964 research outputs found

    The Influence of the Actor Network on the Innovative Process of Transgenic Soybean in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

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    Rio Grande do Sul was the first Brazilian state to plant genetically modified soybean. The sowing occurred in 1998 with Roundup Ready soybean seeds from Monsanto smuggled from Argentina. The aim of this study is to investigate how this innovative process of planting transgenic soybean came about in Rio Grande do Sul based on the actor network involved in the period 1998 to 2003. Although the innovative process has been discussed in the literature on innovation management since the work of Schumpeter, there is still no clear understanding of the issues of interests and power that involve the innovative process. Given this, from within the literature we have sought a perspective that would understand the innovative process as being political. We adopted Actor Network Theory as a base for the discussion of the primary and secondary data obtained regarding the controversy surrounding transgenic soybean in RS. The results point to the existence of two translation chains that contribute towards the formation of actor networks.Rio Grande do Sul was the first Brazilian state to plant genetically modified soybean. The sowing occurred in 1998 with Roundup Ready soybean seeds from Monsanto smuggled from Argentina. The aim of this study is to investigate how this innovative process of planting transgenic soybean came about in Rio Grande do Sul based on the actor network involved in the period 1998 to 2003. Although the innovative process has been discussed in the literature on innovation management since the work of Schumpeter, there is still no clear understanding of the issues of interests and power that involve the innovative process. Given this, from within the literature we have sought a perspective that would understand the innovative process as being political. We adopted Actor Network Theory as a base for the discussion of the primary and secondary data obtained regarding the controversy surrounding transgenic soybean in RS. The results point to the existence of two translation chains that contribute towards the formation of actor networks.Rio Grande do Sul was the first Brazilian state to plant genetically modified soybean. The sowing occurred in 1998 with Roundup Ready soybean seeds from Monsanto smuggled from Argentina. The aim of this study is to investigate how this innovative process of planting transgenic soybean came about in Rio Grande do Sul based on the actor network involved in the period 1998 to 2003. Although the innovative process has been discussed in the literature on innovation management since the work of Schumpeter, there is still no clear understanding of the issues of interests and power that involve the innovative process. Given this, from within the literature we have sought a perspective that would understand the innovative process as being political. We adopted Actor Network Theory as a base for the discussion of the primary and secondary data obtained regarding the controversy surrounding transgenic soybean in RS. The results point to the existence of two translation chains that contribute towards the formation of actor networks

    A transfêrencia internacional de trabalhadores e sua tutela jurídica

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    [Abstract] The internationalization of companies has had the impact of increasing the trans- ference of workers to foreign countries and, therefore, has made necessary the reinter- pretation and some adjustments in the labor legal protection of these so-called expa- triated or transferred workers. There are many questions that now arise about the best legal protection to these workers, which are the following: 1) which are the labour prin- ciples applicable to such cases? 2) Is the existing law applicable to expatriated workers? 3) How long does the employment contract of the expatriated worker last? 4) Among the possibilities of suspension, interruption and extinction of the employment contract of the expatriated worker, which is the best option? 5) Which is the wage perspective of the expatriated worker

    Emphasizing social issues toward sustainable supply chain: a brazilian perspective

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    From sustainability perspective, the supply chain management strategy can use different indicators related to Triple Bottom Line to improve its practices. Some studies in the topic have focused only environmental issues; however in some cases the social issues should be considered as a core of the sustainable strategies. Considering this view, the paper aims to highlight the relevance of social issues in the Brazilian context toward sustainable supply chain. Therefore, a theoretical essay was conducted using the literature about sustainable supply chain in relation to the Brazilian perspective to understand how it is possible to use new approaches for a more emphasis on social issues. The discussions indicates that to re-conceptualize the social relations in supply chains, it's necessary to use corporate social responsibility and social capital approaches to create a better discussion about sustainable supply chain. The proposal starts a discussion in the Brazilian context to stimulate new scholars to study this topic

    Peroxi-eletrooxidação como tratamento para águas residuais da indústria extratora de óleo de bagaço de azeitona

