28 research outputs found

    Caracterización serológica de Escherichia coli en cepas de origen humano

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    E. coli is a very versatile bacterium, it is a pathogen that causes diarrhea, and a basic characteristic of this type of pathogen is the presence of the factors that allow it to persist in the external environment. Since E. coli is an inhabitant of the intestine of mammals, this bacterium has acquired mechanisms to live in both environments: outside and inside a host. The main objective of the study was to describe the different E. coli serotypes in strains from a previous study that came from children under 3 years of age, suffering from diarrhea. 55 different serotypes were described in 86 strains of E. coli from stools of children under 3 years of age, that were documented as cases of diarrhea. This is the first study to describe such varied serotypes of E. coli of human origin. The serotypes found are very consistent with the joint studies carried out on environmental strains of E. coli of water and food origin. In addition to contributing to the knowledge about this pathogen, the importance of this information is the fact of knowing which serotypes could be causing infantile diarrhea.E. coli es una bacteria muy versátil, es un patógeno causante de diarreas, y una característica básica de este tipo de patógenos, es la presencia de los factores que le permiten su persistencia en el ambiente externo. Al ser E. coli un habitante del intestino de mamíferos, esta bacteria ha adquirido mecanismos para vivir en ambos ambientes: en el exterior y en el interior de un hospedero. El objetivo principal del estudio fue describir los distintos serotipos de E. coli en cepas de un estudio anterior que provenían de niños menores de 3 años con un cuadro diarreico. Se describieron 55 serotipos distintos en 86 cepas de E. coli provenientes de deposiciones de niños menores de 3 años que fueron casos de diarrea. Este es el primer estudio que describe serotipos tan variados de E. coli de origen humano. Los serotipos encontrados concuerdan mucho con los estudios conjuntos realizados en cepas ambientales de E. coli de origen hídrico y alimentos. Además de aportar al conocimiento sobre este patógeno, la importancia de esta información es el hecho de saber que serotipos podrían estar causando las diarreas infantiles

    Caracterización molecular y serológica de Escherichia coli de origen hídrico de dos zonas geográficas de Honduras

