996 research outputs found

    Menalar Dilema Aktor dan Model Kerjasama dalam Kerjasama Pemerintah-Swasta

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    Muncul adanya alternatif untuk mewirausahakan birokrasi. Oleh karena, keterbatasan pembiayaan pembangunan diposisikan sebagai kendala dalam penyediaan layanan publik. Akibatnya, penyediaan layanan publik bergantung pada dinamika yang terjadi dalam kolaborasi bersama, antar pemerintah dan pihak swasta. Pada kenyataan, tidak ada pasar yang bebas dari intervensi pemerintah. Di sisi lain, strukturisasi pasar bertentangan dengan paradigma birokrasi dalam pelayanan publik. Menjadi menarik kemudian melihat pemaknaan barang publik dalam layanan publik dan juga keterkaitan fungsi pelayanan dengan fungsi ekonomi dari adanya kerjasama antara pemerintah dengan pihak swasta. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif-deskriptif dengan menggunakan desk-research. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyediaan layanan publik dapat menjadi quasi-public goods ketika terjadi ketidakmampuan pemerintah dalam menyediakan layanan publik maupun ketidakseimbangan yang dikaibatkan dari pemanfaatan barang publik. Selain itu, fungsi pelayanan maupun fungsi ekonomi dari adanya kerjasama pemerintah-swasta dapat berjalan bersama dalam memberikan layanan publik.There is an alternative to cultivating bureaucracy. Therefore, the limitations of development financing are positioned as obstacles in the provision of public services. As a result, the provision of public services depends on the dynamics that occur in joint collaboration, between the government and the private sector. In reality, there is no market that is free from government intervention. On the other hand, market structuring is contrary to the paradigm of bureaucracy in public services. It becomes interesting then to see the meaning of public goods in public services and also the relation of the functions of services to economic functions from the collaboration between the government and the private sector. This research is qualitative-descriptive using desk-research. The results of this study indicate that the provision of public services can be quasi-public goods when there is an inability of the government to provide public services and the perceived imbalance from the use of public goods. In addition, the service functions and economic functions of the government-private cooperation can work together in providing public services.&nbsp

    Analysis of Sidampak Service Innovation as Glocalization of E-government In Wukirsari Village, Sleman Regency

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    The Population Data Utilization System (Sidampak) in Wukirsari Village, Sleman Regency is a population administration service program that has provided many benefits. The background lacks clear planning in developing services to the community and a low level of community participation in the administration of population documents which then becomes the basis for creating a population administration service system that can provide complete, accurate, fast, easy and integrated results. This then led to a commitment for the village government of Wukirsari in making public service innovations. This innovation is not only the value of fast, easy, inexpensive, but more on the value of services that can be adapted to the culture of the Wukirsari community. Related, this study found that there are public services that consist of the Population Data Utilization System (Sidampak) program in Wukirsari Village which can then change service policies to better suit the social conditions of the community. Meanwhile, the research method used by researchers is a qualitative descriptive research metho

    Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Pengelolaan Aset Desa (SIPADES) Pemerintah Desa Wukirsari Kabupaten Sleman

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang kebijakan Sistem Pengelolaan Aset Desa (SIPADES). Permasalahan ini menjadi menarik untuk diteliti karena pada saat ini desa memiliki ruang untuk melakukan tata kelola sumber daya (material) setelah adanya kebijakan undang-undang desa. Terdapat perspektif yang digunakan untuk menganalisis permasalahan tersebut yakni perspektif implementasi kebijakan publik. Lebih lanjut, metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Pada metode kualitatif deskriptif, faktor yang harus diperhatikan adalah validitas data, dimana penelitian ini menggunakan model triangulasi data. Adapun, penelitian ini dilakukan pada Pemerintah Desa Wukirsari di Kabupaten Sleman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kapasitas pemerintah desa dalam implementasi kebijakan Sistem Pengelolaan Aset Desa (SIPADES). Hasil penelitian adalah terdapat faktor individu, faktor struktur dan faktor budaya yang memiliki hubungan terhadap kapasitas Pemerintah Desa Wukirsari dalam implementasi kebijakan Sistem Pengelolaan Aset Desa (SIPADES)

    The effect of geometric structure on stiffness and damping factor of wood applicable to machine tool structure

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    Stiffness and vibration damping capability are important criteria in design of machine tool structure. In other sides, the weight of machine tool structure must be reduced to increase the handling capability. This paper presents an analysis of the effect of geometric structure on stiffness and vibration damping of wood structure. The stiffness was analysed using numerical method, so called finite element method (FEM), while the vibration damping capability was experimentally tested. Vibration testing was also performed to wood structures with sand powder filled into its rectangular hole to observe the its effect on damping factor. Simulation results show that the cross ribs structure yielded minimum mass reduction ratio compared to the three square holes as well as the single rectangular hole structures. While the vibration test results explained that the damping factor of Shorea laevis wood was higher than that Hevea braziiensis wood. The use of sand powder as vibrating mass in closed-box structure effectively increased the damping capability, for single rectangular hole structure the damping factor was increased from 0.048 to 0.07