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    A água residual da indústria extratora de óleo de bagaço de azeitona (IEOBA) é considerada como uma das mais tóxicas e complexas de se tratar. Entre as principais características de referir, a alta concentração de matéria orgânica não biodegradável e compostos fenólicos (CFen) que são inibidores de atividade microbiana, impossibilitando tratamento biológico sem a sua prévia remoção. Para superar as complexidades, técnicas de tratamento eficientes de remoção de CFen e matéria orgânica pouco biodegradáveis devem ser desenvolvidas. Os Processo Oxidativos Avançados (POA) são métodos de tratamento que estão sendo amplamente estudados para degradar matéria orgânica através do uso de agentes oxidantes, corrente elétrica e/ou catalisadores. A peroxi-eletrooxidação (PEO) é um dos métodos da POA que combina o radical hidroxila fornecido pelo peróxido de hidrogênio como agente oxidante, a corrente elétrica e a eletrogeração aniônica de coagulante com potencial de remoção de matéria orgânica pouco biodegradável. Os eletrodos aniônicos de alumínio e ferro em conjunto com o cátodo de grafite foram estudados para a remoção de CFen e Carência Química de Oxigênio (CQO). Ao aplicar PEO na água residual da IEOBA, através da metodologia de superfície de resposta (RSM) e o desenho experimental de Box-Behnken Design (BBD) avaliando a concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio [H2O2], densidade de corrente e tempo de reação com pH 3, comparando o sistema de alumínio grafite com o sistema ferro grafite, obteve- se a remoção de 89% e 88% de CFen além de 30% e 29% de CQO respectivamente, como maiores remoções atingidas pelos limites estudados. A concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio é o fator que mais influência na remoção de CFen acontecendo no início da reação. Já para a remoção de CQO, a eficiência de remoção está ligada ao tempo de reação e a densidade de corrente. Na configuração de peroxi-eletrooxidação em estudo, o peróxido de hidrogênio foi consumido logo no início (em até 15 minutos) e após o consumo, prevaleceu reações de eletrocoagulação com o ânodo de sacrifício eletrogerando coagulante. A peroxi-eletrooxidação demonstrou potencial para a remoção de CFen em pouco tempo de reação, porém a remoção de CQO não foi eficiente nas mesmas condições.The wastewater of the olive pomace oil extracting industry (IEOBA) was considered one of the most toxic and complex to treat. Among the main characteristics are the high concentration of non-biodegradable organic matter and phenolic compounds (CFen) that are inhibitors of microbial activity, making biological treatment impossible without its previous removal. To overcome the complexities, efficient treatment techniques should be developed to remove CFen and unbiodegradable organic matter. The advanced oxidation process (AOP) is a treatment method that is being widely studied to degrade organic matter through the use of oxidizing agents, electric current and/or catalysts. Peroxi-electrooxidation (PEO) is one of the methods of AOP that combining hydroxyl radical provided by hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent, electric current and anionic coagulant electrogeneration. The aluminum and iron anionic electrodes together with the graphite cathode electrode were studied for the removal of CFen and COD. By applying PEO to IEOBA residual water, through the response surface methodology (RSM) and the experimental design of Box-Behnken Design (BBD) evaluating the concentration of hydrogen peroxide [H2O2], current density and reaction time with pH 3, comparing the graphite aluminum system with the graphite iron system, the removal of 89% and 88% of CFen in addition to 30% and 29% of COD, respectively, is obtained, as higher removals reached by the studied limits. [H2O2] is the main factor influencing CFen removal happening at the beginning of the reaction. For COD removal, removal efficiency was linked to the reaction time and the current density. In the peroxy-electrooxidation configuration under study, hydrogen peroxide was consumed early on (within 15 minutes) and after the hydrogen peroxide consumption, the electrocoagulation reactions were prevailed with the coagulating electrogenerating sacrificial anode. Peroxy- electrooxidation demonstrated potential for CFen removal in a short reaction time, but COD removal was not efficient under the same conditions.Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paran


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    A reciclagem traz vantagens para a sociedade, não somente em termos ambientais, mas também sociais e econômicos, por isso sua prática deve ser estimulada. A crença de que os consumidores pensam que os produtos que contém matéria-prima reciclada em sua composição são de baixa qualidade é um obstáculo a esta prática e leva as empresas, que utilizam este tipo de material, a não divulgar esta peculiaridade aos consumidores, deixando assim de fomentar o consumo destes produtos e de incentivar o mercado da reciclagem. O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada com universitários que teve por objetivo verificar a sua opinião em relação aos produtos que contém material reciclado em sua composição. Analisando-se os dados obtidos, percebeu-se que os estudantes, em sua maioria, valorizam este tipo de produto e que a idéia existente de que esses produtos são de baixa qualidade demonstra não ser totalmente verdadeira, ao menos nesta população