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    A study published in 2016 by the school of Biology on the spatial and temporal variation of the diversity and abundance of the phytoplankton of Lake Yojoa in the hydrological year 2014-2015 had an alternate part where the microbiological quality of the water samples was obtained from it. Water analysis confirmed the presence of fecal coliforms with growth at 44°C. The main objective was to classify molecularly the pathotypes and phylogenetic groups of E. coli from strains obtained from samples of water sources. Additionally, the classification of strains in serotypes was achieved, which provided more information and epidemiological coincidences with other studies from other sources. The study comprised the year 2016 where the whole experimental part was carried out and 2017, the analysis of all the data obtained was concluded. A total of 32 strains were analyzed. 47% (n = 15) were strains obtained from a water study in Francisco Morazán (they joined the study due to its water source). 53% (n = 17) corresponds to the strains obtained from Lake Yojoa. The phylogeny of these strains is varied since they were able to locate in 7 of 8 phylogenetic groups of which can be discriminated by the technique used. Of the total of strains analyzed, 75% (n = 24) amplified for different virulence factors. 50% (n = 16) represents the original strains of Lake Yojoa and 25% (n = 8) the strains of Francisco Morazán. 63% (n = 15) corresponds to the EPEC pathotype, which is divided as follows: 17% (n = 4) corresponds to atypical EPEC and 46% (n = 11) to typical EPEC. There are common serotypes in both water sources as well as toxin-producing strains. The existence of an enteroaggregative pathotype of E. coli that for the first time is registered in Honduras and has the capacity to create biofilms on aquatic surfaces. The existence of strains that harbor virulence factors in aquatic environments is a fact that can be a potential public health problem in vulnerable populations exposed to these water sources. More must be inquired about the fact that these strains are or are not potential pathogens for the human or beneficial for the environment and ecological niche in which they are found.Un estudio publicado en el año 2016 por parte de la escuela de Biología sobre la variación espacial y temporal de la diversidad y abundancia del fitoplancton del Lago de Yojoa en un año hidrológico 2014-2015 tuvo una parte alterna donde se evaluó la calidad microbiológica de las muestras de agua obtenidas del mismo. Los análisis de agua confirmaron la presencia de coliformes fecales con crecimiento a 44°C. El objetivo principal fue clasificar molecularmente los patotipos y grupos filogenéticos de E. coli de cepas obtenidas a partir de muestras de fuentes de agua. Adicionalmente se logró la clasificación de las cepas en serotipos lo cual brindo más información y coincidencias epidemiológicas con otros estudios de otras fuentes. El estudio comprendió el año 2016 donde se realizó toda la parte experimental y 2017 se concluyó el análisis de todos los datos obtenidos. Un total de 32 cepas fueron analizadas. El 47 % (n=15) fueron cepas obtenidas de un estudio de aguas en Francisco Morazán (se unieron al estudio debido a su origen hídrico). El 53 %(n=17) corresponde a las cepas obtenidas del Lago de Yojoa. La filogenia de estas cepas es variada ya que se lograron ubicar en 7 de 8 grupos filogenéticos de los cuales se puede discriminar mediante la técnica utilizada. Del total de cepas analizadas un 75 % (n=24) amplificó para distintos factores de virulencia. El 50 % (n=16) lo representa las cepas originarias del Lago de Yojoa y el 25 % (n=8) las cepas de Francisco Morazán. El 63 % (n=15) corresponde al patotipo EPEC, el cual se divide de la siguiente manera: 17 % (n=4) corresponde a EPEC atípicas y el 46 % (n=11) a EPEC típicas. Existen serotipos comunes en ambas fuentes hídricas además de cepas productoras de toxinas. La existencia de un patotipo enteroagregativo de E. coli que por primera vez se registra en Honduras y tiene la capacidad de la creación de biofilms en superficies acuáticas. La existencia de cepas que albergan factores de virulencia en ambientes acuáticos es un hecho que puede ser un potencial problema de salud pública en aquellas poblaciones vulnerables y expuestas a estas fuentes hídricas. Se debe indagar más acerca del hecho que estas cepas son o no potenciales patógenos para el humano o benéficos para el ambiente y nicho ecológico en el que se encuentran

    Serotypes, virulence genes profiles and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Escherichia coli recovered from feces of healthy lambs in Mexico

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    Articulo que habla de la resistencia a los antibióticos en corderosHealthy lambs are one of the major reservoirs of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and it is known as the cause of foodborne diseases (FBD). The work objective is to characterize (STEC) isolates obtained from rectal swabs of healthy lambs herds, a total of 183 samples were obtained from sheep production units of the State of Mexico. E. coli isolates were confirmed through the amplification of the uid A gene. antimicrobial sensitivity pattern was determined through Kirby-Bauer (CLSI, 2012) test and the presence stx1, stx2 and eae genes from isolates by multiplex PCR. Serotyping was performed using specific anti-O and anti-H sera (SERUNAM, Mexico) for 185 Somatic and 56 flagellar antigens. 126 isolates biochemically and molecularly identified as E. coli were obtained, of which 80 did not express any virulence factor and 46 expressed at least some (STEC) virulence factor. The highest percentage of E. coli resistance was for tetracycline 48.7% (39/80), followed by nalidixic acid 13.7% (11/80), gentamicin 6.2% (5/80) and Ciprofloxacin 3.7% (3/80). Resistance to amikacin, cefotaxime and ceftazidime were not detected. A frequency of 46 STEC isolates (36.2%) were obtained, of which 28/46 (22.0%) expressed stx1, stx2 3/46 (6.5%), stx1, stx2 13/46 (10.2%) and eae 2/46 (1.6%). Thirty different serotypes were obtained. The three serotypes with the highest number of isolates (four each) were: O76:H19, O118:H27 and O146:H21 which have been identified as a cause of diarrhea in human population. An isolate of serogroup O104 was obtained, with a significant importance for European public health. In virtue of the discovered serotypes and the virulence factors distribution, we can affirm that the obtained isolates from lambs in the State of Mexico are classifiable as atypical STEC of low virulence

