och att tekniken är oprövad i Sverige. Låga ammoniakförluster kan även uppnås med andra spridningstekniker än myllning och utan surgörning av gödseln om spridning sker vid gynnsamma väderförhållanden. Om vädret inte är optimalt för låga ammoniakförluster vid spridning kan myllning och surgörning ses som en försäkran om låga förluster även då vädret blir ogynnsamt

    Optimising monitoring in the management of Crohn's disease: a physician's perspective.

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    Management of Crohn's disease has traditionally placed high value on subjective symptom assessment; however, it is increasingly appreciated that patient symptoms and objective parameters of inflammation can be disconnected. Therefore, strategies that objectively monitor inflammatory activity should be utilised throughout the disease course to optimise patient management. Initially, a thorough assessment of the severity, location and extent of disease is needed to ensure a correct diagnosis, identify any complications, help assess prognosis and select appropriate therapy. During follow-up, clinical decision-making should be driven by disease activity monitoring, with the aim of optimising treatment for tight disease control. However, few data exist to guide the choice of monitoring tools and the frequency of their use. Furthermore, adaption of monitoring strategies for symptomatic, asymptomatic and post-operative patients has not been well defined. The Annual excHangE on the ADvances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD Ahead) 2011 educational programme, which included approximately 600 gastroenterologists from 36 countries, has developed practice recommendations for the optimal monitoring of Crohn's disease based on evidence and/or expert opinion. These recommendations address the need to incorporate different modalities of disease assessment (symptom and endoscopic assessment, measurement of biomarkers of inflammatory activity and cross-sectional imaging) into robust monitoring. Furthermore, the importance of measuring and recording parameters in a standardised fashion to enable longitudinal evaluation of disease activity is highlighted.Peer reviewe

    Corporate Governance for Sustainability

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    The current model of corporate governance needs reform. There is mounting evidence that the practices of shareholder primacy drive company directors and executives to adopt the same short time horizon as financial markets. Pressure to meet the demands of the financial markets drives stock buybacks, excessive dividends and a failure to invest in productive capabilities. The result is a ‘tragedy of the horizon’, with corporations and their shareholders failing to consider environmental, social or even their own, long-term, economic sustainability. With less than a decade left to address the threat of climate change, and with consensus emerging that businesses need to be held accountable for their contribution, it is time to act and reform corporate governance in the EU. The statement puts forward specific recommendations to clarify the obligations of company boards and directors and make corporate governance practice significantly more sustainable and focused on the long term