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    Objective: This research aims to analyze the level of disclosure of sustainability information, which mitigates information asymmetry, of Brazilian and German credit unions.   Theoretical Framework: The study draws upon literature concerning sustainability information disclosure, information asymmetry, governance, and the role of credit unions in promoting transparency and corporate social responsibility.   Method: The study was conducted with a sample of the 30 largest credit unions in Brazil and Germany, totaling 60 credit unions. Sixty indicators across four categories of sustainability were employed, analyzed in the annual reports of the sampled cooperatives from the year 2021. Subsequently, Student's t-tests and Mann-Whitney U tests were utilized to compare the level of compliance between the cooperatives in Brazil and Germany.   Results and Discussion: The results demonstrate a statistically significant difference in the disclosure of sustainability information between Brazilian and German credit unions, with the latter exhibiting higher disclosure in their annual reports. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference was observed in the disclosure of economic and environmental information between the two countries, while differences in the social and cultural pillars were not evidenced.   Research Implications: The findings of this study hold significant implications for credit unions, emphasizing the need for increased transparency and disclosure of sustainability information, particularly in the Brazilian context.   Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by providing insights into sustainability information disclosure in credit unions, particularly through a comparison of practices between Brazil and Germany. Additionally, it underscores the importance of transparency and corporate social responsibility in this sector.Objetivo: Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el nivel de divulgación de información de sostenibilidad, que mitiga la asimetría de información, de las cooperativas de crédito brasileñas y alemanas. Marco Teórico: El estudio se basa en la literatura sobre divulgación de información de sostenibilidad, asimetría de información, gobernanza y el papel de las cooperativas de crédito en la promoción de la transparencia y la responsabilidad social corporativa. Método : El estudio se realizó con una muestra de las 30 cooperativas de crédito más grandes de Brasil y Alemania, totalizando 60 cooperativas. Se emplearon 60 indicadores en cuatro categorías de sostenibilidad, analizados en los informes anuales de las cooperativas muestreadas del año 2021. Posteriormente, se utilizaron pruebas t de Student y de Mann-Whitney para comparar el nivel de cumplimiento entre las cooperativas en Brasil y Alemania. Resultados y Discusión: Los resultados muestran una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la divulgación de información de sostenibilidad entre las cooperativas de crédito brasileñas y alemanas, siendo estas últimas las que presentan una mayor divulgación en sus informes anuales. Además, se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la divulgación de información económica y ambiental entre los dos países, mientras que no se evidenciaron diferencias en los pilares sociales y culturales. Implicaciones de la investigación: Los hallazgos de este estudio tienen implicaciones significativas para las cooperativas de crédito, destacando la necesidad de una mayor transparencia y divulgación de información de sostenibilidad, especialmente en el contexto brasileño. Originalidad/Valor: Este estudio contribuye a la literatura al proporcionar información sobre la divulgación de información de sostenibilidad en cooperativas de crédito, particularmente a través de una comparación de prácticas entre Brasil y Alemania. Además, destaca la importancia de la transparencia y la responsabilidad social corporativa en este sector.Objetivo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o nível de divulgação de informações de sustentabilidade, que mitiga a assimetria de informações, de cooperativas de crédito brasileiras e alemãs. Referencial Teórico: O estudo baseia-se na literatura sobre divulgação de informações de sustentabilidade, assimetria de informações, governança e o papel das cooperativas de crédito na promoção da transparência e responsabilidade social corporativa. Método: O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra das 30 maiores cooperativas de crédito do Brasil e da Alemanha, totalizando 60 cooperativas. Foram utilizados 60 indicadores em quatro categorias de sustentabilidade, analisados nos relatórios anuais das cooperativas amostradas do ano de 2021. Posteriormente, foram utilizados testes t de Student e de Mann-Whitney para comparar o nível de conformidade entre as cooperativas no Brasil e na Alemanha. Resultados e Discussão: Os resultados demonstram uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na divulgação de informações de sustentabilidade entre cooperativas de crédito brasileiras e alemãs, sendo que estas últimas apresentam maior divulgação em seus relatórios anuais. Além disso, observou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na divulgação de informações econômicas e ambientais entre os dois países, enquanto diferenças nos pilares social e cultural não foram evidenciadas. Implicações da Pesquisa: As descobertas deste estudo têm implicações significativas para as cooperativas de crédito, destacando a necessidade de maior transparência e divulgação de informações de sustentabilidade, especialmente no contexto brasileiro. Originalidade/Valor: Este estudo contribui para a literatura ao fornecer insights sobre a divulgação de informações de sustentabilidade em cooperativas de crédito, particularmente através de uma comparação de práticas entre Brasil e Alemanha. Além disso, destaca a importância da transparência e responsabilidade social corporativa neste setor

    Trends and alternatives for production and consumption towards to a new system’s dynamic

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    The paper aims to study alternative forms of production and consumption and their convergence as a way to create a new system’s dynamic. Firstly there is a theoretical discussion of the themes, then empirical evidence is discussed to make the case, and finally findings are discussed. The alternative forms of production and consumption, such as social business and collaborative consumption, are proven to be economically viable, and may satisfy also social and environmental concerns, in alignment with sustainable development concepts. This suggests they represent an opportunity to leverage a significant transformation in the whole system. The analysis performed can serve to the elaboration of public policies for development, by fomenting these alternative forms; to incentivize entrepreneurs to create similar enterprises to create positive impact and simultaneously generate profits. The empirical evidence we collect is restricted. For further and more conclusive findings we must increase the range of the examples researched

    The Influence of the Actor Network on the Innovative Process of Transgenic Soybean in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

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