1,087 research outputs found

    The proximal point method for locally lipschitz functions in multiobjective optimization with application to the compromise problem

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    This paper studies the constrained multiobjective optimization problem of finding Pareto critical points of vector-valued functions. The proximal point method considered by Bonnel, Iusem, and Svaiter [SIAM J. Optim., 15 (2005), pp. 953–970] is extended to locally Lipschitz functions in the finite dimensional multiobjective setting. To this end, a new (scalarization-free) approach for convergence analysis of the method is proposed where the first-order optimality condition of the scalarized problem is replaced by a necessary condition for weak Pareto points of a multiobjective problem. As a consequence, this has allowed us to consider the method without any assumption of convexity over the constraint sets that determine the vectorial improvement steps. This is very important for applications; for example, to extend to a dynamic setting the famous compromise problem in management sciences and game theory.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de GoiásConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadAgence nationale de la recherch


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    The Italian Northern Apennines are acknowledged as the place where ichnology was born, but there is comparatively little work about their ichnological record. This study bridges this gap by describing two new ichnosites from the locality of Pierfrancesco, which preserve an abundant, low-disparity trace-fossil assemblage within the Late Cretaceous beds of the M. Cassio Flysch. Results show that lithofacies and ichnotaxa are rhythmically organized. The base of each cycle consists of Megagrapton-bearing calciclastic turbidites, which are overlain by marlstone beds with an abundant, low-disparity assemblage of trace fossils. This includes Chondrites intricatus, C. patulus, C. targionii, C. recurvus and Cladichnus fischeri. The cycle top consists of mudstones with no distinct burrows. The rhythmic pattern of Pierfrancesco reflects a deep-sea ecological succession, in which species and behaviour changed as turbidite-related disturbances altered the seafloor. This study opens the question of whether the Chondrites-Cladichnus ichnocoenosis represents low-oxygen or nutrient-poor settings

    Geosite of the month: The reversely zoned Castelo Branco pluton at the New “Barrocal” city Park (Central Iberian Zone, Portugal)

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    The "Barrocal" city Park of Castelo Branco is an urban park developed to protect the geoheritage of the tardi-Variscan granite landscapes of the only city existing in the area of the Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark. The "Barrocal" Granite is part of a Late Carboniferous unusual reversely zone intrusion with a granodiorite core and different granites in the rim. The weathering processes developed many textbook examples of granite landforms that are now accessible and available for appreciation by the local community and tourists in a 40 ha park, the newly geotourist attraction of the Geopar

    Cultura escolar e disciplina na formação de professores: a Escola Normal de Montes Claros (1888-1903)

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    A Escola Normal de Montes Claros foi criada em 1879, funcionando regularmente até 1905, quando sofre sua primeira interrupção. A documentação permite perceber diversos ângulos da cultura da escola: configuração das relações institucionais, com reformas no regulamento, currículo, delimitação e vigilância do espaço, do uniforme escolar; manifestações indisciplinares: aluno-professor, aluno-aluno(a) e aluno-funcionário; esforço pela preservação da autoridade de professores, diretor e funcioná- rios; diferentes manifestações de inaceitação da disciplina por parte dos alunos; tipos e formas de punições. Percebe-se um movimento na moldagem de uma cultura que envolve currículo, disciplina, preservação da autoridade e controle das relações entre os educandos

    Educação, Religião e República: repercussões dos debates entre Católicos e Republicanos no Triângulo Mineiro - MG (1892-1931)

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    Resumo Trata-se de um estudo que buscou caracterizar as particularidades percebidas através dos debates entre católicos e republicanos no interior do Brasil, mais especificamente na região do Triângulo Mineiro, no período compreendido entre 1892 a 1931, tendo nos jornais da época a principal fonte documental da pesquisa. Buscou-se, ainda, compreender as articulações do regional com o nacional, como forma de ter um quadro histórico mais abrangente, não apenas em relação ao conflito, mas também perceber as concepções e dimensões de educação que eram propostas pelos dois grupos em disputa. Palavras-chave: educação, imprensa, república, igreja católica e liberalismo.   Abstract This is a study who objectives to identify the singularities found in the debates between Catholics and Republicans in Brazil, more specifically in Triângulo Mineiro`s area, from 1892 to 1931, using the newspapers as the documental sources for this investigation. We try to comprehend the relations from local to national for a complete historical panoramic, not just about conflicts but also realizing the educational ideas and dimension considered by both groups. Keywords: education, press, republic, catholic church e liberalism


