2,856 research outputs found

    Importancia de la detección y atención temprana de las dificultades en la lectura dentro de los problemas de aprendizaje, en el I ciclo de la Educación General Básica de las escuelas técnicas del circuito 03 de la Región Educativa de Cartago.

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    Trabajo final de graduación compuesto de 144 páginas en formato PDF.El alto grado de deserción y fracaso escolar en la educación primaria es un tema de importancia social. Según la fundación ADA (Amigos del Aprendizaje, C.R), de cada 10 niños costarricenses que ingresan a la educación primaria, únicamente tres se gradúan de la educación secundaria. Este fenómeno según la investigación de esta agrupación, es debido a que las dificultades en el aprendizaje inician desde primer grado y son factores claves para predecir la futura repitencia y deserción escolar de los niños y estas dificultades no son atendidas en forma temprana. Al no proveer atención adicional a los niños con dificultades en la lectura, estos están en alto riesgo de permanecer rezagados y eventualmente desertar del sistema escolar.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    On the inversion of Stokes profiles with local stray-light contamination

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    Obtaining the magnetic properties of non-resolved structures in the solar photosphere is always challenging and problems arise because the inversion is carried out through the numerical minimization of a merit function that depends on the proposed model. We investigate the reliability of inversions in which the stray-light contamination is obtained from the same observations as a local average. In this case, we show that it is fundamental to include the covariance between the observed Stokes profiles and the stray-light contamination. The ensuing modified merit function of the inversion process penalizes large stray-light contaminations simply because of the presence of positive correlations between the observables and the stray-light, fundamentally produced by spatially variable systematics. We caution that using the wrong merit function, artificially large stray-light contaminations might be inferred. Since this effect disappears if the stray-light contamination is obtained as an average over the full field-of-view, we recommend to take into account stray-light contamination using a global approach.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Minimal repair of failed components in coherent systems

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    © 2019 This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the accepted version of a published work that appeared in final form in European Journal of Operational ResearchThe minimal repair replacement is a reasonable assumption in many practical systems. Under this as- sumption a failed component is replaced by another one whose reliability is the same as that of the component just before the failure, i.e., a used component with the same age. In this paper we study the minimal repair in coherent systems. We consider both the cases of independent and dependent compo- nents. Three replacement policies are studied. In the first one, the first failed component in the system is minimally repaired while, in the second one, we repair the component which causes the system fail- ure. A new technique based on the relevation transform is used to compute the reliability of the systems obtained under these replacement policies. In the third case, we consider the replacement policy which assigns the minimal repair to a fixed component in the system. We compare these three options un- der different stochastic criteria and for different system structures. In particular, we provide the optimal strategies for all the coherent systems with 1–4 independent and identically distributed components

    La Universidad Accesible, la Universidad de Todos: políticas de adaptación y mejoras docentes para la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad

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    Se expone qué se define como Universidad Accesible y la importancia que adquiere disponer de una Universidad Accesible para garantizar la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad. Para ello se analizan las condiciones que precisa la accesibilidad en la universidad, los parámetros que debe cumplir y los aspectos que se deben considerar para su aplicación en los campus, tecnologías y servicios universitarios. Se pretende reflexionar sobre la situación actual en lo que se refiere al cumplimiento de los requisitos de Accesibilidad y Diseño para Todos, así como las necesidades de adaptación que requiere, tratando los aspectos propios de la docencia y la investigación, los arquitectónicos y los que afectan a las tecnología de la información. Por último se reflexiona sobre la situación actual y se identifican retos de futuro que permitirán garantizar una universidad accesible

    Asymmetries of the Stokes V profiles observed by HINODE SOT/SP in the quiet Sun

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    We present the first classification of SOT/SP circular polarization measurements with the aim of highlighting exhaustively the whole variety of Stokes V shapes emerging from the quiet Sun. k-means is used to classify HINODE SOT/SP Stokes V profiles observed in the quiet Sun network and internetwork (IN). We analyze a 302 x 162 square arcsec field-of-view (FOV) which can be considered a complete sample of quiet Sun measurements performed at at the disk center with 0.32 arcsec angular resolution and 0.001 polarimetric sensitivity. Such a classification allows us to divide the whole dataset in classes, with each class represented by a cluster profile, i.e., the average of the profiles in the class. The set of 35 cluster profiles derived from the analysis completely characterizes SOT/SP quiet Sun measurements. The separation between network and IN profile shapes is evident - classes in the network are not present in the IN, and vice versa. Asymmetric profiles are approximatively 93 % of the total number of profiles. Among these, approximatively 34 % of the profiles are strongly asymmetric profiles, and they can be divided in three families: blue-lobe, red-lobe, and Q-like profiles. The blue-lobe profiles tend to be associated with upflows (granules), whereas the red-lobe and Q-like ones appear in downflows (intergranular lanes). Such profiles need to be interpreted considering model atmospheres different from a uniformly magnetized Milne-Eddington (ME) atmosphere, i.e., characterized by gradients and/or discontinuities in the magnetic field and velocity along the line-of-sight (LOS).Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Evolución histórica de la morfología urbana en los altiplanos nororientales de la provincia de Granada