    Serotypes and Stx2 subtyping of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli isolates from cattle carcasses and feces

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    ArticuloShiga toxin E. coli (STEC) is an important pathogen responsible for foodborne illness, this have been related with epidemic outbreaks in the past, mainly because of consumption of bovine meat. The objective of this study was identify the serotypes and Stx2 subtypes and associate them with their possible epidemiology. There were analyzed a total of 65 isolates from the collection of the Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, from carcasses and feces of bovines at three different Municipal slaughterhouses. The identification of Stx2 gene by PCR at final point, sequencing and analyzed with the help of BLAST software. There were found O157:H7, O70:H16, O91:H10, O112ac:H2, O128ac:H26 serotypes, which have been reported to be present at infectious outbreaks previously by foodborne worldwide; 63.07% (41/65) of the Escherichia coli strains got amplified for Stx2 and after BLAS analysis it was confirmed its presence and a hypothetic protein. The presence of this serotypes in combination with different subtype’s, Stx2a, Stx2c, Stx2d, in carcasses and feces of bovine in must be considered as a potential risk for diseases an important problem of the public health

    Diversidad de enterobacterias asociadas a frutos de tomate (Lycopersi-cum sculentum Mill) y suelos de invernadero

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of Enterobacteriaceae present in soil and tomato fruits from three greenhouses with fertirigation system. These crop systems are an important alternative for production in protected agriculture; however, there is little information about the microbiological quality of the fruit and its relationship with chemical soil characteristics. Soil evaluations consisted of analyzing organic matter content and pH. In the microbiological analysis were isolated and identified enterobacterias organisms from composite samples of soil and fruits at different stages of maturity (0, 50 and 100%). Culture media used was selective, differential and confirmatory testing with VITEK system. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) were characterized genotypically, amplifying the lngA and bfpA genes by the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Diversity index (Simpson (D), Shannon-Wiener (H') and Chao estimator (SChao1) were calculated with the identified species. The species Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii and C. brakii had a higher frequency of isolation, EPEC and ETEC were identified in soil samples and in fruits with 100% maturity. In soil, H' indices were positively correlated with the highest organic matter percentages. In fruit, although H 'and D showed less diverse bacterial communities, the isolation of ETEC and Shigella boydii on the fruit surface compromise their safety because they are usually consumed raw.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la diversidad de enterobacterias presentes en suelo y tomates provenientes de tres invernaderos de fertirrigación. Estos sistemas de cultivo son una alternativa importante de producción en agricultura protegida, sin embargo, existe escasa información acerca de la calidad microbiológica de los frutos y su relación con las características químicas del suelo. Las evaluaciones del suelo consistieron en analizar el contenido de materia orgánica y pH. En los análisis microbiológicos se aislaron e identificaron enterobacterias en muestras compuestas de suelo y frutos con diferentes grados de madurez (0, 50 y 100%), utilizando medios de cultivo selectivos, diferenciales y pruebas confirmatorias con el sistema VITEK. Los patogrupos de Escherichia coli enteropatogena (EPEC) y enterotoxigénica (ETEC) se caracterizaron genotípicamente mediante la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), amplificándose los genes bfpA y lngA. Con las especies identificadas se calcularon los índices de diversidad Simpson (D) y Shannon-Wiener (H´) y estimador de Chao (SChao1). Las especies Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii y C. brakii presentaron mayor frecuencia de aislamiento, EPEC y ETEC fueron identificadas en muestras de suelo y en frutos con 100% de madurez. En suelo, los porcentajes de materia orgánica se correlacionaron positivamente con los índices H´. En fruto, aunque H´ y D reflejaron comunidades bacterianas menos diversas, el aislamiento de ETEC y Shigella boydii sobre la superficie del fruto comprometen su inocuidad debido a que habitualmente se consume en forma cruda