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    The activity of KKNT-PPM in covid-19 pandemic era in Karangnongko Village, Klaten Regency aims to improve the management system of the tourism village in the pandemic era. This is an effort to increase the communities participation in family economic development, The models which is done include 1) Entrepreneurship Capacity Building and 2) Technology and Literacy Knowledge Transfer. To achieve the goals, several activity plans are proposed in the implementation of the KKNT-PPM Program in Karangnongko Village as follows. a) Establishment of a Tourism Village Management Institution, b) Formation a new marketing network in Tourism Village (distribution channel) in the covid-19 pandemic era, c) Training and developing the local crafts, and d) Learning model for elementary school students in pandemic era. From those activities, there is a positive result which is obtained where the society, learners, were enthusiastic in joining program and it is led to the formation of a foundation for empowering tourism village and entrepreneurship in the new normal after covid-19 pandemi


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dekriptif komparatif untuk menggambarkan perbandingan tingkat asertifitas mahasiswa PG-PAUD ditinjau dari hasil The Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS) dan Assertiveness Rating Scale (ARS). Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa PGPAUD  angkatan tahun 2011 dan 2012 yang keseluruhannya berjumlah 70 mahasiswa. Alat ukur yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah  The Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS) dan Assertiveness Rating Scale (ARS) yang dimodifikasi. Dalam skala asertivitas mengukur tingkat asertifitas individu dengan menetapkan tiga kategori penilaian yaitu sepanjang waktu (skor 3), kadang-kadang (skor 2) dan jarang (skor 1). Skala asertifitas ini di  Analisis data akan dilakukan secara deskriptif yaitu menguraikan skor data hasil skala asertifitas pada 66 mahasiswa secara kuantitatf dan secara statistic dengan menggunakan uji t untuk melihat perbandingan variabel. Hasil penelitian Berdasarkan analisis data yang dialakukan dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi Pearson (2 taled), menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan  perilaku asertif pada mahasiswa PGPAUD pada angkatan 2011 dan 2012 yaitu diketahui dari nilai r yang diperoleh sebesar -0,87 dengan signifikansi 0,629 > 0,05 (p>0,05). Dari hasil tersebut, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa secara keseluruhan dari perhitungan uji statistik yang dilakukan disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan tingkat asertifitas pada mahasiswa PGPAUD angkatan tahun 2011 dan 2012, yaitu t hitung (1,816) 0.05 (p> 0.05).  From these results, it can be said that overall from the calculation of statistical tests performed concluded that there was no difference in the level of the student asertifitas PGPAUD of 2011 and 2012 years,  t count (1.816) <t table (2.04), so that Ha is rejected and H0 is accepted. Keywords: Comparative Studies, Assertiveness, Studen


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    Penentuan kesesuaian lahan (pemukiman, industri, kehutanan, rekreasi, serta tempat pembuangan limbah) di suatu daerah tertentu merupakan hal yang sangat memerlukan perhatian para pengambil keputusan baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah. Berbagai parameter (misalnya jaringan jalan, kemiringan lereng, ketersediaan air, dan sebagainya) perlu dipertimbangkan secara seksama sehingga para pengambil keputusan bisa melakukan pengambilan keputusan yang berkualitas berkaitan dengan kesesuaian lahan. Dalam tulisan ini, kami memilih metoda AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) sebagai metoda yang akan digunakan sebagai basis pengambilan keputusan. Berkaitan dengan hal ini, SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) yang mampu melakukan visualisasi area geografis tertentu dapat digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menampilkan hasil perhitungan AHP ke layar monitor komputer atau ke dalam bentuk peta tercetak

    Gender Inequality in Tri Utami’s Novel Entitled Dunia Padmini

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    The present study examines the issue of women’s internal struggle in response to patriarchal culture and gender inequality portrayed in Tri Utami’s novel entitled Dunia Padmini. Drawing on textual analysis, this study describes empirical facts and evidence related to gender inequality in the novel. The analysis results demonstrate that the financial dependence and subordination of women are forms of gender inequality. This is also supported by social constructions that give negative stereotypes to the role of women as second-class citizens. This construction has not changed much even when women have juggled dual roles (domestic and public). The results of this study contribute to literature enrichment regarding the issue of gender equality based on socio-feminism theory, particularly on strengthening the roles and rights of women in social life, and how they get their rights in society

    Design of Equipment Rack with TRIZ Method to Reduce Searching Time in Change Over Activity (Case Study : PT. Jans2en Indonesia)

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    Janssen is a manufacturing plant that works in furniture assembly. Component shortages often occurs, it will cause the increase of work in process (WIP) in assembly section. In previous studies, we analyze the root causes with FMEA and then it is resulted that router section is the constraint of the system. There are many non value added activities such as searching and transportation caused by a messy condition of work places and the devices that aren’t put in the right place. The impact is that the time allocated for every change over is higher than before. There are many components that are worked by the router section, so improvements are needed to minimize changes in over time. 5S method and the use of a new design of rack by TRIZ method are suggested for fixing the conditions of work environment. It is expected to eliminate non value added activities and changes in over time. Result shows that we can reduce non value activities in change over of regular components up to 41% and the elimination of this time is 41,6%. The non value activities in changeover of new items is 36,6% and this elimination of time is 53,3%. Key word : change over, kaizen, design, TRIZ metho