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    Para conocer la esencia y la identidad de los diferentes asentamientos urbanos, los patrones morfológicos son tan importantes como los económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales. Por ese motivo, a continuación se va a analizar la evolución histórica de los asentamientos de las comarcas de Baza y Huéscar, desde sus orígenes, sus sucesivas transformaciones, e identificando y diseccionando sus variados componentes. El particular devenir histórico, los condicionantes del medio natural, y las determinadas formas de vida, en esta zona, han quedado plasmadas en la morfología urbana de sus pueblos y ciudades. Es decir, el solapamiento en asentamientos de diversas culturas y usos etnográficos ha generado diversas morfologías y paisajes construidos, de gran valor identitario, ambiental e histórico. Pero la globalización ignora la cultura local, el paisaje urbano, transformando en confuso a este último, por lo que es preciso una valoración social y un planeamiento urbano adecuado para su preservación en el tiempo.To know the essence and the identity of the different urban settlements, morphological patterns are so important as the financial ones, social, politicians and cultural. For that reason, we have to analyze the historical evolution of the regions’ settlements of Baza and Huéscar, from its origin, successive transformations, and identifying and dissecting its varied ingredients. The particular history, natural factors, and determined forms of life, in this zone, have been reflected in the urban morphology of his villages and cities. That is, the overlap in settlements of several cultures and ethnographical uses has generated several morphologies and built landscapes, of great value environmental and historic. But the globalization ignores the local culture, the cityscape, transforming in confusing to this last one, which is why is precise a social assessment and a urban planification suitable for its preservation

    Acoustical rehabilitation project of the Santa María de la Mota church, in Montoro (Córdoba)

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    The current importance of cultural heritage is traduced in recuperation programs of historic heritage. One of these working lines is the rehabilitation of churches for their conditioning for cultural uses. Intervention on ecclesiastic spaces should respond to acoustic conditioning. The aim of this work is to study the acoustic conditions of the Santa María de la Mota Church, in Montoro (Cordoba), starting from values measured in situ and by means of computer simulation. This church, from the XIIIth century, was restored and adapted for cultural uses, but presents acoustic disfunctions. Therefore, architectural solutions to obtain a correct acoustical rehabilitation have been proposed, both for theatral and musical uses. Ponencia presentada en European and Japanese Symposium on Acoustics: Forum Acusticu

    Statistical analysis of the very quiet Sun magnetism

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    The behavior of the observed polarization amplitudes with spatial resolution is a strong constraint on the nature and organization of solar magnetic fields below the resolution limit. We study the polarization of the very quiet Sun at different spatial resolutions using ground- and space-based observations. It is shown that 80% of the observed polarization signals do not change with spatial resolution, suggesting that, observationally, the very quiet Sun magnetism remains the same despite the high spatial resolution of space-based observations. Our analysis also reveals a cascade of spatial scales for the magnetic field within the resolution element. It is manifest that the Zeeman effect is sensitive to the microturbulent field usually associated to Hanle diagnostics. This demonstrates that Zeeman and Hanle studies show complementary perspectives of the same magnetism.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Minimal repair of failed components in coherent systems

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    The minimal repair replacement is a reasonable assumption in many practical systems. Under this assumption a failed component is replaced by another one whose reliability is the same as that of the component just before the failure, i.e., a used component with the same age. In this paper we study the minimal repair in coherent systems. We consider both the cases of independent and dependent components. Three replacement policies are studied. In the first one, the first failed component in the system is minimally repaired while, in the second one, we repair the component which causes the system failure. A new technique based on the relevation transform is used to compute the reliability of the systems obtained under these replacement policies. In the third case, we consider the replacement policy which assigns the minimal repair to a fixed component in the system. We compare these three options under different stochastic criteria and for different system structures. In particular, we provide the optimal strategy for all the coherent systems with 1-4 independent and identically distributed components