    Diversidad de enterobacterias asociadas a frutos de tomate (Lycopersi-cum sculentum Mill) y suelos de invernadero

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of Enterobacteriaceae present in soil and tomato fruits from three greenhouses with fertirigation system. These crop systems are an important alternative for production in protected agriculture; however, there is little information about the microbiological quality of the fruit and its relationship with chemical soil characteristics. Soil evaluations consisted of analyzing organic matter content and pH. In the microbiological analysis were isolated and identified enterobacterias organisms from composite samples of soil and fruits at different stages of maturity (0, 50 and 100%). Culture media used was selective, differential and confirmatory testing with VITEK system. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) were characterized genotypically, amplifying the lngA and bfpA genes by the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Diversity index (Simpson (D), Shannon-Wiener (H') and Chao estimator (SChao1) were calculated with the identified species. The species Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii and C. brakii had a higher frequency of isolation, EPEC and ETEC were identified in soil samples and in fruits with 100% maturity. In soil, H' indices were positively correlated with the highest organic matter percentages. In fruit, although H 'and D showed less diverse bacterial communities, the isolation of ETEC and Shigella boydii on the fruit surface compromise their safety because they are usually consumed raw.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la diversidad de enterobacterias presentes en suelo y tomates provenientes de tres invernaderos de fertirrigación. Estos sistemas de cultivo son una alternativa importante de producción en agricultura protegida, sin embargo, existe escasa información acerca de la calidad microbiológica de los frutos y su relación con las características químicas del suelo. Las evaluaciones del suelo consistieron en analizar el contenido de materia orgánica y pH. En los análisis microbiológicos se aislaron e identificaron enterobacterias en muestras compuestas de suelo y frutos con diferentes grados de madurez (0, 50 y 100%), utilizando medios de cultivo selectivos, diferenciales y pruebas confirmatorias con el sistema VITEK. Los patogrupos de Escherichia coli enteropatogena (EPEC) y enterotoxigénica (ETEC) se caracterizaron genotípicamente mediante la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), amplificándose los genes bfpA y lngA. Con las especies identificadas se calcularon los índices de diversidad Simpson (D) y Shannon-Wiener (H´) y estimador de Chao (SChao1). Las especies Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii y C. brakii presentaron mayor frecuencia de aislamiento, EPEC y ETEC fueron identificadas en muestras de suelo y en frutos con 100% de madurez. En suelo, los porcentajes de materia orgánica se correlacionaron positivamente con los índices H´. En fruto, aunque H´ y D reflejaron comunidades bacterianas menos diversas, el aislamiento de ETEC y Shigella boydii sobre la superficie del fruto comprometen su inocuidad debido a que habitualmente se consume en forma cruda

    Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Escherichia coli strains isolated during a longitudinal follow-up study of chronic urinary tract infections