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    Na atualidade um dos problemas do Judiciário é quando, no processo de execução, não se encontram bens penhoráveis do devedor. Sabe-se que uma das funções do Judiciário é a pacificação social, onde o credor busca a satisfação do seu crédito junto ao devedor por meio da justiça. Mas e quando o devedor não tem bens passíveis de penhora? O que fazer? Esta paz estaria ameaçada? Para tentar minimizar esse problema, alguns doutrinadores oferecem soluções para esse problema, utilizando-se principalmente da analogia, uma vez que o Art. 791, III, é omisso quanto a data de início e quanto ao tempo de duração da suspensão.Palavras-chave: Prescrição. Intercorrente. Processo. Execução. Penhora

    Research, development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies in Brazil

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    Purpose – Most research and development (R&D) activities in Brazil are performed by science and technology institutions (STIs). The purpose of this research was to determine whether environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) developed by these organizations were transferred to companies, either through cooperation during research or through mechanisms such as licensing agreements or spin-offs. Design/methodology/approach – In total, 1,939 research groups and 702 patent registers, identified from the same set of words related to ESTs, using semantic search in open-access databases, covering a period from 2005 to 2014, were examined. The two data sets (patents and research groups) were overlaid, and it was possible to associate inventors’ names with researchers’ names. Findings – The results showed that only six patents could be related to the 1,939 identified research groups. Of the six patents, only one was the object of a licensing agreement, and no spin-off was identified. Practical implications – This study evidenced that it is necessary to expand the mechanisms of knowledge transfer, directed not only from STIs to companies but also in the opposite direction, given that companies recognize potential market opportunities. Originality/value – This study shows that improvements in the Brazilian National Innovation System are necessary, as ESTs research groups demonstrated a weak association with technologies transferred to companies, with only one case of technology transfer in the form of a licensing agreemen

    Can the Use of nonlinear Color Metrics systematically improve Segmentation?

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    Image segmentation is a procedure where an image is split into its constituent parts, according to some criterion. In the literature, there are different well-known approaches for segmentation, such as clustering, thresholding, graph theory and region growing. Such approaches, additionally, can be combined with color distance metrics, playing an important role for color similarity computation. Aiming to investigate general approaches able to enhance the performance of segmentation methods, this work presents an empirical study of the effect of a nonlinear color metric on segmentation procedures. For this purpose, three algorithms were  chosen: Mumford-Shah, Color Structure Code and Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher Segmentation. The color similarity metric employed by these algorithms (L2-norm) was replaced by the Polynomial Mahalanobis Distance. This metric is an extension of the statistical Mahalanobis Distance used to measure the distance between coordinates and distribution centers. An evaluation based upon automated comparison of segmentation results against ground truths from the Berkeley Dataset was performed. All three segmentation approaches were compared to their traditional implementations, against each other and also to a large set of other segmentation methods. The statistical analysis performed has indicated a systematic improvement of segmentation results for all three segmentation approaches when the nonlinear metric was employed

    First tracks of newborn straight-tusked elephants (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)

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    Tracks and trackways of newborns, calves and juveniles attributed to straight-tusked elephants were found in the MIS 5 site (Upper Pleistocene) known as the Matalascañas Trampled Surface (MTS) at Huelva, SW Spain. Evidence of a snapshot of social behaviour, especially parental care, can be determined from the concentration of elephant tracks and trackways, and especially from apparently contemporaneous converging trackways, of small juvenile and larger, presumably young adult female tracks. The size frequency of the tracks enabled us to infer body mass and age distribution of the animals that crossed the MTS. Comparisons of the MTS demographic frequency with the morphology of the fore- and hind limbs of extant and fossil proboscideans shed light into the reproductive ecology of the straight-tusked elephant, Palaeloxodon antiquus. The interdune pond habitat appeared to have been an important water and food resource for matriarchal herds of straight-tusked elephants and likely functioned as a reproductive habitat, with only the rare presence of adult and older males in the MTS. The preservation of this track record in across a paleosol surface, although heavily trampled by different animals, including Neanderthals, over a short time frame, permitted an exceptional view into short-term intraspecific trophic interactions occurring in the Last Interglacial coastal habitat. Therefore, it is hypothesized that Neanderthals visited MTS for hunting or scavenging on weakened or dead elephants, and more likely calves.Universidad de Huelva y Junta de Andalucía. RNM-293 y RNM-238Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal, fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea y plan COMPETE 2020 de Portugal. UIDB/MAR/ 04292/202