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    Worldwide, Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are an important health problem with many cases reported annually, women being the most affected. UTIs are relevant because they can become a recurrent condition, associated with different factors that contribute to the chronicity of the disease (cUTI). cUTI can be classified as persistent (peUTI) when the causative agent is the same each time the infection occurs or as reinfection (reUTI) when the associated microorganism is different. The purpose of this work was to characterize Escherichia coli isolates obtained in two prospective studies of patients with cUTI, to define which of them corresponded to peUTI and which to reUTI. A total of 394 isolates of E. coli were analyzed by agglutination with specific sera, antimicrobial susceptibility by diffusion disc test, and the phylogroups and presence of genes associated with virulence by PCR assays. Additionally, in some characterized strains adherence, invasiveness, and biofilm formation were analyzed by in vitro assays. The results showed that the peUTI strains belonged mainly to the classical UPEC serogroups (O25, O75, O6), were included in the B2 phylogroup, carried a great number of virulence genes, and were adherent, invasive, and biofilm-forming. Meanwhile, reUTI strains showed great diversity of serogroups, belonged mainly in the A phylogroup, and carried fewer virulence genes. Both peUTI and reUTI strains showed extensively drug-resistant (XDR) and multidrug-resistant (MDR) profiles in the antimicrobial susceptibility test. In conclusion, it appears that peUTIs are caused principally by classical UPEC strains, while reUTIs are caused by strains that appear to be a part of the common E. coli intestinal biota. Moreover, although both peUTI and reUTI strains presented different serotypes and phylogroups, their antimicrobial resistance profile (XDR and MDR) was similar, confirming the importance of regulating prophylactic treatments and seeking alternatives for the treatment and control of cUTI. Finally, it was possible to establish the features of the E. coli strains responsible for peUTI and reUTI which could be helpful to develop a fast diagnostic methodology

    Detección y caracterización preliminar de Escherichia coli O174 productor de toxina

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    El síndrome urémico hemolítico (SUH), una en­fermedad transmitida por alimentos, es la principal causa de insuficiencia renal aguda y la segunda causa de insuficiencia renal crónica y de trasplante renal en niños en la Argentina, con 400 a 500 notificaciones anuales de casos. Este síndrome origina los costos más elevados para el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Se considera que Escherichia coli productora de toxina Shiga (STEC) es el agente etiológico más frecuente del SUH. Dentro de este patotipo STEC asociado a SUH, se destaca el serotipo STEC O157:H7 que representa el 60 % de dichos aislamientos. Otros serogrupos STEC no-O157 representan el 40 % de los aislamientos de STEC provenientes de SUH. La preva­lencia de cada serotipo depende de cada país. Se informó que los cuatro serogrupos preva­lentes en la Argentina dentro de los no-O157 son O145, O121, O26 y O174. De ellos, el serogrupo O174 se destaca como proble­mática local y no está cubierto por protocolos de diag­nóstico europeos ni americanos. Las infecciones por STEC en la Argentina, por su naturaleza endémica, su alta incidencia y la presentación de brotes difusos, di­fieren de las de otras regiones referenciales en materia normativa. Para asegurar la calidad e inocuidad agroalimentaria, podría ser incluido el diagnóstico de O174 en alimentos. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar técnicas diagnósticas específicas de este serogrupo.Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a foodborne disease, is the main cause of acute renal failure and the second cause of chronic renal failure and kidney transplant in children in Argentina, with 400-500 cases each year. This syndrome provokes the highest costs to the National Health System. Shiga toxinproducing Escherichia coli (STEC) is considered the most frequent etiological agent of HUS. Among STEC serotypes associated with HUS, O157:H7 represents 60% of the isolates. Other non-O157 STEC serogroups account for the remaining 40%. The prevalence of each serotype varies from one country to other. It was reported that the four prevalent non-O157 serogroups in Argentina are O145, O121, O26 and O174. Among these, serogroup O174 stands out as a local problem and is not included in european or american diagnostic protocols. STEC infections in Argentina, due to their endemic nature, high incidence and occurrence of diffuse outbreaks differ from those taking place in countries whose regulatory standards serve for reference purposes. In order to ensure food quality and safety, diagnosis of O174 in food should be included. The aim of this study is to assess specific diagnostic techniques for this serogroup

    Gestión del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 17

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 17 de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada, de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico. Con esta colección, se aspira contribuir con el cultivo, la comprensión, la recopilación y la apropiación social del conocimiento en cuanto a patrimonio intangible de la humanidad, con el propósito de hacer aportes con la transformación de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan la construcción social de los saberes y su reconocimiento como bien público